CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C204 A Test

C204 A Test

0With Ning Jiwei's help, Suen Ping wouldn't be able to find trouble with Jian Haixi in the next two days.    


To be more precise, he was too busy to find trouble with anyone.    


The company had some bad luck recently. There were problems with the business, one after another. Even the past bad debts were dug out.    


This caused many of the directors and elders of Suen Family to be extremely dissatisfied with him.    


After another project was ruined, Suen Ping angrily threw away everything in the office. Now he was finally sure that someone was messing with him.    


But who could it be?    


Suen Yuqin didn't have the ability to do so. Luo Meng still didn't know where to hide. As for the rest of the people from the Suen Family, with his years of hiding and observation, even if someone didn't like him, they wouldn't have such means.    


One should know that in order to take down so many projects within a few days, not only did they need power, they also needed connections.    


Otherwise, those business partners were not stupid. How could they not do the project well and turn to listen to orders and stop at will?    


After thinking about it, the only suspicious person that Suen Ping could think of was Luo Sheng, which was Jian Haixi.    


But... Suen Ping was puzzled again. According to what he knew, Jian Haixi had never left Suen Yuqin's home. Could it be that she had such great ability that she could control the affairs of the outside world without going out half a step?    


Suen Ping did not believe it, so he sent people to investigate Jian Haixi's identity and background. At the same time, he asked Hao Lee and Suen Yao to go to Suen Yuqin's house to find out the truth.    


These two days Suen Ping's family had been very unhappy, but Jian Haixi had been very relaxed.    


This day, Luo Er specially came back. Other than to see Suen Yuqin and tell Jian Haixi about Jian Rui's situation, she also told them about the recent developments.    


Unexpectedly, before the three of them could even sit down and say a few words, they heard the housekeeper say that Hao Lee and Suen Yao had come.    


Luo Er frowned and said in annoyance, "What is the matter with these flies? They did not invite them and they keep running to other people's house every day. Can't you see that no one treats them?"    


"It's done." Suen Yuqin patted her hand and said, "If you don't want to see them, just go into the house. You can come out after you send them away."    


Jian Haixi looked at Suen Yuqin and smiled but did not say anything.    


Luo Er thought for a while and shook her head, "Forget it. I want to see what kind of mischief they want to cause."    


When Hao Lee and Suen Yao came in, they saw Jian Haixi and the other two sitting on the sofa.    


When they saw that Luo Er was also there, the mother and daughter were stunned for a moment.    


Hao Lee smiled and greeted, Yes." Oh, Luo Er is back."    


Luo Er gave a fake smile and said, "That's right. It was not easy for me to come back. I didn't expect that you would come to my house again. What are you here to send this time? Fruit or flower pot? "    


"Hehe." Hao Lee smiled awkwardly and said," Child, your words are always not likeable. Doesn't Aunt like to come to your house and sneak around? Thinking that you and your father are always not at home, that's why she wanted to bring Yao Yao over. First, accompany your mother, and second, do your filial duty. "    


"I really have troubled you." Luo Er rolled her eyes and said, "You ran to my house more diligently than your own house. I wonder if uncle has blamed you and Suen Yao for not taking good care of him?"    


Luo Er's ability casually retorted but she did not think that her casual words would hit the sore spot of Hao Lee and Suen Yao.    


In the eyes of outsiders, the two of them had a pretty good life but they did not know that the two of them had to look at Suen Ping's face every day at home.    


Suen Ping was happy. The mother and son could live a more relaxed life. If Suen Ping was unhappy, they would have to carefully serve him.    


Just like now, with a single order from Suen Ping, they had to come and investigate.    


So when they heard Luo Er's words, Hao Lee and her son, like a big dog whose tail had been stepped on, instantly changed their expressions.    


Hao Lee was still alright. After all, she was old and could still tolerate it.    


Suen Yao could not bear it anymore and opened her mouth to scold Luo Er back. " What do you have to do with it? Your mother still needs us to take care of her for you. What nonsense are you saying at this time? No matter what, we are still better than you. Is there a need for you to tell us what to do here?"    


When Luo Er heard that she threw the pillow in her hand, she also stood up and pointed at Suen Yao and said, "Get out of here!"    


"What right do you have to make me get out?" Suen Yao was furious.    


Luo Er's face was ugly as she said, "Are you sick? This is my house. If I want you to get lost, I can let you get lost!"    


"You..." Suen Yao choked and only then did she react. For a moment, her expression was extremely ugly.    


"Alright, alright. We are a family. Why are you arguing?" Hao Lee pulled Suen Yao over and said, "You too. Luo Er is the younger sister and you also do not know how to be lenient."    


On the surface, Hao Lee wanted Suen Yao to give in to Luo Er.    


But when this sentence was translated, wasn't it saying that this matter was Luo Er's fault?    


When she heard Hao Lee's words, Suen Yao unwillingly said, "I'm sorry Younger Sister Luo Er. I won't argue with you in the future."    


The mother and son sang harmoniously and did not need Jian Haixi and the rest to open their mouths. They self-consciously asked for it.    


Hao Lee smiled and pulled her daughter to sit on the opposite sofa. She said to Suen Yuqin, "Big sister, Yaoyao and Luo Er are just child's jokes. You will not mind, right?"    


Suen Yuqin frowned and Hao Lee's words just happened to block the opportunity for her to speak.    


If she said that she minded at this time, it would become Hao Lee's weakness.    


Seeing that Suen Yuqin did not speak, Hao Lee took advantage of the situation and licked her lips as she asked questions. Even if it was awkward, she still insisted on pulling Suen Yuqin along to chat with her.    


She did not say a few words before she turned to Jian Haixi.    


Hao Lee looked at Jian Haixi and said, "Little Sheng, how have you been recently? Have you gotten used to living?"    


Jian Haixi smiled faintly and said, "It's pretty good. Thank you for your concern."    


"We are all relatives. It is only right to care about you." Hao Lee smiled amiably and kindly, "Have you not been out for the past two days?"    


Jian Haixi shook her head. "No. I am more homesick and do not like to go out."    


"That's such a pity." Hao Lee smiled and advised, "It's not easy to come here to have fun. We can't always stay in the house. If Luo Er is not free, you can let Suen Yao accompany you out for a stroll. There are still many fun places in Yu City."    


Jian Haixi smiled and refused, "There is no need for your good intentions."    


"Why not? I know Luo Er is busy and can't take care of you, but our Yaoyao is not busy. She will definitely take good care of you, right Yaoyao?" Hao Lee said and gave her daughter a look.    


Suen Yao immediately smiled and nodded, "Yes, I know a few fun places. I will bring you there another day."    


"I say, Luo Sheng is my guest. It is not appropriate for you to do this." Luo Er said unhappily, "Besides, which eye of yours saw that I did not treat her? Didn't I come back now? "    


Hao Lee only smiled and said, "Luo Er, aunty did not have any ill intentions. Isn't she afraid that you will not be able to take care of Little Sheng?"    


" Don't worry about it. " Luo Er reached out and wrapped her arm around Jian Haixi's arm and said, "I will take care of my cousin myself. You guys just need to take care of yourselves."    


Being repeatedly rebuked by Luo Er, Hao Lee's expression could not help but turn ugly. She was silent for a long time and did not say anything.    


She wanted to leave just like that but Suen Ping had clearly told her to inquire more about Jian Haixi. If she did not find anything and went back, she was afraid...    


Jian Haixi observed Hao Lee and her mother's expressions and her eyes rolled twice as she smiled and said, "Why is it that you two came over today. Where is uncle?"    


Hao Lee was stunned for a moment and instantly felt a little grateful towards Jian Haixi's words. If not for Luo Er, that lass, bickering, she would not know what to say even if she had a sharp tongue.    


"Your uncle is busy with work and we have nothing to do so we came over to take a look." The smile on Hao Lee's face was clearly much friendlier.    


"Busy with work?" Jian Haixi slightly narrowed her eyes and turned to look at Suen Yuqin and said, "Have you been very busy recently?"    


Suen Yuqin shook her head. "Suen Family is divided into two parts, medicine and sales. I am in charge of the medicine and Suen Ping is in charge of sales. I heard that the sales company has been busy recently. I am not sure what is going on."    


"Is that so..." Jian Haixi looked at Hao Lee worriedly, "How big of a problem is it? Can uncle handle it?"    


Perhaps it was because the worry on Jian Haixi's face was too sincere, perhaps Hao Lee finally met someone who could talk. So she actually relaxed her vigilance and said, "I am not sure either, but it does not seem to be too serious. No matter what, our Suen Family's signboard is still there, so we will not come and provoke them."    


"That's good." Jian Haixi sighed and turned to Suen Yuqin, "Auntie, look at uncle and the rest. It is not easy for them to help. If there is anything that can be helped, then help them."    


"Yes." Suen Yuqin looked at Hao Lee and said, "I will talk to the board of directors later."    


"That's great. Thank you, Big Sister." Hearing Suen Yuqin's words, Hao Lee was overjoyed and thanked.    


After sitting for a while and thinking that she had obtained valuable information, Hao Lee and her son left.    


Luo Er said in annoyance, "They think that everyone else is a fool but they did not know that their thoughts were clearly written on their faces."    


Jian Haixi looked at her with a faint smile, "Why are you bickering with them."    


"I just can't get angry." Luo Er pouted and said, "Come here every day. If this continues, they will find out your identity sooner or later."    


Thinking of this, Luo Er said worriedly, "Ms Haixi, why don't you find an excuse to leave first. I think everyone's worries are very reasonable. If Suen Ping finds out your identity, it will be troublesome."    


Suen Yuqin who was at the side frowned and asked, "Didn't the fake identity information already be prepared? Suen Ping shouldn't have the ability to find out, right?"    


"Mom, it's not that simple." Luo Er sighed," Suen Ping's shrewdness is deeper than we thought. Ms Haixi staying here is very dangerous. "    


"Then what should we do?" Suen Yuqin anxiously said, "There is no news from your father now. If Haixi is gone, then I..."    




Luo Er sternly interrupted Suen Yuqin's words and said, "What are you talking about?"    


Suen Yuqin was stunned and turned her head to look at Jian Haixi guiltily and said, "I am sorry Haixi. I should not have said that. I just..."    


Before she could finish speaking, Suen Yuqin's eyes were already filled with tears as she turned around and left the living room.    


Luo Er looked at Jian Haixi with self-blame and said, "Ms Haixi, I'm sorry. Don't take my mother's words to heart."    


Jian Haixi shook her head and said, "Don't worry. I didn't intend to leave anyway."    


Luo Er wanted to say something but stopped herself. She wanted to explain a little more but at this moment it seemed that whatever she said was so hypocritical and she could only swallow her words back.    


After staying at home for a while, Luo Er originally thought that it would be a warm and relaxing relationship but because of Suen Yuqin's words, the entire atmosphere became awkward.    


Later on, Suen Yuqin did not appear again and after Luo Er and Jian Haixi finished talking about Jian Rui's situation, they did not know what to say and could only leave in the end.    


Walking out of her house, Luo Er turned back to look at the Suen Family villa and asked herself more than once in her heart, was she too selfish?    


She selfishly pulled Jian Haixi's family into the whirlpool of Suen Family and now she still need Jian Haixi to take a huge risk and stay in their house to help.    


Jian Haixi did not feel anything. Originally, if it was not for Luo Meng and Luo Er, her Yi would not have lived until now.    


So staying behind to help out was really just a matter of duty to her.    


Except, Suen Yuqin's words just now made her a little disappointed.    


But she could also understand that when people were anxious and worried, they would instinctively think of the most important person first.    


No one is perfect. This did not mean that Suen Yuqin did not care about her life and death, so Jian Haixi could not be said to be angry.    


Thinking of what Hao Lee said today, Jian Haixi thought for a while and called Ning Jiwei.    


Ever since the two of them separated, there was actually very little contact.    


It was not because she did not miss it, but rather because she missed it too much that she did not dare to hear the other party's voice.    


They were afraid that they wouldn't be able to suppress the longing in their hearts and would rush over to find each other.    


The call connected and Ning Jiwei's familiar voice came, "Haixi."    


"Yes." When she heard Ning Jiwei's voice, Jian Haixi's heart suddenly felt sour.    


She could be strong and brave to face all kinds of dangers, but only in front of Ning Jiwei would she let go of all her defenses and hide in his arms like a child, seeking peace of mind.    


"What's wrong?" Ning Jiwei's voice was gentle.    



Jian Haixi took a deep breath and did not let herself reveal any abnormalities. Otherwise, Ning Jiwei would definitely be worried.    


"It's fine." Jian Haixi tried her best to smile and said, "Are you alright over there?"    


Ning Jiwei said, "Don't worry. Everything is fine on my side."    


Pausing, Ning Jiwei asked, "Did Suen Ping find trouble with you again?"    


"No." Jian Haixi said, "But Suen Ping's wife Hao Lee came today. Her words seem to be testing my recent activities. Maybe Suen Ping suspects that business matters are related to me."    


Ning Jiwei sneered and said, "It seems that he is not busy enough. He actually has time to think about who did it."    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "I asked a few questions. Hao Lee said that Suen Ping's side should not be too serious. I think we should be more careful. Suen Family has been around for so many years. Suen Ping must have a lot of connections."    


"Don't worry, I know." Ning Jiwei comforted her, "You don't have to worry about this. I will investigate clearly."    


"Well, I thought this information might be useful to you, so I told you." Jian Haixi said.    


Ning Jiwei smiled and said, "I know."    


When the matter was finished, it was time to hang up.    


However, Jian Haixi held the phone and could not bear to hang up no matter what.    


The two of them did not speak for a moment, but they had a tacit understanding and did not mention the matter of hanging up.    


It was as if they were focused on listening to each other's breathing. To them, it was also a rare romantic.    






Ning Jiwei's magnetic voice sounded. "I miss you."    


Jian Haixi's heart was sweet and sour as she muttered, "I also miss you very much."    


While the two were talking, Emma knocked on the door and entered, "Director, the person is here..."    


Just as she spoke, she saw Ning Jiwei on the phone and his hand gesture to keep silent. Emma quickly kept her voice and left.    


Jian Haixi vaguely heard the sound and could not help but ask, "Ji Wei, did I disturb you?"    


"No." Ning Jiwei smiled and said, "It should be Yang Yaru."    


"Yaru?" Jian Haixi was surprised and asked, "Why did Yaru go over?"    


Ning Jiwei explained simply, "I want to publicize the competition as much as possible, so I need to work with Qin Zhixu's company. Yang Yaru came here to facilitate the progress of the project."    


"That's true." Jian Haixi nodded and said, "Yaru is very capable. She will go there personally. I'm sure it'll give you wings. But you have to take care of her well. She is not familiar with the place. It will be inconvenient to go there. If you don't know what a girl should take note of, I will make a list for you later. Find another female assistant to help you keep an eye on it."    


"Okay, I'll remember that" After listening to Jian Haixi nag so much, Ning Jiwei felt a little sour and said, "It has been so long, and this is the first time I have heard so much from you, but not for me."    


Jian Haixi choked and smiled, "Of course I am worried about you too, but I dare not say this kind of worry. I am afraid that saying it will increase the pressure on you. But..."    


After a pause, Jian Haixi continued, "But even if I don't say it, you will definitely know, right?"    


" Yes. " Ning Jiwei gently said,, "I know everything, and I also understand everything."    


Jian Haixi felt sweet in her heart. She smiled and said, "Go and see Yaru quickly. Don't let her wait for too long."    




After hanging up the phone, Jian Haixi thought for a while and turned around to walk towards Suen Yuqin's room.    


There was some misunderstanding. Although she did not put it in her heart, it did not mean that the other party did not mind.    


She still had to stay here after this, so it was better to get rid of this misunderstanding as soon as possible.    


Furthermore, regarding the matter of Suen Family, she also hoped to be able to communicate with Suen Yuqin.    




On the other side, Ning Jiwei met an old friend whom he had not met for a long time - Yang Yaru.    


"Great Ning Director." Yang Yaru smiled generously and stretched out her hand. "I didn't expect that after going around such a big circle, we would work together again here."    


Ning Jiwei also smiled and shook hands with her. "Long time no see."    


Yang Yaru's brows slightly raised. She sized Ning Jiwei up and said, "You did not change much."    


Ning Jiwei also glanced at Yang Yaru. His eyes paused for a second and said, "You haven't changed much, but you look more mature than before."    


Yang Yaru was a little surprised, "I thought that you only have Haixi in your eyes. I did not expect you to pay attention to me."    


"Of course." Ning Jiwei said matter-of-factly, "You are Haixi's friend, so naturally I will pay more attention to you."    


"You are really..." Yang Yaru laughed and raised her chin, "Since you have said so, then I will not be polite."    


Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "It is my duty. If you need anything, just tell me. When I was talking to Haixi just now, she specifically told me to take care of you."    


Yang Yaru was surprised, then tilted her head and said mischievously, "I suddenly have a feeling that I can do whatever I want. It seems that my trip to Xiang City this time will be very exciting."    


At this moment, Yang Yaru never would have thought that her trip to the Xiang City would not only be exciting, but it would also be sensational enough.    


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