CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C41 Disappointment

C41 Disappointment

0Jian Haixi sent the two children to school and left.    


Jian Yi and Jian Rui had just walked into the school gate when they saw Gu Xiaomian running over while panting.    


When Jian Yi saw Gu Xiaomian, he subconsciously frowned.    


When he saw Gu Xiaomian running in front of Jian Rui without stopping and was about to hug her, Jian Yi's reaction was even more straightforward. He directly stretched out a leg. The sole of the shoe faced Gu Xiaomian's chest. "Gu Ruanruan, if you continue forward, I don't mind leaving a shoe print on your clothes."    


Gu Xiaomian looked at the bottom of Jian Yi's shoe and then unwillingly stopped. He panted and said to Jian Rui, "Rui, good morning! I have been waiting for you here for a long time."    


Jian Rui looked at him and felt a little guilty. After all, it was she who bit his arm until it bled. At this time, she did not want to say something bad to him, so she asked, "Why are you waiting for me?"    


Gu Xiaomian smiled. He proudly raised his bandaged arm and said, "Rui, I have your seal here. You must be responsible for me in the future!"    


Before Jian Rui could say anything, Jian Yi could not stand it anymore and stretched out his fist. "Get lost, or I will cripple your other arm too!"    


Gu Xiaomian was scared by his fist. He took two steps back in fear.    


Although they were the same age and Jian Yi's fist was not as big as his fat little hand, for some reason, when Jian Yi lost his temper, he would be very afraid.    


"Big brother!"    


Jian Rui saw that Jian Yi was really angry and she quickly pulled his arm and said, "Big brother, what are you doing?"    


Jian Yi coldly snorted. He looked at Gu Xiaomian who had not left and said, "You are not leaving yet? If you dare to speak nonsense again in the future, I will beat you up every time I see you!"    


"Jian Yi!"    


Jian Rui looked at Gu Xiaomian and said, "Gu Ruanruan, you go back to class first."    


Then she pulled Jian Yi's arm and dragged him away.    


In the small field, Jian Yi and Jian Rui stood opposite each other. Jian Yi looked indifferent, while Jian Rui pouted with a serious expression.    


"Brother, you were too fierce to Gu Ruanruan just now. If you do this, all the children will be afraid of you. No one will dare to make friends with you anymore."    


Jian Yi did not care and said, "I do not need friends, especially the children of the lower grades."    


Whenever he thought about how he wanted to roll in mud and snatch toys like other six years old children, he felt goosebumps all over his body. If those hackers in the hackers knew that he usually did these things, they would definitely laugh at him.    


"Brother!" Jian Rui said, "You can't say that. Everyone needs friends. Mommy told me to watch you because she didn't want you to be too lonely."    


Jian Yi looked at her and said, "With a talkative person like you by my side, I won't be lonely."    


Jian Rui sighed. She took two steps forward and patted Jian Yi's face with her little hands. "Brother, I know you are a genius, but there is a very simple reason that you don't know?"    


"What reason?"    


Jian Rui said seriously, "Friends are not measured by value."    


Jian Yi was stunned.    


Jian Rui continued, "Just like Gu Ruanruan, his grades are not as good as mine. His grades are even worse than yours. To me, he can't help me with my studies. At most, he can lead me astray. Usually, we don't have much interaction with each other in our lives, but this doesn't stop me from making friends with him. And if you make too many friends, they will always help you in different ways. Whether it's experience or learning. If Gu Ruanruan didn't give me chocolate, I wouldn't have known there was this brand of chocolate! Gu Ruanruan's chocolate is really delicious!"    


Jian Yi had been listening attentively at first, but when he heard Jian Rui's infatuated look of longing for chocolate, he couldn't help but knock her head speechlessly." The topic is wrong, my dear sister. "    


"I'll continue." Jian Rui was not angry even after he knocked on her. She covered her forehead with one hand and continued, "So we all need to make friends. And if you don't like children, You also have big friends! For example, your friends on your computer and your friends on WeChat. They are all your friends, but you are too fierce and cruel. That's why they don't dare to talk to you face to face."    


Jian Yi raised his eyebrows. He knew that she was talking about Ning Jiwei. He couldn't help but smile and say, "The person on WeChat isn't my friend."    


"You are stubborn." Jian Rui pouted. "If you were not friends, would you chat with him every day?"    


After she said that, she curled her lips and left.    


Looking at Jian Rui's back as she left, Jian Yi exhaled and took out his phone to stare at Ning Jiwei's WeChat profile picture. After a while, he sighed and said to himself, "Dad, when will I be able to tell my sister your real identity? When will I be able to call you dad openly? "    


In order to make up for the scandal that had affected the engagement between Sung Family and Ning Family, Sung Family also wanted to prove to the outside world that Sung Lan was Ning Jiwei's legitimate fiancée. The Sung Family was the relative of the Ning Family. They had specially prepared a banquet before the engagement ceremony between Ning Jiwei and Sung Lan. They had invited a lot of business friends.    


The Sung Family thought that as long as the banquet was a success, they would be able to save the Sung Family's face. However, they didn't expect that this invitation would be coldly rejected by Ning Jiwei even before it was handed over to him.    


Sung Lan brought the invitation letter to Ning Jiwei's office once again. She pleaded, "Ji Wei, I don't blame you for what happened between Jian Haixi and you. I don't care about the past anymore. In the future, I will listen to whatever you say. Just this time, can you accompany me to the banquet? If you don't go, what will the others think of me? Ji Wei, can you bear to see me being mocked and ridiculed by them?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at her and sneered, "Why can't I?"    


"Ji Wei."    


___ nodded. "Sung Lan," he said.    


Ning Jiwei stopped spinning the pen between his thumb and index finger. His eyes were cold. "You grew up in this environment. Even if you are stupid, you should understand some simple principles."    


"What?" Sung Lan looked at Ning Jiwei blankly.    


Ning Jiwei's lips curled up into a cruel smile. His words were like the frost in the winter. "Why did I agree to be engaged to you? Do you really not understand? You actually deluded yourself that there would be love between us. Should I say that you are naive or that you are stupid? "    


"It is not like that."    


Sung Lan shook her head while crying and refused to believe what Ning Jiwei said.    


"Ji Wei, we have love. We have been together for so many years."    


"So many years, I took the initiative to look for you?" Ning Jiwei said coldly.    


Sung Lan froze for a moment, and then she felt a chill in her heart.    


Yes, Ning Jiwei had never taken the initiative to look for her. Not only that, she was the one who took the initiative to look for him on their dates.    


"But you used to be so good to me." Sung Lan said with difficulty. She just wanted to find a trace of evidence that Ning Jiwei had love for her in the past.    


Ning Jiwei smiled and said, "I am good to you? You mean I gave you the black card when you cried?"    


Sung Lan nodded.    


Ning Jiwei said, "That's because I was annoyed by your crying."    


"It's not like that. I don't believe it!" Sung Lan broke down and cried.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Sung Lan and said coldly, "Actually, if you did not scheme against me, I could still treat you the same way as before. Although I don't love you, at least I won't treat you unfairly. It's a pity that you schemed against me. "    


Sung Lan took two steps back and looked at Ning Jiwei, speechless.    


Ning Jiwei said, "I do not resist commercial marriage. As long as this marriage can bring me value, it will be fine. But as a business sacrifice, you should have the self-awareness of a sacrifice. Don't be naive and hope for things you shouldn't have. "    


Sung Lan left the office in a daze and walked to the parking lot. She thought that after she went home, she would not be able to explain to her father. After the banquet, she would be ridiculed and ridiculed by others. She could not help but squat on the ground and cry.    


After crying for a long time, Sung Lan stood up.    


She was not willing to give up just like that.    


Sung Lan looked at Ning Jiwei's car and bit her lips. She first drove her car to the corner and then squatted there.    


As long as Ning Jiwei came down, she would beg him properly, even if she knelt down for him. There were a lot of people in the parking lot after work, and there were so many people passing by. Ning Jiwei would always agree to her out of consideration for his face.    


Sung Lan thought this way.    


On the other side, when they were about to get off work, Jian Haixi brought the design drafts to Ning Jiwei's office to get his signature.    


Jian Haixi entered the office and placed the drafts on the table. "Director, these documents need your signature."    


Ning Jiwei looked up at her and nodded.    


Jian Haixi stood by the side and waited. There was a table between them.    


Ning Jiwei signed his name and Jian Haixi took the design drafts. She heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Director, I will go and do my work first."    


After saying that, she took the design drafts and placed them in front of her chest. She turned around and was about to leave.    


Before she walked to the door, she heard Ning Jiwei's voice. "Jian Haixi, do you have anything else to do?"    


Jian Haixi paused and looked back at him. She asked doubtfully, "What else do I have to do?"    


She thought that Ning Jiwei was talking about the design drafts. She shook her head and said, "Director, there are only so many drafts for the time being. There is nothing else for the time being."    


Ning Jiwei looked at her serious look when she talked about work. The corner of his mouth could not help but twitch. He gritted his teeth and smiled. "I mean, other than work, you have nothing else to say to me?"    




Jian Haixi looked at his eyes and suddenly realized that he was referring to the matter between them. Her tensed little face suddenly turned red. She stammered, "I have nothing to say."    


As she spoke, she did not dare to look at Ning Jiwei.    


Seeing her shy look, Ning Jiwei's depressed mood finally turned for the better.    


He pulled the chair open and strode in front of her. He reached over her shoulder, grabbed the door handle, and twisted it, then locked the office door.    




Jian Haixi wanted to ask him what he wanted to do, but before she could finish, he grabbed her waist and pulled her into his arms.    


Ning Jiwei pressed against her forehead and said flirtatiously, "Since you can't remember what you want to say to me, then I think I need to help you remember."    


"Remind what?" Jian Haixi felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest.    


Ning Jiwei stroked her lips with one hand, from the corner of his mouth to her chin, then to her neck, and then to her collarbone.    


The place where his index finger slid lightly, she trembled.    


Ning Jiwei walked forward and pressed Jian Haixi against the wall. He smiled and said, "Of course it's to remember what we did."    


After he finished speaking, he kissed her.    


Jian Haixi finally understood what he meant by "done things."    


It was only when Jian Haixi was so infatuated that she could no longer stand on her feet that Ning Jiwei let go of her. However, he only let go slightly and his lips were still pressed against hers. "Why didn't you reply to my WeChat?"    


"I don't know what to reply to."    


"Then how do you think I should punish you?" As Ning Jiwei spoke, he gently pecked her lips.    


Jian Haixi moaned and fell into Ning Jiwei's arms. Her mind was almost blank. "I don't know."    


Ning Jiwei asked seductively, "Then why don't you come with me to eat?"    




By the time Jian Haixi reacted, she was already pulled to the parking lot by Ning Jiwei.    


The two of them rode in the same car and left. They did not notice that Sung Lan, who was in the corner, saw this scene.    


Sung Lan's heart was broken by Ning Jiwei and she did not dare to go back to face the people of Sung Family, so she went to the bar.    


She drank bottles after bottles of wine. She did not care about the name of the wine. She drank all of it.    


"I can still drink!"    


Sung Lan held the bottle of wine in a daze and poured the wine. There was a man beside her who approached. He deliberately put his hand on her shoulder and said flirtatiously, "Miss, are you alone? Do you want me to accompany you?"    


Sung Lan cried and laughed. She also fell into his arms and reached out to wrap around his neck, "You can drink with me."    


"No problem." As the man spoke, he took advantage of Sung Lan not noticing him and poured a packet of powder into her wine glass.    


"I'm so hot."    



"Hot?" The man hugged Sung Lan and kissed and touched her. He held her and walked out. "Then I'll take you to a cool place, okay?"    


Sung Lan followed the man out of the bar in a daze. Someone took a picture of her intimate appearance with the man.    


Lin Xiaodou looked at the video taken on her phone and frowned. "I think she looks very familiar. Where have I seen her before?"    


In the hospital.    


Xu Hui sat in front of the hospital bed and said with tearful eyes, "Fu Bang, help Ji Kang! If you don't bring him back, he will be ruined in Japan! Fu Bang, can you bear to watch helplessly? Ji Kang is your biological son! "    


Ning Fubaang rubbed his hair in annoyance and said," Do you think I never told Ji Wei about this? But Ji Wei has clearly decided on this matter. It's useless even if I say it. This matter is not something I can decide. You should go and find Ji Wei. "    


" Ji Wei? " "How could he listen to me?" Xu Hui asked.    


"Then who can be blamed?" Ning Fubaang coldly snorted, "This is all your fault. As long as you treat Ji Wei better, he would not be so cold to you."    


All these years, because of the mistakes he made back then, he felt that he owed Xu Hui. So he did not care about what she did at home. Fortunately, his youngest son was weak and sick when he was young and lived with the nanny. So even if Xu Hui did too much, she would not threaten him.    


It was just that he did not expect that the older the child, the more biased Xu Hui would be. Now, unexpectedly.    


"Can this all be blamed on me?"    


Xu Hui stared at Ning Fubaang resentfully. The tears in her eyes could not be wiped clean. " I admit that I can't get along well with Ji Wei, but who is the reason? If you did not cheat on me when I was carrying Ji Wei, how could I hate my own son so much? "    


All these years, she always wanted to forget what happened back then.    


She and Ning Fubaang were free to fall in love. They liked each other. Back then, they had also thought that they would love each other until they were old, but when she saw Ning Jiwei, She would always think of the things that happened in the past. His cheating partner was very arrogant. Because she was pregnant, her appearance became ugly, and her figure became bad.    


Sometimes, she would even think that if she had not been pregnant with Ning Jiwei at that time, her love would not have been perfect from the beginning to the end.    


"Shut up!"    


Ning Fubaang shouted at the top of his voice, as if someone had brought up a hidden stain and scar.    


"Are you afraid that I will bring this up?"    


Xu Hui sneered. The expression on her face was filled with resentment and sadness. "All these years, you did not want anyone to know about this. I have been holding it in. Everyone thought that you were a good husband and a good father, but who could understand the pain in my heart?"    


Ning Fubaang impatiently glanced at Xu Hui and said weakly, "Enough. Don't say anymore."    


"I want to say!"    


Xu Hui cried, "We have been husband and wife for so many years. You want to maintain your image, but I did not expose you. Now I only want my eldest son to return to my side. Is this matter that difficult? "    


Ning Fubaang did not speak. Xu Hui continued, "Don't forget that Ji Kang also has your bloodline flowing in his body. If he is really destroyed in Japan, then the Ning Family will be the one to lose face."    


Ning Fubaang looked at her coldly, "Are you threatening me?"    


Xu Hui's expression changed, and she cried, "I don't dare to threaten you. I just want my son to come back. I promise that as long as Ji Kang can come back, I will change. When the time comes, I will definitely treat Ji Wei well. After all, they are all my children."    


After listening to Xu Hui's words, Ning Fubaang was silent for a long time.    


Xu Hui observed his expression from the side and spoke tentatively, "Ning Fubaang."    


After Ning Fubaang thought for a while, he said coldly, "If you want Ji Wei to agree to Ji Kang's return, there is only one way."    


"What way? Tell me quickly. " Xu Hui's eyes lit up when she heard that he had a solution.    


Ning Fubaang sighed and stretched out his hand to let Xu Hui walk in front of him.    


Ning Fubaang's eyes flashed with a cold light when he saw Xu Hui walking towards him step by step.    


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