CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C111 I Want to See You

C111 I Want to See You

0Ning Jiwei carried Jian Rui with one hand and held Jian Haixi with the other as they walked out of the airport exit. They had just walked out when they heard Gu Xiaomian's shout. Jian Haixi followed the sound and saw her family and friends waiting for them at the airport. The corner of her mouth could not help but curve slightly.    


"Rui, I am here!" Gu Xiaomian waved his hand with all his might.    


"My stupid son, she saw you. Don't wave your hand." Gu Chenyi glared at Gu Xiaomian, who was twisting crazily in his arms. He turned around and waved at Jian Haixi with a smile.    


Yun Ling looked at Gu Chenyi and Gu Xiaomian, who were laughing foolishly. He shook his head with a helpless smile.    


"Rui, this way!"    


"Gu Ruanruan, I saw you!" Jian Rui was in Ning Jiwei's arms. She smiled at Jian Haixi and said, "Mommy, I saw Gu Ruanruan. He's over there."    


"Okay." Jian Haixi nodded. She and Ning Jiwei looked at each other and smiled. They walked towards the crowd.    


"Rui." Gu Xiaomian looked at Jian Rui excitedly and said happily, "You are finally back."    


"Gu Ruanruan, long time no see. Thank you for coming to pick me up." Jian Rui smiled sweetly at Gu Xiaomian and successfully made him forget the lines that he had memorized for a long time. His chubby little face was red. He said stutteringly, "No need to thank me. This is what I should do."    


"Stupid!" Gu Chenyi gave him a disappointed look and turned to tease Jian Rui with a smile, "Rui, do you still know us?"    


Jian Rui smiled and nodded. "Of course I know you. Uncle Gu, Uncle Yun Ling, Uncle and Youngest Aunt. I miss you guys even when I'm overseas! "    


" What you said is so sweet! " Lin Xiaodou smiled and pinched Jian Rui's face, "Little girl, did you secretly eat honey overseas? You are becoming more and more coaxing us."    


"Little Aunt, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, feel my heart. My heart is beating very fast."    


Jian Rui's serious look made everyone laugh loudly. Their originally worried mood also relaxed a lot.    


Everyone walked out of the airport. Gu Xiaomian was still staring at Jian Rui with a silly red face. Gu Chenyi rolled his eyes and slapped Gu Xiaomian on the head. "Let's go, my stupid son."    


"First Dad, even if I am stupid, it is because I was beaten silly by you." Gu Xiaomian muttered.    


Jian Chenrann took the suitcase from Jian Haixi's hands and walked behind Ning Jiwei. Lin Xiaodou smiled and walked forward holding Jian Haixi's arm. They had not seen each other for a long time and both of them missed each other very much.    


Especially when Lin Xiaodou saw Jian Haixi smiling again, she was very happy for Jian Haixi in her heart.    


"Haixi, how was the trip to Switzerland this time? “    


Lin Xiaodou asked with a smile. As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized that she had said something wrong. Usually, normal people would only ask," How did you play? "And relaxing one's mood could only be used when one was in a bad mood. Didn't she clearly say that Jian Haixi was a person who needed to relax?    


Lin Xiaodou covered her mouth awkwardly, "Haixi, don't mind. It was I who spoke randomly. I didn't mean anything else."    


"Xiaodou." Jian Haixi looked at her with a gentle gaze and smiled, "I am in a very good mood. You don't have to worry and you also don't have to worry that I will lose control of my emotions."    


"That's good." Lin Xiaodou looked at Jian Haixi who was like this and felt relieved in her heart but did not dare to say the wrong words.    


Lin Xiaodou and Jian Chenrann walked in front, while Ning Jiwei carried Jian Rui and followed behind. Gu Chenyi carried Gu Xiaomian, and he and Yun Ling walked in the back.    


"Rui, do you want to eat chocolate? I brought some chocolate for you." Gu Xiaomian waved the chocolate in his hand at Jian Rui and said.    


Jian Rui laid on Ning Jiwei's neck, turned her head and smiled at Gu Xiaomian. "Help me take the chocolate. I will eat it later."    


"Okay." Gu Xiaomian did not think there was anything wrong with him being Jian Rui's snack bag. He carefully put the chocolate back and said to Jian Rui, "When do you want to eat chocolate, come and get it from me."    


Jian Rui stuck out her tongue at him and said to Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling, "Uncle Gu, Uncle Yun Ling, I have already eaten a lot of chocolates from your family. Will this make your family poor?"    


"No matter how much you eat, our family will not be poor." Gu Chenyi laughed and said, "Besides, the chocolates he gave you are not a waste. This is a long-term investment, so you can eat as many chocolates as you want."    


Gu Chenyi said and winked at Jian Rui. Unfortunately, Jian Rui did not understand his hint. She tilted her head and asked, "Uncle Gu, what happened to your eyes?"    


Yun Ling laughed and shook his head. He said to Jian Rui, "Rui, ignore him. His eyes are not comfortable."    


Jian Rui nodded and said, "Uncle Gu, we will pass by the pharmacy later. I will go and buy you some eye medicine."    


When Ning Jiwei heard Gu Chenyi's words behind him, he could not help but turn around and give Gu Chenyi a warning look. Then he hugged Jian Rui and sped up his footsteps.    


Gu Chenyi looked at Ning Jiwei's back and muttered, "He is too petty."    


"It is good that he did not beat you up." Yun Ling smiled and looked at Gu Chenyi.    


Jian Chenrann pulled his suitcase and quickly caught up with Ning Jiwei. "How is Haixi recovering?"    


Although he had asked this question many times before, he still wanted to confirm it.    


Ning Jiwei looked at him and nodded. "She is recovering well. As long as she doesn't suffer any major stimulation, she should be fine. Otherwise, I wouldn't have brought her and Rui back."    


"Then I am relieved." Jian Chenrann paused. He used a voice that only two people could hear and asked in a low voice, "You still do not have news of Qin Tian?"    


Ning Jiwei shook his head. He had never stopped searching for Qin Tian in the past six months, but whether it was him or Qin Zhixu, they had never found any trace of Qin Tian. She seemed to have disappeared into thin air.    


Jian Chenrann opened his mouth and was about to ask something when Ning Jiwei's phone rang.    


Ning Jiwei took out his phone and looked at the number on it with a frown.    


Jian Chenrann saw that Ning Jiwei's expression was different. He took a look and found that it was Qin Zhixu's number. He could not help but be surprised.    


Could it be that Qin Zhixu knew Jian Haixi was back today?    


Jian Chenrann stopped and waited for Ning Jiwei to answer the phone. He wanted to ask Ning Jiwei some more questions.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the number on the phone, but he did not have the intention to answer. He coldly snorted and threw the phone to Jian Chenrann.    


"Why did you give it to me?" Jian Chenrann held the phone, which was still ringing, and asked curiously.    


"Answer it."    


Ning Jiwei said concisely and concisely. He carried Jian Rui and quickly chased after Jian Haixi.    


Jian Chenrann held his phone and looked at Ning Jiwei who had gone far away.    


"Ning Jiwei is very detestable, right?" Gu Chenyi walked over and patted his shoulder as he asked.    


Yun Ling glared at him and said to Jian Chenrann with a smile, "Answer the phone quickly. We will wait for you in front."    


After saying that, she left with Gu Chenyi.    


Jian Chenrann sighed and picked up the phone, "Hello."    


"Ning Jiwei."    


"I'm Jian Chenrann."    


Qin Zhixu was stunned for a moment and asked, "So they are back? How is Haixi?"    


"She looks fine. It seems that this trip to Switzerland helped her a lot." Jian Chenrann said.    


"That's good." Hearing that Jian Haixi had recovered well, the guilt in Qin Zhixu's heart lessened a little.    


"Why did you call?" Jian Chenrann asked.    


"I have something to tell you."    


Jian Haixi and Lin Xiaodou brought Jian Rui into the car. Lin Xiaodou smiled and asked Jian Haixi, "Shall we directly go to our house to eat?"    


As she spoke, she touched Jian Rui's face and asked, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat the food I made?"    


"I want it!" Jian Rui cooperated and made an expression, making Lin Xiaodou laugh loudly.    


Ning Jiwei sat in the driver's seat and started the car. "Let's go home first. There are some things that need to be left at home."    


Jian Haixi suddenly remembered. She pulled Lin Xiaodou's hand and said, "Xiaodou, we brought you a lot of things."    


"You brought me gifts?" Lin Xiaodou said in surprise, "Before you guys came back, you did not say anything. I did not think that you would prepare a surprise for me!"    


"Of course!" Jian Haixi smiled and said, "After all, you are my good friend and also my sister-in-law. How could I forget you?"    


"Jian Haixi, are you teasing me again?" Lin Xiaodou's face instantly turned red.    


"I was wrong." Jian Haixi said with a smile.    


Lin Xiaodou glared at her and she angrily turned her head to hug Jian Rui and said, "Rui, look at how bad your mommy is."    


Jian Rui smiled and said, "Can I show you the photos?"    


"Is it the photos you took in Switzerland?" Lin Xiaodou heard this and instantly became interested. She waved at Jian Rui and said, "Let me see where you all went to play."    


Jian Rui nodded. She took out a photo album and carried it to Lin Xiaodou's side.    


"You see, every time we go to a place, we will take a lot of photos."    


Lin Xiaodou looked at the photos and said in surprise, "You guys did take a lot of photos."    


"Of course." Jian Rui took out the photos and flipped open the back for Lin Xiaodou to see, "I wrote a small story behind every photo."    


Lin Xiaodou looked at the small stories that looked like diaries and she began to feel that something was not right, "Rui, why are you writing these?"    


"I will wait for Big Brother to come back and I will tell him." Jian Rui naturally said, "I am afraid that I will not be able to remember so much, so I wrote them all down. When brother comes back, I'll hold these album and tell him about our trip to Switzerland."    


Lin Xiaodou was stunned by Jian Rui's words.    


Why did the situation seem different from what she thought?    


Lin Xiaodou looked at Jian Haixi and Jian Haixi was not the slightest bit surprised by Jian Rui's words.    


Jian Haixi smiled and looked at Lin Xiaodou, "Until now, there is no news of Yi. But this was the best news. We still have hope, right?"    


Lin Xiaodou was stunned for a moment. She looked at Jian Haixi and Jian Rui and wanted to say something but stopped herself.    


After a long time, Lin Xiaodou stretched out her arms and hugged Jian Haixi. She nodded and said, "We still have hope."    


In an angle that Lin Xiaodou could not see, Jian Haixi's eyes were slightly wet. Of course she knew what everyone was thinking but as her mother, she could not give up on her son before seeing his corpse.    


Ning Jiwei drove the car with Jian Haixi and Lin Xiaodou first, and Jian Chenrann followed behind them.    


After they got home, Ning Jiwei brought Jian Rui and Jian Haixi upstairs, while Lin Xiaodou waited for them downstairs.    


Lin Xiaodou's mood became heavy again after hearing Jian Haixi's words. Although Jian Haixi seemed to have no problem now, how long could she hold on with this kind of "hope"?    


Thinking of this, Lin Xiaodou sighed heavily.    


"Xiaodou." Jian Chenrann saw Lin Xiaodou standing there sighing. He could not help but walk forward and ask, "What happened to you?"    


Lin Xiaodou shook her head. "I'm fine."    


"Tell me what happened." Jian Chenrann asked.    


"Haixi might think Jian Yi is still alive." Lin Xiaodou bit her lips and told Jian Chenrann about her conversation with Jian Haixi and Jian Rui in the car.    


After hearing what Lin Xiaodou said, Jian Chenrann was also stunned for a moment.    


They all thought that Jian Haixi had already buried Jian Yi in the bottom of her heart, but they did not expect that she did not give up from the beginning until the end.    


Jian Chenrann did not respond. He only frowned and remained silent.    


Lin Xiaodou felt strange and looked up at him. "What happened to you?"    


Jian Chenrann pursed his lips and said, "I just received a call from Qin Zhixu. He said Qin Tian's corpse was found in New Zealand."    


"What?" Lin Xiaodou was shocked and said, "Qin Tian..."    


Jian Chenrann sighed and looked up at the family that had not come down. He raised his hand to wipe his face.    



Lin Xiaodou looked at Jian Chenrann who was like this and realized later. She pulled Jian Chenrann's arm and asked, "The last person who knows where Jian Yi is also dead?"    


Jian Chenrann's expression was gloomy and he nodded silently.    


Ning Jiwei walked in front with his suitcase. Jian Haixi held the bag in one hand and pulled Jian Rui with the other to follow him upstairs. After opening the door, Jian Rui was the first to run in. She stretched out her little arm and cheered, "We are finally home!"    


Ning Jiwei smiled and bent down to touch her head. "You're so happy? Why do I remember that you were reluctant when you came back from Switzerland?"    


"Dad, don't expose my lie!" Jian Rui giggled and hugged Ning Jiwei's leg, "I like to go out with you guys, but I also like to stay at home. As long as the family is together, no matter where we are, I will be happy."    


Ning Jiwei reached out and picked Jian Rui up. He pinched her little nose and said, "Your Madam Dou is right. Your words are getting sweeter and sweeter. But I don't remember that I made you eat too much sweet food in Switzerland. Hurry up and say it. Did you secretly eat sweet food? "    


As Ning Jiwei spoke, he stretched out his hand to scratch Jian Rui's armpit, making her laugh loudly. "Dad, I'm so itchy. You're too bad! Mom, help!"    


Jian Haixi was busy putting away the dust-proof cloth covering the sofa and bed when she heard their laughter. She could not help but laugh as she walked out and said, "What are you doing? Hurry up and help me! Your Madam Dou is still waiting for us downstairs."    


" Okay! " As soon as Jian Haixi spoke, Jian Rui immediately climbed down from Ning Jiwei's arms. She raised her small hands to salute and quickly ran back to her room to unpack her luggage.    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei who was still standing where he was and raised her eyebrows. "What are you still standing there for?"    


Ning Jiwei was scolded by Jian Haixi in front of Jian Rui and he rubbed his nose awkwardly. "I will go right now. But..."    


"But what?" Jian Haixi looked at him doubtfully. As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a wicked smile on Ning Jiwei's face. He took two steps forward and quickly kissed the corner of her mouth before she could react.    


"You are really..." Jian Haixi shyly glared at him, causing Ning Jiwei's mind to shake. Just when he wanted to hug her, Jian Rui poked her head out from the room and said with a smile, "What you guys did made me so shy."    


"Quickly let go of me." Jian Haixi blushed and shyly pushed Ning Jiwei away. She turned around and jogged into the house to pack her things.    


Ning Jiwei saw Jian Haixi leave and sighed. He glared at Jian Rui.    


Jian Rui was not afraid of him at all. She even made a funny face at him and stuck out her tongue.    


Who in the family doted on her the most? Ning Jiwei would definitely be ranked first. In other people's families, their fathers were strict and their mothers were kind, but their families happened to be the opposite.    


Because Lin Xiaodou and the others were still waiting for them, Jian Haixi did not clean up for too long. She only took out the special gifts that she brought back and arranged them in front of Jian Yi's bed one by one.    


Jian Haixi looked at the bed filled with gifts and her heart felt a little bitter.    


"Haixi." Ning Jiwei walked over and hugged her from behind to give her some strength.    


Jian Haixi shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I saw the bed that Yi slept on and really missed him."    


"We all miss him." Ning Jiwei said.    


"I don't know where he is right now. Did he eat well and sleep well? " Jian Haixi sighed.    


Ning Jiwei did not say anything. He just hugged Jian Haixi even more tightly.    


"Ji Wei." Jian Haixi paused and looked up at Ning Jiwei. "I want to see Wenn Qingnuan."    


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