CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C217 An Acquaintance

C217 An Acquaintance

0Yang Yaru looked at the gradually darkening screen and suddenly felt a rush of panic in her heart.    


It was as if her relationship with George had the same ending as this phone call.    


She pulled out George's phone number and wanted to call him back, but her fingers trembled and she did not have the courage to press it several times.    


Just as she was hesitating, her phone suddenly vibrated. George's phone rang again.    


Yang Yaru looked at George's lit up profile picture and bit her lips to press the answer button.    


"Yaru, are you busy?" George asked, his voice full of concern and consideration.    


"No..." When Yang Yaru spoke, her voice was choked with sobs. She quickly cleared her throat and said, "I... I pressed the wrong hand just now."    


Fortunately, George did not notice the difference in her voice. He smiled and said, "Fortunately, your hand slipped when you were on the phone with me. If your hand slipped during the negotiation with the client, something would have happened."    


Yang Yaru pulled a smile and said, "What do you want from me?"    


"Isn't today the competition?" George said, "Such an important occasion, of course I can't miss it."    


Yang Yaru was stunned. "You're going too?"    


"Of course." George teased her. "As the face representative of handsome men in Xiang City, it was not easy for Xiang City to have such an important event. How can I slack off and not participate?"    


Yang Yaru found it funny in her heart.    


If it was in the past, she would have thought that George's words were exaggerated, but after seeing Qiao Ya, now hearing these words, she actually felt that he just said the truth.    


George did not hear the mockery that he expected and was somewhat puzzled, "Yaru, are you listening?"    


"Yes, why?" Yang Yaru asked.    


George smiled. "It's nothing. It's just that you didn't scold me today. I'm really not used to it."    


Yang Yaru laughed in spite of herself. "What kind of strange illness is this?"    


"Then who knows." George said shamelessly, "Who knows how you raised this illness of mine? You have to be responsible to the end."    


Yang Yaru was shocked and felt warm in her heart.    


George still noticed the change in her mood, so he used this kind of careless method to comfort her.    


"Oh right, Yaru, where are you now?" George asked.    


Yang Yaru looked around and thought for a while. "We are almost at the venue. How about you?"    


"I am at the entrance of the venue." George said, "Come quickly. It is so boring here. Oh, right. I bought you breakfast early in the morning. I knew you definitely didn't eat. That's why I'm waiting for you. "    


Yang Yaru was stunned and the corners of her lips raised slightly, "Okay, I will be right there."    


"Don't worry. Drive safe." George did not forget to remind her.    


After hanging up the phone, Yang Yaru looked straight ahead and took a deep breath. She held the steering wheel tightly as if she was encouraging herself.    


Actually, there was no need to worry, right? Although there was a gap, she still had many years and many years to work hard. One day, those gaps that were created because of the day after tomorrow would be filled up with effort.    


As long as there was love, no matter how difficult it was, it would definitely be able to be a customer service.    


Thinking of George, Yang Yaru felt a sweetness in her heart and sped up towards the venue.    


At the entrance of the venue, George sat in the car and looked at the breakfast box at the side. His face gradually revealed a smile.    


The reason why he came here early in the morning was not only because he wanted to eat breakfast with Yang Yaru, but also because he was afraid that Qiao Ya would find trouble with Yang Yaru.    


So he had to protect his wife!    


George was thoughtful, but he never would have thought that Yang Yaru had already met Qiao Ya.    


Yang Yaru had just arrived at the entrance of the venue when she saw George standing by the car and waving at her.    


Wearing a pink casual outfit on him, it did not make him look like a sissy. Instead, it made him look more fashionable.    


Yang Yaru was stunned for a moment. In front of her eyes, she subconsciously recalled Qiao Ya's earlier unconstrained temperament.    


"Silly girl, what are you thinking about?"    


Seeing that Yang Yaru did not have any reaction, George walked closer and knocked on her forehead with his finger. He said, "Don't tell me you were tired last night and did not sleep well?"    


Yang Yaru's face turned red. She glared at him and said, "There was no proper shape."    


George smiled cheekily. "Do I need to be formal with you?"    


Yang Yaru snorted proudly and said, "Alright. Then for the next month, don't even think about getting 'tired'."    


George could no longer maintain the smile on his face. He looked at Yang Yaru, who was walking away, and quickly ran after her.    


"Don't be like that, Yaru. I am joking. I will not say it in the future, okay?" George begged for forgiveness.    


Yang Yaru stopped and turned to look at him. "You really don't want to say anymore?"    


"Yes, I really am not going to say anymore." George made a solemn vow, but in his heart, he quietly added, I am not going to say. I will only do it.    


Yang Yaru snorted, "Can you please stop looking at me as if I have achieved success and say that again?"    


"Cough, cough ~" George coughed awkwardly. "Is it that obvious?"    


Yang Yaru rolled her eyes at him and said, "The more obvious the sun is, the more obvious the expression on your face is."    


"Hehe." George pulled Yang Yaru's hand and said, "I am being honest with you."    


"Go away." Yang Yaru opened his hand in disgust. She wrapped it around George's hand again as soon as she opened it.    


After the two of them happily went back and forth a few times, Yang Yaru finally calmed down and smiled. "Don't bother. Hurry up and eat. I still have work to do."    


George saw her smile, and only then did he let out a sigh of relief and set out his breakfast.    


Although Yang Yaru did not say anything today, George's intuition told him that there was something wrong with it. That was why he used this kind of method to help Yang Yaru eliminate the unhappiness in her heart.    


Now it seemed like there was still some effect.    


Yang Yaru calculated the time and quickly finished breakfast. She said to George, "You can play by yourself. I have to go to work."    


George was dissatisfied. "I came all the way here to deliver breakfast to you, and you just left me here?"    


Yang Yaru looked at him. "I didn't ask you to come here to deliver breakfast. Besides, aren't you the guest? Just find a seat."    


George frowned and said pitifully, "Director Yang, taking care of the guest is also your responsibility, right? You didn't even bring me, the guest, to the venue? "    


Yang Yaru pouted and looked at him helplessly. She compromised and said, "Alright, alright. I'll lead you in. Master Young Master Qiao, please come in."    


As she spoke, Yang Yaru stretched out her hand and made a welcoming gesture.    


However, before she finished her posture, George pulled her neck into his arms.    


Yang Yaru was stunned and struggled, not used to it, "What are you doing?"    


George, however, openly hugged her and walked in, "Isn't this entering the venue?"    


Yang Yaru blushed and reached out her elbow to hit his chest. She took the opportunity to get out of his arms. She pouted and said, "Go by yourself. You are annoying."    


After she finished speaking, she did not wait for George to speak again. She turned around and ran away in a panic.    


She did not want to announce her relationship with George in front of this big scene today.    


Looking at Yang Yaru's panicky back, George smiled and shook his head, then turned around and went to his seat.    


Yang Yaru quickly got busy. George sat in her seat and looked at her busy figure. His eyes were full of tenderness.    


"Uncle George?"    


A tender voice was heard. George turned around and saw Ning Jiwei walking to his side and Jian Rui in his arms. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Come over and hug uncle."    


" Oh. " Jian Rui nodded obediently and stuck her body out towards him.    


Ning Jiwei did not refuse and directly put his daughter into his arms and instructed, "Rui, you stay here and play for a while. Don't run around. Daddy will come over in a while, okay?"    


" Yes, yes. Daddy, go and do your work." Jian Rui smiled and waved at Ning Jiwei.    


George saw that he left without saying a word. He could not help but say, "You don't need to worry about me."    


Ning Jiwei looked at him and said, "Didn't I ask Rui to call me uncle? What do I need to worry about?"    


George was stunned when he heard that. "You... When did you know?"    


Ning Jiwei couldn't help but smile. Without saying anything, he turned around and left.    


George stared at Ning Jiwei's back in a daze. After a while, he sneered and said, "You are indeed a profiteer."    


"Uncle George, you can't say bad things about Daddy. Otherwise, Rui won't like you." Jian Rui said with a serious face.    


George looked at the smaller version of Jian Haixi and pinched her face lovingly. "I know. I only know how to protect your father. Uncle is so good to you. You have to protect uncle in the future, okay?"    


"Of course!" Jian Rui hugged George's neck and her large, curved eyes smiled like crescent moons. "When Uncle George marries Auntie Yaru, Rui will change her way of addressing Yaru as Aunt Yaru."    


"Haha!" George was amused by Jian Rui's words and thought about how he addressed Yaru as Aunt. He nodded his head in satisfaction and said, "This way of addressing is not bad. When you see her later, you will call her that, remember?"    


"I remember." Jian Rui nodded her head honestly.    


After instructing Jian Rui, George kept staring at Yang Yaru and silently said in his heart, "Quickly come over, quickly come over ~"    


Perhaps his thoughts really worked, Yang Yaru inadvertently swept over and saw Jian Rui over here. After thinking for a while, she walked over and instructed George, "You must look after Rui. Don't let her stay alone, understand?"    


George helplessly shook his head, "Please rest assured about me, okay? Ning Jiwei did not even say a word. You are the only one who is worried."    


Yang Yaru glared at him. "Ning Jiwei didn't say it was because he trusts you. I said it was because I was afraid that you would be careless."    


After a pause, she also said in puzzlement, "But it is also strange. Ning Jiwei actually trusts you so much. Did he forget to take medicine when he went out today?"    


"Aunt Yaru," Jian Rui sweetly shouted, "Daddy is not sick. He did not take medicine when he went out."    


Yang Yaru was called stiff by Jian Rui's "Aunt Yaru," and did not hear what she said behind her.    


George saw her reaction and smiled with satisfaction. "Aunt Yaru, are you still used to your new identity?"    


Yang Yaru's little face turned red and reached out to hammer him, "I knew it was you who did it."    


George smiled and held her hand in his hand. He pulled it to his mouth and kissed it.    


"Ah, bashfulness, bashfulness ~" Jian Rui saw this and quickly reached out her hand to cover her eyes. She only peeked through the gaps of her fingers and smiled. "Yaru's aunt is blushing ~"    


"I hate it. I'm not playing with you anymore." Yang Yaru was teased by the two of them sitting on one side until her face turned red. She stomped her feet and ran away in anger.    


"Hehe." Jian Rui covered her mouth and laughed. "Uncle George, Aunt Yaru is shy."    


George reached out and touched his chin. "It's normal. After all, your uncle is so handsome."    


While they were chatting happily in the First Primary School, Qiao Ya and Catherine finally arrived at the venue.    


Qiao Ya followed the staff to send Catherine to the judges' seats. She did not expect to see a familiar figure sitting in the VIP seats close to the judges' seats when she walked nearby.    


"Brother?" Qiao Ya looked at George in surprise, "Why are you here?"    


George raised his eyebrows. He was not surprised that Qiao Ya was here. "I will be the audience."    


Qiao Ya was stunned and Catherine looked over curiously, "Qiao Ya, this is your brother?"    


Qiao Ya only reacted when she heard Catherine's voice. She quickly introduced the two of them. "Yes, Teacher Catherine. This is my brother, George. Brother, this is Teacher Catherine. She is also the only judge in this competition."    


Catherine looked at George and greeted him with a very well-mannered smile, "Hello, we are sitting very close."    


"Hello." George also very respectfully nodded at her and said, "I have heard of your great name a long time ago. Sorry, I am carrying the child. It is not convenient for me to stand up and shake hands with you."    


"It does not matter. It does not matter." Catherine generously smiled and said, "Is this your child? Very cute."    


George was stunned for a moment and smiled as he shook his head. "Not my child, but she and I are very fated. We are good friends."    


As he spoke, he reached out and pinched Jian Rui's face. "Rui, quickly greet them."    


Jian Rui blinked and politely bowed. "Hello, Teacher Catherine. My name is Jian Rui. I am six years old this year."    


"Jian Rui, is it? Hello, little friend." Catherine reached out and touched Jian Rui's head, "You are very pretty."    


"Thank you, you are also very beautiful." Jian Rui said seriously.    


Catherine was amused by Jian Rui's words and laughed. Looking at Jian Rui's clever and quick-witted appearance, the more she looked, the more she liked it.    


Qiao Ya was a little stunned and did not know why Catherine suddenly liked a child so much. Furthermore, it was obvious that she was in an extremely good mood.    


"You don't need to go and prepare?" George looked at Qiao Ya and asked.    


Qiao Ya narrowed her eyes and did not walk away. Instead, she sat down on the other side of George. "There is no hurry. Anyway, I have prepared everything. It is not too late to go there when it is about to start."    


She also greeted Jian Rui and said, "Hello, I am Qiao Ya."    


Jian Rui obediently nodded her head. Just now she heard Qiao Ya call George big brother, so she also politely said, "Hello Aunt Qiao Ya. My name is Jian Rui. You can call me Rui."    


"Rui, did you come alone?" Qiao Ya asked with a smile.    


"No." Jian Rui shook her head and pointed at Ning Jiwei in the distance. "Rui came with Daddy."    


"Daddy?" Qiao Ya was shocked for a second. She looked at Ning Jiwei's back and then at Jian Rui. Suddenly, she realized who Jian Rui was.    


Her eyes rolled around quickly. The smile on Qiao Ya's face was even more kind and friendly. "Rui, have you been sitting here all this time? Are you tired? This venue is very big. Do you want to go for a stroll? Why don't Auntie bring you around to take a look? "    


Jian Rui shook her head and said," Thank you Aunt Qiao Ya, but there is no need. Daddy will be here in a while. Rui will just wait for Daddy here. "    


Catherine looked at Jian Rui in surprise, "You, Daddy, are Ning Jiwei?"    


"Yes." Jian Rui tilted her head and looked at Catherine. "You know me, Daddy?"    


"Yes." Catherine smiled and lovingly stroked Jian Rui's hair. "Since you are Ning Jiwei's daughter, you can call me grandma from now on."    


"Grandma?" Jian Rui was stunned for a moment, then she raised her big smile and said, "Hello grandma!"    


"Hey, you are so good." Yes, Catherine replied.    


Seeing Catherine and Jian Rui chatting like this, the light in Qiao Ya's eyes became even brighter.    


If she could take down Jian Rui this little girl, not to mention Ning Jiwei could not escape from her palm, even Catherine would treat her differently.    


Thinking of this, Qiao Ya stretched out her hand towards Jian Rui, wanting to carry her over.    


Unexpectedly, before her hand touched Jian Rui, it was stopped by George, "What do you want to do?" George asked coldly.    


"I..." Qiao Ya was stunned. She never thought that George would stop her.    


But the shock only lasted for a moment. Qiao Ya quickly smiled and said as if nothing had happened, "Brother, I just saw Rui was so cute and looked like she really liked it, so I wanted to hug and kiss her."    


"No need." George laughed and said, "Rui recognizes strangers. I will hug her."    


Qiao Ya was a little dissatisfied. She thought that George was deliberately making things difficult for her. Her expression could not help but become a little ugly.    


Jian Rui heard the conversation between the two and looked at Qiao Ya with some doubt, "Aunt Qiao Ya, Rui also likes you very much. But Rui promised Daddy that she would follow Uncle George. So I can't go with you. In the future when there is a chance, Rui will look for you to play with."    


George smiled and pinched Jian Rui's face and said, "This little girl's mouth is really coincidental."    


Then he looked at Qiao Ya and said, "The competition is about to start. Go and prepare quickly. Don't delay your business."    


"It's none of my business..."    


Before Qiao Ya could finish speaking, Jian Rui interrupted, "Auntie Qiao Ya, if you are busy, go quickly. If Daddy knew that Rui disturbed your competition, he would definitely be fierce to Rui."    


Qiao Ya pulled a stiff smile on her face and said, "Rui do not need to worry. Auntie is not in a hurry. Auntie is here..."    




Once again, Qiao Ya was interrupted before she could finish her words.    


However, it was not George and Jian Rui who interrupted her this time, but the sound of a child.    


Hearing this familiar sound, Jian Rui suddenly turned her head around.    


She saw a chubby little figure from a few people's distance, grinning from ear to ear and laughing foolishly at her, "Rui, I'm here!"    


"Ha!" Jian Rui stood up excitedly and waved her hand. "Gu Ruanruan!"    


"Rui!" Gu Xiaomian ran over excitedly." I finally saw you! I miss you so much!"    


Jian Rui did not laugh at him this time. She also nodded vigorously and said, "I also miss you very much."    





When he heard Jian Rui's words, Gu Xiaomian felt as if he had been injected with stimulants. He turned around and said to Gu Chenyi, "First Dad, did you hear that? Rui said she missed me! I told you that I had to come over. You still don't believe me. Now you believe me! "    


Gu Chenyi rolled his eyes at his son in disgust. "Rui thinks of everyone."    


" Impossible! " Gu Xiaomian said in disbelief.    


"You don't believe me?" Gu Chenyi smiled and touched Jian Rui's head. He asked, "Rui, do you miss me?"    


" Yes, yes, I thought about it!" Jian Rui giggled.    


"Crunch," Gu Xiaomian said. He seemed to have heard the sound of himself getting dirty and breaking into glass.    


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