CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C196 Mother's Disciple.

C196 Mother's Disciple.

0Gu Chenyi found Jian Chenrann in the hospital parking lot. Jian Chenrann, who was originally a talented man, was now squatting in the corner like a lost homeless man. Gu Chenyi was also a little confused.    




Gu Chenyi walked to Jian Chenrann's side and called out to him twice, but he didn't respond.    


Gu Chenyi saw Jian Chenrann's dazed look and sighed. He could only squat down next to Jian Chenrann.    


"Jian Chenrann, don't tell me you don't know me anymore." Gu Chenyi reached out his hand to push his arm and said, "I came all night to find you. You haven't paid me yet."    


Jian Chenrann was shocked. He turned to Gu Chenyi and said, "Chen Yi, why are you here?"    


Gu Chenyi was relieved. "It's good that you know me. Come home with me."    


"Home?" "I don't have a home," Jian Chenrann said.    


He had already separated from his parents. He also did not want to return to his sister's home. And his own home was also gone.    


Gu Chenyi scratched his head in annoyance. He could fight, but he didn't know how to persuade people, "If I had known earlier, I would have asked Yun Ling to come over."    


Jian Chenrann squatted in the corner. No one knew what he was thinking. He just did not speak or move.    


Gu Chenyi was afraid that Jian Chenrann would really start letting his imagination run wild if he stayed alone for too long. Therefore, he could only forcefully pull Jian Chenrann up from the ground. "Come with me first. If you have any problems, I'll let Yun Ling tell you."    


Jian Chenrann struggled and said, "Chen Yi, I know your good intentions. I am very grateful to you, but I really don't want to leave. "    


"You can't refuse." Gu Chenyi interrupted him. "I promised Haixi. If you don't come back with me, how am I going to explain it to her later?"    


When Jian Chenrann heard Gu Chenyi mention Haixi, he was stunned. His struggling strength was much weaker.    


Gu Chenyi took the opportunity to shove him into the car and drove all the way home.    


The Gu family.    


When Gu Chenyi brought Jian Chenrann back home, dinner was ready at home. Gu Xiaomian and Yun Ling were playing with toys. The whole living room was filled with laughter.    


When Jian Chenrann entered the room, he was at a loss.    


In the past, when he lived with Xiaodou and Jian Haixi brought the children there, there was the smell of food in the house and the children's frolicking. This life was simple and beautiful.    


Now, he also did not know how Haixi and the children were doing and he and Xiaodou were separated.    


Jian Chenrann's eyes became dim. He stood at the door and did not know if he should go in or not.    


"Why are you standing there?" Gu Chenyi put his arm on Jian Chenrann's shoulder and walked in. Then, Gu Chenyi saw Gu Xiaomian scatter toys all over the floor. His face immediately darkened as he lectured Gu Xiaomian, "Gu Xiaomian, you want to get beaten up, right?"    


Gu Xiaomian stuck out his tongue. He subconsciously wanted to run behind Yun Ling. However, when he turned around and saw Jian Chenrann beside Gu Chenyi, his eyes lit up. He immediately rushed towards Jian Chenrann.    


"Uncle Chenran!"    


Gu Xiaomian threw himself into Jian Chenrann's arms. He hugged Jian Chenrann's thigh and asked excitedly, "Uncle Chenran, are you with Rui? How is Rui? When will she come back?"    


Jian Chenrann lowered his head and looked at Gu Xiaomian. Although his feelings were complicated, he still forced a smile and said, "Rui is very good. Don't worry about her. After a while, she will come back."    


"When will she come back?" Gu Xiaomian asked one question after another, "Does Rui have anything for you to tell me?"    


"Why do you have so much to say?"    


Before Gu Xiaomian could finish, Gu Chenyi picked him up. "Quickly wash your hands. We are going to eat."    


"First Dad, wait a moment. Let me finish my question first."    


Their voices gradually faded away. Yun Ling looked at Jian Chenrann and said with a smile, "Chenran, you haven't had dinner yet, right? Why don't you have dinner with us first, and then we can talk?"    


Jian Chenrann smiled bitterly and said, "Even if I say I won't eat, you guys will always accompany me until I finish eating."    


" That won't happen. " Yun Ling smiled and said, "We have a lot of nannies in our house. Everyone can take shifts."    


Jian Chenrann said helplessly, "What else can I say?"    


Yun Ling smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Let's eat first. We'll talk after we finish eating."    


Jian Chenrann nodded.    


While eating, Gu Xiaomian kept staring at Jian Chenrann. Luckily, Gu Chenyi took the initiative to take over the job of taking care of the children. He only coaxed Gu Xiaomian away after he agreed to play with him.    


Yun Ling and Jian Chenrann went to the study room.    


Jian Chenrann said, "I know what you want to say. I just need some time to understand these things. It will be fine after I understand it."    


Yun Ling smiled and said, "I didn't intend to advise you in the first place. I just wanted to tell you what happened. Coincidentally, I went to look for Lin Xiaodou the night before the incident happened. The next morning, I went with Chen Yi."    


Jian Chenrann froze and frowned." I don't know if I should listen to you talk about this. It doesn't seem fair to say that I don't want to hear it, but I'm afraid that after I hear it, I will make a decision to let Haixi down. "    


Yun Ling said," Haixi won't give you any pressure. I feel that if you misunderstand Xiaodou like this without listening to anything, it would be too unfair to her. "    


Jian Chenrann was silent and did not speak anymore.    


Yun Ling slowly said, "When I go, Xiaodou should have a pregnancy reaction and look very weak. While I was talking to her, she did not have any complaints about you. She even told me to protect Old Master Fu. I think she really intends to hide it from all of us. She wants to take on the responsibility of taking care of her own child. "    


Jian Chenrann pursed his lips and did not say anything.    


Yun Ling continued, "I originally wanted to ask about it, but I was chased out by Lin's mother. They also did not want her to be disturbed, so that's why it was like this."    


After a pause, Yun Ling continued, "This morning, I did not get through to the Lin Family's number. I felt that something was not right. So I rushed over with Chen Yi. After we entered, we saw Lin's father rushing towards us with all his might. The room was in chaos. Xiaodou was unconscious on the ground. Lin's mother hugged her and kept crying and begging us to save them. We sent Xiaodou into the car and found that she was bleeding. Her face and shoulders were also injured. "    


Hearing Yun Ling's words, Jian Chenrann used all his strength but was unable to say a word.    


Yun Ling looked at him and said, "If Lin Family really intended to betray Haixi, why would they be in such a state? How could Xiaodou be injured and in a coma?"    


Jian Chenrann choked and said, "I know she must have suffered."    


Yun Ling looked at his conflicted expression and sighed," Chenran, you can't just think of you. You can't be too biased towards Haixi. Xiaodou is your wife. Don't you think you are too harsh on her? Besides, she is pregnant. "    


Jian Chenrann lowered his head and did not say anything.    


Yun Ling patted his shoulder and said, "Go and find Xiaodou to have a good chat. Haixi agreed to let you come back. Ji Wei did not say anything until now. I think their attitude has already been expressed very clearly."    


Jian Chenrann nodded and said, "I know. I will go."    


The next day.    


Suen Yuqin and Luo Er returned to Suen Family together.    


Regarding the matter of Luo Meng, they could not alert the enemy yet, so they needed to pretend that there was no progress every day.    


Jian Haixi was too tired yesterday, so she woke up a little late today.    


As soon as she got up, she saw Jian Rui smiling happily at her outside the door. "Mommy, you should get up."    


After Jian Rui finished speaking, she threw herself onto Jian Haixi's bed. She hugged her and said coquettishly, "I made breakfast for you. I was going to wake you up just now. But Uncle Dou Ge said that you are too tired and he thinks that I need to let you rest well."    


Jian Haixi hugged her daughter and lovingly rubbed her head, "Thank you. Where are Ms Luo Er and Auntie Sun?"    


" They went home. " Jian Rui said, "Aunt Sun said that we should stay here and look for her if there is anything we need. Ms Luo Er said that she will go home first and she will be back very soon."    


Jian Haixi nodded her head and could roughly understand what Suen Yuqin and Luo Er meant.    


Jian Haixi had just woken up and washed up when she saw Dou Ge holding a towel to wipe his wet hair as he walked over and said, "It is too hot here. I think Iceland is more suitable for me to stay here."    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "It is okay. There is an air conditioner here."    


Dou Ge shook his head and said, "No, I work outside most of the time. It is better for me to get used to the temperature outside. Otherwise, if I have heatstroke, I will be embarrassed."    


Jian Rui covered her mouth and smiled. "Mommy, Uncle Dou Ge has been practicing boxing since this morning. He also taught me how to kick."    


Jian Haixi smiled and said to Dou Ge, "Thank you. She must have caused you trouble."    


Dou Ge said, "No. Rui was very smart. She is willing to learn, and I am also willing to teach her. If she learns more martial arts now, she will be able to use it in the future."    


Jian Haixi nodded gratefully at him.    


The Dou Family only had a cooperative relationship with them, but whether it was Dou Ge or Dou Ming, what they did had already exceeded the scope of a collaborator.    


But Jian Haixi could only be grateful to Dou Ge.    


After breakfast, Jian Haixi finished tidying up the bowls and chopsticks and was stopped by her daughter.    


"Mommy, where's my brother? I didn't even get a video call with my brother last night." Jian Rui pestered Jian Haixi and said, "I miss my brother."    


"Okay." Jian Haixi helplessly took out her tablet and said, "Actually, I also miss your big brother. Let's look for your big brother together, okay?"    


Jian Rui nodded and obediently sat in Jian Haixi's arms, waiting for the video call to be connected.    


On the other side, Jian Yi quickly picked up the video call. When Jian Rui saw her brother, she excitedly waved her hand and said, "Big brother, how are you? Mommy and I have already arrived at Yu City."    


Jian Yi smiled, "There is a river between us. "    


Jian Rui scratched her head in confusion and turned to ask Dou Ge.    


Dou Ge was stunned and said awkwardly," You should ask your mommy this question. "    


Jian Rui blinked and turned to look at Jian Haixi.    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Okay, I will explain to you later. You can talk to brother now."    


Jian Rui then held the tablet and asked, "Big brother, how is the place you guys live at? Where is Mo Tong?"    


Jian Yi turned the camera to Mo Tong and said, "I thought you really missed me. It turns out you miss your new brother."    


Jian Rui smiled and said," I miss you guys. "    


Mo Tong greeted Jian Haixi with a red face, "We are all very good. You don't have to worry about us."    


Jian Haixi nodded and said to Jian Yi, "Yi, try not to go out. They still do not know about your existence. It would be troublesome if you were exposed. Also, the Xiang City isn't very safe for Mo Tong. Don't let him go out. "    


" Don't worry, Mommy. " Jian Yi said, "We basically don't need to go out to complete the mission. I'm a little worried that the people of Suen Family will hurt you. "    


Jian Haixi said, "I will be careful. Did you contact Daddy?"    


Jian Yi shook his head and said, "After I install all the equipment here, I will contact Daddy."    


Jian Haixi nodded and said a few more words before ending the video call.    


Suen Family was indeed not peaceful.    


When Suen Yuqin and Luo Er just arrived home, they met Suen Ping's wife at the door - Hao Lee and Suen Ping's daughter - Suen Yao.    


Suen Yuqin saw the two of them and frowned. She said coldly, "What are you doing here?"    


Hao Lee smiled and said, "We just got some fresh fruits at home. I wanted to bring some over for you."    


Suen Yuqin sneered and said, "Do you think I don't have fresh fruits here?"    


They used such a clumsy excuse and pretended to be serious.    


Hao Lee said, "I know you definitely don't lack fruits here. But this is also a little bit of our goodwill. Suen Yao, go and send the fruits to your aunt's house."    


Suen Yao hurriedly took the fruit and walked into the living room. Unexpectedly, she was stopped by Luo Er after she took two steps, "Who allowed you to go in?"    


" Luo Er, you are back too. " Hao Lee pretended to see Luo Er just now. She smiled and went forward to pull Luo Er's arm, "You did not say anything. I did not see you."    



Luo Er gave a fake smile and said, "Little Aunt, if you have a problem with your eyes, you should go and see a doctor. Don't stay in front of our house anymore. Those who do not know would think that you are trying to blackmail us."    


Suen Yao's temper was not good. When she heard Luo Er's ridicule, she immediately got angry, "We have waited here for you for so long. It is fine if you don't invite us in to drink tea. You actually dare to mock us like this. You are too rude."    


"Even if I do that, what can you do to me?" Luo Er provoked.    


Ever since Luo Er knew that Suen Ping was the one who had harmed their family behind their backs, Luo Er no longer treated him kindly.    


Suen Yao wanted to speak but Hao Lee stopped her by the side. She smiled and said, "Yao Yao, you are the elder sister. You need to learn to be modest."    


"How did I teach you at home?" Hao Lee frowned and said, "Other people can be rude but you cannot be so rude."    


"Aunt, who do you think is rude?" Luo Er sneered and said.    


Hao Lee did not look at Luo Er but said to Suen Yuqin, "Sister, don't blame me for speaking too much. You guys usually spoil the child too much. Luo Er now completely disrespected her elders. If outsiders knew about this matter, They would definitely laugh at us."    


" I think you speak the most. " Luo Er said angrily.    


"Luo Er." Suen Yuqin looked at her daughter and said, "You don't have to say much."    


Luo Er coldly snorted and turned around to enter the house.    


Seeing Suen Yuqin stop Luo Er from speaking, Hao Lee's heart immediately became happy.    


She knew that Suen Yuqin would definitely scold Luo Er. After so many years, they were very clear about Suen Yuqin's character.    


Suen Yuqin was a cold and aloof person and she was very afraid of losing face.    


As long as she said a few words, Suen Yuqin would be at their mercy.    


Hao Lee was secretly pleased in her heart but on the surface, she still smiled and said, "Sister, I still have something to talk to you about. Let's talk inside the house."    


Her eyes indicated for Suen Yao to take the fruit inside.    


Suen Yuqin said, "I am very tired and want to rest for a while. I also do not lack fruits. You guys take them back."    


Hao Lee was stunned for a moment. This was different from what she expected.    


Unfortunately, Suen Yuqin did not give them time to react and she directly left.    


Hao Lee reacted and quickly chased after, "Sister, I really have something to say to you."    


"Let's chat another day." Suen Yuqin calmly said and let the housekeeper close the door in front of Hao Lee and Suen Yao.    


After closing the door, Luo Er smiled and said to Suen Yuqin, "Mom, you are too amazing. The expressions of the two of them just now were very awkward."    


Suen Yuqin cast a sidelong glance at her and her eyes were full of pampering.    


She could pamper her daughter as she pleased, this had nothing to do with other people.    


In the Mofu Clothing Company's office.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the project income for the past half a year and rubbed his forehead with a headache.    


The Mofu was a clothing company under Mo Wanshaan. The name of this company meant that he did not want to let Fu Xiang down.    


However, he still let Fu Xiang down in the end.    


Now that the Mofu had returned to Ning Jiwei's hands, it could be considered a reincarnation.    


Looking at the company's situation, Ning Jiwei was a little speechless.    


In fact, the foundation of the Mofu was still very good, but Mo Wanshaan had never managed this company in all these years. In addition, Mo Sheng and Mo Tine had caused trouble in the company. Now, both internal and external problems had erupted at the same time. It was only a matter of time before the company closed down.    


It was not difficult for such a company to revive within a month, but it would not be easy for it to do well and achieve good results.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the old accounts several times before calling his assistant in.    


His assistant was Emma. She was neither surprised nor suspicious when she saw Ning Jiwei. She just did her job in a neither servile nor overbearing manner.    


Ning Jiwei appreciated this point. It could be said that if it were not for Emma these years, Mofu would have gone bankrupt long ago.    


Ning Jiwei did not need a smart and capable assistant, but she had to be loyal and obedient.    


Otherwise, even if he was very capable, he wouldn't be able to help Mofu.    


Emma, on the other hand, was the good helper that Mo Wanshaan had left for him. She was someone he could totally trust.    


Because she was once his mother's disciple.    


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