Top Master

C1257 I'm so Lucky

C1257 I'm so Lucky

0Ma Chunchun felt that Zhao Quan was dead this time. He was going to die for sure if she could withstand his strongest attack at such a close distance.    


However, as a human, or to be more precise, as a seahorse, he was more reliable. He was afraid that something unexpected would happen and he would give her another heavy blow.    


He had already accumulated Zhao Quans, and was ready to kill Zhao Quan in one go.    


But in fact, he had no choice but to accept the unexpected appearance, because Zhao Quan was not dead at all.    


Not only was Zhao Quan not dead, he had also displayed a shocking combat strength.    


In the next moment, eight Golden Dragons were lifted and swung out, causing the entire ocean to seethe and boil.    


Not to mention Ma Chunchun's pure cave... Even the surface of the sea was set up with giant waves dozens of meters high.    


The ferocity of the huge wave made the surrounding people dumbfounded. No one dared to take another step forward...    


In front of Zhao Quan, Ma Chunchun undoubtedly had the deepest impression of this because he had successfully suffered a calamity. He was surrounded by eight Golden Dragons, and all of them were eyeing him covetously. It could be said that he had succeeded in courting death with his own abilities. Perhaps it was worth celebrating.    


Because he had discovered that he had won the grand prize. He had guessed wrongly. This cultivator was indeed fresh and full of energy.    


But the problem was... those with energy were too much, they only needed a dragon to easily kill him.    


And now there were eight of them. This was a spectacular sight to behold. It was so spectacular that he had the urge to die.    


However, the Dragon did not take another step forward. After stabilizing itself, it gathered beside him and stared at him covetously.    


Ma Chunchun looked at the eight Ma Chunchuns and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. She had an impulse to die.    


He really wanted to die. He was scared to death. Who would have thought that there would be such a powerful existence among the cultivators?    


After taking a deep breath, Ma Chunchun looked at Zhao Quan. "You, if you don't kill me, can you withdraw this..."    


It was very awkward. After saying this, Ma Chunchun even felt that she was somewhat shameless.    


But there was no other way. He really could not beat them. The strong prey on the weak. He still completely believed in this principle. If Zhao Quan was stronger than him, then he could only be food. Even if he wasn't willing, there was nothing he could do. Zhao Quan was so strong that he didn't even want to fight back.    


At this moment, Zhao Quan didn't target Ma Chunchun anymore. He kept the eight majestic golden dragons.    


Without the threat of the golden dragon, Ma Chunchun felt much more relaxed, and her words became smoother.    


"Master, you won't really lock me up with chains, right?"    


He still had a lot of ideas. And he had the spirit to admit defeat. Although he had previously said that he would follow whoever won, this was to attract those cultivators over, but now that he had really lost, he was also willing to admit defeat and keep his promise.    


Of course, the most important thing was that he was very clear that if he didn't keep his promise, there was a high possibility that his brain would disappear.    


Zhao Quan didn't answer his question directly. Instead, he asked him, "How many people did you eat?"    


Ma Chunchun realized that something was wrong and quickly answered truthfully, "I ate a total of 200 people..."    


Seeing Zhao Quan staring at him with his eyes, he quickly explained, "But I am not greedy for their taste. I just want the Spiritual Forces in their bodies to help me cultivate quickly. That's why I eat their Spiritual Forces."    


"Before the Spiritual Forces in your world flooded out, when everyone was still ordinary, I really didn't eat a single person. I even saved a boat of fishermen and sent them ashore."    


"But even if you don't care about my good deeds, you can't just use eating people as a benchmark. " Although I am not a native of this world, many of my kind have been used by you to make medicinal herbs. What did we say to save your lives? Humans have never asked for our opinion! "    


"Also, there are also creatures like chickens, ducks, cows, and sheep. Humans eat as they wish, and they even feed them. " In this aspect, what do you think is wrong with me? This is a world where the strong prey on the weak... "    


Ma Chunchun had a lot of reasons. In the end, she even acted very aggrieved.    


However, Zhao Quan did not think that Ma Chunchun had any problems with her conscience. Just like when he killed someone, he was also prepared to be killed. There was no unilateral benefit in this world, and there was no unilateral benefit measurement standard.    


Therefore, he still agreed with Ma Chunchun's reasoning. "But there is one thing. If I eat people again in the future, I will eat you raw!"    


When Zhao Quan said this, Ma Chunchun quickly expressed her happiness. "No, no, definitely not. I will wash myself clean and bring it to your mouth. I will cut it up bit by bit and send it into your mouth."    


This guy was quite good at flattering, but what Zhao Quan needed was not flattery.    


In the next moment, he waved his hand and took out a large number of Spirit Crystals from his storage ring. There were more than ten thousand Spirit Crystals.    


Ma Chunchun was stunned. She had never seen Spirit Crystals before, and there were no Spirit Crystals in the previous world. Therefore, she was very curious about what this pile of things that emitted spiritual energy was. She did not know if she could eat it.    


Seeing his dazed expression, Zhao Quan knew that he had never eaten or even seen it before.    


So, he signaled Ma Chunchun to open her mouth and directly stuffed the Spirit Crystals into it.    


At first, Ma Chunchun thought that it was a chronic poison, but Zhao Quan wanted to control it, so he was quite nervous.    


However, after the Spirit Crystal entered his stomach, he suddenly realized that it was not poison. It was a super large spirit pill!    


"This is so satisfying! Although the amount of Spirit Crystals each Spirit Crystal contains is definitely not as much as a cultivator's, it's still not enough! Furthermore, there are so many of them here! " It's enough for me to eat for a long time. Adding them up, my cultivation base is even higher than those cultivators outside! With this thing, Who's going to kill cultivators, I'm so free, "If I had known earlier, I would have gone ashore to steal this!"    


Ma Chunchun muttered excitedly. She quickly transformed into her human form and extended her large hand to throw it at the pile of Spirit Crystals. She was afraid that Zhao Quan would take it back.    


Although he did not say anything, the general meaning had been clearly expressed. "This is mine. No one is allowed to move!"    


Seeing Ma Chunchun's reaction, Zhao Quan really couldn't even be bothered to give him a sneer. He really hadn't seen the world.    


"As long as you can get it, I will give it to you. Also, I can promise you that as long as you follow me and perform well, there will be an endless supply of Spirit Crystals in the future. If you can really eat it until I can't feed you. " You can leave anytime you want. I won't stop you. "    


These words were really heroic. Ma Chunchun was very excited when she heard them.    


"Don't worry, Boss. Don't worry. In the future, my life will be yours. " Who do you want me to eat? No, I'll kill whoever you want me to kill. I won't bring any bad luck with me. " After she finished speaking, Ma Chunchun added in a soft voice," But you have to care about being full... "    


Of course Zhao Quan cared about filling his stomach. To someone who said that Spirit Crystals were precious things, to him... "Cheh!    


If he was willing, he could change the human-shaped Spiritual Vein into a Spirit Crystal mine. It could make three thousand Ma Chunchun line up and not finish eating!    


After that, Zhao Quan left with Ma Chunchun.    


Ma Chunchun was also wagging her tail. This time, her life was really good. She not only recognized a powerful boss. In the future, she would be able to feed herself with Spirit Crystals. What made her happier was that she was still alive. That was great. She had to do things well for her boss in the future. Otherwise, if he didn't take care of food one day, how unlucky would he be?    



As Zhao Quan brought Ma Chunchun up to the sponge, the spectators once again surrounded the shore.    


Looking at the calm sea water, those with cheap mouths began to gloat again.    


"It's over, it's over. This is the new patriarch of your Zhao Family. So, my condolences!"    


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