The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C1067 Surprise Surprise No Surprise?

C1067 Surprise Surprise No Surprise?



"Raksha Netherworld Palm!"    


Yan Luo let out a furious roar. His right palm carried a thick Black Fog as a large pitch-black palm descended from the sky.    




The wind howled and whimpered. The Black Fog seemed to want to devour everything. The surrounding space faintly showed signs of distorting. Everything was going to be crushed into powder.    




Lee Wenyan was unfazed by the pressure. The Vital Qi Turning Into Sword suddenly cracked, and turned into countless fragments that pierced towards the palm print in the sky.    


The biggest feature of a Heavenly Master was the Vital Qi Turning Into Sword. The fact that he could use this technique indicated that he had truly stepped into the Heavenly Master Stage.    


The Vital Qi Turning Into Sword was divided into three levels. The Initial Period of Golden Core Stage could form the Vital Qi Turning Into Sword, the Middle Period of Golden Core Stage could separate the Vital Qi Turning Into Sword from his body, and the Later Period of Golden Core Stage could separate the Vital Qi Turning Into Sword from his body and attack from a long distance, achieving the goal of a surprise attack.    


Of course, compared to the control of a Spiritual Master Level's Spiritual Sense, it was obviously much weaker.    


The Spiritual Sense could control objects with one's mind. It had the power of an Unpredictable warrior, and it was impossible to guard against it.    


"Crack, crack, crack!"    


"Bang! '"    


The Vital Qi Turning Into Sword and the black hand collided violently in midair. The air suddenly quieted down.    


In the next moment, a terrifying storm erupted from the center of the collision. Waves of energy roared and raged, engulfing everything.    


"Bang! Bang!"    


Under the cliff, the river was turbulent. Waves of energy crashed into the stream, creating huge waves that were several zhang tall.    


"Crack, crack!"    


The thick trees that had been growing for dozens of years were blown away by the strong wind. Countless rocks were turned into dust by the impact of the energy.    


The battle between Spiritual Master warriors was truly terrifying.    


The power of this battle was many times greater than the battle between ordinary Heavenly Masters. The impact of this simple attack was far beyond the combat power of a Heavenly Master.    


After the wind of spiritual energy dispersed, Lee Wenyan stared at Yama without moving, "If you want to kill me, show me some of your true abilities. This attack alone won't be able to hurt me!"    


Yama's eyes focused, his sharp gaze seemed to be able to see through his opponent, "It seems like you have made a breakthrough in your strength during this period of time."    


"Without any confidence, how would I dare to challenge you?" Lee Wenyan generously admitted it, but the good show was still coming!    


"Humph! Although your strength is beyond my expectations, this is not enough for you to be impudent in front of me!" Yama's voice was cold, and he held the Death God's Scythe in his hand. His entire body was emitting a dense black Qi. It was as if the Death God had come from hell, and it was soul-stirring.    


"Is that so? Let's see if you can do it or not!"    


Lee Wenyan had heard this nonsense countless of times. He condensed the Vital Qi Turning Into Sword once again and unleashed his energy.    


Yan Luo stared at him. Just now, he had intended to use the Death God's Scythe to stall his opponent, and then launch a sneak attack. He had thought that his plan would succeed, but it didn't work at all.    


He had no choice but to give up on this strategy. Thinking of this, the Death God's Scythe flew out of his palm and hovered above his head. He shouted furiously, "Ghost Hell Palm!"    


"You still have a long way to go before you want to kill me!"    


Lee Wenyan raised his palm, and a furious wave of energy exploded out. The moment Yama's body approached, with a thought, a faint stream of light flew out of Lee Wenyan's body with a trajectory that no one could notice.    




The two palms collided fiercely, and the air instantly quieted down. In the next second, from the center of the two palms, a frightening storm suddenly formed, and spread out in all directions.    




The storm raged, as if it wanted to drag everything into it.    




At that moment, Lee Wenyan activated the Spiritual Sense, and the transparent light dot started to spin and fly in the air. Then, with a beam, it shot straight towards Yama's back.    


At this moment, all the pores on Yama's body were about to burst open. The approaching danger made his hair stand on end.    


Instinct reminded him that he had to dodge now, or he would die for sure!    


"Dammit!" However, just as he wanted to dodge, he realized that it was already too late. Lee Wenyan seemed to have expected this and blocked his path of retreat.    




A stream of light pierced through the heavens and the earth, and with a sharp edge, it violently smashed into Yama's body.    




With an ear-splitting boom, the stream of light exploded on top of Yama's body. At the same time, the spiritual energy suddenly exploded, spreading out with his body as the center, swallowing him whole in an instant.    




A sweet feeling emerged from his throat, and he immediately flew forward. He threw himself over ten meters high into the air, then fell down quickly in the air, smashing heavily onto the ground with his face covered.    


Within the valley. In an instant, silence fell upon the crowd. Those who were watching the battle from afar all had their eyes wide open, and their faces were filled with shock.    


"Mister Deacon, you're injured?!"    


"That's great! The old master was severely injured by Yama!"    


The ones who were shocked were naturally the subordinates of Yama, while Lee San and the others were extremely happy. In just a few minutes of fighting, Yama had already been injured, but Lee Wenyan was not injured at all.    


" You... How is this possible? " Yama fell to the ground. His eyes were filled with hatred as he stared at Lee Wenyan.    



He could not believe that he had been struck by ___'s attack without paying attention. He was the first one to be injured!    


Violent spiritual energy was wreaking havoc in his body, destroying his meridians and causing him to feel a splitting pain. He hurriedly circulated his spiritual energy to expel the mixed spiritual energy that had invaded his body.    


However, in the next second, Lee Wenyan's actions made him fly into a rage.    




The light in the air flashed toward Lee Wenyan. He waved his hand, and a dark bronze brush fell into his hand.    


The brush only had a sparse tip of hair, and there were complicated patterns carved on the shaft. It looked extremely profound, and it was filled with an ancient aura.    


At first glance, one could tell that this brush was not an ordinary thing.    


However, Yama's eyes were filled with hatred, "You... you're a Spiritual Master?!"    


Lee Wenyan's fingers lightly twisted the Judge Brush, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile that was not a smile. "Surprise, no surprise, no surprise, no surprise?"    


"Son of a b * tch!" Yama was so angry that his entire body trembled. He crawled up from the ground, and the space between his eyebrows split open. His entire face spread out like a spider web, and it was filled with ferociousness. "You have actually broken through to the Spiritual Master, you deserve to die! How could you have broken through to the Spiritual Master?! "    


As a Spiritual Master, Yama knew how difficult it was to break through to the Spiritual Master.    


He had been stuck at the Spiritual Master for twenty years. Ever since he stepped into the Initial Period of Nascent Infant Stage, every step he took was extremely difficult.    


Of course, the strength of a Spiritual Master was also worthy of its difficulty.    


For a Heavenly Master, as long as the spiritual energy reached 70% and above, he would be able to become a high level Heavenly Master. In other words, a Later Period of Golden Core Stage. As long as he could convert the remaining 30% of the Vital Qi into spiritual energy... He would be able to break through to the Spiritual Master. However, even with these thirty percent, most of the Heavenly Masters would never be able to take that decisive step.    


Because of this, the strength of a Heavenly Master was far beyond that of a Heavenly Master.    


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