Merit System: Billionaire’s Reborn Cute Wife

C74 Negative

C74 Negative

0Ru Yi didn't expect the surrounding people to all be standing on the other side. She angrily yelled at them, "What does it have to do with you!"    


Her angry shouts were of no avail, and only made the students who had been teasing her laugh.    


Bai Heng gave a clear cough and said in a clear voice, "Fellow students, please enter the exam grounds quickly, regardless of whether it is to report a fake case or to smoke. The poison incident, we will investigate it clearly, and report the results to the public. "    


The students still listened to the officer's words and walked into the examination hall in twos and threes.    


Ru Yi stamped her foot, helplessly watching as she followed the crowd into the examination hall.    


It doesn't matter.    


She would only drag on for two more hours. Once she was taken to the police station to be examined, there would be no escape.    


Let her enjoy the last two hours of her life.    


Once they were inside the exam grounds, Chi TianRui turned around and explained to Bai Heng, "Sir, if it's impossible for a classmate to do this, she's not that kind of person. She's very patient with her children, very righteous, and likes to help others!"    


Bai Heng looked at how worried Chi Tianrui was for his friend and smiled as he comforted him, "I know. Don't worry, students. We will handle this fairly. Hurry up and go take the exam, don't worry."    


"Hmph, only a fool like you would believe a woman like that. Just you wait to see that woman's true appearance!" Ru Yi said with disdain.    


Bai Heng glanced at her.    


If the image of Cinderella began to penetrate deep into his heart, it made him sympathize with the poor little girl even more.    


Two hours quickly passed. If he followed the other students out of the examination hall, he would confidently and firmly approach Bai Heng.    


"If!" Chi Tian Rui called out to her worriedly.    


If he replied with a smile, "Don't worry, I haven't done anything before, so I'm not afraid of being tested."    


Of course, Chi Tianrui knew about it, but a 17-year-old girl who was suddenly taken to the police station would definitely feel scared.    


"I'll go with you."    


If he shook his head, "Tian Rui, do you remember what we agreed on this morning?"    


Chi Tian Rui was silent.    


"We're going to the finals together." If he paused and said, "I am very confident that I can win the semifinals' first place. If you can't win first place, even if you can participate in the finals, I won't be happy!"    


"I will take first place!" Chi Tian Rui said in a low voice.    


"Good!" This is my friend! " If she waved at him, "Don't worry, I'll text you."    


As he spoke, he followed Bai Heng into the police car.    


"Your friend is not bad." Bai Heng said.    


"Of course." If he replied proudly.    


How bad can the Nobel laureate be?    


At the police station.    


If brought into the examination room, the test is simple, the urine sample is submitted after a few minutes, the test is negative.    


Bai Heng finally breathed a sigh of relief after obtaining the results.    


"Thank you for your cooperation."    


If he said so openly, "Of course."    


"I'll send you back." Bai Heng picked up the car keys.    


If you didn't have the time to nod your head, you would have heard a voice like a father from outside, "Are you guys mistaken about something? My daughter is innocent! "    


When he walked out, he saw Ru Yue's father anxiously pulling the police officer, who was in charge of receiving him, to explain. The police officer helplessly consoled him, telling him to calm down.    


Fang Jin and Ru Yi stood behind Ruyi's father, as if they were watching a good show.    


"Dad!" If he called out, he would walk towards Ru Fu like a father.    


"Little Guo!" Father rushed over, "Are you alright? Little Yi was crying when she called me to say that you had been taken to the police station... "Don't be afraid, I've already talked to a lawyer. You'll be fine!"    


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