CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C149 Don't Agree.

C149 Don't Agree.

0At the back of First Primary School.    


Gu Xiaomian nervously stood under the tree. He spread his arms and shouted at the tree, "Rui, be careful! Come down, I'll go up!"    


Although Mo Tong did not shout, he also spread his arms and stared nervously at the top of his head. He was afraid that Jian Rui would accidentally fall down.    


Unlike their nervousness, Jian Rui was sitting on a tree branch in high spirits. She did not feel any danger at all. She even excitedly waved at Gu Xiaomian and Mo Tong and said, "The air up there is so good. There is also a little wind blowing. It is much cooler here than down there!"    


Gu Xiaomian was so worried that his throat almost came out, "Rui, don't look down. Be careful!"    


Mo Tong frowned and pursed his lips. He turned around and stared at Gu Xiaomian. "Stop shouting. The more you shout, the more distracted she gets."    


"Then what should we do?" Gu Xiaomian asked in a daze.    


Mo Tong looked around and pointed at the grass next to him and said, "Pick up more grass."    


Gu Xiaomian nodded repeatedly and ran to pick up the grass in a hurry.    


Mo Tong quickly took off his coat. When Gu Xiaomian picked up the grass, Mo Tong laid his coat on it.    


Gu Xiaomian saw this and also took off his clothes.    


However, he was not as meticulous as Mo Tong. In such a hot day, he only wore a short-sleeved shirt and a pair of knee-length pants.    


Gu Xiaomian looked at the thin clothes on the haystack and took off his pants without saying a word. As he took them off, he pointed at Mo Tong and said, "What are you looking at? Hurry up and take off your pants too. Your pants are more useful."    


Mo Tong was stunned. He frowned deeply and looked reluctant.    


Just as Mo Tong was hesitating, Jian Rui screamed.    


Gu Xiaomian quickly looked up nervously. He looked as he anxiously walked to Mo Tong's side and took off his pants. "What are you still standing there for? Take it off!"    


Mo Tong's face turned red. He took two steps back to avoid Gu Xiaomian's devil claw. However, after hesitating for two seconds, he still took off his pants and placed them on the haystack.    


After he took off his pants, Gu Xiaomian looked at him in surprise.    


Mo Tong's face was clean, but there were light bruises on his back and arms. Especially his knees and calves. The mottled and ferocious scars shocked Gu Xiaomian.    




Gu Xiaomian opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but Mo Tong interrupted him.    


Mo Tong opened his arms and looked up at the tree. He said to Gu Xiaomian, "Don't be distracted. She should be coming down soon."    


Gu Xiaomian had to swallow the question he wanted to ask. He focused on Jian Rui on the tree.    


Jian Rui carefully climbed to the vicinity of the bird's nest. She was just about to reach out to pick up the egg when she saw a small head emerge from the bird's nest.    


Jian Rui looked at the little bird that had not taken off its feathers. She felt that her heart had melted.    


She took out her phone and took a few photos. Perhaps the sound of the photos scaring the little bird, its small head shrank back. Jian Rui smiled and reached out her finger to gently touch its head and said, "Don't be afraid. You are so cute, I will not catch you. You have to stay at home and wait for Mommy to come back, okay?"    


It didn't know if it understood Jian Rui's words, but it actually called out twice. Jian Rui happily waved her hand at it and said, "Goodbye, little darling. I will come and see you often."    


After saying that, Jian Rui slowly slid down from the tree.    


Gu Xiaomian and Mo Tong saw her coming down and were very alert.    


"Be careful. Slow down, don't be anxious." Gu Xiaomian kept muttering.    


Jian Rui was not nervous at all. She smiled at Gu Xiaomian as she slid down. "Gu Ruanruan, stop nagging. I'm fine. "    


Then, she landed safely on the ground.    


Then, Jian Rui looked at Gu Xiaomian and Mo Tong in surprise and said, "Why did you take off your clothes?"    


Gu Xiaomian explained, "This is Mo Tong's idea. We were afraid that you would fall down, so we covered our clothes here."    


Mo Tong did not say anything. He just quietly picked up his own clothes and pants and put them on.    


"Huh?" Jian Rui looked at the bruises on Mo Tong's legs and asked, "Mo Tong, what happened to your legs?"    


"It's nothing." Mo Tong said coldly.    


Jian Rui thought about it and did not continue to ask.    


"Why are you fine? I saw it all."    


Before Gu Xiaomian could finish, Jian Rui pulled him back. "Gu Ruanruan, didn't you say there was a fun place here?"    


"Yes." When Gu Xiaomian heard Jian Rui's words, his attention was immediately diverted. He pulled Jian Rui forward and said, "Rui, let me tell you. There was a river over there, just below the slope. We can catch fish and catch crabs."    


" Really? Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Jian Rui ran forward excitedly.    


Mo Tong looked at Jian Rui's back and his eyes sparkled. He quietly followed them.    


When they walked to the slope, the corner of Jian Rui's mouth twitched. She pointed at the steep slope and asked Gu Xiaomian, "Gu Ruanruan, is this the slope you mentioned? How are we going to get down?"    


Gu Xiaomian scratched his head and said, "It's not that big."    


Jian Rui sighed in disappointment and said, "Forget it. Looks like we can only go back."    


Gu Xiaomian quickly said, "Rui, you sit here first. I will go down and scout."    


"But this place looks so dangerous. Let's not go." Jian Rui frowned and said.    


"It's fine. My skin is thick. Even if I fall, it won't be a problem." Gu Xiaomian smiled honestly. He lifted his foot and slowly walked down the hill.    


Mo Tong walked to the front. He stood on the slope and looked at Gu Xiaomian with a frown.    


"Rui, this land is quite solid." Gu Xiaomian took two steps. He turned his head and smiled at Jian Rui. He even stamped his feet. "Look, this place is not slippery at all."    


Before he could finish, the ground under his feet loosened. In an instant, Gu Xiaomian's entire body rolled down the slope.    


"Gu Ruanruan!"    


"Be careful!"    


Jian Rui and Mo Tong shouted at the same time.    


Mo Tong approached Gu Xiaomian. In an instant, when Gu Xiaomian fell down, Mo Tong reached out and grabbed his hand.    


In the next second, Mo Tong's facial expression changed.    


He held Gu Xiaomian's hand, but he forgot one thing - Gu Xiaomian's weight.    


In an instant, both of them lost their balance. They slid down the slope for nearly one meter before suddenly stopping.    


Mo Tong looked up. Jian Rui was hugging his waist.    


"Mo Tong, do your best! Hurry up and come up!" Jian Rui shouted as she pulled him hard.    


Mo Tong nodded. With Jian Rui's support, he had more strength. The two of them worked together to pull Gu Xiaomian up.    


Gu Xiaomian sat on the ground as soon as he came up. He patted his chest in shock and said, "This place scared me to death!"    


Jian Rui stared at Gu Xiaomian's arm and Mo Tong's legs and said with sobs, "But, you are all bleeding."    


Half an hour later, Gu Chenyi arrived at the school infirmary. He looked at the three children in the infirmary and scolded them with a dark face, "Do you want to go to heaven?"    


Mo Tong sat on the bed, and the doctor was still applying medicine on his legs.    


Gu Xiaomian's arm was bandaged. He was sitting beside Jian Rui and coaxing her.    


Gu Xiaomian saw Gu Chenyi coming and immediately said with a smile, "First Dad, you are here."    


"You still have the nerve to smile?" Gu Chenyi wanted to hit Gu Xiaomian, but he saw Gu Xiaomian's arm, and then he took back his hand.    


He wanted to scold ___ a little more. But when he saw Jian Rui cry, he felt his heart ache.    


In the end, he was so angry that his cheeks hurt. He covered his face and said, "I was so angry that my teeth hurt."    


Gu Xiaomian laughed and turned to the doctor and said, "Beautiful sister, First Dad pays. You can calculate the medical expenses. You can ask him for it."    


Gu Chenyi heard his son's words and immediately sat down on the chair weakly.    


What mistakes did he make in his previous life? Only in this life could he have a son like Gu Xiaomian.    


Jian Rui walked to Gu Chenyi's side and whispered, "Uncle Gu, I'm sorry. I urged them to go. What happened today was all my fault. Don't blame Gu Ruanruan. "    


Gu Chenyi looked at Jian Rui and sighed as he held her in his arms. He helped her wipe her tears and said, "Rui, don't cry anymore. I know you haven't been so happy in a long time, so you want to play with Xiaomian. But we also have to be careful. Xiaomian was a boy, so it was fine for him to fall. If you fall today, you will get hurt on such a beautiful face. Your Daddy and Mommy would definitely feel sorry for you, wouldn't they? "    


Jian Rui nodded and said, "Uncle Gu, I know I was wrong."    


" It's good that you know you were wrong. When the two of them recover from their injuries, I will take you to the amusement park to play, okay? "    


"Really?" Gu Xiaomian heard it. He said excitedly, "First Dad, let's go tomorrow. My arm is fine. It's just a small injury."    


Gu Chenyi glared at him and said, "Shut up!"    


Gu Chenyi coaxed Jian Rui and taught Gu Xiaomian a lesson. Then he walked to Mo Tong's bedside and looked at his leg injury. He asked the doctor, "How is he? Is his injury serious?"    


The doctor shook his head and said, "Fortunately, it did not hurt his bones. It was just an abrasion. He will be fine in a few days."    


Gu Chenyi nodded and looked at the silent Mo Tong. He asked," Do you feel any discomfort anywhere else? "    


Mo Tong shook his head.    


Gu Chenyi suddenly reacted. He looked at the three children and asked, "Why did you only call me?"    


Jian Rui and Mo Tong looked at each other and lowered their heads without saying anything.    


Gu Xiaomian smiled and said, "Because you are the best. Uncle Ning and Mo Tong's Butler are too fierce. How would we dare to let them know?"    


"I thank you." Gu Chenyi gritted his teeth and took a deep breath to calm his anger.    


He felt that sooner or later, he would be angered to death by his own son.    


After Mo Tong finished bandaging his wounds, Gu Chenyi went to apply for leave from his teacher. Then, he took the three children to Mo Tong's house.    


In the car, Mo Tong even declined and said, "I'll go back myself. You don't have to send me."    


"How can that be?" Gu Xiaomian immediately said seriously, "If we don't go back, what will you do if Butler beats you up again?"    


"He hits you?" Gu Chenyi frowned and asked, "What's going on? Mo Tong, did he hit you?"    


"Exactly." "Mo Tong's body is full of injuries. I saw them all," Gu Xiaomian said.    


Gu Chenyi saw that Mo Tong was silent and did not speak. His frown deepened. He pursed his lips and said, "Then I have to send you back even more. No matter what, he cannot hit the child."    


Mo Tong still wanted to say more, but Jian Rui pulled his hand and said, "Mo Tong, don't worry. We will accompany you home. That Butler saw that there are so many of us. He will not be fierce to you anymore."    


Mo Tong looked down at Jian Rui holding his hand and did not say anything.    


After Ning Jiwei sent Jian Rui to school, he went to Maiteng. Because he had already made an appointment to meet with Mo Family in the afternoon, he had to finish all the work for the day in the morning.    


Ning Jiwei was busy the whole morning. When it was noon, he rushed to Fu Zuoann's house after lunch.    


It was noon, and the sun was high up in the sky. Everyone wanted to get into the fridge. Only Fu Zuoann's house had a few cars parked in front of his house.    


Ning Jiwei looked at those cars, and the corner of his mouth curled into a faint sneer. He lifted his foot and walked in.    



"Old man, I'm here." Ning Jiwei walked into the living room. There were many people in the usually empty living room today.    


Fu Zuoann sat in the middle of the room. When he saw him, he was obviously relieved.    


Inside. A man wearing gold-framed glasses sat on the sofa beside him. On both sides of the sofa behind him stood two men in black suits.    


When the three men saw Ning Jiwei, they looked at him curiously.    


Before they came, they had naturally investigated Ning Jiwei. However, they were still shocked by Ning Jiwei's restrained but domineering aura.    


The man with golden silk frame stood up from the sofa. He smiled and extended his hand to Ning Jiwei. "Hello, I am Mr. Mo's assistant. You can call me Yue Feng."    


Ning Jiwei looked at him. He did not reach out to shake hands with him. He just sat beside Fu Zuoann and said coldly to Yue Feng, "What do you want to say? Speak. "    


Yue Feng was not angry. He just smiled and pushed his glasses up. He also sat back on the sofa.    


"Forgive me for being blunt." Yue Feng looked at Ning Jiwei and asked, "How much do you know about your father and Mo Family?"    


Ning Jiwei glanced at him and said with a cold smile, "They are the people who killed my mother and threatened my family. Is this enough?"    


The man with the golden silk frame coughed awkwardly. Even the two men standing behind him lowered their heads.    


"There must be a misunderstanding here." The man wearing the golden silk frame laughed dryly.    


Ning Jiwei did not say anything. He did not even look at him.    


Yue Feng looked at Fu Zuoann and said, "Old Master Fu, can you speak for us?"    


Fu Zuoann raised his eyebrows and said to Ning Jiwei, "Ji Wei, he did help your mother back then. If it wasn't for him, your mother might not have been able to go home safely."    


Ning Jiwei was stunned. Yue Feng saw that Fu Zuoann was willing to help him, so he was relieved.    


However, before he could heave a sigh of relief, he heard Fu Zuoann continue, "But as to why the Mo Family treated your mother like this, and why that man didn't have the ability to protect you and your mother. But I have no idea."    


Yue Feng looked at Ning Jiwei with a bitter smile and said, "Young master, please believe me. He has his own difficulties."    


"I am not your young master." Ning Jiwei said coldly.    


Yue Feng smiled and said, "No matter how you deny it, you are indeed his child. You have the bloodline of the Mo Family in you."    


Ning Jiwei narrowed his eyes and said, "So you are saying that the Mo Family, which has been ignoring me for more than 20 years, now wants me to go back?"    


"Yes." Yue Feng nodded and said, "Young master, follow me back. The Mo Family has everything you want, be it money or power."    


"Do you think I am an idiot?" Ning Jiwei interrupted him and asked with a sneer.    


"What?" Yue Feng was stunned and did not react for a moment.    


Ning Jiwei looked at him with ridicule and said, "More than twenty years ago, you all wanted me dead, but now you all came to me. Do you think I would be stupid enough to believe you all?"    


Yue Feng was a little hesitant. Ning Jiwei was obviously sharper than he had imagined, and he was more vigilant against them.    


"I'm not interested in the matters of Mo Family either. I just want to know what you all want from me." Ning Jiwei looked at Yue Feng and asked.    


"It's a long story." Yue Feng looked at Ning Jiwei and sighed, "Young master, there is a problem with the Mo Family. There is a serious internal conflict now. Everyone wants to take advantage of the chaos to rise to power. To achieve this goal... They can do anything. "    


Yue Feng paused for a moment and continued, "I think you should have more or less noticed that someone is targeting you and your family, right?"    


"Who are they?" Ning Jiwei asked.    


Yue Feng was silent for a moment. He looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "Young master, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but even if I tell you. You can't do anything to them. You can even bring danger to you and your family. If you want to protect your family, then your only way is to follow me. "    


" Let him follow you? " Fu Zuoann was shocked. He looked at Yue Feng and said, "You want Ji Wei to follow you back to Mo Family?"    


"That's right." Yue Feng said, "You have to go back to the Mo Family and get everything that belongs to you. Only then can you stop those people who have ulterior motives."    


Ning Jiwei sneered and said, "Take back everything that belongs to me? Why don't you say that I will be your hired thug and help you deal with those enemies so that you can continue to be the leaders of the Mo Family?"    


Yue Feng smiled. He didn't deny what Ning Jiwei said. "Young master, you are right, but I am not wrong either. You may think that you are strong enough now, but forgive me for being blunt. Compared to the Mo Family, you are still weak. They still don't dare to fight you openly, but when that day comes... Your men will never have the ability to fight back."    


Ning Jiwei narrowed his eyes and didn't say anything, but he was shocked in his heart.    


Yue Feng continued, "We do have our goals for letting you go back, but it is also true that we want to provide you with the power you want."    


Fu Zuoann's face darkened. He turned to Ning Jiwei and said, "Ji Wei, don't agree with them."    


Ning Jiwei was silent for a long time before he raised his head to look at Yue Feng. His eyes were as cold as ice, sharp and firm.    


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