CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C185 The Difference Was Huge

C185 The Difference Was Huge

0Jian Yi looked at the "honest child" hiding behind Jian Haixi and rolled his eyes. He said to Jian Rui, "He doesn't need our help at all."    


Jian Rui rarely unified the battlefield with her brother. After nodding her head, she looked at Mo Tong and said, "Mo Tong, you really hurt me."    




Looking at Jian Rui's conflicted little face, Mo Tong was stunned for a moment and then lowered his head.    


Just when Jian Rui thought he would stand beside her, Mo Tong suddenly whispered to Jian Haixi, "Auntie, I want to go and see my room and pack my things. Can you take me there?"    


Everyone was speechless.    


Jian Yi laughed and said to Jian Rui, "You think Mo Tong is very naive, but he is actually very cunning."    


Jian Rui widened her eyes and looked at Mo Tong angrily, "Mo Tong, let me tell you seriously, I am really going to be angry!"    


"Rui, don't be angry." Mo Tong blinked and said, "I'll come and find you after I pack my luggage."    


Mo Tong took Jian Haixi and left. "Auntie, I did not bring much of my own clothes. Can you help me buy them?"    


"Of course." Jian Haixi looked at Mo Tong, who looked very similar to Jian Yi. She found it funny and liked him very much. She simply carried him to the room.    


"Mommy!" Seeing Jian Haixi carrying Mo Tong and leaving, Jian Rui was so angry that she stomped her feet behind her.    


Jian Haixi turned around and smiled, "You and big brother play first."    


She carried Mo Tong and left without looking back.    


"I'm so angry!" Jian Rui said frantically, "Mo Tong, I brought you here to fight against my brother, not to let you fight with me for mommy!"    


Jian Yi looked at Jian Rui, who was going crazy, with sympathy and said, "Rui, you are finished."    


"What do you mean?" Jian Rui asked doubtfully.    


Jian Yi smiled and analyzed seriously, "Now we have three children in our family. I am sick. Naturally, it will take up most of Mommy's care. Mo Tong is new here, and he is so obedient. Mommy definitely liked to take care of him. So you became the child that Mommy neglected."    


Jian Rui was stunned when she heard Jian Yi's analysis. She thought about it and nodded." Brother, what you said makes sense. "    


Jian Chenrann was very speechless.    


Luo Er kept smiling.    


Jian Yi was still seriously lying to his sister. "Of course what I said makes sense. So from now on, you have to listen to me. This way, I can still help you on the account that we are siblings."    


"I know!"    


Before Jian Yi finished speaking, he saw Jian Rui suddenly jump up. "Brother, you are right, so I have decided that from today onwards, I will always be by Mommy's side. This way, the person Mommy sees the most every day is me, and the person she cares about the most is naturally me!"    


Jian Rui impatiently ran towards Jian Haixi, who was carrying Mo Tong and leaving. "Mommy, I also need to clean up the room!"    


Looking at his sister, Jian Yi could only give up on what he did not say.    


Regarding this scene, Jian Chenrann shook his head in amusement.    


Among the three children, Jian Yi was smart, Mo Tong was obedient, and Jian Rui was both weird and unreasonable.    


This house was going to be lively!    


Qin Zhixu stood outside for a long time. Laughter came from the living room, making him feel very complicated.    


The reason he chose to come here was mostly to investigate Qin Tian's death and who the father of her child was.    


But looking at Jian Yi now, he suddenly felt that he was very selfish.    


Actually, he should have come here to atone for his crimes, but he did not.    


The main reason he came here now wasn't because of Jian Yi.    


This made Qin Zhixu very sick of himself. The longer he stood outside, the more he couldn't walk in.    


Qin Zhixu turned his head and looked at the closed door. He walked to the street outside dejectedly and squatted down.    


After a moment of silence, he took out his phone and dialed a number.    


"Mr Qin?"    


Wan Yuqing's voice entered Qin Zhixu's ears through the phone. It made his heart feel like it was shining into a ray of sunshine.    


He did not know why he thought of her at this time.    


But at that moment, his fingers seemed to have a consciousness.    


"Mr Qin, is that you?"    


Wan Yuqing did not hear Qin Zhixu's voice and asked.    


"It's me." Qin Zhixu took a deep breath. He tried his best to keep his emotions from showing any abnormalities.    


"Mr Qin, are you looking for me for something?" Wan Yuqing asked.    


"Nothing." Qin Zhixu asked, "Are you working?"    


Wan Yuqing quickly said, "Boss JOJO doesn't need to work today. I also have a vacation."    


"Okay." Qin Zhixu responded and did not say anything else.    


There was silence between the two. After a long time, Wan Yuqing said, "Mr Qin, thank you."    


Qin Zhixu was puzzled. "Why are you thanking me?"    


"Thank you for treating me to dinner." Wan Yuqing smiled and said.    


Qin Zhixu had just paid a visit to Qin Tian that day. If he had not met Wan Yuqing, he might have gone home alone.    


Thinking of this, Qin Zhixu suddenly smiled.    


"Mr Qin, what are you laughing at?" Wan Yuqing asked.    


Qin Zhixu paused for a moment before continuing, "I just suddenly realized that every time I was in a bad mood, you were always by my side."    


Wan Yuqing was stunned for a while before she asked, "Mr Qin, are you in a bad mood? Did something happen?"    


"Nothing happened. You don't have to worry." Qin Zhixu said, "I'm just in a bad mood."    


Wan Yuqing instantly panicked, "Where are you now? I'll go and find you."    


Qin Zhixu smiled, "I'm just a little depressed."    


Wan Yuqing then heaved a sigh of relief. "What happened to you?"    


Only then did Qin Zhixu say, "I was troubled by some old matters."    


Wan Yuqing was stunned for a moment before asking, "Those things are related to Qin Tian?"    


Qin Zhixu did not hide it from her and said, "Qin Tian once did a very big mistake. I thought I had been atoning for her all this time. But today I found out that what I did was negligible. The more they don't blame me, the more I hate myself. "    


Wan Yuqing quietly listened to Qin Zhixu. He slowly told her these things.    


After listening to Qin Zhixu's words, Wan Yuqing sighed and said, "Mr Qin, have you ever thought that you would hurt them again by doing this?"    


Qin Zhixu was stunned for a moment and asked, "What do you mean?"    


Wan Yuqing said, "Qin Tian's matter originally had nothing to do with you. In everyone's eyes, You have always been their friend. Everyone saw all of your efforts. Whether it was Ning Jiwei or Gu Chenyi, they were not ordinary people. If they did not really acknowledge you, they would not tell you everything. If I was the one who was hurt by Qin Tian, I would recall the terrible times of the past because of your escape."    


Qin Zhixu was stunned." Then what should I do? "    


"You have to face everyone." Wan Yuqing encouraged him. "Mr Qin, you have to trust your friends."    


"I know." Qin Zhixu said sincerely, "Thank you, Yu Qing."    


Wan Yuqing smiled and said, "I don't know if this method will work or not. Quickly go in. If you have any progress, don't forget to tell me. I will be worried."    


"Yes." Qin Zhixu said, saying, "Then I will go in first. I will call you later."    


After hanging up the phone, Qin Zhixu took a deep breath, pushed open the door, and walked into the living room.    


Once he entered, the living room immediately quieted down.    


Jian Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at him. "Disciple, why aren't you bowing to me? What are you trying to do?"    


Qin Zhixu coughed awkwardly. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Jian Rui run out.    


"Junior nephew?" Jian Rui ran to Jian Yi's side with a smile and said, "Brother, your method is too useful. Not only does he respect me, but he also made me sit on his shoulder when I got off the plane."    


"What method?" Luo Er asked curiously.    


After all, if they could order Qin Zhixu around, it would not be an ordinary trick.    


Jian Yi smiled faintly and said, "I just played a few games with him."    


"It's that simple?" Luo Er and Jian Chenrann both looked confused. Although they knew Qin Zhixu was a gaming maniac, if the game could make Qin Zhixu compromise, they would have played the game long ago.    


"Of course there are other things." Jian Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Zhixu. He smiled and said, "Disciple, do you think I should say it?"    


Qin Zhixu scratched his head guiltily and said, "This kind of small matter is not worth mentioning. You better not say it."    


Jian Yi smiled and said, "Then it depends on what you do."    


Qin Zhixu rolled his eyes and could only go forward and honestly say, "Master."    


"What are you going to call me?" Jian Rui pointed at herself excitedly.    


Qin Zhixu looked at her helplessly and unwillingly called out, "Junior Master."    


"You are so obedient!" Jian Rui giggled.    


Jian Yi nodded with satisfaction. He pointed at his chair and said, "Now take me back to my room. Your props were good last time. I like them."    


Qin Zhixu staggered and almost knelt on the ground. "I already called you Master. I don't need to give you the props, do I?"    


Jian Yi shook his head and said, "This is the rule."    


Qin Zhixu cursed in his heart, but he could only obediently bring Jian Yi back to his room.    


At this moment, he did not have any feelings of self-loathing or depression in his heart. He was very unwilling to give up on his game props.    


At night, everyone gathered around the dining table and ate hot pot.    


However, in order to take care of Jian Yi and Mo Tong, this hot pot was not spicy.    


Mo Tong sat beside Jian Haixi and felt the warmth of home for the first time.    


In his knowledge, he could only learn and receive punishment at home, but he did not know that he could still be as relaxed and at ease as he was now.    


After dinner, there was a nanny who came to clean up the bowls and chopsticks.    


Luo Er and Qin Zhixu played with the three children together.    


More accurately, it was a group of children who had not grown up playing games together.    


Later on, even Dou Ge and Dou Ming joined them.    



Jian Haixi listened to the sounds of games coming from the house, as well as Qin Zhixu's occasional howls. Jian Haixi smiled and shook her head. "In the past, people said hotpot was the fastest way to make friends. Now I think the game is the fastest way to make friends."    


Jian Chenrann nodded and said, "Indeed."    


Jian Haixi looked at him thoughtfully and asked, "Brother, have you discussed with Xiaodou this time? Is it really alright for you to leave her alone?"    


Hearing Jian Haixi mention Lin Xiaodou, Jian Chenrann froze and said somewhat unconfidently, "I feel that it is fine."    


Seeing his appearance, Jian Haixi frowned and said, "Brother, are you still going to lie to me?"    


Jian Chenrann was silent for a while, but he still did not say anything.    


Jian Haixi looked at his silent appearance and became even more worried. She could not help but urgently say, "Quickly tell me the truth, otherwise I will call Xiaodou to ask."    


"Don't call her." Jian Chenrann quickly said, "I will tell you the truth."    


Jian Haixi looked at him and asked, "What happened?"    


"We broke up."    


"What?" asked ___. Jian Haixi was shocked. She looked at Jian Chenrann in disbelief. "You broke up with Xiaodou? When did you break up? Why?"    


Jian Chenrann sighed. He rubbed his hair in frustration and said," This is all my fault. "    


"Of course I know it's all your fault." Jian Haixi rolled her eyes at him, but she saw how sad Jian Chenrann looked. She patted his shoulder and said, "Sit down first. I will pour you a cup of tea."    


When Jian Haixi brought tea over, she saw that Jian Chenrann was still maintaining the same posture as when she left. She could not help but sigh and say, "Brother, first tell me why you broke up with Xiaodou."    


"That night, when Xiaodou and I were taking a walk home, a man suddenly rushed out." Jian Chenrann slowly talked about the reason why he broke up with Lin Xiaodou.    


Jian Haixi heard his words and frowned. She said, "Someone suddenly appeared and beat you up? Why didn't you tell me about this?"    


"My injuries are not serious." Jian Chenrann shook his head and said, "I can see that that person did not really want to do anything to me. It was more like he was testing my bottom line. But Xiaodou was frightened. There were still people following us during that period of time. In addition to the matter of the Mo Family, Xiaodou had been in a tense state all along. After that man left, Xiaodou was so scared that she cried."    


Jian Chenrann paused for a moment. He continued, "When Xiaodou was applying medicine for me, she said that she was very afraid and she was also very worried about me. She hoped that I could temporarily live with her in another place. I refused."    


"And then?" Jian Haixi looked at Jian Chenrann and said, "Brother, did you break up with Xiaodou because of this matter?"    


"I didn't really want to break up with her at that time." Jian Chenrann explained, "Actually, I was also very afraid. I was worried that Xiaodou would be in danger if she stayed by my side, but I couldn't leave."    


Jian Haixi sighed and said, "So you think you can use breaking up to protect Xiaodou's safety?"    


Jian Chenrann nodded.    


"Brother, why are you so stupid?" Jian Haixi said helplessly, "You think this is right. Xiaodou might not think this is right. All her fear and worry was not because she was worried about her own safety but because she loved you."    


Jian Chenrann said regretfully, "I know what she is thinking now, but it is already too late. Before I came here, I went to look for her. I hope she can forgive me for continuing to fall in love with me. She forgave me, but she doesn't want to fall in love with me anymore. "    


Jian Haixi looked at Jian Chenrann like this and did not know how to comfort him. She could only reach out and pat his shoulder, "Brother, Xiaodou loves you very much. She has loved you for many years. I think she will not be willing to completely break up with you. As long as you can persevere. Let her see your sincerity, she will definitely forgive you."    


Jian Chenrann was stunned for a moment. He suddenly looked up at Jian Haixi and asked, "Really?"    


"Yes, it is." Jian Haixi nodded and said, "Brother, I am sorry. I have been focusing on my own matters during this period of time. I have forgotten to care about you."    


"Silly girl." Jian Chenrann smiled. He reached out to touch Jian Haixi's head and said, "It's good that you can take care of yourself. I will take care of my matters."    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded. In her heart, she decided that she would find a chance to talk to Lin Xiaodou in the future.    


Xiang City, Mo Family mansion.    


In the room, Ning Jiwei looked at the man in front of him with a complicated expression. He did not speak for a long time.    


This man was the current patriarch of Mo Family, Mo Wanshaan. He was also Ning Jiwei's biological father.    


He looked to be in his forties or fifties, and his appearance was somewhat similar to Ning Jiwei's. He was currently sitting in a wheelchair, and there was even an infusion needle inserted into the back of his hand.    


Mo Wanshaan looked at Ning Jiwei for a long time, then waved at Ning Jiwei and said, "Come over and help me remove the infusion needle."    


Ning Jiwei looked at the medicine bottle that was still dripping, and said coldly, "Wait until the medicine is gone, then take the needle off."    


Mo Wanshaan smiled, raised his hand, and pulled out the infusion needle.    


Ning Jiwei looked at him. He did not stop Mo Wanshaan. He only slightly frowned.    


Mo Wanshaan looked at him and said, "If you want to take charge of Mo Family, then you can't be merciful. Regarding this, you are still far from it."    


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