CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C65 It's Him!

C65 It's Him!

0The hard weekend's over. Even though Jian Haixi had mixed feelings in her heart, she still had to go to work as usual because she had to continue to follow up on the project that she was in charge of.    


In the adult world, there would no longer be the urges and courage of young boys and girls. No matter how big the matter is, life will force us to continue working and continue to face the ridicule.    


When she arrived at the company, she discovered that many people were secretly looking at her. Some people were secretly talking about her, and there were people like Hao Yan who mocked her in front of her.    


Jian Haixi treated them all as air and continued working.    


Xie Nuan saw that Jian Haixi was completely unmoved and felt angry and aggrieved for her.    


"These people are jealous of you. You are creating benefits for the company. They only know how to gossip. So annoying!"    


Jian Haixi was helpless and said, "Let them go. When they are bored, they will naturally not talk about it anymore. You do not need to argue with them."    


Jian Haixi had just entered the company when Hao Yan told Sung Qin about this matter.    


Sung Qin was at home when she suddenly received a message from Hao Yan. She knew that not only did Jian Haixi not back down, she even dared to go to the company to work.    


When she saw the message, she sneered and muttered to herself, "Jian Haixi, since you are so ungrateful, don't blame me for being heartless."    


Sung Qin took the things that she had prepared and went to the Maiteng. Although she no longer worked in Maiteng, because of the news two days ago, the front desk did not know if she was Director's wife, so she did not dare to stop her.    


Sung Qin took a stack of photos and went straight to Design Department. Under everyone's surprised gazes, she kicked open Jian Haixi's office door.    


"Jian Haixi, you are really shameless!"    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment. She frowned and looked at Sung Qin and said coldly, "According to what I know, you are not from Design Department anymore. If you have nothing to do with me, then go out. Don't interfere with my work."    


Sung Qin sneered as she threw the photo on Jian Haixi's desk and mocked, "When you seduced other people's men, you did not act so righteously! Otherwise, why did you sneak up the mountain? "    


Jian Haixi heard her words and was shocked in her heart. She looked at the intimate photos on the table. They were taken when she and Ning Jiwei were on the mountain.    


Jian Haixi's eyes turned cold as she looked at Sung Qin and said, "You have really put in a lot of effort."    


Sung Qin looked at her proudly and said sarcastically, "Can I not put in a lot of effort? You are so shameless. If I don't teach you a lesson, you will not be obedient."    


Jian Haixi looked at those photos. She stood up and nodded calmly. She threw the photos back onto the table. "What you said is exactly what I wanted to say to you."    


Sung Qin frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"    


"What I mean is what you mean." Jian Haixi walked around the table and approached Sung Qin and said in a low voice, "I thought that with Sung Lan's example, you would be more obedient. Do you really want to follow in her footsteps?"    




Sung Qin was shocked. When she thought about the matter of Sung Lan's throat being ruined by Ning Jiwei's medicine, her body could not help but tremble. Then, she regained her confidence.    


It was impossible. She was very careful in everything she did. She pushed all the responsibility to Father Sang and Xu Hui. Ning Jiwei would not discover anything.    


Jian Haixi had no intention of arguing with Sung Qin. She looked at the curious colleagues outside the door and did not want to stay here any longer. She simply took her bag and walked out.    


Sung Qin was stunned for a moment and when she saw Jian Haixi getting up to leave, she quickly chased after her.    


"Jian Haixi, I haven't finished speaking. Stop right there!"    


Jian Haixi did not want to bother with her and continued to walk towards the staircase.    


"I told you to stop!" Sung Qin quickly stepped forward and pulled Jian Haixi's arm. Just as she was about to curse, she saw that there were more and more people watching from behind. She thought for a moment and the hand that was about to pull Jian Haixi suddenly loosened. She pretended to be pushed down the stairs by Jian Haixi.    


"Jian Haixi, what are you doing? "    


Sung Qin screamed and fell down the stairs. The crowd was in an uproar.    


After all, from their point of view, it was Jian Haixi who pushed Sung Qin down.    


No one had thought that Jian Haixi, who was usually so friendly, would suddenly make a move. At this moment, everyone looked at her with some probing and suspicion.    


Could it be that those news were all true?    


Jian Haixi looked at Sung Qin who was acting and sneered.    


"Excuse me, Director is here."    


At this moment, Lee Fu's voice came from behind the crowd. The crowd consciously opened up a path, and Ning Jiwei walked out.    


Sung Qin lay on the ground. When she saw Ning Jiwei come over, she hurriedly raised her head to look at him. She even stretched out a hand towards him, hoping that he could pull her up.    


However, Ning Jiwei acted as if he did not see her. He walked past her directly and walked towards Jian Haixi.    


The moment Jian Haixi saw Ning Jiwei, she was delighted in her heart. Then, she felt sad and powerless.    


Ning Jiwei first looked at her from head to toe. Then, he touched her arm that was pulled by Sung Qin and asked, "Do you feel pain? Did you get scared?"    


His gentle and careful appearance was something Sung Qin had never seen before, and it was also something that the surrounding employees had never seen before.    


Everyone couldn't help but look at Ning Jiwei in shock. They even felt that the person in front of them was a fake Ning Jiwei. But his attitude towards Sung Qin just now clearly indicated that he was the real Ning Jiwei.    


Jian Haixi pulled her arm back and didn't really want to pay attention to Ning Jiwei. Because she did not know what kind of attitude and mood she should use to face him. She also did not know what she should do after she faced him.    


So she only glanced at Ning Jiwei and shook her head at him, indicating that she was fine. Then she picked up the bag and walked out.    




Ning Jiwei wanted to follow Jian Haixi, but when he passed by Sung Qin, she hugged his calf.    


"Ji Wei, must you be so cruel?" Sung Qin looked at him and wanted to cry.    


She fell here, but he did not say a word to her from the beginning to the end. He didn't even look at her.    


Ning Jiwei pulled his calf out of Sung Qin's arm in disgust. He lowered his head and sneered at Sung Qin. "Looks like you are very good at doing such things. Did you have fun?"    


"Ji Wei, what do you mean?" Sung Qin was shocked. Did Ning Jiwei see the truth just now?    


No, it was impossible. She had observed the surroundings.    


Ning Jiwei did not answer her. He only looked at the people around him, raised his voice and said in a cold voice, "Sung Family and Ning Family are engaged, but it doesn't mean that I want to marry the daughter of Sung Family. Are you so sure that the Sung Family will marry you to a man of the Ning Family, and the Ning Family will definitely let me marry a woman of the Sung Family?"    


After he finished speaking, he no longer looked at Sung Qin, and left without any hesitation, leaving Sung Qin stunned on the spot.    


Xie Nuan, who was a step late, heard Ning Jiwei's words and laughed happily. She pointed at Sung Qin and said, "Miss Sang, are you happy? I heard that the eldest son of Ning Family is engaged to you. Miss Sang, you don't even know who you need to marry?"    


"You!" Sung Qin heard the harsh words and glared at Xie Nuan. Xie Nuan coldly snorted and fearlessly stared back at her.    


At the same time, the surrounding people who were watching the show began to whisper. Could it be that Sung Qin really was not Director's wife? Then what was the news that spread two days ago? Didn't this mean that they wronged Jian Haixi?    


Sung Qin heard more and more sounds around her and gritted her teeth as she got up from the ground and angrily left.    


Xie Nuan shouted, "Miss Sang, so you are fine. Why did you lie on the ground for so long?"    


Sung Qin's footsteps paused and then sped away.    


Xie Nuan laughed loudly. The anger that she had held back for so many days could be considered to have been vented.    


Hao Yan stood in the crowd for a while. She was originally mocking Jian Haixi, but ever since Ning Jiwei appeared, she could not speak. Especially when she heard Ning Jiwei's last words and Xie Nuan's words, she became even more anxious. She took advantage of the time when no one was paying attention and ran out to catch up with Sung Qin.    


"Wait a moment."    


Hao Yan chased out and stopped Sung Qin and asked, "Is what Xie Nuan said true? Will the person who will marry you be Ning Jikang?"    


Sung Qin looked at her impatiently, "Why do you care so much? Just do your job well."    


Hao Yan was stunned and her eyes slightly narrowed as she sneered, "Miss Sang, we all know that Ning Jikang is a trash. If the person you want to marry is him, then the matter that you promised me previously will be difficult to deal with. I have always been a realistic person, so you should give me the money that you need to give me during this period of time."    


Sung Qin said unhappily," Do you think that I will be short of money? "    


"I don't know about that." Hao Yan combed her hair and stood in front of Sung Qin. She made up her mind to ask for money. "But I think it is best to settle this matter quickly. What do you think?"    


Sung Qin gritted her teeth and took out a few 100 yuan notes from her wallet and threw them on her face, "You will regret it."    


Hao Yan shrugged indifferently and lowered her head to pick up the money.    


She did not know if she would regret it, but if she found out in the future that all the money was in vain, then she would really regret it.    


She watched Sung Qin drive away and sneered, "Stop daydreaming!"    


In the hotel.    


Sung Lan looked at the video that her mother Luo Qing sent over. In the video, Sung Qin was lying on the floor.    


Sung Lan sneered. She felt that the more videos there were, the better. She felt satisfied just by looking at them.    


During this period of time, because of Sung Qin's continuous defeat, Sung Lan and Luo Qing had a new connection. Luo Qing was helping her secretly monitor Sung Qin.    


As for the matter of Luo Qing not admitting that Sung Lan was her daughter that Sung Qin mentioned previously, Sung Lan did not pursue the matter after Luo Qing answered half-heartedly.    


Luo Qing called Sung Lan to ask what Sung Lan was going to do because Sung Qin was clearly lacking in combat strength now and it was just the right time for her to make a comeback.    


Sung Lan sneered and said, "What can I do? There is only one daughter in Sung Family who can marry Ning Jiwei. That woman cannot be anyone else but me."    


Luo Qing asked in surprise, "You are still thinking of marrying Ning Jiwei?"    


Sung Lan pursed her lips and said," I love him. I must marry him. "    


Luo Qing was silent for a while and was somewhat in disbelief of her daughter's stubbornness. She thought for a while and asked, "What do you plan to do with Jian Haixi? She helped you before."    


Sung Lan heard Luo Qing mention Jian Haixi and sneered, "If Jian Haixi did not appear in the beginning, I would not have fallen to this extent today. She owed me her help and the help she gave me was far from enough to repay. "    


"What do you plan to do?"    


Sung Qin smiled maliciously, "After I deal with Sung Qin, the first one I need to deal with is Jian Haixi!"    


Ning Jiwei came out of the company and chased after Jian Haixi to stop her. He said, "Haixi, listen to me."    


"What do you want to explain?"    


Jian Haixi stopped and looked up at him. "You did not do what happened today. Do you want to help Sung Qin explain?"    


"Could it be that you want to explain the news from before, but that was also not done by you."    


Jian Haixi said, "You did not do anything wrong at all. Why do you want to explain to me?"    


Ning Jiwei frowned. He looked at Jian Haixi, who looked calm, and suddenly felt that something was going to leave him.    


Ning Jiwei stretched out his hand and lifted Jian Haixi's chin to let her look at him. He asked, "Haixi, you won't forgive me anymore, right?" She won't stay with him anymore, right?    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei's eyes that had always fascinated her and smiled. "Ji Wei, I love you, but I hope you will also love me."    


"Of course I love you." Ning Jiwei hurriedly said, "Haixi, I can give you everything I have, as long as you continue to be by my side. "    


"Can you make me your wife? Would the people of Ning Family break the promise made by the older generation and break the engagement with the Sung Family? Will they accept a girl from a small family like me as your wife?"    


Jian Haixi interrupted him and asked.    


Ning Jiwei heard her words and was stunned for a moment, then he kept silent.    


Jian Haixi smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, I also hope that I can be more innocent. I hope that other than loving you, I will not care about anything else. But this is not possible. Ji Wei, you can't do that, neither can I. You have your ambitions, and I have my responsibilities. So let's continue being colleagues."    


Jian Haixi endured the pain and said those words. She pulled her arm out of Ning Jiwei's hand and immediately left.    


She was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would change the determination that she had made with great difficulty.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi's leaving figure and felt as if a sharp blade had stabbed into his heart. It hurt so much that he felt dizzy.    



He wanted to chase after her, but he did not know what to say or do to make her change her mind.    


After Jian Haixi left, Lee Fu hurriedly ran over. He did not bother to wipe the sweat off his head and hurriedly told Ning Jiwei, "Director. Great-Grandfather and Great Grandmother came back! They have already arrived at the Ning Family. It is said that they are in a great rage."    


When Lee Fu thought of Great-Grandfather and Great Grandmother from the Ning Family, he couldn't help but shiver.    


They had always hoped that Ning Jiwei could marry the daughter of the Sung Family as soon as possible, because this would be helpful to the development of the Ning Family's business.    


When Ning Jiwei heard Lee Fu's words, his eyes turned cold and he ordered, "I will go back immediately."    




Lee Fu drove Ning Jiwei towards the Ning Family. In fact, he wanted to ask Ning Jiwei what choice he would make, but when he thought of Ning Jiwei's hard work all these years, he felt that such a choice was too cruel to him.    


Could Ning Jiwei convince Great-Grandfather and Great Grandmother?    


Lee Fu just thought of this possibility and shook his head. It was impossible. He knew some insider information. In the early years, Great-Grandfather from the Sung Family died because he saved Great-Grandfather from the Ning Family. That was why the two families were engaged.    


Under normal business marriage, there was a heavy life promise.    


Under such a promise, how could Ning Jiwei throw away this responsibility and choose Jian Haixi, who had children?    


When Jian Haixi went to school to pick up the children, she was still in a bad mood. She just endured it and did not show it in front of the children.    


Jian Rui and Jian Yi ran over excitedly when they saw her. Jian Haixi first hugged the two children and kissed them before helping them put their school bags in the car.    


The two children consciously climbed into the car, sat down, and fastened their seatbelts.    


"Mommy, I obediently fasten my seatbelt." Jian Rui pulled the seatbelt in front of her and said.    


Jian Yi looked at her speechlessly. "I fasten your seatbelt every day, and you only fasten it once. You actually want Mommy to praise you?"    


Jian Rui glared at Jian Yi and raised her head to look at Jian Haixi, blinking her big eyes.    


"You are really awesome!" Jian Haixi looked at her daughter and patted her head as she praised with a smile.    


Wait. After the two children sat down, Jian Haixi sat in the driver's seat and was about to drive away when a man suddenly blocked in front of the car.    


Jian Haixi was shocked. The man approached her and waved at her with a smile.    


Jian Haixi blinked and lowered the window to look at the man. She only felt that he was a little familiar, but she could not recall who he was.    


"Who are you?"    


"Uncle Gu!!"    


Jian Haixi was just about to ask who he was when Jian Rui, who was sitting at the back, called out excitedly. She also introduced him to Jian Haixi, "Mommy, he is Gu Ruanruan's Big Dad. His name is Gu Chenyi."    


Gu Chenyi!    


When she heard these three words, her heart skipped a beat. She raised her head and looked at Gu Chenyi, who was outside the window.    


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