Love Never Ends

C154 Chapter 154

C154 Chapter 154

0When Qin Lan heard her daughter's wailing, her face turned pale with fright. Her hand that held the feather duster was also shaking violently.    


"Mom, is that really okay?"    


Zhixin was getting anxious, "Why don't we let Ruorou come out first …"    


"You shut up!" Qin Lan snapped. Finally, she glanced at Xi Shenyuan who was waiting at the side. "Go, escort Dr. Xi downstairs."    


Zhixin looked worriedly at the closed door of Shen Ruorou's room, sighed, and said to her mother, "Then you have to release Ruorou as soon as I send Dr. Xi downstairs."    


"Fine, I got it. Do you really think I will let my daughter go for the rest of my life?"    


Zhixin was finally relieved after hearing that.    


Xi Shenyuan looked at Qin Lan and frowned.    


Obviously, the meal today had been a bit inappropriate for him.    


Zhixin escorted Xi Shenyuan downstairs.    


"Your mother discriminates against officials in the family?"    


Xi Shenyuan couldn't help but ask Zhixin.    


Zhixin was confused by her mother's reaction. She shook her head and said, "No. Our family's uncle who used to be next door was also an official. I don't think she has this kind of attitude towards them."    


Xi Shenyuan raised his eyebrows, "What's her attitude towards me?"    


"Don't you know her attitude towards you?" Zhixin didn't say it directly, mainly because she didn't want to embarrass him too much.    


"Hmm, she doesn't seem to welcome me to your house."    


Zhixin shrugged and didn't explain.    


Because she felt the same way.    


"But you don't seem to welcome me. Why?"    


Xi Shenyuan withdrew his eyebrows. There was still some unhappiness in the pitch-black pool.    


Zhixin pursed her lips, then said after a while, "I was just a little surprised, why did you suddenly appear at my doorstep, moreover …" "And with Ruorou …"    


Xi Shenyuan glanced at Zhixin blandly, but did not explain any further. "I will keep a proper distance from her in the future."    


Actually, the reason why he agreed to send Shen Ruorou home was because he suddenly thought of the hardships Shen Zhixin faced in her daily life. Perhaps he could take proper care of her family and suddenly appear at their home just to get a better understanding of her living environment.    


However, he'd been caught off guard when he'd caused such a disturbance.    


"Ruorou... "I really like you."    


Zhixin was slightly worried.    


A dark glint flashed across Xi Shenyuan's usually calm eyes. He looked deeply at Zhixin and only said indifferently, "Love is a matter between two people."    


He suddenly thought of a question. If one day Shen Zhixin made a choice between him and his sister, what would happen to her?    


Xi Shenyuan's dark eyes dimmed. He hoped that there would never be such a day between them!    


He unlocked the car, opened the door, and urged Zhixin. "Go in. It's pretty cold outside."    




Zhixin touched her hip pocket and looked at Xi Shenyuan opposite of her. She felt a little uncomfortable. "Um …" "What about the matter that I mentioned to you the last time?"    


Xi Shenyuan didn't expect Shen Zhixin to be so persistent about this matter. He coldly stared at Zhixin for a moment before his face instantly darkened. "Shen Zhixin, I don't want to hear this matter from your mouth anymore!"    


He was clearly a little angry.    


Zhixin kept quiet, her eyes showing signs of being disappointed.    


Perhaps, she really should consider another way!    


"Go in." Xi Shenyuan gestured for her to go upstairs first.    


Zhixin nodded and looked at him with a layer of soft ripples on the back of her eyes. "Drive carefully on the road."    


She still did not forget to tell him.    




A faint glimmer appeared in Xi Shenyuan's eyes, it was clearly a hint of happiness.    


"Bye bye …."    


Zhixin waved her hand at him, a faint unwillingness to part in her eyes.    


She turned and headed home.    


I'll have to go to the hospital later to warm up.    


… … ….    


As soon as Zhixin entered the room, she heard Shen Ruorou crying hysterically. She was still locked in her own room and had not been allowed to leave by her mother.    


Qin Lan sat in a daze at the dining table that was still in the future.    


There was not a trace of blood on that aged face. It was as pale as a piece of white paper.    


"Mom …"    


Zhixin walked in. "What's the matter?" Are you still suffering because of Ruorou? "    



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