CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C124 Qin Tian's Death

C124 Qin Tian's Death

0After leaving the prison, Jian Haixi drove all the way home. After seeing Wenn Qingnuan, she did not make her mood a little better. Instead, she became more and more unable to calm down.    


Qin Tian was like a huge rock. Half a year ago, this huge rock shattered her peaceful and happy life. Half a year later, this huge rock appeared again, stirring up the lake water that was about to calm down again.    


Logically speaking, if Qin Tian died, Jian Haixi should feel that she should relieve her hatred. But after hearing the news of Qin Tian's death, Jian Haixi did not let out a sigh of relief. Instead, she was agitated and confused.    


They had looked for Qin Tian for more than half a year and now this person suddenly died just like that. Even Jian Haixi who did not intervene in the investigation also felt that it was very strange.    


When they reached home, Jian Haixi sat on the sofa and thought silently for a long time. But no matter what, she could not convince herself to accept this matter.    


She wanted to call Ning Jiwei to ask about the situation, but first of all, he was still on the plane, and second of all, Ning Jiwei was in such a hurry to go on a business trip. There must be something urgent, and she did not want to give him any trouble at this time.    


So Jian Haixi picked up the phone and put it down again, thinking that she should wait for him to come back.    


Jian Haixi didn't blame him for Ning Jiwei hiding this from her. She knew the problem with her emotions. If Ning Jiwei told her everything from the beginning, She would not be able to bear it for the past six months. She knew that Ning Jiwei was doing this for her own good. He wanted to take responsibility for everything alone.    


However, Ning Jiwei did not pursue Qin Tian's death, which meant that he also had doubts about this matter. Perhaps he was already investigating.    


Jian Haixi rubbed her temples and leaned against the sofa, looking at the ceiling in a daze. Qin Zhixu's appearance today made her suddenly realize something. It was that she seemed to have isolated herself from the world.    


For the past six months, she had only lived in her own small circle. She did not care about the news of society, the company, Qin Tian's investigation progress, and even her family and friends.    


She wanted to block out all information about the outside world and hide in her small world to lick her wounds.    


But today, she shockingly discovered that she was not the only one who had been hurt. Everyone was moving forward with injuries. She had no reason to hide behind Ning Jiwei's wings all the time.    


Jian Haixi looked at the empty house blankly, as if she could not find the direction for a moment.    


Closing her eyes, Jian Haixi stood up, took the car keys, and went out again.    


Half an hour later, Jian Haixi's car stopped at the cemetery in the suburbs.    


After Jian's father passed away, she and Jian Chenrann buried Jian's father beside their mother.    


Jian Haixi took the two flowers to a familiar place, but unexpectedly found a fresh and clean lily in front of her mother's tablet.    


Jian Haixi looked at the bouquet of flowers and was stunned. She then looked around and found that there were obvious traces of cleaning around her mother.    




Jian Haixi frowned slightly. If Jian Chenrann had been here before, Jian's father's grave should have been cleaned very well.    


But now, only her mother's tombstone had been cleaned, but her father's tombstone had not been cleaned.    


"Could it be that mother has some old friend?"    


Jian Haixi thought about it but did not have any results and could only give up. She wanted to go back and ask Jian Chenrann when she had time.    


She placed the flowers she brought in in in front of her parents' tablets and cleaned the surroundings of the two of them before casually finding a place to sit down.    


Looking at the picture in front of her mother's tablet, Jian Haixi supported her chin and bent her lips, saying, "Mom, you are always so gentle. No matter when, as long as it is with you. It is like I have removed all my roles and returned to that little girl that you pampered."    


The woman in the picture was gentle and smiling. Her gentle but firm eyes were like silent motherly love. Through the gap between time and life, it was transmitted to Jian Haixi's heart.    


"Mom, I feel that I am not a good mommy." Jian Haixi buried her head in her knees dejectedly and said in a low voice, "I really want to play every role of myself, but I am always so willful. In the end, I did not do anything good. In the past, when Yi was around, he helped me take on too many things that I should not have done. Later on, Ji Wei appeared, and he became my umbrella. After Yi left, Rui became obedient and sensible again. My friends around me take care of me as much as possible. Unknowingly, I became like a canary. I was protected by layers and layers of protection nets. I ignored all those who love me, and selfishly licked my wounds..."    


Jian Haixi said as her head lowered deeper and deeper. Her voice gradually choked, "Mom, I suddenly feel so weak."    


A breeze blew, and Jian Haixi lifted her head to look at the picture on the monument. She reached out and touched the outline of her memory and muttered, "Mother, how did you become mother? Why are you always so strong in my memory. As if nothing could hit you? "    


In Iceland.    


After Ning Jiwei got off the plane, he did not immediately go to the hospital. Instead, he found a hotel near the hospital and stayed there.    


Currently, he didn't know much about the background of this Spring of Ice Hospital. If he went to find them just like that, they definitely wouldn't admit it.    


If Jian Yi left this place, then he would be even more unable to find him.    


After such a long time, he finally had some news about his son. He couldn't afford to miss this opportunity.    


Ning Jiwei repeatedly told himself to stay calm, but after staying in the hotel, he could not help but stand by the window and stare blankly at the entrance of Spring of Ice Hospital. He imagined that he might see that familiar little figure again.    


However, until his legs became stiff, the figure with anticipation did not appear in his eyes.    


That night, Ning Jiwei received a message from Lee Fu.    


Before he boarded the plane, he told Lee Fu to investigate the background of Spring of Ice Hospital and the situation in the past half a year.    


At this moment, looking at the email sent by Lee Fu, Ning Jiwei's index and middle fingers kept tapping on the table.    


In the email, Lee Fu said that Spring of Ice Hospital could be considered one of the best hospitals in Iceland. And it was actually a completely private hospital. It was supported by the Suen Family, the largest financial company in the Jiangnan, and the Suen Family was related to the Luo family through marriage. Luo Er's mother was the daughter of the Suen Family.    


As for the medical consultation in the past six months, Lee Fu said that he wouldn't be able to find anything suspicious in a short period of time. However, he had already found an internal medical staff and was trying to bribe him. There should be news in the next two days.    


Looking at the information in the email, Ning Jiwei thought for a long time and called Lee Fu.    


Lee Fu picked up the phone and did not wait for Ning Jiwei to ask a question. He reported directly, "Director, I have already contacted a medical staff. Should I give you his contact information directly, or should I make a decision with him as soon as possible?"    


"Don't worry." Ning Jiwei said in a deep voice, "You have to be careful. Remember not to let anyone find your whereabouts. If you encounter any trouble, report to me in time."    


Lee Fu was stunned. When he was investigating, Ning Jiwei had never told him this before.    


"Director, what happened?"    


Ning Jiwei was silent for a while and said, "If everything is as I expected, then there will be no lack of computer experts on their side. A big tycoon like the Suen Family would not want a medical staff with two hearts. So it is very likely that the person you are looking for is a bait. "    


Lee Fu was shocked and asked," Then do I still need to continue contacting him? "    


"Continue." Ning Jiwei instructed, and said, "But you have to be careful. Although he is the bait, he may not be fishing for us."    


"Yes, I understand." Lee Fu immediately reacted. As Ning Jiwei's personal assistant, he had seen many fights between businesses and wealthy families.    


Ning Jiwei said, "Send me the information about that person later. We will check it together. Be careful not to expose your identity. If you find that someone is tracking your information. Immediately stop all operations and report to me in time."    




After hanging up the phone, Ning Jiwei thought for a while and logged into the HUiy Company's chat group.    


He had named Jian Yi's company because he wanted his son to come back one day.    


After logging into the chat group, Ning Jiwei looked at the personnel information inside. He sent a secret message to "It can fly" and asked him to find a place with no one else to contact him. Pay attention not to attract anyone's attention.    


About ten minutes later, a phone call came.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the phone call and the corner of his mouth curved up slightly. He picked it up.    


"Hello? Big boss, is it really you?" A young and excited male voice came from the other side.    


Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "It's me."    


" It's really you! " "It can fly said excitedly, "How did you find me? Do you have a secret mission for me? I am the third most powerful person in the group. Don't worry. "    


" Where are you now? " Ning Jiwei interrupted It can fly and asked.    


"I ran to the bathroom as soon as I received your order." An excited voice came from the other side, "And it's the public toilet in the park next door, so don't worry, no one will know."    


"Very good." Ning Jiwei nodded and called, "Yun Zhixiang."    


Yun Zhixiang asked in confusion, "Why did you suddenly call me by my name?"    


Ning Jiwei said, "I need your help with something, but I need you to keep it a secret. You can't tell anyone except you, including everyone in the group."    


Yun Zhixiang paused and asked, "Boss, why does it sound so serious? Do you have any misunderstanding about us? I can guarantee that all the brothers in the group are absolutely reliable."    


" I don't doubt everyone's loyalty. " Ning Jiwei said, "It's just that this matter is unusually important, so you need to keep it absolutely confidential."    


Yun Zhixiang scratched his head and asked in confusion, "But I have a question that I do not understand. Since this matter is so important, why did you come to me? General is more capable than me. "    


" I have my own reasons. " Ning Jiwei said lightly, "You don't need to worry about that. You just need to do as I say. You have to remember that no matter what you find out, you can't tell anyone except me."    




Ning Jiwei said coldly. He said, "Now you go and find Lee Fu. Ask him to give you a new computer. After that, you can use this new computer to communicate with me and investigate missions."    


"Okay, big boss."    


Ning Jiwei hung up the phone and slipped the mouse back into the group chat.    


According to their abilities, apart from Jian Yi, Dou Ming was the best in the group, followed by Yun Zhixiang. In addition, "Second most handsome man" Luo Er was the administrator of the website.    


Ning Jiwei checked Dou Ming's background and found that the real information behind Dou Ming seemed to have been erased. This meant that Dou Ming and Luo Er were the same, both had a very deep background. Moreover, these two people were close to Jian Yi. Ning Jiwei was not sure if Dou Ming knew about Jian Yi. He did not dare to let Dou Ming interfere in the investigation, which was why he looked for Yun Zhixiang.    


Yun Zhixiang was much simpler than the others. He was originally a poor kid from the mountain village, and he only went to school by chance. He also got into a top school when he was a teenager. Whether it was his background or his character, Yun Zhixiang was the best candidate for this operation.    


Ning Jiwei made a series of arrangements. He turned off the computer and walked to the window to look at the entrance of Spring of Ice Hospital. His eyes flashed with a look that said he would definitely win.    




Jian Rui acted out of the norm and became a good student. In class, she did not chat and play with Gu Xiaomian in a low voice. She also did not run away from class to play. Instead, she took notes very seriously in every class. She also actively asked her teacher about things she did not understand.    


Gu Xiaomian had talked to Jian Rui several times, but he did not get a response.    


After class, Gu Xiaomian asked Jian Rui in confusion, "Rui, why are you so serious all of a sudden? You ignored me when I talked to you."    


Jian Rui shook her head and said, "You are wrong. Like before, I don't like to listen to lessons and don't like to study."    


Gu Xiaomian was even more puzzled. He said, "Then Rui, why are you still paying attention to the lessons? Let's go play in the next class. I know a fun place. "    


"I'm not going." Before Gu Xiaomian could say anything, Jian Rui interrupted him and said, "I still need to take notes."    


"Why is that?" Gu Xiaomian frowned and asked.    


Jian Rui looked at Gu Xiaomian seriously and said, "Gu Ruanruan, my brother is not at school now. I have to help him take notes so that he doesn't know what we learned when he comes back."    


Gu Xiaomian did not expect Jian Rui's reason to study to be this. He was stunned and said, "Rui, are you confused? Yi is so smart. How could he still need notes from our kindergarten?"    


"Whether my brother needs notes is one thing, whether I help him take notes is another."    


Jian Rui looked at Gu Xiaomian and said, "Gu Ruanruan, I will not skip classes in the future, and I will not play anymore. I have been missing classes for half a year, and I still have to make up for these notes. Otherwise, when my brother comes back, he will scold me. "    


Gu Xiaomian looked at Jian Rui, who had a serious look on her face. He was silent for a while. He finally mustered up his courage and said, "Alright then. Since you have said so, then I have also decided. I also have to study hard. I will take notes with you! "    


Jian Rui looked at Gu Xiaomian suspiciously and said, "You don't have to do this for me."    


"No, I don't feel wronged." Gu Xiaomian said, "Anyway, I, First Dad and Little Dad have always wanted me to study well. I can learn with you."    


"Alright." Jian Rui nodded and said, "Then let's go and find the teacher first. Ask her to lend us the notes for the past six months."    


Gu Xiaomian nodded and followed Jian Rui to the teacher's office.    


The teacher understood the purpose of the two children's visit. The teacher patted their heads. She took out an old teaching plan from the drawer and handed it to Jian Rui. "If you want to study, of course I will help. This is the old teaching plan I used to prepare for class. You can take it. If you have something you don't understand, you can ask me anytime. "    


"Thank you, teacher." Jian Rui pulled Gu Xiaomian and bowed to her teacher.    


When they came out of the teacher's office, the two of them did not go to the playground to play as usual. Instead, they carried the lesson plans back to the classroom.    


Jian Rui specially brought a brand new notebook. She earnestly took notes according to the lesson plans.    


Gu Xiaomian also took notes at the side, but soon he scratched his head and asked, "Rui, there are a lot of words here that I don't recognize. Do you know them?"    


Jian Rui shook her head and pointed to her notebook. "I circled out all the places that I don't know. Later, let's ask the teacher together, or I'll go home and ask my mommy."    



Gu Xiaomian looked at Jian Rui's notebook. There were indeed many different colors on it. He clapped his hands in admiration and said, "You are so smart."    


The way the two of them studied formed a sharp contrast with the other students who were playing in the classroom.    


The mischievous students looked at the two of them. Naturally, they wanted to provoke them. One of them was Wang Jie, who had a conflict with them yesterday.    


Wang Jie slowly walked over. He looked at their notes. He snorted and said, "Are you copying the teacher's notes? Jian Rui, do you understand? Your grades were originally last, and now you are even missing half a year of classes. You probably don't even know these words."    


"What nonsense are you talking about?"    


Before Jian Rui got angry, Gu Xiaomian had already slammed the table and stood up. He went forward and grabbed Wang Jie's collar. "If you speak another nonsense, do you believe that I will beat you up again?"    


Wang Jie subconsciously took a step back and covered his face. He said, "Gu Ruanruan, if you dare to hit me again, my father will not forgive you."    


"Are you trying to scare me?" Gu Xiaomian looked at him disdainfully and said, "Yesterday, when your dad saw my dad, he was like a mouse seeing a cat. Do you believe that if you provoke me again, I will let my dad beat up your whole family!"    


Wang Jie was scared by Gu Xiaomian and his face turned pale. At this time, their teacher came in. He cried and ran towards the teacher. "Teacher, you want to save me. Gu Ruanruan wants to beat up my whole family!"    


"Useless." Gu Xiaomian looked at Wang Jie and curled his lips.    


Jian Rui raised her head and looked at Gu Xiaomian. She smiled and said, "Gu Ruanruan, thank you."    


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