Love Never Ends

C390 Chapter 390

C390 Chapter 390

0The corner of his mouth still had that passionate and enchanting smile.    


"Thank you."    


Zhixin thanked him and received it with a smile.    


He wiped away the remaining tears from his eyes and returned his gaze to the sea of clouds outside the window. He did not say anything else, nor did he give the man another glance.    


Mother sat on the back row of the seats with Warmth. Warmth was a good girl, it was her first time on a plane, so she didn't make any noise. She obediently nestled into her grandma's embrace and slept with her.    


Zhixin didn't know whether it was because she wasn't feeling well or because she hadn't flown for a long time, but she actually fainted.    


At first, the ringing in his ears was only slightly loud, but in the end, even his internal organs began to feel uncomfortable.    


She hurriedly stood up and painfully covered her mouth. She was about to go to the washroom, but as soon as she stood up, the plane suddenly jolted and she pounced towards the half-blooded man beside her. Then …    


"Ugh …    




Zhixin actually...    


He couldn't hold it in anymore and threw up on the man beside him.    




Zhixin was so guilty that she was on the verge of tears.    


She wanted to apologize, but she couldn't open her mouth. Taking advantage of the moment when her stomach was calming down, she waved her hands guiltily at the man and dashed towards the bathroom.    




She was lying on her stomach on the washstand, vomiting nonstop, almost as if she wanted to vomit out everything in her stomach.    


In the end, she could not even hold back her tears.    


Suddenly, he felt a few gentle strokes on his back by a warm big hand. A deep voice came from above his head, "Miss, are you alright?"    


The man spoke fluent Chinese and asked her with concern. Zhixin knew without even looking that it was the gentleman she had vomited a moment ago.    


More accurately, he should be a mixed blood gentleman!    


After Zhixin finished washing her face and rinsing her mouth, she lifted her head to look at the filthy him. With an apologetic face, she bowed to him repeatedly and apologized, "Sir, I am very sorry. I really didn't do it on purpose! Your clothes, I am willing to help you wash them! "    


The man smiled as he heard Zhixin's apology. He passed a tissue to her and said, "Wipe it."    


He pointed to the corner of his right lip, indicating Zhixin. "Water stains."    


Zhixin embarrassedly wiped off the water stains on her mouth and said, "Thank you."    


The man took off his dirty suit and wore only a thin light colored shirt. He gracefully took off his jacket from the counter and walked towards the flight attendant. He lowered his head and whispered a few words to her before turning back.    


"Why don't I help you wash your clothes here!"    


Zhixin was embarrassed.    


The man smiled and shook his head. He adjusted the cuffs of his shirt gracefully and said, "This shirt doesn't seem to be wet."    


"Ahh …"    


Zhixin patted her forehead. "Look at me!"    


She had actually forgotten such a small detail!    


For such an exquisite man, a single piece of clothing would be outrageously expensive. How could he possibly wash his clothes in the water so casually?    


Soon, the flight attendant came with an empty paper bag, a cup of hot water and a pill.    


"Sir, your things."    


The man took the paper bag from the flight attendant. He didn't take any hot water or pills, but looked at the pale-faced Zhixin beside him. "Give it to this lady. She's a little airsick. Bring her a cup of hot water every half an hour."    


"Alright." The flight attendant nodded and handed Zhixin a cup of hot water and some pills.    


Zhixin received the gift with a flabbergasted expression. She was a little surprised at the meticulous and magnanimous manner of the man beside her.    


Instead of blaming her, he treated her with such care.    


It was enough to move her, whether he was a gentleman, or whether he was afraid that he would be dirty if she vomited again.    


On the way out of the strange country, at least, she felt warm inside.    


"Thank you."    


She thanked the flight attendant politely. Finally, she did not forget to thank the man beside her. "Thank you, and … "I'm sorry."    


The man calmly wiped his dirty jacket with a tissue, then folded it into a paper bag. After washing his hands, he extended his right hand towards Zhixin, "Hello, my name is Don Luis Alfonso. Just call me 'Tang' in Chinese. "    


"Hello, Mr. Tang!" Shen Zhixin, nice to meet you! "    


Zhixin stretched out her right hand and shook it politely.    


"Tang, my name."    


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