CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C152 Begging for Mercy.

C152 Begging for Mercy.

0Jian Haixi did not know how Luo Meng and Suen Yuqin talked, but when she came out again, only Luo Meng was sitting dejectedly on the sofa in the living room. She did not see Suen Yuqin.    


Jian Haixi walked closer and asked curiously, "Mr Luo, where is sister-in-law?"    


Luo Meng wiped his face and said with a bitter smile, "She left."    


"Did she leave?" Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment and asked with a frown, "Is it because of the misunderstanding just now? If it is, I can explain it to her."    


"It has nothing to do with you." Luo Meng shook his head. He sighed and leaned against the sofa.    


Jian Haixi saw the broken glass pieces on the floor. She pursed her lips and went to the kitchen to take out a broom to clean.    


Luo Meng heard the sound. He looked at Jian Haixi and said, "Haixi, put it there. I will get someone to clean it up later."    


"This is not a troublesome matter." Jian Haixi smiled and said, "I will clean it by the way. This way, no one will get hurt because of it."    


Luo Meng looked at the pile of glass debris and was a little dazed. "The wrong combination. No matter how beautiful its appearance is, it cannot withstand the test. Any slight collision can turn it into a pile of piercing glass debris."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She looked at the glass debris that was swept up and then smiled at Luo Meng. "Mr Luo, you are only half right."    


Luo Meng was stunned. He asked subconsciously," Which half? "    


Jian Haixi smiled. She put away the garbage and brought two more cups of tea. She sat down in front of the sofa and gave Luo Meng a cup of tea. She said, "Marriage is indeed like a beautiful and fragile glass cup. You are right about this metaphor, Mr Luo. But the second half of your sentence is not right. "    


"What is wrong with it?"    


Jian Haixi looked at the glass cup in her hand. She seemed to recall the process of her and Ning Jiwei's journey. A smile gradually appeared on her lips. "The glass is fragile, so it needs our attention and maintenance more. If the purpose of marriage is to be stable, then we might as well carry a block of stone home. "    


Jian Haixi's words stunned Luo Meng. Then a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He nodded and said with emotion, "You are right. I was wrong from the beginning."    


"Mr Luo."    


"I am fine," ___ said. Luo Meng blinked his slightly sore eyes. He waved to Jian Haixi to tell her not to worry about him. "Three feet of ice is not a day of cold. The problem between Yu Qin and me is not something that can be solved overnight."    


Jian Haixi opened her mouth but she did not ask. After all, this was Luo Meng's private matter.    


"Actually, I am quite envious of your family." Luo Meng said, "You and Ji Wei are connected in love, and Yi and Rui are so sensible and cute. Even though Yi has left you for half a year, your hearts are still in the same place. "    


Jian Haixi thought for a moment and said, "I think communication is the most important. There have been problems between Ji Wei and me. It's just that we have communicated and solved it in time. If we allow the conflict to expand, the conflict will only end up like a snowball rolling on the ground."    


" That's right. " Luo Meng nodded and said, "Yu Qin and I probably rolled the snowball too big. She is a very proud person, and I do not like to explain. With our personalities, coupled with some difficulties and misunderstandings, the knot in our hearts is formed just like that. "    


Jian Haixi saw Luo Meng's feelings for Suen Yuqin and tried to persuade," Actually sister-in-law being willing to come over means that she still cares about you. "    


"Suen Yuqin is doing it for the Suen Family." Luo Meng laughed at himself and said, "I don't need anything else now. I just hope that our daughter will not be affected by this."    


"Luo Er."    


Jian Haixi thought of the innocent Luo Er and sighed for a moment.    


Jian Haixi had never thought that the lively Luo Er would actually grow up in such a family environment.    


"In our family, the word 'home' has long existed in name. Outsiders can only see our brilliance but not the intrinsic malformation."    


Jian Haixi silently sighed. She did not know what to say and could only reach out and pat Luo Meng's shoulder.    


"Haixi, you always say that I am your benefactor. Actually, you are also my benefactor." Luo Meng smiled.    


"Us?" Jian Haixi was a little puzzled. "Mr Luo, why do you say that?"    


Luo Meng smiled and said, "To be more precise, Yi is the benefactor of our family. Because of my relationship with Yu Qin, Luo Er's character has been very solitary since young. She would rather stay in the house and play computer games than interact with her family. Later on, we discovered that Luo Er's personality started to become more extroverted. The smile on her face also increased, and she slowly regained her confidence."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She thought about it and asked, "Is it because you joined Yi's group?"    


"Yes." Luo Meng nodded and said, "I only found out later that Luo Er found a group of like-minded friends. But at that time, I was worried that she would be fooled. So, half a year ago, when I found out that she was going to help Yi personally, I followed. I didn't expect that I would save Yi because of this."    


Jian Haixi looked at Luo Meng in amazement. After a while, she smiled and shook her head. "I really did not think that we would have such fate."    


"Yes." Luo Meng said, and said, "This is probably fate. Yi saved my daughter first, then I had the chance to help Yi. Later, after I met you and Ji Wei, I felt that this was our fate. "    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded." It seems that we are destined to be good friends. "    


In The Gu family, Yun Ling hugged Jian Rui and sat on the sofa. "Rui, thank you very much this time."    


Jian Rui scratched her head and said with a smile, "Uncle Yun Ling, you are too polite. In the future, if you have this kind of matter, you can look for me at any time."    


Yun Ling smiled and shook his head. "I hope there won't be a next time."    


" Rui, you eat cherries. " Gu Chenyi handed the washed cherries to Jian Rui. He smiled and pointed at her nose. "Today, you are our great contributor."    


"First Dad, Little Dad, have you forgotten about me?" Gu Xiaomian pouted and pointed at himself with dissatisfaction. "I helped too. I am also a meritorious person!"    


Gu Chenyi rolled his eyes at him and said, "Aren't you from the The Gu family? Isn't this what you should do? "    


Gu Xiaomian was stunned. He thought for a moment. This was indeed what he should do.    


Gu Xiaomian could not find an excuse, so he snorted gloomily. He reached out and grabbed a few cherries and stuffed them into his mouth. He said, "I don't care. Anyway, I want to eat cherries too."    


Yun Ling took out a tissue to help him wipe the juice from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "Who won't let you eat? Slow down. Don't forget to spit out the cherry seeds."    


" Little Dad is still good to me. " Gu Xiaomian said vaguely as he ate.    


However, before he could finish, he saw Yun Ling holding a tissue to help Jian Rui wipe the corner of her mouth. Not only that, Yun Ling also carefully helped Jian Rui remove the cherry blossom seeds.    


Gu Xiaomian looked enviously at the cherry juice in Jian Rui's hand. He licked his tongue and looked at Yun Ling and said, "Little Dad, I want to drink it too."    


"There's one in the fridge. You can take it yourself." Gu Chenyi said.    


Gu Xiaomian curled his lips. He turned around and went to the fridge to get some cherries.    


Jian Rui was flattered and said to Yun Ling, "Uncle Yun Ling, you really don't need to thank me. Besides, if Uncle Gu did not go to the school to help us cover up today, I would have been punished by Daddy by now."    


Yun Ling smiled and patted Jian Rui's head, "You can play with Xiaomian. Uncle Gu and I will work first. "    


"You guys go ahead with your work." Jian Rui nodded obediently. She looked at Gu Chenyi and reminded him, "Uncle Gu, you must not tell me about Daddy."    


"Don't worry." Gu Chenyi winked at her. He made a zipper gesture by his lips. Jian Rui giggled.    


Gu Xiaomian came out with a big cup of peach juice. He saw that they were not in the living room. He could not help asking, "Where are my First Dad and Little Dad?"    


"They are in the study." Jian Rui held a pen and waved at Gu Xiaomian. "Gu Ruanruan, I found a fun game. Come over quickly."    


"What game?" Gu Xiaomian walked over curiously. He obediently stretched out his arm, which was wrapped in bandages, according to Jian Rui's instructions.    


Jian Rui picked up a crayons and drew a pig's head on it. She smiled at Gu Xiaomian and said, "Gu Ruanruan, does this look like you?"    


"I am much more handsome than second senior brother!" Gu Xiaomian said discontentedly.    


Jian Rui raised her eyebrows and handed the crayons to Gu Xiaomian. " Okay, I will also allow you to draw on it."    


"Okay!" Gu Xiaomian excitedly took the crayons. He drew as he thought, "Rui is pretty and cute. You are like a little rabbit."    


"Then I want to draw another big turtle."    


"Then I will draw another duck."    


The two of them used crayons to draw. They were having a lot of fun.    


In the study, Yun Ling and Gu Chenyi could not laugh.    


Yun Ling smiled and said, "If it wasn't for Rui today, we might really have no choice but to send them to the hospital now."    


Gu Chenyi also sighed. He reached out and patted the back of Yun Ling's hand and said, "Have you thought of what to do next? They didn't succeed today. They definitely won't let it go."    


Yun Ling said with a mocking smile, "Of course they won't let this matter rest. Otherwise, why would I still be restricted by them today?"    


Gu Chenyi hesitated and said, "Do you want to consider Ning Jiwei's suggestion?"    


Ning Jiwei had once given them a suggestion. At that time, the two of them did not nod in agreement because they felt that the method was too decisive.    


However, because of today's matter, it changed Gu Chenyi's opinion of Yun Family.    


If you showed mercy to them, it would only make them take an inch for an inch.    


Yun Ling was silent for a moment. Then, he picked up his phone and dialed Ning Jiwei's number.    


"Hello, it's me. Yes, I plan to accept your suggestion."    


Yun Ling hung up the phone. He closed his eyes and said with a bitter smile, "Initially, I didn't want to be so ruthless, but I didn't expect that they would make me break my last shred of friendship with the Yun Family. Now, I only feel disgust towards that family. "    


Gu Chenyi sighed, pressed his shoulder and said, "They are not your family at all, but you still have Xiaomian and me. Don't feel sad for those unrelated people. It's not worth it. "    


Yun Ling nodded. Just as he was about to say something, Gu Chenyi's phone rang.    


Gu Chenyi looked at the caller ID. He smiled and said, "One just hung up and the other called."    


Yun Ling looked and saw that the caller was not Jian Haixi. Who else could it be?    


Gu Chenyi smiled and picked up the call. Just as he was about to say something, he heard Jian Haixi say, "Where's Rui?"    


Gu Chenyi was stunned for a moment. He keenly felt that something was not right and laughed dryly to cover it up. "Haixi, are you looking for Rui? Isn't she at school? I haven't gone to pick up the child yet."    


" Don't lie! " Jian Haixi directly interrupted Gu Chenyi's words and said, "I saw the surveillance camera."    


Gu Chenyi nodded helplessly and said, "Alright, since you have found the evidence, of course I have to confess."    


Jian Haixi was speechless. "If I did not know about this matter, you would still want to hide it from me, right?"    


"Actually, it is not Rui's fault." Gu Chenyi explained, "Children like to play, and Rui is also getting closer to Mo Tong."    


"Is this how they get closer to each other?" Jian Haixi laughed and said, "I have never seen anyone hurt each other to get closer to each other."    


"Just because you have never seen it doesn't mean that you have never seen it." Gu Chenyi said proudly, "Let me tell you, today we really relied on this to enter the Mo Family."    


"You guys went to the Mo Family?" Jian Haixi asked.    


Gu Chenyi reached out and slapped his mouth. "We didn't stay long. We just met and chatted for a while."    


"Gu Chenyi!" Jian Haixi was angry and said, "Why do I feel like everything is out of track once I leave? Rui is not sensible. Are you messing around too?"    


Jian Haixi said and waved her hand, "Forget it. I will not tell you. Where is Rui?"    


" Wait a minute. I will give the phone to Rui now. "    


Gu Chenyi heard that Jian Haixi let him go and immediately let out a sigh of relief. At this moment, he could not care about protecting Jian Rui. Otherwise, he would not be able to protect himself.    


Yun Ling looked at the figure of him rushing downstairs to deliver the phone. He smiled and shook his head. After thinking for a while, he dialed Ning Jiwei's number again.    


Downstairs, Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian were having fun when they suddenly saw Gu Chenyi running over with the phone in his hand.    


"First Dad, did you burn your butt?" Gu Xiaomian asked.    


"Soon!" Gu Chenyi rolled his eyes at his son and handed the phone to Jian Rui. "Rui, your mommy's number."    


"What?" Jian Rui was stunned. Just as she was about to take the phone, she saw Gu Chenyi holding the phone and whispering to her, "Your mommy knows. You have to be careful."    


Jian Rui opened her mouth wide in shock. She swallowed her saliva in fear and carefully took the phone. "Hello, mommy."    


"Jian Rui, didn't you promise that you will be obedient? Tell me, where did you go today? Were you going to school? I think you went on an outing!"    


Just as Jian Rui picked up the phone, she heard Jian Haixi scolding her. She could not help but curl her lips and say, "Mommy."    



"Don't act spoiled!" Jian Haixi sternly said.    


Jian Rui stuck out her tongue. If she had known this would happen, she would have talked to her brother first. She forgot that her brother could watch the surveillance camera.    


Jian Rui was obediently scolded by Jian Haixi for a while and repeatedly promised not to climb trees or go to dangerous places in the future. After Gu Chenyi put in a good word for Jian Rui, Jian Haixi hung up the phone.    


After she hung up the phone, she let out a long sigh of relief. She handed the phone to Gu Chenyi and said, "Uncle Gu, I didn't expect you to be afraid of my mommy too."    


"Nonsense." Gu Chenyi raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm not afraid of him, I'm just elegant. All men have to be gentlemanly towards girls. "    


"That's right." Gu Xiaomian nodded at Jian Rui and said, "Rui, this is how my First Dad taught me, so I will also be gentlemanly towards you."    


"Really?" Jian Rui asked.    


"Yes." Gu Xiaomian patted his chest and promised.    


"That's great. This wall will be drawn by me. Don't fight with me over it!" Jian Rui giggled as she contracted the entire wall. Gu Xiaomian had a bitter face and nodded. "Alright, can I be your assistant?"    


"Sure." Jian Rui pointed to the chair beside the sofa and said, "Little assistant, go and bring the chair over for me."    




Gu Chenyi looked at the two "busy" people and wanted to say something but stopped himself.    


Didn't they want to ask for his opinion? After all, he was the owner of this place.    


He looked at the "outstanding works" on the wall and sighed. He turned around and went upstairs.    


In the study, Yun Ling had just finished the phone call with Ning Jiwei. He was about to hang up when Gu Chenyi walked in and asked, "Who are you talking to?"    


"Ji Wei." Yun Ling then asked, "What's wrong?"    


Gu Chenyi grabbed the phone and said, "I need to find a painter to come to my house."    


The entire living room of Yun Family was shrouded in a depressing atmosphere.    


Yun Xiaoxiao complained to Yun's father in a lovely voice, "Dad, you didn't see how much Yun Ling went overboard at that time. He just watched my grandmother fall to the ground and let the people around mock and bully us."    


Yun's father frowned and asked, "Yun Ling didn't say anything?"    


"He said he wanted to cut off relations with us." Yun Xiaoxiao snorted and said, "Also, Gu Chenyi joined forces with their son to act and bully us."    


"This is too much!" Yun's father was so angry that he slammed the table and said, "I have to call Yun Ling."    


"What's the use of calling?" Old Mrs. Yun coldly snorted and said, "If he would listen to you, we wouldn't have to wait until today."    


"That's right, Hubby. Don't waste your energy." A proud smile flashed across Yun Xiaoxiao's mother's eyes. She hugged Yun's father's arm and said, "Yun Ling has not treated us as family for a long time. Why do you need to contact him?"    


Yun's father looked at Old Mrs. Yun hesitantly and said, "Then what should we do now?"    


"Grandma, you have to think of a way." Yun Xiaoxiao cuddled Old Mrs. Yun's thigh coquettishly and begged, "Whether our family can live or not depends on you. Now other than you, no one else can subdue Yun Ling."    


"Don't worry, I already have a plan." Old Mrs. Yun sneered.    


"Mom, what do you plan to do?" Yun's father asked.    


Old Mrs. Yun narrowed her eyes and said, "When dealing with people like Yun Ling, you have to be more ruthless than him. Once you are ruthless, he will naturally be afraid."    


"Grandma is right." Yun Xiaoxiao said, "In the past, the reason why Yun Ling did not dare to be disobedient was because we have grasped his weakness. It is the same now."    


"Yes." Old Mrs. Yun nodded and said, "Don't worry. I have already found a good person. Next, we will wait for Yun Ling to come back and beg for mercy."    


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