CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C38 This Night

C38 This Night

0This night is not meant to be ordinary.    


The reporter who received the photo posted the notice overnight. Even at night, the discussions on the Internet quickly fermented.    


Jian Yi sat in front of the computer and looked at the headlines with a smile but did not say anything. He had to study very late at night every night. In addition, Jian Haixi did not come back nor did she call him. He was even more worried, so he waited a little longer.    


Jian Yi did not expect him to wait for the news. He looked at the pictures on the Internet, especially Ning Jiwei's face. He could not help but think about what Jian Rui had said. He suddenly realized that he really looked like Ning Jiwei.    


Jian Yi thought about it and narrowed his eyes to look at Ning Jiwei even more carefully and seriously. He even specially logged into his own secret system and investigated Ning Jiwei's information from six years ago and Jian Haixi's matter from six years ago. He wanted to see if the two of them had any interaction.    


Finally, Jian Yi took out a video. It was the footage of Jian Haixi being brought to the hotel by Yang Yuan six years ago and accidentally trespassing into Ning Jiwei's room.    


Jian Yi looked at the video and smiled knowingly. He was not stupid. If he could not deduce that Ning Jiwei was his father even with this, it would be an insult to his intelligence.    


When Jian Yi found out about the past, he would have a different plan after reading the news on the Internet.    


He looked at Jian Rui, who was sleeping soundly, and shook her awake.    


Jian Rui turned around in a daze. She rubbed her eyes and asked, "Brother, is mom back?"    


Jian Yi said, "Mommy has something to do tonight. She is not coming back."    


" Oh. " Jian Rui nodded and was about to fall asleep again when Jian Yi woke her up again.    


"Brother, what's the matter?"    


"Let me ask you a question. You have to tell me the truth."    


Jian Yi looked at Jian Rui and asked, "Do you really want Handsome Uncle to be our father? Do you really like him that much?"    


Jian Rui nodded and said, "Didn't you already know this question? Besides Mommy and you, my favorite person is Handsome Uncle! Unfortunately, I have only seen him once, and Handsome Uncle has a girlfriend. He can't be our father."    


When Jian Rui finished speaking, her expression was a little downcast. She did not feel sleepy anymore.    


Jian Yi smiled and rubbed Jian Rui's head. He said, "That's enough. I know. You can continue sleeping. "    


"Brother, are you still not going to sleep?"    


Jian Yi looked at the computer and smiled. "I still have something to do."    


After Jian Yi coaxed his sister to sleep, he turned on the computer again. He looked at the news and smiled. He did not use any means to delete the news. Instead, he used some methods to make it spread faster and wider.    


In the early morning, Jian Haixi was awakened by the soreness all over her body. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she felt was the shoulder of the man under her head and the big palm on her waist.    


Jian Haixi moved in a daze and reached out her hand subconsciously to touch the big hand on her waist.    


Arm, shoulder, chest...    




Jian Haixi exclaimed and completely woke up.    


She stared at Ning Jiwei, who was lying beside her. She was stunned for a while before her brain started working again. The scenes from last night flashed in her mind one by one. She was bullied by President Wan and Yang Yuan in the hotel. Then Ning Jiwei had lifted the rag on her face, and she had sex with Ning Jiwei in the hotel...    


The beautiful scenes in Jian Haixi's memory made her blush. She peeked at Ning Jiwei who still had his eyes closed and felt slightly relieved in her heart. She thought that it was fortunate that he was not awake yet, or else it would really be awkward.    


Jian Haixi let out a soft breath and her eyes rolled around. She gently lifted the blanket and prepared to secretly leave.    


Unexpectedly, just as she was about to get off the bed, one of her feet was not even close to the floor when her wrist was tightly held by a big hand, and her whole body was pulled back.    




Jian Haixi could not help but cry out in shock. Her body lost strength and fell down from behind, coincidentally landing on Ning Jiwei's chest.    


Ning Jiwei put one arm around her neck and trapped her in his arms, not letting her leave. He teased her with a hoarse voice that had just woken up in the morning, "Where are you going?"    




Jian Haixi stuttered and was stunned for a moment before she suddenly reacted. She looked up at Ning Jiwei and said, "You were awake a long time ago?"    


Otherwise, why did he notice her as soon as she moved?    


Ning Jiwei's lips curled up. He was obviously in a good mood. "It's not early. I woke up about ten minutes earlier than you."    


Ten minutes...    


The corner of Jian Haixi's mouth twitched. Did he see all of her reaction just now?    


Jian Haixi's bitter and contradictory expression successfully pleased Ning Jiwei. He laughed and stretched out his hands, pinched Jian Haixi's waist, and lifted her up to look at him.    


"Luckily I woke up first, or else you would have left?"    




Jian Haixi hesitated and looked at Ning Jiwei. "Last night's situation was special. We should not have..."    


Ning Jiwei raised his eyebrows and lifted her chin. He asked, "Are you not going to take responsibility for me?"    


"Do I need to take responsibility for you?"    


Jian Haixi was stunned and did not follow his train of thought for a moment. After a while, she blinked and said, "What you said is exactly the opposite of the truth, right?"    


Ning Jiwei also blinked and revealed a pure and innocent look. He pretended not to understand and asked, "What I said is the opposite of the truth? It was clearly you who slept with me, but now you plan to leave without giving me an explanation. Don't tell me you don't intend to take responsibility for me? "    


Jian Haixi gritted her teeth and said, "It should be you taking responsibility for me!"    




Just as Jian Haixi finished speaking, Ning Jiwei nodded his head and smiled, "I am responsible for you."    


He answered straightforwardly, but Jian Haixi hesitated.    


"What is it?"    


Ning Jiwei reached out and pinched her cheek. Jian Haixi's skin was really good. Her skin was smooth and tender.    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei seriously and said, "What happened last night was really an accident. I am very grateful that you saved me. As for what happened to us. I don't blame you, and I don't want you to be responsible for it. "    


Ning Jiwei saw what she said and withdrew the smile on his face. He asked, "Why?"    


Many women wanted him to take responsibility, but he took the initiative to take responsibility for her, and she actually rejected him.    


Jian Haixi bit her lips and said, "You have your fiancée. We are not people of the same world, I don't want to have too many connections with you."    


Ning Jiwei heard her mention Sung Lan and his face became gloomy.    


Fiancé? He did not treat Sung Lan as his fiancée at all.    


"Are you sure?"    


Jian Haixi nodded. "I didn't go home last night. The children must be anxious. I'll be leaving first."    


Jian Haixi said and got off the bed without waiting for Ning Jiwei to speak.    


Actually, her current condition was not suitable for her to go home. The reason why she said that was only because she was in a hurry to leave this place.    


It was only when Jian Haixi wrapped the blanket and got off the bed that she realized that she did not have any clothes to change into. She immediately stood there awkwardly.    


Ning Jiwei sighed and felt that he was really becoming more and more soft-hearted towards Jian Haixi.    


If there was anyone who dared to disrespect him in the past, he would definitely not care about this person's predicament. But now, when he looked at Jian Haixi's lonely and helpless back, he could not ignore it.    


"The moment you step out of the hotel door, you will be seen by a group of reporters waiting there."    


Jian Haixi froze and turned back to look at him in puzzlement, "Reporters?"    


Ning Jiwei nodded and showed her his phone.    


Jian Haixi frowned and took the phone. The online news was all about her and Ning Jiwei.    


Jian Haixi was shocked and opened the news. She saw someone taking pictures of Ning Jiwei carrying her out of the hotel last night, as well as photos of them returning to the hotel. There was even a video interview with Yang Yuan.    


In the interview, Yang Yuan had a look of pain and disappointment on his face. He berated Jian Haixi for being overly concerned about money. She abandoned him for money and chose to be with Ning Jiwei.    


Jian Haixi was so angry that she threw her phone away. "He's really shameless!"    


Ning Jiwei pulled her back to the bed and hugged her from behind. He put his head on her shoulder and comforted her, "It's not worth to be angry about this kind of person. Instead of getting angry because of him, you might as well take advantage of this time to do something meaningful with me."    


Jian Haixi felt Ning Jiwei's palm caressing her breasts. Her face instantly turned red. She turned her head and pushed him with embarrassment and anger. "I don't want to have sex with you! You are rogue!"    


Ning Jiwei was stunned for a moment and laughed loudly, "Haixi, what do you think I want to do?"    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She saw Ning Jiwei take out a notebook from a small table beside him and looked at her playfully. "I just want to take advantage of this time to check the progress of the project with you. Why do you have such a big reaction?"    


Jian Haixi was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole to hide in. She saw that Ning Jiwei was still smiling and looking at her. She could not help covering her head with the blanket and went into the blanket. No matter how Ning Jiwei shouted or coaxed, she did not come out.    


Half an hour later, there was a knock on the door.    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei nervously. Ning Jiwei comforted her and said, "Don't be afraid. The person who came is my friend."    


Ning Jiwei got up and put on his clothes to get off the bed. He also said to Jian Haixi, "You go into the bathroom."    


Jian Haixi quickly got off the bed and ran into the bathroom. At the same time, she also picked up the clothes that she had left on the ground.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the tightly closed bathroom door and shook his head with a smile. He turned around and opened the door.    


"I didn't think that you would need me to help you again!"    


Zuo Li walked into the room with his female companion in his arms. He looked around and sniffed. He teased, "Last night, you guys had a lot of sex!"    


"Cut the crap."    


Ning Jiwei was too lazy to respond to him. He stretched out his hand and said, "Give it to me."    


Zuo Li was used to Ning Jiwei's attitude. He gave the girl in his arms a look. She immediately handed the new clothes in her hand to Ning Jiwei.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Zuo Li and ordered, "Wait here for a while."    


After he said that, he took the clothes and walked to the bathroom door and knocked twice.    


Jian Haixi heard the knock on the door and opened it. Ning Jiwei handed the clothes in and instructed, "After you change your clothes, we will leave."    


Five minutes later, Jian Haixi came out of the bathroom with a red face. The moment she came out, she saw the woman who was wearing the same clothes as her by Zuo Li's side. She immediately understood Ning Jiwei's plan.    


"Beauty. Let's get to know each other. I am Zuo Li... "    


" Let's go. You don't have to bother with him."    


Before Zuo Li could finish his words, Ning Jiwei hugged Jian Haixi and left the room.    


The female companion saw Zuo Li reach out his hand and did not have time to take it back. She covered her mouth and smiled, "Do you feel awkward?"    


Zuo Li shook his head and took his hand back. He did not mind and said, "Why do I feel awkward? I am already used to it."    


The woman looked at the door that was closed again and asked curiously, "Ning Jiwei has been with many women these years. He never cared about the scandal that he caused. He actually needs us to cover for him this time, just so that she can escape unharmed. This really shocks me!"    


Zuo Li raised his eyebrows and bent down to pick up a name card that Jian Haixi dropped on the ground. He looked at the name "Jian Haixi" on it. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Obviously, this woman called Jian Haixi is different to him."    


Ning Jiwei protected Jian Haixi and left the hotel smoothly. He originally wanted to send her home, but he did not expect Jian Haixi to hesitate and say, "You can just put me down anywhere. I don't want to go back now."    


Her mood was very messy now, and those traces on her body... How would she face the children when she went home?    


Ning Jiwei looked at her. He thought for a while, turned the steering wheel, and drove to the suburbs.    


Half a time later, the car stopped in front of a wooden house by the lake. Jian Haixi got out of the car and stared blankly at the wooden house in front of her for a long time without coming back to her senses.    


At the remote lakeside, a few willow trees swayed with the wind. Not far away, a large patch of reeds made this place seem even more secretive and quiet.    


The wooden cabin was not luxurious. From its appearance, it looked like it was made of rough wood, as if it had randomly cut a few trees and put them together. However, it was precisely this simple and honest style that suited the entire environment. It made people feel that it was originally like this.    


Jian Haixi took a look at this place and liked this place. She smiled and turned to look at Ning Jiwei. "Where is this?"    


"Do you like it?"    


Ning Jiwei held her hand and walked into the wooden house. He introduced, "This is the place where I usually relax. There are not many decorations here. It is a little simple."    


Jian Haixi shook her head and smiled. "I like it here. This place can make people calm down. "    


Ning Jiwei smiled and rubbed Jian Haixi's hair. He also thought the same.    


This place was a secret place in his private world. He never brought anyone here, especially women.    


But when Jian Haixi said that she did not want to go home, he did not hesitate and chose to bring her here.    


Ning Jiwei saw that she liked this place so much and couldn't help but feel that his decision to bring her here was too correct.    


"You rest here for a while. I will go back and take care of today's matter, then I will come and find you, okay?"    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei, thought for a moment, and nodded.    


Ning Jiwei hugged her and kissed her forehead lightly, then turned around and left.    


Sung Lan also saw the news early in the morning. To be precise, it was not what she saw, but Father Sang who saw it first. After Father Sang saw the news, he pulled Sung Lan up from the bed early in the morning and told her to immediately look for Xu Hui.    


Sung Lan cried and ran to Ning Family. The Ning Family had also caused a commotion because of this matter. Sung Lan cried as she complained to Xu Hui. Xu Hui said with a cold face, "Don't worry, I have already called him. He will be back soon."    


Sure enough, not long after, Ning Jiwei walked in from the door.    


Xu Hui saw him and threw a teacup at him with a cold face.    


Ning Jiwei's gaze turned cold and he tilted his head to avoid the teacup.    


"Ning Jiwei, is this how you treat your fiancée? Don't you know that you are about to get engaged? You are worthy of Sung Lan by doing this? Are you worthy of the teachings of the Ning Family? You have embarrassed the Ning Family."    


Ning Jiwei sneered with disdain," This small matter of mine has made the Ning Family in an awkward position? "    


"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xu Hui snapped.    


"Ji Wei..."    


Sung Lan looked at Ning Jiwei with grievance and said, "How can you do this? Do you know how sad I was when I saw the news?"    


She was willing to accompany him at all times, but he liked Jian Haixi and did not like her.    


This news happened under the premise that he had agreed to be engaged to Sung Lan. How could Sung Lan tolerate this?    


Ning Jiwei did not even look at Sung Lan. Clearly, he did not plan to pay attention to her.    


Sung Lan felt even more wronged. "Ji Wei, do you not like me?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at her as if he was looking at an idiot. He said bluntly, "Do you only know about this matter?"    


Sung Lan choked, and her tears flowed even more violently.    


"Ning Jiwei, how did you talk to Sung Lan? She is your fiancée!" Xu Hui scolded.    


Ning Jiwei said casually, "This is probably what I learned from my elders. How my mother talked to me, I naturally talked to my fiancée. "    


"You!" Xu Hui did not expect Ning Jiwei to refute her so directly. She was so angry that she did not know what to say.    


"Ji Wei, what's so good about Jian Haixi?"    


Ning Jiwei sneered, "Haixi is naturally better than you in everything."    


Sung Lan bit her lips in jealousy and clenched her hands tightly. "She gave birth before she got married. She also gave birth to two children. No matter if it was her character or style, it was not good. How can you..."    


"I don't care." Ning Jiwei's words made Sung Lan speechless.    


Sung Lan was stunned. She did not expect Ning Jiwei to answer so directly. She could not help but urgently say, "Ji Wei, don't be bewitched by her. Jian Haixi that slut is very good at seducing people. You don't want..."    


Hearing Sung Lan scold Jian Haixi, Ning Jiwei's face became gloomy and he said sternly, "If you scold her again, don't blame me for reneging on the agreement."    


What agreement?    


Sung Lan was stunned for a moment. She immediately realized that he was talking about the engagement agreement with her. She could not help but be stunned and did not dare to say anything.    


Xu Hui sneered and said, "What is it? You do not allow others to say what you have done?"    


Ning Jiwei did not say anything.    


Xu Hui angrily said, "You said that your brother's actions hurt you back then, so we sent him to Japan for six years. But with your actions now, what right do you have to punish your brother righteously? Let me tell you, I want to bring Ji Kang back immediately! "    


As soon as she finished speaking, she gave Butler a look and instructed," Send someone to Japan immediately. "    




Butler nodded and answered. He turned around and walked towards the door.    


Sung Lan was so scared that she even forgot to cry.    


Didn't Xu Hui agree to help Sung Lan make the decision? Why did Xu Hui change the topic to Ning Jikang?    



Ning Jiwei looked at Xu Hui and the sneer on his lips became more and more obvious. Just as Butler was about to walk past him, Ning Jiwei kicked the door.    


The loud sound made everyone tremble. Sung Lan was so scared that she shrank back. Xu Hui also looked away guiltily.    


"Without my order, who would dare to pick him up!"    


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