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C68 Who Is Luring the Wolf into the House

C68 Who Is Luring the Wolf into the House

0Noon, in a hotel room.    


Du Ziming sat on the main seat. Han Jianguo and Han Xiaoshuang accompanied him.    


At the table, Du Ziming suggested, "As Han Old Master's granddaughter, once Han Old Master is confirmed to be dead, Han Lu will also have the right to inherit the company's shares, so we must pull her over and stand with us."    


"Furthermore, she is a member of the Han Family. Now, we should unite all the members of the Han Family and defeat Zhou Weide together. " This way, when Zhou Weide falls, you will be able to take over your Han Group, and I will marry my Han Lu. We will have the best of both worlds. "    


Han Jianguo felt that this suggestion was feasible, and immediately indicated that he would try his best to maintain a good relationship with Han Lu and try to stand on their side.    


As they were chatting, Han Jianguo received a call from his secretary, saying that there was a temporary meeting in the afternoon.    


"Damn it. In the past, I was the one who informed them to attend the temporary meeting. Now, it's them who informed me..."    


After complaining for a while, Han Jianguo left the dinner in advance, while Han Xiaoshuang sent him out of the private room.    


Outside the room, Han Jianguo instructed Han Xiaoshuang. "With Du Ziming helping us, it's basically safe now. I will go and see Han Lu in the afternoon and temporarily stabilize her. After we take care of Zhou Weide, we will turn back and teach her a lesson! "    


"Don't be idle now. Take Du Ziming down as soon as possible and try to make him the son-in-law of Han Family."    


Han Xiaoshuang, who had put on a demonic makeup, nodded. "Dad, don't worry. With your daughter's beauty and figure, this is definitely not a problem!"    


With Du Ziming entering the Han Family to help, and Han Xiaoshuang attacking Du Ziming from the side, Han Jianguo was now full of fighting spirit.    


Even when he was sitting in the meeting room, he couldn't help but smile complacently.    


He had every reason to believe that as long as he pulled Han Lu to his side, Zhou Weide would be dead for sure!    


However, when he discovered that Han Lu had also appeared in the meeting, Han Jianguo suddenly had a bad feeling.    


As expected, Zhou Weide made a suggestion in front of everyone.    


"Considering Han Lu's personal ability and performance, as well as her performance in building the group, I suggest that Han Lu be promoted to the vice president of the group and officially be listed in the top management of the group!"    


The other four elders of the five-man team raised their hands in agreement with Zhou Weide. As usual, the remaining four elders, including Han Jianguo, had no chance to object. Moreover, some of them had already sided with Zhou Weide.    


Even so, Han Jianguo still jumped up and said, "I object!"    


"What right does Han Lu have to become the Vice President, she..."    


Without giving Han Jianguo a chance to finish his words, Zhou Weide rejected his objection.    


"Objection is invalid. The higher ups of the company have already passed this proposal. Vice President Han, don't say anything else."    


Being choked back by one sentence, Han Jianguo's face turned ashen, and his eyes were filled with anger.    


Especially when he looked at Han Lu, he was even more furious, "Han Lu, you traitor. You are the traitor of the Han Family!"    


Zhou Weide slammed the table with a bang. "Han Jianguo, you are the traitor, the traitor who lured wolves into the house!"    


Another group meeting had turned into an argument, which made Han Jianguo, who had been arguing for no reason, angrily leave the table.    


Looking at Han Jianguo's disappearing figure, a cold smile appeared on Zhou Weide's face.    


As long as Han Lu listened to him, his Zhou Group's business would become smoother and smoother.    


For this reason, he thought it was worth it to take the risk of the higher ups voting for 5: 5.    


After the temporary meeting ended, Han Lu went to find Zhao Quan and told him what happened in the meeting.    


Zhao Quan smiled. Zhou Weide said that Han Jianguo led a wolf into the house. In fact, Zhou Weide was also the same.    


Now that Han Lu had successfully made her appearance, the Han Group could only be Han Lu's Han Group!    


After the two of them chatted for a while, Han Lu left because she had to take over a new job.    


After Han Lu left, Zhao Quan lowered his head and looked at the cup of tea on the table.    


"This water is not muddy enough. If the water is not muddy, how can I touch fish. I also need to add some seasoning..."    


Later that afternoon, Han Jianguo and Han Lu appeared at the same law firm.    


It was the lawyer who called to inform them to come over. Because Han Tangbo had divided the shares among them.    


Originally, Han Tangbo had 52% of the shares in Han Group, but he had divided the shares. All the shares were split into two, and Han Lu and Han Jianguo received 26% each.    


After learning of this result, Han Jianguo was completely enraged. "Why? Legally speaking, my status as the successor is higher than hers. Why can she get the shares? Not only that, but she also gets the same amount of shares as me!"    


The lawyer's expression was very calm. "Mr. Han, I advise you to calm down. You are talking about the inheritance, but this is the shares that Mr. Han gave us previously. You can also understand it as the property distribution that Mr. Han personally set up."    


"So, the inheritance that you are talking about is not valid at all."    


The lawyer's meaning was very clear. Either you sign and accept the 26% shares, or you give up.    


Han Jianguo was very angry, but there was nothing he could do. He could only write an angry letter and leave after signing it.    


When he saw Du Ziming and Han Xiaoshuang again, Han Jianguo angrily roared. "I think the Old Master is old and muddle-headed!"    


"Why should I leave half of the shares to Han Lu? Why should I? She is the granddaughter, and I am the only son!"    


While Han Jianguo was roaring, Du Ziming took out a cigarette and handed it to his mouth. Han Xiaoshuang quickly helped to light it up.    


After that, Du Ziming said, "You are not his only son. He still has one more. Even if he dies, it is still fine."    


Han Jianguo had realized this along the way, but he was still unhappy. He felt that Han Lu had taken more than 1%.    


Du Ziming continued, "Now that the shares are clear, the voting rights of the upper echelons of the five-man team are useless. We can use the shares to talk and suppress the voting rights of the lower levels. So now we need to win Han Lu over."    


"Zhou Weide obviously saw that too. That's why he pulled Han Lu into the upper echelons and used that as a form of goodwill to win her over."    


"But it doesn't matter. I will personally go and talk to Han Lu about this matter. I will try to bring 26% to our side..."    



While Du Ziming and Han Jianguo were discussing this matter, Han Lu was also discussing it with Zhao Quan.    


"Now the shares have been divided. I take 26%, Han Jianguo takes 26%, Zhou Weide takes 31%, and the rest 17%. The largest share is in Zhou Weide's hands. If he wants to be the chairman..."    


Han Lu's worry was not a problem in Zhao Quan's eyes.    


"It is not that simple for him to be the chairman. First, take out 26% of your shares, and then look at it from another angle. Zhou Weide and Han Jianguo are incompatible. No matter who has the remaining 17%, they have no right to speak."    


"If they want to have the right to speak, they can only have 31 plus 26, or 26 plus 26."    


Han Lu instantly understood, "So, I am the most important one. They will all think of ways to rope me in!"    


The truth was indeed like that, because Zhao Quan received a call from Zhou Weide and wanted to meet him.    


"This Zhou Weide is really cunning. He didn't start with you, but started with me, who is beside you..."    


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