CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C89 To Spoil Her

C89 To Spoil Her

0After Wenn Qingnuan came back from the hospital, she did not care that there was no one at home. The first thing she did was to go back to her room to look at the divorce agreement.    


In the end, Wenn Qingnuan did not see the divorce agreement she left on the table.    


What was going on?    


Wenn Qingnuan frowned and walked around the room. Finally, she found the torn divorce agreement in the rubbish bin.    


"Ning Jikang!"    


Wenn Qingnuan gritted her teeth and shouted angrily. This man clearly promised to divorce her, but in the end, he tore the divorce agreement apart!    


This was clearly him going back on his word again.    


Wenn Qingnuan was very angry that Ning Jikang was unwilling to divorce her, but she also felt that it was very strange. Previously Sung Lan clearly had an agreement with her.    


In her anger, Wenn Qingnuan called Sung Lan. Sung Lan's voice sounded a little lazy on the other end of the phone.    


Wenn Qingnuan angrily said, "Sung Lan, what is going on?"    


"What is it?" Sung Lan asked lazily.    


"Stop pretending!" Wenn Qingnuan said angrily, "Previously you clearly told me that Ning Jikang agreed to divorce me, but now that he tore the divorce agreement, he clearly went back on his word."    


Sung Lan said lazily, "Wenn Qingnuan, you can't blame me for this. I had indeed persuaded Ning Jikang as you said before, and he also agreed to it. But if he goes back on his word, then I have no choice. If Ning Jikang doesn't want to, then... I can't force him."    




Hearing Sung Lan's excuses, Wenn Qingnuan was very angry and she coldly said to Sung Lan," Sung Lan, I am warning you, if I am unable to divorce him smoothly, you will not be able to get a single cent of that money. "    


Finishing, Wenn Qingnuan wanted to hang up the phone but Sung Lan suddenly shouted urgently, "Wenn Qingnuan, wait a moment."    


Wenn Qingnuan sneered, "What else do you want?"    


Sung Lan thought for a while and changed the topic, "Why don't we talk about this face to face. There are some details and plans that I want to discuss with you."    


"Sure." Wenn Qingnuan agreed and said, "Sung Lan, I warn you not to challenge my patience."    


After saying this, Wenn Qingnuan coldly snorted and hung up the phone. She turned on her computer and logged into a hidden website, which was the one she had posted for help.    


She had previously posted a request for help on this website, asking about how to escape her marriage. Someone suggested that she look for Sung Lan after receiving the detailed information. This method was indeed effective at the beginning. However, the current situation was clearly out of their plan, which made Wenn Qingnuan somewhat uncertain.    


Wenn Qingnuan opened the website and skillfully found that person. She said, Everything was going according to plan, but Ning Jikang suddenly went back on his word and tore the divorce agreement.    


She did not get a reply, but she received a system prompt from the website saying that that person would only come online after seven o'clock at night, asking her to wait patiently.    


Wenn Qingnuan looked at the notification and sighed. She could only turn off the computer temporarily and wait until seven o'clock in the evening to open it again.    


After turning off the computer, Wenn Qingnuan sat there and thought for a long time. Finally, she remembered what Ning Jiwei told her to find a divorce lawyer in the hospital and finally made up her mind.    


She decided that this time, regardless of whether Ning Jikang agreed to divorce or not, she would not stay in this house anymore. At least she had to leave this place first.    


Wenn Qingnuan bit her lip and stood up. She found her suitcase and started to pack her luggage.    


She did not have a lot of luggage. An old phone fell out of many clothes.    


Wenn Qingnuan looked at the old phone and was stunned. Her eyes changed a lot.    


She bent down and picked up the old phone. Wenn Qingnuan gently caressed it and the corner of her mouth inadvertently revealed a trace of a smile.    


The old phone had long been turned off. Wenn Qingnuan found a charger to charge it and there was nothing else inside other than two text messages.    


However, those two text messages made Wenn Qingnuan's face burst into tears.    


One was the text she received and the other was the text she sent. It was six years ago.    


"Love and warmth, I'll wait for you at the appointed place."    


"Ji Wei, I'm sorry. I thought about it for a long time, but I still can't be with you. I'm sorry. I love you, but we can't let down your big brother."    


Wenn Qingnuan looked at the two messages and cried. At the same time, her heart was filled with regret.    


If she had chosen to go to the appointment back then, everything would be different today.    


How could she redeem her former happiness and former lover?    


In the company.    


After Jian Haixi finished her work, she took the teacup to fetch water. In the end, when she entered the tea room, she was hugged by a pair of long arms from behind.    




Jian Haixi cried out in shock. When she smelled a familiar scent, she realized that the person behind her was Ning Jiwei.    


"What are you doing?"    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei and said.    


"I miss you." Ning Jiwei held Jian Haixi's waist from behind and put his chin on her shoulder.    


"Ning Jiwei, don't do anything stupid!" Jian Haixi felt him kissing her neck. She panicked and wanted to push him away. " This was the tea room. If anyone else saw this, I wouldn't be able to face them anymore."    


" It's fine. " Ning Jiwei smiled. He kissed her on the cheek and said, "I asked Lee Fu to guard the door. No one dared to come in."    


"What?" Jian Haixi was so embarrassed. She could not help but beat his arm with her fist and said," You even let Lee Fu guard the door. How can you do this? "    


"What's wrong with this?" Ning Jiwei smiled disapprovingly. He held Jian Haixi's shoulder and turned her around to face him. He reached out his hand to stroke her hair and said, "If you follow me to the office, I won't block you here anymore."    


"I don't want to." Jian Haixi pouted and said. If she went to his office, what would he do? She did not want to waste her time on these things.    


"I knew you would reject me." Ning Jiwei smiled and kissed her forehead. "Be good. Come with me to the office. I really have something to tell you."    


"Really?" Jian Haixi raised her head and looked at him suspiciously. "What is it?"    


Ning Jiwei raised his eyebrows and smiled mysteriously. "If you go, I will tell you."    


Jian Haixi thought about it and nodded. "Okay. Then you go first. I will go later. "    


Ning Jiwei knew that she was shy, so he did not force her. He just smiled and pointed at his own face and said, "If I do not have benefits, I will not leave."    


Jian Haixi stared at him with a red face, but Ning Jiwei looked at her proudly.    


Jian Haixi felt helpless. She could only stand on tiptoes with a red face and quickly kiss his cheek.    


Jian Haixi wanted to retreat, but she did not expect Ning Jiwei to tightly hug her and seal her lips.    


Jian Haixi did not even have time to say any words of rejection before she was already unable to breathe from his kiss. She could not help but feel angry and helpless.    


He was a scoundrel.    


After a long time, when Jian Haixi found it difficult to breathe, Ning Jiwei kindly let her go. He pressed his lips against hers and said, "This was supposed to be the kiss you gave me last night. Now I got it back."    


Jian Haixi glared at him and pretended to be angry as she said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"    


"That won't do." Ning Jiwei said confidently, "You must give me my benefits."    


Jian Haixi gently pounded his chest and urged him, "You should leave quickly."    


She did not know how long they had been here. Jian Haixi thought that when she went out, she might see other people's strange gazes and felt embarrassed.    


Ning Jiwei looked at her red face and weak body. He smiled and hugged her shoulder and said, "How about I carry you out like this?"    


"You dare!" Jian Haixi suddenly stood up and pushed him. "Hurry up and go out. Otherwise, I will ignore you from now on."    


"I will go." Ning Jiwei sighed. Before he left, he did not forget to remind her, "Don't forget to come to my office."    


"I know. You should leave quickly." Jian Haixi stomped her feet and urged him to leave.    


After Ning Jiwei got the "benefits" and the answer he wanted, he did not dawdle any longer. He smiled, turned around, and walked out of the tea room.    


When Lee Fu saw Ning Jiwei, he was a little surprised that he came out so quickly. He thought Ning Jiwei was going to do something with Jian Haixi in the tea room.    


Ning Jiwei saw that he was stunned and asked, "What are you thinking about?"    


"Nothing." Lee Fu quickly shook his head and followed Ning Jiwei.    


Jian Haixi did not leave immediately after Ning Jiwei left. She quickly tidied her clothes.    


Jian Haixi was tidying up when Xie Nuan suddenly sneaked in from outside. She patted Jian Haixi's shoulder to scare her.    


Jian Haixi was shocked. She turned around and saw Xie Nuan. She patted her chest and said, "Nuan, you scared me to death."    


Xie Nuan tilted her head and looked at Jian Haixi from head to toe. Finally her gaze landed on Jian Haixi's slightly swollen lips and she smiled, "No wonder you have become more and more beautiful recently. It turns out that someone took good care of you."    


"Nuan." Jian Haixi knew that Xie Nuan was teasing her and she shyly cast a sidelong glance at her to tease her. Then she lowered her head and smiled.    


Xie Nuan looked at Jian Haixi and said with relief, "Haixi, your current state is right. This is what a woman in love should look like."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She touched her face and asked, "Am I that obvious?"    


"What do you think?" Xie Nuan rolled her eyes and said, "Now you only have the words' I am very happy 'written on your face. Everyone can see that you are in love."    


Jian Haixi was even more embarrassed by Xie Nuan's words but Xie Nuan smiled and said, "Haixi, you are really good like this. Now I feel that you are more and more compatible with our Director."    


"That is your subjective impression." Jian Haixi saw that Xie Nuan's words were getting more and more wrong and she could not help but laugh, "We are just talking about love. How can we be as exaggerated as what you say?"    


"What I said is true." Xie Nuan nodded her head seriously and said to Jian Haixi, "And you did not notice? Jian Yi and Jian Rui also look more and more like Director."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She did not expect Xie Nuan to say this and could not help but ask in surprise, "How did you see it?"    


Xie Nuan smiled and took out her phone to show Jian Haixi," Did you forget that I have Rui's WeChat? Of course I saw it from her WeChat Moments."    


Jian Haixi looked at the photos of her and Jian Yi in Jian Rui's WeChat Moments. She did indeed feel that they were more and more similar to Ning Jiwei in terms of appearance and temperament.    


Xie Nuan smiled and said, "Is it because the children all look like you and you are more and more like our Director, that the children look more and more like Director?"    


Jian Haixi was pleasantly surprised and said, "There is such a saying?"    


"Of course!" Xie Nuan said,, "There is a magnetic field between people. The magnetic field of people who are close to each other will affect each other. Therefore, the closer people are to each other, the closer they are to each other. The more similar people are to each other. I'm not talking nonsense. There are specialized academic theses online."    


Jian Haixi smiled and looked at Xie Nuan." No wonder you and Zhang Yuanlei look more and more alike. It turns out that the two of you are getting closer and closer! "    


Xie Nuan was stunned. Then she said with a red face, "I'm talking about you. Why are you talking about me?"    


After Jian Haixi and Xie Nuan separated, she packed up and went to Ning Jiwei's office.    


Jian Haixi just opened the door and before she saw Ning Jiwei's figure, she was carried into Ning Jiwei's arms. Jian Haixi struggled to push him and said, "I have not closed the door yet."    


"It's fine."    


Ning Jiwei casually kicked the door and said with a smile, "When they go up this floor, they have to treat themselves as deaf, blind, and mute when it comes to certain things. Otherwise, it will only be detrimental to themselves."    


Jian Haixi raised her eyebrows slightly. She remembered the past and could not help but look at him with a smile. She said, "That's why Sung Lan dared to seduce you in the office."    


Ning Jiwei was stunned. He smiled and kissed Jian Haixi on the tip of her nose. "Didn't she not succeed? I was not tempted by her."    


Jian Haixi pouted and glared at Ning Jiwei. She said, "That's all because of me, okay?"    


"Yes." Ning Jiwei hugged her lovingly and made a circle. They sat down on the sofa. He put Jian Haixi on his lap and said, "It's all because of you. Thanks to you eavesdropping outside. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to keep my chastity. "    


"I didn't." Jian Haixi blushed at Ning Jiwei's words. She said shyly, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop."    


"Really?" Ning Jiwei hugged Jian Haixi and kissed her as he teased her. He said, "But why do I feel like you did it on purpose? To be honest, did you like me a long time ago?"    


Jian Haixi was just about to explain when Ning Jiwei kissed her again.    


Ning Jiwei held her waist with one hand and held the back of her head with the other. He slowly deepened the kiss.    


Jian Haixi also obediently put her hands around his neck. She gently and obediently sat in his arms and followed his lead to slowly respond to him.    


The two of them were intimate for a long time before they stopped. Or rather, Ning Jiwei let Jian Haixi go in satisfaction.    


Jian Haixi's face was red as she panted in his arms. It was only after a long time that she remembered her purpose of coming here. She could not help looking up at Ning Jiwei and asked, "Didn't you say you wanted to see me for something? What exactly is the matter?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at her still red face and smiled as he pinched her cheeks. "Speaking of this, I would like to ask you. Why didn't you tell me such a big thing earlier?"    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei in puzzlement." What is it? "    


Ning Jiwei looked at her. He took out his phone and showed Jian Haixi a picture.    


Jian Haixi lowered her head suspiciously. The photo was actually a photo of Jian Yi and Jian Rui.    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei in surprise. "Where did you get the photo?"    


Ning Jiwei hugged Jian Haixi and said, "You don't need to care about that. Why didn't you tell me before that Yi and Rui are your children?"    


Jian Haixi was even more surprised. "You know them?"    


Although she knew that Ning Jiwei and Jian Rui had met a long time ago at the entrance of the supermarket, that was a long time ago.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the surprised Jian Haixi and smiled as he nodded. "Before I noticed you, I had met the two children and we became good friends."    


Jian Haixi was shocked and did not know what to say. Finally, she looked at Ning Jiwei and said foolishly, "This is too magical. You actually know them."    


Jian Yi and Jian Rui did not tell Jian Haixi that they secretly went to find Ning Jiwei, so Jian Haixi did not know that Ning Jiwei was already familiar with the two children.    


"Maybe this is fate." Ning Jiwei hugged Jian Haixi with emotion and kissed her. "At that time, they lied to me that they were not your children but your neighbors."    


Jian Haixi touched her nose guiltily and thought, Actually, I did not tell you the truth now. They are not only my children but also your children.    


Ning Jiwei did not notice Jian Haixi's strange behavior. He pinched her small face and asked, "If I did not find out this time, are you not going to tell me?"    


Jian Haixi turned her eyes away and said, "I originally planned to tell you in Switzerland."    


Jian Haixi added in her heart, I will also tell you other things at the same time.    


Ning Jiwei smiled and said, "If I had known that Yi and Rui were your children, I would have met them long ago. Do you know how much pressure I have been feeling these days? I am afraid that the children do not like me. "    


"How could this be?"    


Jian Haixi looked up at Ning Jiwei and said, "The children like you very much. Actually, you don't need to feel any pressure at all."    


Ning Jiwei reached out and lifted Jian Haixi's chin. He narrowed his eyes and said, "How do you think I should punish you?"    


Jian Haixi looked at him and smiled. She reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I will listen to you, okay?"    


As soon as she finished speaking, Ning Jiwei pressed down.    


Jian Haixi also very cooperatively wrapped her arms around Ning Jiwei's back. She knew that he also liked the two children very much. She felt happy from the bottom of her heart.    


After the passion passed, Jian Haixi shrank into Ning Jiwei's arms and panted.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi and kissed her forehead in satisfaction. He whispered into her ear and asked, "Were you comfortable just now?"    


"Ning Jiwei." Jian Haixi's face instantly turned very red. She stretched out her hands and patted Ning Jiwei's shoulder. She pouted and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"    


Ning Jiwei laughed and hugged her tightly. He said in a pampering manner, "Then I won't talk about this matter anymore..."    


He laughed beside Jian Haixi's ear and said, "Anyway, I know that you were very satisfied just now."    


Jian Haixi pushed him away angrily and got up to put on her clothes and get off the bed. She just got out of the blanket and was pulled back by Ning Jiwei again.    


"Let me go, I don't want to talk to you anymore." Jian Haixi said angrily.    


"Are you really angry? "Ning Jiwei held Jian Haixi and coaxed her, "I was wrong. Don't be angry, okay?"    


"You really know your mistake?" Jian Haixi glared at him. Ning Jiwei thought for a while and clenched his fists by his cheeks. He raised his hands to match his pouting actions and said coquettishly," I really know my mistake. "    


"What are you doing?" Jian Haixi was shocked by his sudden movement. A layer of goosebumps appeared on her body.    


Ning Jiwei was puzzled. "Isn't this the movement that all girls like? I specially learned it on the internet. I thought I could tease Jian Rui like this in the future, so I tested it on you first."    


Jian Haixi did not wait for him to finish speaking before she collapsed on the bed with a smile.    


"Is my behavior that funny?"    


Jian Haixi laughed until tears came out. "Ning Jiwei, if you do such a thing in the company, everyone will think you are crazy!"    


Ning Jiwei looked at her and smiled helplessly. "Who asked you not to tell me that Yi and Rui are your children? I also want to get closer to them. "    


Otherwise, he would not have the time to do such a thing since he was so busy.    


After Jian Haixi smiled, she was incomparably touched. If a man was willing to do such a thing for her and the children, then she would definitely love him even more.    


Jian Haixi held Ning Jiwei's head and gently kissed his eyelids, "Rui will like you. Thank you, Ji Wei."    


Ning Jiwei raised his eyebrows and asked, "I thought the reward would be more generous."    


Jian Haixi was embarrassed. She bit her lips and glared at him. "I already promised to go to Switzerland with you. What reward do you want?"    


Ning Jiwei felt she was right. There were many things they could do in Switzerland. So he nodded and let Jian Haixi go. It was rare for him to be so generous.    


Jian Haixi got up and put on her clothes. "I really should leave. I still have to hand over my work."    


Ning Jiwei nodded and also sat up. He also had to continue working.    


"By the way, I'll go with you this afternoon to pick up the children from school, right?" Ning Jiwei asked.    


He thought that since he knew that Jian Yi and Jian Rui were Jian Haixi's children now, it was only right for them to meet.    


Jian Haixi smiled and shook her head. "Wait for us to come back from Switzerland. At that time, I have a big surprise for you."    


"What a coincidence?" Ning Jiwei was overjoyed. "Just nice. I have a surprise for you too."    


Jian Haixi playfully blinked her eyes. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Ning Jiwei's lips. "Then let's see which one of us has a bigger surprise."    


"Okay, I will wait and see." Ning Jiwei smiled and lifted her chin and kissed her lips.    


Jian Haixi smiled and hit him before turning around and leaving the office.    


Ning Jiwei smiled as he watched her leave. His eyes were filled with anticipation for the journey to Switzerland.    


Lee Fu waited for Jian Haixi to leave before knocking on the door and entering. He reported that Ning Jiwei's private plane had been arranged for tonight.    


Ning Jiwei nodded, indicating that he knew.    


He must let Jian Haixi have an unforgettable memory of his trip to Switzerland.    


In the afternoon, Jian Haixi brought Xie Nuan to RU. During the time she went to Switzerland, she needed to hand over the work of both companies.    


After discussing the work, Jian Haixi was about to leave with Xie Nuan, but was stopped by Qin Zhixu.    


"Haixi, don't be in a hurry to leave. I'll treat you to a meal."    


Xie Nuan looked at Qin Zhixu and Jian Haixi and lightly poked Jian Haixi and whispered, "I will wait for you in the car outside."    


Jian Haixi nodded.    


Qin Zhixu saw Xie Nuan leave and thought that Jian Haixi had agreed to his invitation. He immediately asked happily, "Where do you want to go to eat?"    


Jian Haixi shook her head and looked at him. "Director Qin, I still want to confirm. May I ask if you like me?"    


Qin Zhixu raised his eyebrows and looked at Jian Haixi. He smiled and said, "Did I not show it clearly enough? Other than you, everyone else could see it."    


Jian Haixi sighed and said, "It is impossible for us. You know my situation. Under such circumstances, I can't possibly consider other people."    


Qin Zhixu smiled bitterly and said, "Your rejection is really straightforward."    


The key point was that Qin Zhixu could not say anything. After all, he knew Jian Haixi's situation very well.    


Jian Haixi looked at Qin Zhixu and said, "Actually, you like me. You just want to avoid some things and some people."    


Qin Zhixu was stunned. He did not say anything.    


Jian Haixi continued, "You can lie to others, but you cannot lie to your own heart."    


Qin Zhixu pulled his hair and stared at Jian Haixi. "You know quite a lot too."    


"It's alright." Jian Haixi shrugged and smiled. "Don't involve other girls. After all, you already have someone you like in your heart. You first see your own heart, then you can talk about other things. "    


After Jian Haixi finished speaking, she patted Qin Zhixu's shoulder as if encouraging him, then she turned around and left.    


After a while, Yang Yaru came in. She looked at the lost Qin Zhixu and asked, "What's wrong with you? Did you fail your confession?"    


Qin Zhixu was angry. Why did his friends always say that? Couldn't she tell that he was very sad and frustrated right now?    


Yang Yaru smiled and walked closer to comfort him, "Actually it is not a big deal. Haixi already has Ning Jiwei. It is indeed very difficult for her to like you again."    


"Why is it very difficult?" Qin Zhixu said angrily, "Are you here to comfort me?"    


"Yes." Yang Yaru nodded and said, "Isn't my intention obvious?"    


"Obviously." Qin Zhixu gritted his teeth and said, "Under your comfort, I almost want to commit suicide."    


Yang Yaru smiled and said proudly, "Alright then. Seeing that you have failed to express your feelings, I will accompany you to eat today to comfort your wounded heart."    


Qin Zhixu was about to refuse when he suddenly thought of something. He turned around and stared at Yang Yaru.    


"What are you looking at me for?" Yang Yaru felt her scalp go numb when he looked at her. She asked, "Don't tell me you got me some hard work again?"    


"Yaru." Qin Zhixu grinned. He held Yang Yaru's hand and called out to her affectionately.    


"What do you want?" Yang Yaru slapped his hand away and said in disgust, "You talk nicely. You look very disgusting."    


Qin Zhixu's mouth twitched. She still insisted on smiling and said, "Yaru, don't you think we are very suitable? In terms of work, we cooperate seamlessly. In life, we take care of each other. Don't you think we are very suitable for further development? "    


" What? " Yang Yaru suspected that she had misheard and asked, "Are you saying that the further development is that we are together?"    


"I think so." Qin Zhixu stretched out two fingers and enticed, "So, Yaru, how about you be my girlfriend? I will give you 20% of the company's shares."    


"Are you crazy?"    


Yang Yaru angrily shook his hand off and said, "Qin Zhixu, I came in to comfort you because I treated you as a friend. What do you think of me when you say these things?"    


Yang Yaru threw Qin Zhixu's hand away and angrily left his office.    


The office door was closed by Yang Yaru.    


Qin Zhixu looked at the abused door and shook his head with a bitter smile.    


Qin Zhixu knew that what he did was too much, but he really did not mean to insult Yang Yaru.    



If he really wanted to ask what he thought of Yang Yaru, he would probably treat her as a life-saving straw.    


After all, Qin Zhixu urgently needed someone to pull him away. Otherwise, he would not be able to control his own heart. He would slowly slide into that abyss.    


After a long time, Qin Zhixu pulled open the drawer. He looked at the identification document quietly lying inside, and the smile on his face became even more bitter.    


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