Love Never Ends

C54 Chapter 54

C54 Chapter 54

0"Yes, I admit that they are well-matched, but don't you think it's strange that they are?" Xiao Yun had an expression of disbelief.    


"What's strange?" Lil Mei looked at her suspiciously.    


Zhinuan, who was on the bed, also looked at her with his big, round eyes, waiting for her next words in curiosity.    


"Aren't they both getting married? However, the way they treat each other with respect isn't like a couple in a relationship. Although Dr. Xi is very considerate towards his girlfriend, but that kind of polite and elegant attitude doesn't seem like it's a boyfriend versus girlfriend, right? "    


Hearing Xiao Yun's analysis, Xiao Mei slightly nodded her head, "Hearing what you just said, it doesn't seem like it's true."    


Gentleman, politeness, elegance, these were all synonymous with Xi Shenyuan, they were all people's opinions of him.    


Only Zhixin, who thought he was mean, domineering, conceited, and occasionally cruel to her, and sometimes even vulgar, was completely beyond her control. This Xi Shenyuan had never had anything to do with gentility or elegance, but unfortunately, he had had something to do with her love; this Xi Shenyuan was different from all the others, yet only Shen Zhixin had ever seen him like this.    


In the evening, Zhixin came out of the Inpatient Department. As she passed by the Outpatient Department, she bumped into Xi Shenyuan, who coincidentally walked out of the Outpatient Department.    


It was still the same clean white coat, perfectly supported by his tall stature, elegant like a gentleman.    


He also saw Zhixin walking towards him. However, her handsome face was as calm as ever, and her eyes were as calm as ever.    


His hands were in his pockets as he walked past Zhixin without slowing down in the slightest. He brushed past her with an indifferent expression on his face.    


But from the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at her. It was as if in his eyes, she was just a transparent air!    


Zhixin felt slightly uncomfortable.    


This kind of feeling, where they had met each other but had been completely ignored, was somewhat sour.    


His steps were slow and steady.    


Actually, she had always wanted to ask him about the matter of buying wine from KTV. Or perhaps, she wanted to thank him!    


Tightening her grip on the bag in her hand, Zhixin took a deep breath. Finally, she mustered her courage and turned around. She called out to the person opposite her, "Dr. Xi."    


As his voice faded, the tall, straight, white back of the man opposite him stopped moving.    


Zhixin's breathing was a little tight, but she still went up to him and stood in front of him, "Dr. Xi, let's talk."    


Xi Shenyuan looked away and looked at her, "Is there a clear relationship between us?"    


His estranged attitude caused chills to run down one's spine.    


It even made Zhixin wonder if the person who was helping her behind the scenes was actually this indifferent man before her.    


"Why did the brain surgeons come to KTV to buy me a drink?"    


Zhixin didn't intend to deal with him, so she directly asked him.    


Xi Shenyuan narrowed his eyes. "What do you want to say?"    


"It's you, right?"    


"Yes, it's me."    


Zhixin was surprised that Xi Shenyuan actually admitted it without any hesitation.    


He looked down at her condescendingly and asked coldly, "Is there a problem?"    


Is there no problem?    


"Dr. Xi …" Zhixin frowned and shook her head, "I don't understand why you did that, but no matter what, I am very grateful for your help. But I hope that this matter ends here, I … I don't want to be indebted to you in any way. "    


Actually, she just didn't want to get involved with him, much less owe him too much!    


The more he helped her, the more afraid she became that she would become more and more dependent on him until the day … Can't leave him!    


He stared at Zhixin, then asked her, "Shen Zhixin, do you remember that kiss from that night?" "I remember," Zhixin said.    


Zhixin obviously didn't expect him to suddenly mention this. Her face instantly blushed a little, and she looked a little embarrassed.    


Xi Shenyuan smirked. "It seems like you haven't forgotten yet."    


Zhixin pretended to be calm as she frowned and reminded him, "Dr. Xi, I'm talking about buying wine right now. Don't talk about things like that."    


Xi Shenyuan crossed his arms and looked at her arrogantly, "How much is the commission on those wines? At least several tens of thousands, right? "    


"Hmm …"    


"Enough for that kiss?" The corner of Xi Shenyuan's lips curled up into a mocking smile.    


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