The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C293 The Most Abnormal the Most Normal

C293 The Most Abnormal the Most Normal

0Yan Zhou and Mao Hai looked back curiously. There was nothing.    


"He's crazy. No wonder no one wants to deal with him," Yan Zhou could not help but whisper. If he had to deal with such mental patients every day, he would definitely go crazy with them.    


"Did you find anything?" Mao Hai asked.    


"No, the pulse is normal." After searching for a long time, Yan Zhou did not find any abnormalities in the pulse. He had originally pointed to the problem in the pulse.    


The two of them let go of their hands dejectedly and retreated to the side.    


Lee Yifann glanced at the two of them and strode to the patient. He grabbed the patient's wrist and felt his pulse. After a while, he frowned. "Strange, why is there no problem at all?"    


He originally thought that the human body would have symptoms of vein depression, but the diagnosis surprised him.    


He did not believe it and used the Vital Qi to check the patient's pulse again. In the end, he got nothing.    


"Did I make a wrong judgment?" He stepped back in doubt. He stood at the side and stared at the patient with a frown. Maybe he had overlooked something. Since the patient would get sick, there must be a cause for it.    


The cause of most of the Schizophrenia's illness was difficult to determine, and the definition of the symptoms was also very vague. He felt that since Cang Xuande had asked them to diagnose it, it definitely would not be as simple as letting them diagnose the Schizophrenia vaguely. Even a blind person could tell that this person had a mental illness. If he wanted to diagnose, he must have diagnosed something else.    


The patient was still tossing and turning everywhere. Sometimes, he would run to the counter and lie down, and sometimes, he would jump onto a chair. He was very neurotic and talked to himself in a way that others could not understand.    


The five of them had also diagnosed the patient's pulse, so they could not ask anything. They could only stand by the side and observe him with their eyes.    


"Right." Lee Yifann suddenly thought of an idea. He looked at the two nurses standing next to the patient and asked Cang Xuande, "Master, the rules do not forbid me from asking the nurses, right?"    


Cang Xuande and Ouyang Kuan looked at each other and nodded. "You can ask, but don't expect to get the answer directly."    


"As long as you can ask!" Lee Yifann breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly walked to the two nurses and asked with a smile, "What is his most abnormal behavior?"    


A nurse raised her head and thought for a while. She answered hesitantly, "Abnormal behavior? If it was unusual, it was because he did not eat for three days and fainted from hunger."    


Another nurse didn't think it was a big deal. "That's nothing. There are so many hospitals in the hospital that they must have stopped taking medicine for a few days without eating or drinking. They must have passed out due to mental illness. If you ask me, the most abnormal one is him sleepwalking in the middle of the night. He knocked on the door and smashed the window. He was so scared that he almost died."    


Hearing this, Lee Yifann raised his eyebrows. What?" Oh? There's such a thing?"    


" Exactly. When I was on duty last night, I suddenly heard the sound of the door being smashed at 2: 00 a.m. I didn't know where it came from, but I thought the thief was here. I didn't manage to find it when I asked the security to look for it. Later on, he found out that it was him knocking on the window and smashing the door. The light wasn't turned on. I thought it was a ghost. I was so scared that I didn't sleep for a few nights." She couldn't help but complain about what happened last month.    


"No wonder the supervisor asked you to work the night shift. You wouldn't do it even if you were beaten to death. You were scared for a long time. Aren't there two people working the night shift? Xiao Li didn't accompany you last month?"    


"Don't say anymore. She had an emergency at home and applied for leave."    


Hearing the nurse's words, Lee Yifann turned around and looked at the patient. He knocked on the door in the middle of the night, knocked on the window, and sleepwalked. Although it was common, it was not unusual to say it was rare.    


For a mental patient, it was possible to do anything. After all, the world of mental patients was different from that of normal people.    


"Does he only knock on the door once?"    


"More than once. I heard from the supervisor that he smashes the door every few months." The nurse casually replied.    


A lot of times?    


Lee Yifann blinked and fell into deep thought. Generally speaking, mental patients saw another world. This person repeatedly knocked on doors and windows, which meant that he was doing something different in this person's world.    




Lee Yifann immediately thought of smashing the window and running away. When people thought that they were not safe, they would smash the door and window to escape if they wanted to escape.    


But for a mental patient, it was very difficult to experience the emotions of normal people. They did not smash the door like normal people did. It might be purely because they hated doors and windows.    


"Then what is his most normal action? ___ asked. He just looks like a normal person. "    


"If you want me to say, it should be him washing his face and washing his hands by himself," the nurse recalled.    


"He can wash his face and wash his hands by himself?" Lee Yifann was surprised. Normally, people with serious mental illness would not be able to take care of themselves. The crazy guy in front of him did not look like someone who had the ability to take care of himself.    


"Yes, it has been a long time since I heard about it from the supervisor. When he first came to the courtyard, his illness was not so serious. Occasionally, he would still look normal, but he would often be in a daze. Later on, he would become more and more abnormal." The nurse's tone carried some regret.    


"It's said that the world of mental patients is different from ours. I don't know if it's true or not," the nurse said. The other nurse sighed.    


Lee Yifann continued to think. Kuang Ziming and the other three also came over to ask the nurse. They wanted to find a breakthrough in the nurse's words.    


"Has he always been so crazy?" Bao Zhiming asked.    


"Yes, his condition is the most serious in the mental hospital. He is the only one who has the ability to communicate with others." The nurse answered.    


"Does he not have a family?"    


"Yes, I remember that he had a son who came to visit half a year ago. But every time he came, he paid the money and left. He didn't care at all. " When the nurse said this, it was not good to judge whether the family members were good or bad. For a mental patient, the care and understanding of the family members were important, but not someone who could bear to face a crazy family member all day long. Compared to the coldness that one could not see, the most terrifying thing was the suffering of not knowing who you were when you met every day.    


"The son of this person is really irresponsible." Another nurse could not help but discuss.    


The nurse immediately turned her head and glared at her. "Don't judge blindly. If it were you, would you be able to bear the fact that your family has become like this?"    


She did not speak and compared her heart to hers. The way the patient's son did it was completely understandable. At least he did not abandon his father. At least he let the people in the mental hospital take care of him. Many people who were mentally ill were abandoned by their family members. They ended up starving to death or committing suicide on the streets.    


"How pitiful." The nurse also sympathized with the patient, but to be honest, they had seen a lot of them, and they were actually numb to it.    


Lee Yifann, on the other hand, had been staring at the patient and discovered a small detail. When the nurse said that she sympathized with him, the patient turned his head.    


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