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C125 Number One Under Heaven

C125 Number One Under Heaven

0Of course, Zhao Quan had no intention of cheating Tsurukawa Yoshio. He just wanted to borrow Tsurukawa Yoshio to take Angelina away.    


Based on his understanding of Angelina, Angelina naturally would not take a fancy to trash like Tsurukawa Yoshio, but after Tsurukawa Yoshio saw her, she would not be able to stay alone in her own residence anymore.    


But who would have thought that Angelina would actually put him in the same place, deliberately wearing only her underwear.    


Who knew if she had already expected that Tsurukawa Yoshio would be ordered by Zhao Quan to come in, or if she wanted to seduce Zhao Quan later.    


But the result had already been achieved. Tsurukawa Yoshio of the Tokugawa Family had been spying on Angelina of the Polar Bear Family.    


The Tokugawa Family family would pay a heavy price for this.    


Of course, this was also what Zhao Quanle saw. After all, he didn't have a good impression of Nihon.    


Although he had slept with Japanese women before, he didn't like it even after he finished sleeping. He only liked sleeping during the process.    


Tsurukawa Yoshio left with a pale face. He seemed to have lost his soul.    


He had always felt that it was Zhao Quan and Angelina who had cheated him. They wanted to use this to attack the Tokugawa Family.    


However, not to mention his speculation, even with the solid evidence, he couldn't do anything to these two families. He could only admit defeat.    


Therefore, before he left, he had to force a smile and say sorry to Zhao Quan.    


After Tsurukawa Yoshio left, Zhao Quan went to the bedroom helplessly.    


Zhao Quan looked at Angelina, who was lying on the big bed, and felt even more helpless.    


"Alright, now that you have dealt with Tsurukawa Yoshio, you can get dressed and come out, right?"    


After saying this, Zhao Quan turned around and went back to the living room.    


He sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette.    


Five minutes later, his cigarette was extinguished in the cylinder. Angelina then put on her clothes and came out of the bedroom.    


Walking to the sofa, Angelina lowered her head and lightly bit Zhao Quan's ear.    


"My king, on the day of your coming of age ceremony, if you can't bring me to accompany you by your side, I will appear by Zhao Wei's side. Don't worry, I won't foolishly start a war with Zhao Shi. We will only become family."    


"But if you force me to stand by Zhao Wei's side... I think you should know what your fate is, right?"    


Angelina left after saying that.    


Zhao Quan lifted his leg and put it on the table. He looked up at the roof.    


Angelina and Zhao Wei walked together. No matter how much the old fox liked him, he could only give the position of patriarch to Zhao Wei.    


This was a kind of assurance, and it was for the sake of the overall situation of Zhao Family.    


This was not only the union of the two families, it was also for the sake of ensuring that there wouldn't be any internal strife in the Zhao Family.    


Zhao Quan knew very well what kind of person Zhao Wei was. He was a ruthless man who had once found someone to anger his entire family in order to prevent the scandal from being exposed.    


If the position of patriarch really fell into Zhao Wei's hands, would Zhao Quan and Zhao Xi have a good relationship?    


Zhao Quan was not greedy for the position of patriarch, but he had to consider his family. He had to investigate the matter of his father and stepmother clearly. Therefore, Angelina and Zhao Wei being together was a huge threat...    


For an entire day, Zhao Quan held himself at home for an entire day.    


Even though dozens of guests came to request an audience, they were all rejected by Zhao Quan using the excuse that they were not feeling well.    


After dinner with Zhao Xi at night, he once again went to the old fox's courtyard.    


After the old fox finished his Tai Chi, he talked about Angelina.    


Zhao Qingfeng picked up another cigarette from the table next to him. It was made of jade, exactly the same as the one from yesterday.    


Zhao Quan was slightly stunned. "You used glue to stick it up?"    


Zhao Qingfeng said with a calm expression, "The authenticity of things depends on the person who took it, but more often, it depends on the person who took it. Anyone who takes it in my hand will naturally be the real one. "    


Was it a fake?    


Zhao Quan understood this point and also understood what Zhao Qingfeng wanted to tell him.    


Nothing else was important. It was only important if he had enough weight.    


What was weight? Money, power, right to speak. Anything that could be ignored by others was all!    


"I understand. You want to tell me who the woman beside you is not important, what is important is who can help you. " But the problem is that in the past, I just didn't hate Angelina, but now I really hate her unscrupulous means. "    


Zhao Qingfeng asked, "And then, let me represent Zhao Family to declare war on the polar bear family? Or is it because you think you are smart enough to let me find an outsider and kill Angelina to show that this is the true representative of the polar bear family? "    


Zhao Quan took out a cigarette and lit it up. "Don't talk about the war. Unless I am stupid enough to forget what my last name is, I will not start this war. As for finding someone to replace me, I have also considered it seriously. It's impossible. "    


The risk of failure is too great, and the price is too high. We can't bear it, nor can we bear it. Even in the best case scenario, it is only equivalent to Angelina and Zhao Wei's marriage. " If that's the case, how can we abandon safety and take the risk? "    


Zhao Qingfeng nodded. After taking a puff of smoke, he calmly said to Zhao Quan," Then let's take Angelina. When one day you truly control the Polar Bear Family and want to take a bite from any family, you will let Angelina die in their territory. "    


"Such a war will not only help you consolidate the power of the Polar Bear Family, but also give you a legitimate reason to attack the enemy family. " Most importantly, you can also take the opportunity to wipe out the opposition forces within the clan. "    


"This is the best plan, you can think about it yourself."    


It had to be said that the old fox's plan was really evil.    


He had only smoked a cigarette, but he had already decided the bright future of Zhao Quan.    


Zhao Quan had reason to believe that according to the old fox's plan, he could totally become the new patriarch of Zhao Family, and he would lead the Zhao Family to the strongest. He could almost be called the world's number one!    


However, the problem was that Zhao Quan didn't want to become the world's number one.    



"I think I can't kill Angelina. It's not that I'm not strong enough, but I can't bear to kill her. It's just like how I knew that Zhao Wei would try to kill me after seizing power, but even if I did seize power, I still wouldn't kill him."    


Grandfather, you told me a long time ago that kindness does not control weapons. Perhaps I really am not the person who controls the family. "    


"But I always felt that the biggest difference between humans and beasts is their relationship and blood familial love. "I'm not scolding you, I'm just expressing my attitude. If this is the last suggestion you gave me, then I refuse. I still like to use my own way."    


Zhao Qingfeng wasn't annoyed by Zhao Quan's stubbornness. He just asked calmly. "What is your method?"    


Zhao Quan suddenly snatched Zhao Qingfeng's pipe and smashed it on the sandalwood table with a bang.    


He roared as if he had gone mad. "What nonsense coming of age ceremony?! I'm not going to do it anymore!"    


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