CEO's Substitute Bride

C246 It Could be Cancer

C246 It Could be Cancer

0Seeing Shen Heng not changing his clothes and wanting to run out, Xia Zhi and Pei Yichen both smiled at the same time, shouting at him naughtily, "Do you want to eat a meal before leaving?"    


While buttoning his shirt, Shen Heng said that he was going to pick up someone at the airport and ran away immediately. It was as if he was pulled by them just a little bit later.    


Little Mi made a ruckus until she saw that Shen Heng had run away, then asked in a soft voice, "If Uncle Heng marries mother, will we have to call him dad?"    


Xia Xia nodded, "Yes, in the future, there will be another person who will love you all, are you happy?"    


Xiaomi shook her head. This made Xia Xia and Pei Yichen both stunned, "Why?"    


"Because Uncle Shen Heng is not as handsome as his dad, so I am not as pretty as the children born from his godmother." Because Uncle Shen Heng is not as handsome as his dad, so the child born from his godmother is not as beautiful as me.    


Little Mi was obviously very depressed about this, but when she saw this expression in Xia Zhi's eyes, why did she feel like this child was a little narcissistic?    


"Silly girl, don't worry. There is no such rule in this world!"    


What kind of logic was this? The good-looking ones would play with the good-looking ones, while the ungood-looking ones would play with the ugly ones. It was truly ridiculous.    


"You can't judge a book by its cover, you can't judge a book by its cover. We need to be friends with kind-hearted and upright people, not just on the outside, understand?"    


Xiaomi shook her head in confusion. She didn't really understand her mother's words, so she turned to look at her brother.    


Xiaoye shrugged, "Our school's Zixuan is very pretty, right? But she purposely dirtied your skirt, will you still play with her?"    


Xiaomi shook her head. Xiaoye continued, "But she's still not very pretty. I helped you clean your dirty skirt. Don't you like her more?"    


Xiaomi nodded, "Zixuan is beautiful, but very bad, so I won't play with her. She is still not pretty, but she is still good to me, so I will play with her, so no matter how pretty your mother's children are in the future, as long as they are nice to me, I will play with her ~"    


Old Xiaoye nodded his head proudly with an appearance of a child that could be taught, causing Xia Xia and Pei Yichen to laugh. This pair of siblings didn't want to lose to anyone of the same age at all.    


Xia felt that his IQ was being overwhelmed by Xiaoye's absolute nature. Sometimes when she didn't understand what Xiaomi was saying, Xiaoye would change to a simpler way to convince the little girl in minutes. This kind of method was really incredible.    


"Alright, let's eat. After dinner, let's go to school and go to work!"    


Waving his big hand in the summer to cover up his embarrassment, the family happily went to the restaurant.    


With the paving from Summer and Pei Yichen, when the two children saw Old Master Pei again, they no longer had the same hatred as yesterday. Instead, they had more respect for their great-grandfather, which made Xia finally feel relieved. As long as the family was amiable, everything would be more important.    


After breakfast, after the summer was over, they had a sense of emptiness. If a married woman did not have her own career, then she would really circle around her husband and children. Such a life could easily cause a person to lose themselves.    


This kind of day was something that the summer didn't want.    


Summer shrugged her shoulders. There were servants in the house, so there was no need for her to do any housework, so it was all the more boring. After meditating for a few minutes in the summer, she got up and left.    


When he arrived at the private hospital, he was invited to the research room to meet with an older woman doctor after stating his purpose in the summer.    


"Mrs. Pei, I suggest that you do a thorough examination."    


Seeing the serious look on the doctor's face, Xia Xia Xia's heart suddenly thumped, feeling as if something bad was about to happen.    


"Is there something wrong with this drug?"    


The doctor frowned and finally sighed, got up and closed the office door, "This kind of imported medicine, there is a special ingredient in it, it's a fruit on a tree deep in the mountain of MD country, it's very rare, it makes people easily fat, and at the same time the side effect is infertility. Although the pharmacist had made it clear that as long as one stopped taking more exercise, the entire body could be expelled, this ingredient was not easily metabolized. On the contrary, it would enter the body. "The palace blocks the fallopian tubes. You have been taking this medicine for many years, I am worried that …"    


She could only see the doctor's mouth open and close, his head buzzing, unable to understand what the doctor meant. After a long time, she tried to calm herself down, to find her voice, "But doctor, I am already pregnant naturally, and gave birth to a pair of baby dragons and phoenixes. I wonder if I am wrong to prove that the ingredient did not block the fallopian tubes?"    


The doctor sighed. "That's what I'm most worried about. If it wasn't near the fallopian tubes, it might have been absorbed by other organs of the body. It could easily lead to other complications."    


Xia Chen nodded in disbelief. "For example?"    


"Cancer, for example."    


The doctor didn't want to tell her client, but now that she wasn't with someone from the summer, she had nothing to say.    


Xia Xia felt a chill on his back, as if something had grabbed his neck, and he even needed to use a lot of strength to breathe!    


Could it be that the heavens saw that she was living too blissfully, so they came to make things difficult for her?    


Summer was trembling, and countless images appeared in her mind.    


If she had cancer, if the children were still so young without a mother, and Pei Yichen loved her so much, wouldn't it be a blow to him if he died?    


Such a separation, even if it was just a fantasy, it was excruciating pain, so much so that it was difficult to breathe.    


"Mrs. Pei?"    


The doctor saw that Xia Long was silent for a long time, so he reminded Mrs. Pei. This matter, regardless of who it was, should be very difficult to accept, right? "This is only a preliminary hypothesis, and there is no specific examination. Please don't think too much about it, Mrs. Pei.    


Summer tried hard to calm down, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop her fingers from trembling, and she was almost unable to speak. To her, death and serious illness were torture that she couldn't face right now.    


"If we do the inspection now, how long will it take for the results to come out?"    


Summer's voice had already started to tremble. She even started to doubt if something bad would happen to her in the next moment.    


The doctor really wanted to say something comforting, but the words kept going through his mouth a few times and he didn't know how to begin. "It will take about two days. This test is quite special, so the results of the analysis will come out a bit slower."    


Xia Xia took a deep breath before calming himself down, "Now arrange for me to do an examination."    


The doctor never thought that he would be able to calm himself down in such a short period of time in the summer, and even be able to fully cooperate with him. The doctor never thought that he would be able to calm down in such a short period of time in the summer, and even be able to fully cooperate with him.    


Immediately, the doctor arranged for the examination to be conducted at the fastest speed possible. Although the examination was carried out step by step during the summer, one's mind was always in a state of chaos.    


Although the results hadn't come out yet, she told herself over and over again not to let her emotions dominate everything, but this kind of intangible thought was the most difficult to control. Even when she tried to divert her attention away from some happy things, summer would feel a kind of sadness spreading, worrying what would happen to the people she cared about if she died.    


All these years, she had always understood the importance of good health, so she had always insisted on doing some exercise every morning. Sometimes it was yoga, sometimes it was jogging, and sometimes it was extreme exercise every week.    


So it turned out that a person's jealousy could really choose to kill another person. It was just like a tranquility, just like Yin Qingfeng. If they had known that this medicine could possibly kill someone, would they have done so?    


A deep fear for human nature rose up from the bottom of his heart. This kind of fear for everything around him was powerless. Only when faced with death would it be magnified infinitely.    


At this moment, he suddenly realized that there were many things that he had yet to do.    



She hadn't seen her child grow up yet, hadn't traveled with Pei Yichen, hadn't seen Leaves and Shen Heng enter the marriage hall, hadn't seen Niu Juan and Old Master Tian happily living together, hadn't …    


So it turns out that there are many choices in life that are caught off guard. So it turns out that not everything is waiting for you to do. So it turns out that people cherish the present and live in the present.    


People never knew which would come first, tomorrow or an accident.    


Summer felt, oneself understands, seems a bit late.    


After doing a series of tests, Xia Xia Xia felt exhausted all over, and even her clothes were wet with sweat. She knew that this was due to psychological effects. When people felt that they were ill, their brains would force them to respond accordingly.    


It was just like when a person Baidu contracted some disease, they would feel the same way about having a terminal illness.    


"Mrs. Pei, relax for the next two days. I'll let you know when the results come out."    


The doctor handed a tissue to Summer, who wiped the sweat from her forehead and managed to find her voice. "Okay, thank you."    


Summer nodded and turned to leave, feeling she might suffocate at any moment if she stayed in the hospital any longer.    


"Doctor, please, don't tell anyone, including my husband, until this is settled."    


She didn't want to let Pei Yichen face such a difficult problem first. She already found it hard to endure. If Pei Yichen knew, what could she do …    


The doctor saw that she was in good condition and nodded in agreement. Although this was the best time to have a family to accompany her, as a doctor, she had the duty to respect the patient's decision and protect his privacy.    


After leaving the hospital, Xia Xia felt that her breathing had become smoother. She looked up at the blue sky, and a bitter smile appeared on her pale little face. "Oh my god, why do you always like to tease people?"    


She had clearly been trying very hard to live and already had a happy family. Why did she have to face such a thing?    


Sometimes, when he thought about it, there really was no fairness in this world. There was no logic to it.    


It was impossible to say who the heavens wanted to play with.    


When a person was told that there were only two days left before the death penalty, many truths suddenly became clear. For summer, this was the case.    


When there are some things that cannot be changed, the best course of action is to perfect the result.    


Summer was a school of action, and some things, once decided, were immediately carried out.    


She drove to the notary's office by herself and made a will stating that if she died one day, she would donate all her property to the welfare fund, and that she would donate her eyes and other useful organs to save more people who needed them.    


Compared with Pei Yichen's wealth, it was nothing, but for an ordinary person, it could be considered a huge amount of wealth. So after confirming that it was a lot of times and getting the exact answers, the lawyer began to draw up the details.    


After making the will, Summer finally breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the time and saw that there were still two hours left before the kids finished school. Thus, Summer asked for pen and paper and took advantage of this time to write a letter to the kids and Pei Yichen respectively.    


She wrote it again and again, changing the wording again and again, but she was still not satisfied with it no matter how she wrote it. She deleted and deleted it, but in the end, there was only one sentence left: I love you, live well for me.    


After entrusting all of this to someone else, Summer felt a lot more relaxed. Suddenly, she felt that death wasn't that scary anymore. The scariest thing was someone who couldn't let go.    


After driving to pick up the children from school in the summer, she stopped once again at a flower shop. She was always worried about Old Master Tian and Niu Juan, so she decided to arrange some flowers to give them a warm scene and encourage Niu Juan to not take the initiative to propose marriage.    


After making up her mind, she felt much more relaxed during the summer. She wanted to do as much as she could so that she could do more.    


After communicating with the flower shop designer in the summer, they finally arrived at the kindergarten where the children were attending school. They stood silently in the waiting room, waiting for the children to leave school.    


There were already many parents in the waiting room, so during the summer, he chose a corner and sat down. He was in a daze.    


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