CEO's Substitute Bride

C261 Small Secret

C261 Small Secret

0After leaving school, he drove to Niu Juan's and Ye's wedding site in the summer.    


However, Pei Yichen had said that Shen Heng was his brother and Old Master Tian was a summer employee, so they did not even need to express themselves properly. Thus, he pushed aside the arrangements for half a month, using the entire manor as their wedding venue. At that time, both of their relatives and friends could come early and play here for a few days.    


After Ye Wen and Niu Juan received the news, they were the first to come over to eat and drink. They praised the couple for being too convincing, and the couple decided to repay each other with their bodies, and sell themselves to Pei Family.    


When summer arrived, he was shocked by the hotel's festive atmosphere.    


"Is it true that this tree is wrapped in red cloth?"    


Not only the tree trunk, even the gate, walls, and grass had all turned into a festive red color in the shortest amount of time. As far as the eye could see, all of them were brimming with happiness.    


The staff member was still hanging up the photos of the two newbies. They were at least 300 square meters in size, and when Xia Xia looked up and saw the staff member slowly raising the photos to the highest point, she couldn't help but open her mouth wide. She didn't count the height of this building, but when these 300 square meters were hung up, she could only clearly see the facial features of the person in the photos.    


Xia Chen covered her heart and felt that the shock she received was too great. So it turns out that her family was that rich. However, she had never felt anything like it before …    


"Xia, your heartbroken look has pushed our friendship to the abyss!"    


Leaves and Niu Juan drove a tourist car full of roses in front of Xia. Seeing Xia covering her heart, they didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Yes, when they first arrived, they were also in the same state.    


Now that they saw it in the summer, they felt balanced.    


"When I go back home, I must interrogate Pei Yichen. Our family's assets are really high. My little heart can't take it anymore!"    


Xia Xia made an exaggerated expression of being scared, which caused Niu Juan and Ye Wen to laugh without any respect for their image.    


"Get in the car, we'll show you how big your back garden is."    


Leaves waved her hand and called Xia Xia into the car. The three of them started the tourist car, and started the activity in the garden in a very satisfied manner.    


Summer couldn't help but click her tongue. Motherf * cker, she had worked in this city for so many years, but she had never known that there was such a high ground here. The most important thing was that it eventually became her family's property!    


"Where did you go this morning? We've been staring at the door for a long time with our binoculars upstairs. "    


Niu Juan couldn't help but ask, looking as if she had something on her mind.    


Xia Chen sighed helplessly and leaned back on the sofa, "Haven't I been idle at home recently? I just wanted to see if I could do something. Later on, I thought that I could actually consider creating my own brand right now, so I went to talk to my mentor to see if I could get some advice, but he rejected me outright."    


Niu Juan was a little puzzled. "Why?"    


Logically speaking, he should have the strength to do so in the summer.    


"You couldn't have found Director Ji who expelled you back then, right? That girl isn't petty for a day or two, it would be weird if she doesn't beat you up. "    


Leaves ridiculed as she drove. Previously, when she went to Shengde Academy to look for summer, she had met that director a few times.    


Xia Xia shook his head, "The director probably has her own considerations. But I also thought about it, what she said is reasonable. My top priority right now is to set up my own team. Everything else needs to be done step by step."    


"Is there anything I can help you with?"    


Niu Juan thought for a moment and felt that the success rate of starting a business in the summer was rather high.    


"And me, in the summer, just because you and President Pei are so loyal to my wedding, I won't refuse no matter what! If there's anything I need your help with, you don't have to be courteous to me. "    


Leaves' words were filled with heroic spirit, as if she was going to fight in the next moment.    


Summer couldn't help but laugh. No matter what, it was really fortunate to have two friends accompanying her.    


Friends didn't lie in how many there were. It lay in whether they knew each other or not.    


In the past, when she had nothing, Ye Wen and Niu Juan had always been by her side. But now, she had gained a lot, as if there were people who were very close to her in an instant. But from the beginning to the end, she understood that Ye Wen and Niu Juan were her most treasured friends.    


It was easy to add flowers to the flowers, but difficult to provide coal in the midst of snow.    


"Alright, let's not talk about this for now. Um, how's the preparations for your wedding?"    


Xia Xia felt that if he kept thinking about it, he would really be moved to tears in just a few minutes, so he quickly changed the topic.    


"The wedding date is set for a week from now. Just wait for us to get a red packet!"    


Niu Juan exchanged a gleeful glance with Xia Zhi. This friend of hers was usually used as a scam. Sometimes, it was only to help with the scams!    


Summer covered her ears. "I can't hear you!"    


The three of them laughed out loud together, "You really suffered a loss in the summer. You didn't even receive our red packets, yet you're actually going to give out red packets. Hahaha, just kill me."    


Xia Tian rolled his eyes speechlessly as Ye Xiao laughed, "That makes sense!"    


"Tomorrow, tomorrow, you two godmothers must prepare a red packet for my son. Fuck, I had a child earlier than you two, so I'll have to charge you two more years' worth of red packets!"    


In an instant, Ye Wen and Niu Juan's smiling faces stiffened. Hmm, they realized that they actually had the advantage as well!    


The three of them were happily playing and laughing in the hall. The sun was just right and the breeze was not dry. The three of them were looking forward to their future.    


The heavens were very fair. No matter who they gave or what they did not give, they would never mistreat anyone who wanted to live on in peace.    


"Little Mi talked for a long time about being a godmother's little flower girl. Now, two godmother and a flower boy, they don't look too good."    


Looking at the beautiful scene, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Why did she suddenly get married for such a baffling reason?    


"Bring Xiaoye along as well. It's not so good to be a flower boy."    


Leaves nodded. As she imagined the two of them dressed in formal attire, she felt that they were extremely pretty. She really wanted to pull them over for a look right now.    


"Xiaoye's poker face is the same as his dad's. Bring him over, and be careful when you block his way."    


She felt more and more helpless towards her son's unsmiling attitude during the summer. However, Pei Yichen had been indulging himself this entire time, and now even she couldn't do anything about it. Sometimes she even wondered if her son was autistic, and it would be too difficult for him to find a wife in the future.    


"Xiaoye's IQ is too high, so he doesn't have anything in common with us low IQ people. Maybe he will have nothing more to say to us in the future, so just cherish the time you have now!"    


Niu Juan smiled as she lamented. Her generation was really getting older and older. Now that they had reached the third level, they would reach the fourth level in the future. It was as if everything that happened in the past happened yesterday.    



Yes, maybe, that's true. Xiaoye didn't have a common topic with them, but with the old man and Pei Yichen, that was a lot of questions. Sometimes, the questions that came up could not be thought of at all.    


Leaves twitched her mouth. Although she really didn't want to admit it, she was abused more than once by Xiaoye's IQ!    


"Do you think Xiaoye would absorb Xiao Mi's intelligence when he was in his mother's womb?"    


Ye Wen's question was met with the whites of Niu Juan's and Summer's eyes.    


"Our daughter's IQ isn't low at all. Although she can't compare to Xiaoye at all, but she's so weird, just like her own mother. She's a fool who plays the part of a pig to eat the tiger!"    


Niu Juan tapped Ye Wen's forehead and felt a bit helpless. Among the three of them, there were two children and five people, so Ye Wen's thoughts were not on the same point.    


The three of them chatted and laughed as they looked around before they went for their afternoon tea. The venues here were all under the responsibility of the wedding company, Pei Yichen was also very generous and paid for everything. They didn't have to worry about anything at all.    


"Have you chosen your wedding dress yet?"    


While stirring her milk tea, she looked at the two people opposite her. She really wanted to drink coffee, but her appetite hadn't been good recently, so Pei Yichen stopped her from drinking those unhealthy things.    


"Waiting for you to help."    


Leaves and Niu Juan smiled at each other, then handed the phone to Xia Xia, "Nuo, these are the styles Niu Juan and I chose. You're a professional, which one would suit us better?"    


Summer smiled as she received it, looking at it one by one. Indeed, in the hearts of every woman, there was a little princess.    


"Juan'er's figure is plump, so it would be better to wear her skirt with her shoulders spread out. Leaves is tall, so we can choose to wear her at the end."    


After reading it over and over again in the summer, they finally chose the wedding dress for them, and then the three of them began to mutter together, finalizing the style of their toasts.    


"Mommy ~"    


Xiaomi and Xiaoye rushed to Xia Chen's side. Not far away, Pei Yichen, Shen Heng, and Old Master Tian stood side by side, wearing suits and leather shoes. They were all especially eye-catching, each with their own style.    


"What are you looking at?"    


Pei Yichen walked to Xia Xia's side, Shen Heng to Ye's side, Old Master Tian to Niu Juan's side. The three couples all had happy smiles on their faces.    


"Xiao Mi, what princess did you choose today? Was it to see the godmother's wedding? "    


These days, she had already adapted to the habit of not being able to use any strength in her right arm, but her left arm had grown quite a bit. With just one arm, she managed to pull Xia Xia up, scaring Shen Heng so much that he quickly held the child, afraid that Ye Wen would hurt him.    


Little Mi knew that her godmother's arm was injured, so she sat obediently without moving, "My beautiful dress is for tomorrow's birthday, so don't think too highly of yourself, godmother."    


Little Mi's childish words made everyone burst out in laughter. Leaves unhappily continued to lead the way, "Then when mother gets married, don't you want to be a flower boy? What if the flower boy doesn't have a beautiful dress? "    


Xiaomi curled her lips in disdain, "Mother, aren't you being too stingy? You don't even intend to prepare a beautiful dress for a flower girl?" "Hmph, who would dare attend your wedding in the future!"    


"Hey, Xiaomi, your godmother's wedding will only be held once in her life. In the future, if there's no future, just this once!"    


Shen Heng, who was standing beside her, couldn't help but to remind her. This girl was too cute. The world of children was truly joyful.    


"Why only once?" Little Mi pouted. "I want to get married every day. I want to wear beautiful wedding dresses every day."    


Everyone …    


"Children's words are free from fear, children's words are free from fear …"    


Xia Chen said in an embarrassed and powerless manner.    


"Little darling, what about a woman? She can only get married once in a lifetime, because she will meet a true love. Marrying is already a lifetime."    


Niu Juan pinched Xiaomi's nose and explained the meaning of marriage patiently.    


Little Mi frowned, not understanding. Little Bun's face looked extremely happy, "But Daddy clearly said …" "Un …"    


Before Xiaomi could finish her words, Shen Heng hurriedly came forward and covered her with his hands, "Don't say random things, child."    


Shen Heng winked and gave Xiao Mi a hint. Xiao Mi blinked and said that she wouldn't say anything else, so Shen Heng let go of her and gave her her freedom.    


"You all..."    


His eyes wandered between Shen Heng, Xiao Mi and Pei Yichen in the summer. He always felt that he was in the dark about something.    


"Ahem, dinner is already prepared over there. Let's go eat together, if there's anything we need, we can discuss it slowly."    


Pei Yichen gave his daughter a warning look and stiffly changed the topic.    


Xia Xia Ye and Ye Niu Juan looked at each other and felt a little confused. Why did it seem like there were a lot of things that had become mysterious?    


However, if Pei Yichen and the others wanted to hide it, it would be very hard for them to know. The only breakthrough would be on Xiao Mi.    


Niu Juan held Xiaomi in her arms, trying to persuade her. This time, it was as if Xiaomi's mouth was glued to it. No matter what, not a single word was leaked. It was so tight that it didn't seem like a child's mouth.    


The more it was like this, the more Summer felt like they were hiding something from her. Since her children already knew, then it shouldn't be a bad thing, so she sighed.    


"Yichen, how's the birthday party coming along?"    


She asked Pei Yichen in a low voice in the summer. Today, she had been hanging around outside and didn't have the energy to go home to look at the field.    


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