CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C176 Disdain

C176 Disdain

0After Jian Rui got off the car, she ran madly towards the crowded place. She did not dare to look back at Mo Tong. She was afraid that if she looked at him, she would lose the courage to move her feet again.    


She did not know how Mo Tong stopped Butler. In any case, Jian Rui ran for a few minutes and did not see anyone chasing after her.    


She hid in a children's playground in the shopping mall first. She wanted to call Ning Jiwei with her phone, but when she reached out to touch it, she found that the phone had dropped in the car.    


Jian Rui stomped her feet anxiously and was about to borrow a phone from the people around her when a woman wearing a mask suddenly walked towards her.    


"Little sister, did you encounter any trouble?" This woman asked gently.    


Jian Rui nodded and said, "Auntie, I need to call Daddy. Can you lend me your phone?"    


"Of course." The woman answered with a smile. She took out her phone and handed it to Jian Rui.    


"Thank you, Auntie." Jian Rui took the phone and thanked her repeatedly, but she did not expect it. Just as she turned around and was about to make the call, the smile on the woman's face disappeared. Then she silently took out a syringe from her pocket and stabbed it into Jian Rui's back when she was not paying attention.    


Before Jian Rui finished dialing the number, she felt a pain on her back and then she fainted.    


Seeing Jian Rui's figure lying on the ground, this woman took off her mask and revealed a cruel smile on her ferocious face.    


At the same time, Ning Jiwei, who received a call from Gu Chenyi, was rushing to Mo Tong's house. After sending Gu Xiaomian home, Gu Chenyi also hurried over.    


However, when they arrived at Mo Tong's house, they found that the door of Mo Family was tightly shut, as if there was no one there.    


"Could it be that they didn't come back?" Gu Chenyi asked curiously.    


"Impossible." Ning Jiwei said coldly, "Rui's phone has a location. It shows that it is here."    


Gu Chenyi frowned and asked, "Did you check the surveillance?"    


Ning Jiwei shook his head. "It's too late. I asked Yi to check it. Let's search this place first."    


Gu Chenyi nodded in agreement. He looked at the door in front of him and scratched his head in annoyance. "What should we do with this door? If we force our way in, I'm afraid it will cause a disturbance. "    


It was extremely difficult to open the lock of such a door. If they forcefully broke the lock and entered, it would definitely alert the people inside and around. At that time, whether it was saving people or other actions, it would not be smooth.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the tightly locked door and turned his head to size up his surroundings.    


"Don't think about it. When I came here earlier, I noticed that the wall of their house is ridiculously high. Even if you go up, you won't be able to come down." Gu Chenyi said.    


Ning Jiwei turned around and entered the car. He parked the car next to the wall.    


"Hey, don't tell me you really want to..." Gu Chenyi was about to ask something when he saw Ning Jiwei take out a rope from the toolbox in the trunk of the car. He immediately swallowed the question that was in his mouth.    


"When did you prepare this?" Gu Chenyi asked curiously, "You are the dignified Director of Maiteng. When you drive out, you still have a hemp rope?"    


Ning Jiwei said coldly, "Stop talking nonsense. Hurry up."    


"Alright." Gu Chenyi smiled sharply and took off his suit. "With your hemp rope, this place is not a problem for us."    


Ning Jiwei put one hand on the roof of the car and jumped into the car. He threw the rope over the iron fence on the wall and tied a knot.    


With the help of the rope, Ning Jiwei climbed up the iron fence and easily fell to the ground.    


Gu Chenyi shook his head when he saw Ning Jiwei's nimble movements.    


He originally thought that Ning Jiwei's skills were not bad, and he had once thought that he would stand up for Jian Haixi and beat him up. Now it seemed that it was fortunate that he did not make a move at that time, or else he would not know who would beat him up.    


After entering the Mo Family, Gu Chenyi said based on his memory, "Two levels. The living room on the first floor, the bedroom on the second floor. I will go to the first floor. You can go to the second floor. It will be faster this way."    


Ning Jiwei nodded. He stretched out his hand and gave Gu Chenyi an ear. Mai said, "Contact me anytime."    


Gu Chenyi took the earpiece and nodded at Ning Jiwei. "Don't worry. Since they have ulterior motives, Rui will be fine."    


Ning Jiwei nodded and did not say anything. He knew Jian Rui would not be in danger, but even if it was a little bit of harm, he did not want his daughter to suffer.    


After Gu Chenyi entered the living room, he quickly searched the first floor. He checked from the kitchen to the bathroom and didn't miss a single one.    


Ning Jiwei went up to the second floor. He searched every room, but there were no signs of anyone moving in every room.    


As time passed, Ning Jiwei's patience gradually wore out. Just as he was about to open the last door in the corner, Jian Yi's voice suddenly came from his earpiece.    


"Daddy, Rui is not in Mo Family!"    


"What?" Ning Jiwei and Gu Chenyi were shocked when they heard the voice coming from the headphones.    


Jian Yi quickly said, "I checked. Only Butler and Mo Tong got out of the car. There was no Rui."    


"That's impossible, right?" Gu Chenyi was also anxious. "Rui followed them. Butler wanted to catch Rui so badly. How could they let her go?"    


Ning Jiwei was silent for two seconds. He ordered coldly, "Chen Yi, you handle the rest of the things. I will go to the garage to take a look."    


"No problem. You go quickly." Gu Chenyi replied.    


Ning Jiwei jumped down from the window on the second floor. He said to Jian Yi as he rushed to the garage, "Yi, start checking the surveillance cameras at the school entrance. See if there are any abnormalities on the road."    


"I'm already checking." Jian Yi said, "But there are too many roads at the school. I need time."    


In fact, he and Dou Ming were already checking together. But no matter how fast they were, they still needed to spend a certain amount of time.    


Ning Jiwei rushed to the garage, and Gu Chenyi also quickly finished searching the first floor.    


After Gu Chenyi got nothing, he wanted to meet up with Ning Jiwei, but he stopped after taking two steps.    


He stood at the staircase and looked at the second floor. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Since they all went home, why didn't they see anyone?"    


Jian Yi said, "Uncle Gu, I checked the surveillance. I didn't see Butler and Mo Tong coming out."    


Ning Jiwei said, "Chen Yi, I still have a room on the second floor that I haven't found. It's the one around the corner."    


"Okay, I got it." Gu Chenyi nodded and went straight to the room at the corner of the second floor.    


In the garage, Ning Jiwei found the car with the broken window, but there was only Jian Rui's phone inside.    


"There's no one in the garage." Ning Jiwei said.    


Jian Yi also reported, "Daddy, I found out that Rui got out of the car halfway!"    


When Ning Jiwei heard this, his mood immediately relaxed, "Chen Yi, let's go."    


Gu Chenyi's voice had a strange tone, and he said with a bitter smile, "I think I might not be able to leave."    


In the small room, Gu Chenyi looked at Butler, who was standing in front of him, and Mo Tong, who was lying on the ground. Mo Tong was tied up with explosives. He smiled bitterly and spread out his hands. "There's no need to be like this. Can't we have a good chat?"    


"Sure." Butler smiled and said, "What do you want to talk about? We can talk now."    


Gu Chenyi pointed at the explosives on Mo Tong's body. "How about you stop the bombs first?"    


"I can't do that." Butler said regretfully, "Only the activation device is not stopped. Once it is activated, it will not stop."    


Gu Chenyi's mouth slightly twitched. He could turn around and leave, but he looked at Mo Tong, who was lying in a pool of blood and on the verge of death. He really couldn't leave this child behind.    


"We can't discuss this anymore?" Gu Chenyi asked.    


Butler shook his head and smiled. "Sorry, we can't talk about it."    


"Alright then." Gu Chenyi nodded. He rolled up his sleeves and threw a punch at Butler.    


Since he couldn't reason with him, he could only use force.    


He could not dismantle the bomb, but he could take the person away.    


Butler saw Gu Chenyi making a move. Not only was he not afraid, he even welcomed Gu Chenyi with ease.    


Gu Chenyi also restrained his expression. He had tested Butler before, and he knew that this Butler was a hidden expert.    


The two of them had exchanged dozens of blows, but not only did Gu Chenyi not gain any advantage, he even suffered a loss.    


After Gu Chenyi's mouth was punched once again, he took two steps back and stopped.    


Butler waved his hand and smiled. "I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I underestimated you in the past."    


Gu Chenyi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "I underestimated you too."    


They were about to attack again when the door was suddenly kicked open from outside. Ning Jiwei stood at the door, panting slightly.    


Gu Chenyi saw Ning Jiwei coming and heaved a sigh of relief. "You are here. I will leave this matter to you."    


Ning Jiwei nodded and turned to look at Butler.    


When Ning Jiwei saw Ning Jiwei, he became more interested in talking. Even the smile on his face became more sincere, "It was worth it to use Mo Tong to attract you."    


Butler paused and continued, "Or should I call you Young Master Ning now?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at him. He was too lazy to say a word and punched him.    


Compared to Gu Chenyi, Ning Jiwei's skills were fierce and fierce. He did not give Butler any room to react from the beginning.    


Butler was in a very sorry state. Gu Chenyi, who was standing beside him, took the opportunity to hug Mo Tong.    


Mo Tong's mouth was still wrapped with tape. Gu Chenyi helped him pull the tape open first. Just as he was about to hug him, Mo Tong pulled Gu Chenyi's hand and said, "You guys leave quickly. This bomb cannot be moved, or else it will explode."    


Gu Chenyi was stunned when he heard that. He pursed his lips and asked, "Do you have any other way?"    


Mo Tong shook his head and said, "Uncle Gu, if you see Rui, please help me tell her that I never wanted to leave her alone. All this time, I have always liked her. I really want to be her friend. "    


"You can say these words when you see her." Gu Chenyi said, "Now Rui is missing. If you think you can die like this, I won't stop you."    


Mo Tong heard that Jian Rui was missing. He was stunned at first, and then he thought of something. He quickly told Gu Chenyi the address of the street they separated from each other. "It is there. Rui ran west. You go in that direction to find her."    


Jian Yi and Dou Ming, who were in front of the computer, heard what he said and quickly locked onto the place he provided.    


"I found it!" Dou Ming pointed to the monitor and said to Jian Yi, "It's here. Jian Rui got off here."    


Jian Yi looked at Jian Rui running out of the car. He did not relax. "Logically speaking, since Rui escaped, she should call Daddy immediately. But until now, no matter if it was the company or Daddy's phone, they did not receive her message."    


Dou Ming frowned and said, "That means that something might have happened to Jian Rui somewhere else."    


Jian Yi said to Ning Jiwei through the headset, "Daddy, you guys take care of Mo Tong's matter first. I will continue to check the surveillance."    


"Okay." Ning Jiwei nodded and attacked Butler even more fiercely.    


"Young Master Ning, don't you want to know why I did that?" Butler said as he awkwardly received the attack.    


"I don't want to know." With Ning Jiwei's cold voice, Butler was kicked into the wall again.    


"Ning Jiwei, if you kill me, you will regret it." Butler looked at Ning Jiwei who was getting closer and closer. He finally felt a trace of fear.    


Ning Jiwei didn't even bother to look at him. He knocked Butler out.    


"What should we do next?" Gu Chenyi pointed at the countdown bomb and said, "There are less than two minutes left."    


Mo Tong looked at Ning Jiwei anxiously and said, "Uncle Ning, don't worry about me. Quickly go to Jian Rui."    


"Calm down." Ning Jiwei reached out and grabbed Mo Tong. "Since Rui wants to save you, I will not leave you behind."    


"Yes." Gu Chenyi said from the side, "How old are you and you want to die? Just lie down."    


Mo Tong looked at Ning Jiwei and Gu Chenyi, and his tears kept falling.    


Ning Jiwei stretched out his hand and said, "Scissors."    



"Here you go." Gu Chenyi passed the scissors to Ning Jiwei in time and said with a smile, "I knew you would use it. I found it just now."    


Ning Jiwei looked at the unconscious Butler and said, "Bring him here."    


After that, Ning Jiwei showed what a true expert was in front of Gu Chenyi and Mo Tong.    


He first took the bomb off Mo Tong's body in an orderly manner, then tied it to Butler's body as if it had stopped moving.    


Gu Chenyi watched him move the bomb, and he was so scared that he didn't even dare to swallow his saliva.    


In fact, throughout the entire process, Ning Jiwei did not touch the critical point of the bomb.    


After Ning Jiwei tied the explosives up, he carried Mo Tong and quickly left Mo Family with Gu Chenyi.    


As soon as they escaped from the gate of Mo Family, the whole villa suddenly exploded.    


Mo Tong looked at the burning villa. He pursed his lips and buried his head in Ning Jiwei's arms.    


After coming out of the Mo Family, Jian Yi found the latest news about Jian Rui. She was the woman who took Jian Rui away in the shopping mall.    


"Daddy, I found the car they got in, but I still need time." Jian Yi said.    


"Search Qin Tian's place first." Ning Jiwei said.    


To be able to attack Jian Rui in such a short time, and a woman at that.    


Other than Qin Tian, Ning Jiwei did not make a second guess.    


After handing Mo Tong over to Gu Chenyi, Ning Jiwei drove towards Qin Tian's residence while calling his personal bodyguards.    


Originally he wanted to let Qin Tian live for a while more, but since she dared to attack Jian Rui, then he did not need to be lenient to her.    




In the living room, when Jian Rui woke up, she discovered that she was tied to a chair. The wound on her back was still somewhat painful, causing her to frown slightly.    


"You're awake." A strange female voice sounded, "I didn't expect that you would be so heavy despite your young age."    


Jian Rui looked up at the woman who was wearing a mask on the sofa. She frowned and asked, "Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?"    


Sung Lan sneered, "You can only blame yourself for being Ning Jiwei and Jian Haixi's daughter."    


Jian Rui blinked. After her initial panic, she calmed down instead.    


Because she already knew that there was a great enemy like the Mo Family, Jian Rui could be said to have made all kinds of mental preparations when she returned to the country. Ning Jiwei and Jian Yi usually gave her supplementary lessons and told her how to deal with emergencies.    


So now looking at Sung Lan in front of her, Jian Rui actually had the mood to ask her, "Why are you always wearing a mask? Aren't you afraid of covering your face with rashes in such a hot day?"    


Her naive words accurately pierced Sung Lan's sore spot. She looked at Jian Rui fiercely and scolded, "What does it have to do with you! Just how did that slut Jian Haixi educate you to make you so undisciplined?"    


"Why did you scold my mommy?" Hearing Sung Lan scold Jian Haixi, Jian Rui instantly became angry.    


She had been eloquent since she was young and now when she replied, she did not show any weakness. She opened her mouth and retorted, "I did not teach well. Did you teach well? You kidnapped children in the mall, and when you opened your mouth, you were a slut, but when you opened your mouth, you kept your mouth shut. It's not civilized at all. You even wore a mask and didn't dare to meet people. I think you're the baddie without a tutor. Maybe you're a super ugly monster!"    


"Shut up!" Hearing Jian Rui scold her ugly monster, Sung Lan was so angry that she immediately stood up and prepared to give her two slaps.    


But she did not think that she would get up too quickly. The wind blew and the face mask that she had been wearing for the entire day instantly floated down.    


A scarred and mottled face suddenly appeared in front of Jian Rui.    


"Ah!" Seeing the face mask fall down, Sung Lan screamed in shock and covered her face as she ran out. She did not even bother to teach Jian Rui a lesson.    


Jian Rui looked at her back as she ran out. She tilted her head and thought for a while before saying to herself, "So it was her."    


Back then she and Jian Yi had also investigated Sung Lan's information. They treated her as Jian Haixi's love rival. Although Sung Lan's face was ruined, Jian Rui still recognized her.    


Once Sung Lan left, there was no one in the living room to look after her. Jian Rui was tied to a chair and could not move, so she could only look left and right.    


After recognizing Sung Lan, she roughly knew that she was in Qin Tian's territory.    


After knowing this, Jian Rui was not too worried about her own safety.    


She, Daddy, and her brother had been paying attention to Qin Tian for a long time. Once they could not find her, they would think of this immediately.    


At this moment, Jian Rui was actually worried about Mo Tong.    


She also didn't know whether Butler had treated him or whether she, Daddy, and Uncle Gu had rescued him.    


Thinking of this, Jian Rui sighed.    


A cold laugh sounded and Jian Rui turned her head with difficulty. Seeing Qin Tian who was wearing a red qipao walking down the stairs, there was not a trace of shock in her eyes.    


When Qin Tian saw Jian Rui being so calm, she was somewhat curious, "Little girl, aren't you surprised to see me?"    


Jian Rui snorted and turned her head to ignore her.    


Qin Tian smiled and said, "Rui, why are you so angry? Speaking of which, we used to have a good relationship, right?"    


Jian Rui said disdainfully, "Who has a good relationship with you? I only have a good relationship with good people. I will not make friends with big bad guys like you. "    


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