CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C53 He Bought Vegetable Seed Oil for Someone else

C53 He Bought Vegetable Seed Oil for Someone else

0In school, the teacher found Jian Rui still in class. Her heart could not help but be filled with doubt. After class, the teacher called Jian Rui over. " Jian Rui, why are you still here? Didn't you go with your brother to see your sick grandfather?"    


" Grandfather? " Jian Rui asked in confusion, "What is Grandfather?"    


The teacher was stunned and said," Your father's father is your grandfather. "    


Jian Rui tilted her head and became even more confused. "But Teacher, I don't have a father. How can I have a grandfather?"    


The teacher was shocked and immediately took out his phone to call Jian Haixi.    


Jian Rui then reacted and knew that she might have sold out her brother. So she hurriedly pulled the teacher's arm and said, "Teacher, I remember now. Brother is not talking about our father's father. He's our mother's father. My mother's father is sick! Brother asked me to go and visit my grandfather, but my grandfather values men more than women. He's not good to me, so I don't like him. I didn't go. "    


"Is that so?" The teacher looked at Jian Rui and clearly did not believe her.    


"Really, teacher." Jian Rui blinked her big eyes and tears immediately flowed out. She hugged the teacher and complained, "Teacher, you don't know how pitiful I am. My grandfather is really bad. He doesn't like me and thinks that I am stupid..."    


No one could face Jian Rui's pitiful and cute actions without being moved, including her teacher.    


Under Jian Rui's cute actions, the teacher finally believed her words. She felt more love for Jian Rui and hugged her as she coaxed, "Alright, you don't cry anymore. Be good..."    


After Jian Rui successfully hid from the teacher, she rubbed her eyes and came out of the office before letting out a huge sigh of relief.    


Gu Xiaomian, who had been waiting for her at the staircase, saw her come out and frowned. He reproached, "Rui, were you lying just now?"    


When Jian Rui heard that, she immediately reached out her small hand to cover Gu Xiaomian's mouth. "Gu Ruanruan, shut up! If you let the teacher hear this, you are dead for sure!"    


She said as she pulled him far away.    


Gu Xiaomian did not understand Jian Rui's actions and asked, "But Rui, good children do not lie. Furthermore, Jian Yi clearly abandoned you. He ran away from school to play. Why did you still help him cover up?"    


Jian Rui said without thinking, "Brother must have something going on outside and it is not convenient for him to take me along. That is why he did not tell me."    


"But how do you know he didn't go to play?"    


Jian Rui said matter-of-factly, "I believe in my brother. Even if he went to play, there must be a reason. Anyway, whatever he does is right!"    


Gu Xiaomian did not expect Jian Rui to trust Jian Yi so much. She trusted him too much. Gu Xiaomian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he was hit by Jian Rui's little hand.    


"Gu Ruanruan, let me tell you, if anyone doesn't like my brother, I don't like him! I won't be friends with him. "    




When Gu Xiaomian heard that, he immediately swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth. He said, "Rui, don't misunderstand me. Other than you, my favorite person in school is Jian Yi."    


"Is that so?" Jian Rui narrowed her eyes and stared at him, as if she wanted to confirm whether what he said was true or not.    


Gu Xiaomian saw this and immediately revealed a flattering smile. He stretched out his chubby little hand to massage Jian Rui's shoulder and said, "Of course it's true. Rui, I won't lie to you. Look at Jian Yi... Oh no, our brother, he's smart and calm. He's very handsome. Who wouldn't like him? I admire him the most! "    


Jian Haixi brought Xie Nuan to the RU. Yang Yaru received the company's receptionist's notice and immediately came down to welcome the two of them.    


"Ms Haixi, you are finally here!"    


Yang Yaru took Jian Haixi's briefcase and said with a smile.    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "You do not need to be so polite. I originally planned to go up myself."    


"That won't do!" Yang Yaru smiled and said, "Later when my good friend Rui finds out about this matter, she will definitely criticize me."    


Jian Haixi did not know whether to cry or laugh. Her partner inexplicably became friends with her daughter. This really made her not know what expression to use.    


Yang Yaru led the two of them all the way to the office. She introduced her colleagues to them and also helped them organize their things. There were also kind-hearted colleagues who helped pour water. Everyone who saw them would warmly greet them.    


"Our company is not bad, right?" Yang Yaru asked.    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded. "Not only not bad, but also very good. Yaru, thank you."    


Jian Haixi did not say flattering words. The atmosphere of RU's work was tense and harmonious. It did not give people the feeling of "battlefield." Instead, it felt more like home.    


Yang Yaru waved her hand to indicate that Jian Haixi did not need to be polite.    


Xie Nuan sighed and said, "This does not seem to be in another company. The treatment that I received made me feel like I had returned to my own home. Our company is clearly our own territory, but many people have a strange tone... "    


" Don't say anymore. " Jian Haixi reached out and patted Xie Nuan, "Don't say anymore. Quickly go to work."    


Xie Nuan stuck out her tongue and immediately started to move.    


Because of the arrival of the two of them, the cooperation between the two parties also needed to be carried out as soon as possible. Yang Yaru immediately called for a meeting of the project team and Jian Haixi and Xie Nuan attended as the partners.    


In the meeting, Jian Haixi planned and explained the key points of the cooperation plan one by one. Her methodical pace and simple style won the cheers of the audience.    


Yang Yaru looked at Jian Haixi who easily got everyone's recognition and finally realized what was so special about the mother who could nurture Jian Yi and Jian Rui, these two treasures.    


After the meeting, Yang Yaru sorted out the meeting records and then pulled Jian Haixi along to Director's office to submit the meeting records.    


Before going to the office, Jian Haixi was still a little nervous. After all, RU was a big company. It was not unreasonable for it to be able to operate and develop steadily. The person who created and operated the RU must have extraordinary abilities and brains.    


And dealing with such a person was undoubtedly a great test for her.    


Jian Haixi also thought that Qin Zhi was a far-sighted and mature Director. She had already made sufficient preparations in her heart to face a test. Who knew that when the office door opened, before she could even walk in, she was shocked by the deafening sound of the game and took two steps back.    


Jian Haixi subconsciously looked up at the office sign. This was indeed Director's office.    


"I'm sorry to make you laugh." Yang Yaru smiled awkwardly. "You don't have to doubt it. You didn't go to the wrong place. This is Director's office."    


"Alright." Jian Haixi scratched her head in embarrassment.    


Yang Yaru said helplessly, "It can't be helped. Director has no other hobbies. He just likes to play games."    


As she spoke, she led Jian Haixi into the office.    


When they entered the office, Jian Haixi immediately saw Qin Zhixu, who was lying on the large sofa. He looked like a very young and tender youth, and he actually looked somewhat similar to Joe.    


Qin Zhixu was lying on the sofa, playing the game keyboard with both hands. He didn't even notice them coming in.    


Yang Yaru sighed and coughed twice. "Ahem, Director, I came to send you the meeting records."    


"Who?" Qin Zhixu was busy playing games and did not even look up to say something. He only reacted after a while. He turned his head and saw Yang Yaru standing behind him. He threw the keyboard and walked over.    


"Yaru, so you are here!" Qin Zhixu stretched out his arms with a mischievous smile. "You did not come to find me for a long time. I miss you so much. Quickly come and let me hug you!"    


"Sit tight!"    


Yang Yaru poked his forehead with her index finger and pushed him back. "Be serious. Come over, let me introduce her to you. This is Jian Haixi, the director from the Design Department of Maiteng."    


Yang Yaru paused for a moment, then shrugged to Jian Haixi and said," This is the person I introduced to you before, our company's Director, Qin Zhixu. "    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded. She stretched out her hand and said, "Hello, Director Qin. I am Jian Haixi."    


"I heard Yaru mention you before. I did not expect you to be a beauty!" Qin Zhixu reached out and held Jian Haixi's hand. He smiled and said, "Welcome to our company to work. It would be best if you could become our official employee. Ning Jiwei stretched out his hand and took ___'s hand. He smiled and said, Welcome to our company to work. It would be best if you could become our official employee. I will definitely be very angry!"    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment and could not help but smile bitterly," Director Qin, you must be joking. "    


" I am not joking. " Qin Zhixu smiled and said, "I am telling the truth. I have dealt with Ning Jiwei a few times. He is a hypocrite. A beauty like you will resign. He will definitely feel sad. "    


Jian Haixi did not know how to reply and could only smile awkwardly.    


Later on, Qin Zhixu became more serious and listened to their reports. Yang Yaru gave a concise explanation of the meeting process. Seeing that Qin Zhixu did not have any instructions, she prepared to pull Jian Haixi away.    


Qin Zhixu stopped the two of them, "Let's eat together tonight."    


"Huh?" Jian Haixi paused and felt a little awkward. "Director Qin, I shouldn't have rejected your invitation, but I have a child at home. So..."    


"That's not important." Qin Zhixu was not surprised that Jian Haixi had children at such a young age. He just raised his eyebrows and said indifferently," You just need to bring your children along. Anyway, I have a lot of money. No matter how much you eat, You can't make me poor."    


Jian Haixi was speechless. What he said was really...    


Yang Yaru looked at Qin Zhixu's expression and secretly poked Jian Haixi with her finger, indicating that Jian Haixi should quickly agree to Qin Zhixu's invitation.    


Jian Haixi could only smile and nod her head, "Alright then. I am very willing to accept it."    


"Okay!" Qin Zhixu returned to his smiling expression and waved at the two of them, indicating that they could leave.    


Yang Yaru pulled Jian Haixi out of Director's office and said to Jian Haixi, "Ms Haixi, our company's Director seems to be very easy-going, but he is actually quite overbearing. He does not like others to reject him, so I asked you to agree just now. In the future, when you see him, try to be obedient to him. "    


Jian Haixi was a little speechless. "How old is your Director?"    


No matter whether it was his appearance or personality, he was like a child.    


Yang Yaru smiled mysteriously. "Guess!"    


Jian Haixi shook her head to indicate that she did not know. Yang Yaru smiled and stretched out two fingers, "He just turned 20."    


"He is only 20?" Jian Haixi was shocked. She would never have thought that Director, who could manage RU, was only 20 years old.    


Director's office.    


Qin Zhixu leaned against the door and watched Jian Haixi's back as she left. The corner of his mouth curled into a mischievous smile. Then he remembered something and quickly returned to the computer. He jumped onto the sofa and picked up his headphones and roared at the person on the other side, "How did I die? I didn't move in the game. Why did my character die? It's because my equipment isn't good enough, right? I'll give you 100,000 dollars. You'll immediately upgrade my character's latest equipment!"    


The secretary on the other end of the earpiece was frightened by his roar and quickly followed his instructions.    


After coming out of Director's office, Jian Haixi, in order to thank the employees of RU Company for their enthusiastic help, decided to treat everyone to coffee. She also planned to personally go downstairs to buy it.    


In the end, she did not expect to meet someone she knew in the coffee shop, Chen Zhaomu.    


Chen Zhaomu still had a cold expression on his face. When he saw Jian Haixi, he acted as if he did not see her.    


Jian Haixi saw that he was about to turn around and leave, and quickly took two steps forward to stop him.    


"Miss Jian, is something the matter?" Chen Zhaomu's voice did not fluctuate.    


Jian Haixi sighed and said helplessly, "Even if you want to cut ties with me, at least give me a chance to explain. If you still think you can't forgive me after hearing my explanation, then I have nothing to say, right? "    


Chen Zhaomu was silent for a while and turned to look at her, "Alright, you explain."    


Jian Haixi pondered and said, "Regarding the matter of you giving me flowers, other than the first time I got flowers, it was because..."    


Jian Haixi paused and hid what Ning Jiwei did. She said, "Because of the company's rules, the flowers were stopped by the receptionist. After I saw you that day, I went back to ask the receptionist. I just found out about this. Then it was that day when my phone was taken away. Maybe it was because he accidentally deleted your WeChat account. Because we didn't contact each other during those few days, I didn't notice either."    


After Jian Haixi said that, she took a deep breath and said, "This is my explanation. This sounds quite far-fetched. If you don't believe me, I can't do anything about it."    


" No. "    


After a moment of silence, Chen Zhaomu looked at Jian Haixi and said, "I believe in your explanation."    


Jian Haixi looked at him in surprise. She did not expect him to believe her explanation so easily.    


Chen Zhaomu said, "Because you would not lie to me with these words. I believe in your character."    


Jian Haixi scratched her head in embarrassment and smiled. "No, in the end, I was the one who did it wrong."    


Chen Zhaomu shook his head and said, "This is just a misunderstanding."    


After he said that, he took a deep breath and said, "That's enough. This matter has troubled me for so long. It has finally been resolved. Actually, every time I see you, I have to hold back my anger and not talk to you. It is also very uncomfortable."    


Jian Haixi also relaxed. She did not have many friends, so she still cherished the friendship between her and Chen Zhaomu.    


Jian Haixi looked at the coffee that Chen Zhaomu had bought and said, "It is very good that I have resolved the misunderstanding between us. If you are anxious, you can leave first. I still have to buy coffee."    


Chen Zhaomu looked at her and said, "I cannot leave at this time. It is a man's manners to pay for a lady."    


"Please don't." Jian Haixi hurriedly smiled and refused him.    



Chen Zhaomu frowned. "You also want to reject me on this matter?"    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "If I only buy my own coffee, I will not reject you. But today I am buying for my colleagues. There are many people and I need a lot of coffee. It is not suitable for you to pay for it."    


"Alright then."    


Chen Zhaomu heard what she said and did not insist on his idea. However, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he stopped to look at Jian Haixi and asked tentatively, "Can I still pursue you now?"    


"What?" Jian Haixi was stunned. She heard Chen Zhaomu say, "Since it was all a misunderstanding before. Can I still pursue you now? "    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment. She did not expect him to ask this question again.    


"I really like you, Haixi. I..."    




Jian Haixi interrupted Chen Zhaomu. She looked at him and said, "I am already with someone else."    


Chen Zhaomu was stunned for a moment and then said in disappointment, "It seems that I missed the opportunity."    


Jian Haixi said, "We are still friends. I believe you will meet someone who belongs to you."    


Chen Zhaomu paused, smiled and nodded. "That's right. No matter what, we are still friends. As long as you feel happy, I will also loyally bless you."    


The two of them looked at each other and smiled. The previous conflict had been completely resolved.    


After Jian Yi left school, he did not directly go to his destination. Instead, he first went to the supermarket to carefully choose two bottles of vegetable oil.    


One. A child carrying a bottle of vegetable oil wandering around the supermarket would always attract people's attention, not to mention that Jian Yi was so beautiful.    


When he took the two bottles of vegetable oil to pay, the cashier asked, "Little friend, does your family know that you are here to buy these?"    


Jian Yi shook his head.    


The cashier said enthusiastically, "How about this? After you buy these two bottles of vegetable seed oil, I can give you a gift. The gift is a smaller bottle of vegetable seed oil. Why don't you take the small bottle of vegetable seed oil back first? Wait! Your parents will bring them over to buy oil after work so that it will be convenient for you. Okay? "    


Jian Yi said, "No need. This is not for my family. I bought it to give to someone."    


" You want to give it to someone? " The cashier looked at Jian Yi in surprise and asked curiously, "Little friend, if you want to give it to someone as a gift, why don't you choose health products like milk?"    


Most people gave these as gifts. They looked expensive and convenient to carry around.    


Jian Yi frowned slightly. He did not like to talk so much to strangers.    


He did not want to talk too much, but after taking two steps, he remembered Jian Haixi's teachings. He felt that it was rude to not answer other people's words, so he returned. He looked at the cashier seriously and said, "Auntie, thank you for your suggestion, but I have my reasons for buying this."    


The cashier was slightly stunned. She heard Jian Yi continue, "Because the person I am visiting is a businessman. This is exactly what he wants. Besides, as long as the gift is practical, it doesn't need to be too gaudy. "    


The cashier was stunned for a moment and said, "Milk is also quite practical."    


Jian Yi shook his head and said, "The person I am visiting is old. This is vegetable seed oil. It doesn't contain cholesterol and is suitable for elderly people to eat. It is autumn now. Old people are not suitable to drink milk for a long time."    


"How about health supplements?" The cashier asked again.    


Jian Yi still shook his head. "Health products are mostly useless things. It would be better to eat another bowl of rice every meal."    


The cashier was stunned when she heard that. She did not expect a five or six-year-old boy to give so many reasons.    


By the time she reacted, Jian Yi had already carried his big schoolbag and walked away with difficulty with two bottles of vegetable seed oil.    


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