CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C167 Solve It

C167 Solve It

0After resolving Qin Zhixu's matter, Ning Jiwei took the car keys and drove to the school to pick up Jian Rui.    


When Ning Jiwei arrived at the school gate, he saw his daughter sitting alone on the stone block at the school gate. She did not even notice him approaching.    


"Rui?" Ning Jiwei frowned. He walked to Jian Rui's side and squatted down to ask, "What happened to you, baby?"    


"Daddy." Jian Rui saw Ning Jiwei and pouted. She asked, "Do you think Mo Tong is a bad person?"    


Ning Jiwei heard Jian Rui's question had something to do with Mo Tong. He shook his head and said, "I don't think Mo Tong is a bad child. The Mo Family's matter should not have much to do with him."    


"I think so too." Jian Rui's small face was conflicted. She said in distress, "But now I don't know what to do."    


Ning Jiwei saw Jian Rui's troubled look. He reached out and held her on his lap. He touched her head and asked, "Did something happen to you?"    


Jian Rui nodded and said, "Mo Tong was late this morning. Gu Ruanruan and I asked him why he was late. He didn't tell us, but later we found that he had a lot of injuries. Daddy, Mo Tong didn't have any injuries when he was at our house. But yesterday, Butler had just picked him up, and today, he had so many injuries. It must be Butler who hit him!"    


Ning Jiwei frowned. When Mo Tong was staying at their house, he had accidentally discovered the old wounds on Mo Tong's body, but he did not expect it to be Butler who did it.    


Jian Rui pouted and said, "I want to take Mo Tong to see a doctor, but he will not go. I want to help him find Butler to reason with, but he will not agree. He also said that he won't let me go to his house anymore, and he won't be friends with me anymore. He told me not to get close to him and never believe what he said again. "    


Ning Jiwei's eyes darkened, and he asked, "Did Mo Tong really say that?"    


"Yes." Jian Rui looked up at Ning Jiwei and asked, "Daddy, why do you think Mo Tong suddenly stopped being friends with me?"    


"I think Mo Tong is afraid that he is not strong enough." Ning Jiwei sighed. He looked at his daughter and asked, "Then how did you answer Mo Tong?"    


Jian Rui shook her head and said, "I did not say anything."    


Jian Rui paused and lowered her head. She said in a low voice, "Daddy, I don't like this kind of me."    


"What's wrong with you?"    


Jian Rui bit her lips and said, "If it was me in the past, I would definitely not care. I don't care what family background Mo Tong has, as long as he is my friend. I will not cut ties with him because of other things. But now, when Mo Tong says that he won't be friends with me anymore, I originally wanted to pull him back. But I didn't dare. I'm not as smart as Daddy and my brother, although I think Mo Tong is a good man. But the Mo Family is so bad. I have no way to prove whether Mo Tong is a good man or a bad man. What if my recklessness causes Daddy and my brother's plan to fail? What if everyone is in danger because of me? I will definitely blame myself. Thus, I dare not pull Mo Tong back. I can only watch helplessly as he leaves me. Besides, I won't be friends with him anymore."    


When Jian Rui finished speaking, there was already a sobbing tone in her voice.    


When Ning Jiwei saw his daughter's sad look, he hugged her tightly in pain and then did not say anything.    


Jian Rui lay in Ning Jiwei's arms. She sobbed silently and said, "Daddy, after we defeat those big bad guys, can I still be friends with Mo Tong?"    


Ning Jiwei reached out his hand to help Jian Rui wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes. He smiled and said, "You guys don't have to wait that long."    


"What do you mean?" Jian Rui looked at Ning Jiwei in confusion.    


Ning Jiwei did not say anything. He carried his daughter and got into the car. He turned the car around and drove in the direction of Mo Tong's house.    


"Daddy?" Jian Rui looked at Ning Jiwei in confusion.    


Ning Jiwei smiled at her and said, "Everything I do is to let you live a life without worries. If it is because of my decision now, Won't it go against my original intention to make you so upset and upset?"    


Jian Rui was stunned for a moment and said hesitantly, "But Daddy, I am worried."    


"You don't have to worry about anything." Ning Jiwei said kindly, "Give me all your worries. You just need to be yourself."    


"Daddy." Jian Rui sniffed. She held Ning Jiwei's arm and said, "Daddy, you are so good."    


Ning Jiwei smiled and drove towards Mo Family.    


At the villa of Mo Family.    


No one had expected Ning Jiwei to come all of a sudden, so Butler and Mo Tong were a little surprised.    


Jian Rui saw Mo Tong and her eyes lit up. She waved at him with a smile and said, "Mo Tong, I came to find you."    


Mo Tong looked at Jian Rui, who was acting normal. He was stunned and did not say anything.    


He thought that he had already made it clear to Jian Rui at school today, but he did not expect that she would come to find him.    


Mo Tong shut his mouth tightly, and then he avoided Jian Rui's gaze. He said coldly, "What are you doing here? You and I are no longer friends. Please leave my house."    


"Shut up!"    


Before Jian Rui and Ning Jiwei could say anything, Butler, who was standing next to Mo Tong, scolded him sternly, "How can you talk to the guests like this?"    


Mo Tong's mouth was tight. When he heard Butler's voice, his body subconsciously trembled. He just lowered his head and kept silent.    


Butler frowned, then he stretched out his hand and pushed Mo Tong's shoulder, "Apologize to your classmate!"    


Mo Tong turned his head. He stubbornly refused to apologize.    


Butler wanted to scold Mo Tong again, but Ning Jiwei interrupted him coldly. "It's okay. I think there must be some misunderstanding between Mo Tong and Rui."    


"It must be a misunderstanding." Hearing Ning Jiwei's words, Butler quickly said.    


Ning Jiwei waved to Mo Tong and said, "Mo Tong, come here."    


Mo Tong was stunned. He walked to Ning Jiwei and Jian Rui's side.    


Ning Jiwei nodded at Butler, and then he pulled Jian Rui and Mo Tong into the car.    


Butler saw the three of them get into the car, and he was a bit confused. He thought Ning Jiwei only wanted to say a few words to Mo Tong, but he didn't expect Ning Jiwei to deliberately avoid him.    


However, he thought that the more Ning Jiwei and his daughter trusted Mo Tong, the more information they could get. Butler couldn't help but smile.    


In the car, Mo Tong looked at Ning Jiwei in confusion.    


Ning Jiwei said, "Mo Tong, if you have a chance to leave Mo Family, are you willing to accept this opportunity?"    


Mo Tong's body trembled. He never thought that Ning Jiwei would ask such a question.    


Mo Tong hesitated and didn't respond.    


"Mo Tong, don't worry." Jian Rui held Mo Tong's hand and comforted him in a crisp voice, "You live with us. No one will hit you in the future. We will not let the people of Mo Family hit you again. "    


"I will live with you?" Mo Tong looked at Jian Rui, then turned to Ning Jiwei and said, "Uncle Ning, you mean..."    


Ning Jiwei smiled and asked, "I am asking if you are willing to leave your family and live with us."    


Mo Tong asked in a daze, "Why?"    


"Because your family is not good to you." Jian Rui pulled open Mo Tong's sleeve. Many wounds on Mo Tong's arm were exposed. "I don't want them to hit you like this. This kind of person is not your family. Mo Tong, come with us. We will treat you very well."    


Mo Tong lowered his head. He slowly pulled his arm out of Jian Rui's hand.    


"Mo Tong, do you not want to live with us?" Jian Rui asked.    


Mo Tong looked at Jian Rui and Ning Jiwei and sincerely said, "Thank you, but I can't go with you."    


"Why?" Jian Rui was puzzled and said, "They clearly did not treat you well. Why did you..."    


"They are not very good to me, but without their support, I would not have lived until today. Although they occasionally hit me, they did not treat me harshly. Instead, they invited a good teacher to teach me knowledge. I can't just look at their bad side and ignore the fact that they treat me well. "    


He bowed to Ning Jiwei and said," Uncle Ning, I thank you. I know you are kind, but I can't go with you. I will ask you not to come to me in the future. "    


After Mo Tong said that, he did not wait for Ning Jiwei and Jian Rui to speak again. He quickly opened the car door and ran out.    


He was afraid that he would regret it if he stayed for a few more seconds.    


Jian Rui looked at Mo Tong's figure and lowered her head sadly.    


Ning Jiwei touched her head and comforted her, "Everyone has their own choice. This is Mo Tong's choice. We can only respect him."    


Jian Rui looked up at Ning Jiwei, "What if one day we become enemies with Mo Tong?"    


Ning Jiwei did not answer. He just turned the steering wheel and left Mo Family.    


At night, at JOJO's house.    


Wan Yuqing opened her eyes. When she saw a completely unfamiliar environment, she immediately sat up in surprise.    


"This is?" Wan Yuqing sized up the room and her brain quickly worked.    


She clearly remembered that she left with Qin Zhixu. Then what kind of place is this? Could this be Qin Zhixu's home?    


"You're awake."    


Wan Yuqing was looking around when she suddenly heard a man's voice coming from the window. She was so scared that she screamed and left the bed barefooted.    


"You..." Wan Yuqing pointed at the man standing by the window with a trembling finger.    


Because her back was facing the light, and this man did not make any sound just now. She did not even notice that there was another person in the room.    


"Who are you?" Wan Yuqing asked with a stutter.    


JOJO closed the book in his hand and slowly walked closer.    


When the light and shadow focused on him, his blurry figure gradually became clear.    


The moment she saw that face, Wan Yuqing was completely stunned and said, "JOJO."    


"Hello." JOJO nodded slightly at her and asked, "Are you feeling better?"    


"My body?" After Wan Yuqing saw JOJO, her brain stopped working. After hearing JOJO's question, she reacted for a long time before she quickly nodded and said, "I'm fine."    


"That's good." JOJO walked to the door and pressed the button on the wall. He ordered, "Someone prepare some porridge for Miss Wan."    


Wan Yuqing could not believe that the person she was thinking of had appeared in front of her. She asked, "Excuse me, where is this?"    


"My home." JOJO's voice was still cold, but he answered every question Wan Yuqing asked. His attitude was already very good.    


When Wan Yuqing heard JOJO say that this was his house, she was shocked again. Her small face had already turned red from embarrassment. "How could I..."    


Before she finished asking, she suddenly froze there.    


"I will do my best to help you and JOJO get in touch. But during this period of time, I need you to pretend to be my fiancee."    


The day they decided to work together, Qin Zhixu's words seemed to ring in her ears. Wan Yuqing suddenly understood why she would appear at JOJO's home when she woke up.    


This was Qin Zhixu's promise. It was the reward for helping him lure Qin Tian out.    


Wan Yuqing figured this out and the joy she felt when she saw JOJO suddenly dropped.    


Even she did not know why she suddenly felt a little repulsion and irritation. This was clearly what she wanted.    


JOJO saw the change in Wan Yuqing's expression. He asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong with you?"    


Wan Yuqing shook her head and asked, "Where's Mr Qin?"    


"He left." JOJO said.    


Wan Yuqing pursed her lips and sat down quietly by the bed.    


JOJO looked at her and said, "You can stay here tonight. Qin Zhixu has already informed the Wan family."    


Wan Yuqing nodded. Although her fever had subsided, she had not fully recovered yet. If she returned home in this state, her parents would definitely be worried.    


"Thank you." Wan Yuqing said.    


"You are welcome." JOJO did not leave. He walked to the sofa next to the bed and sat down. "You do not need to thank me. I should be the one apologizing to you."    


Wan Yuqing was stunned. She looked at JOJO in confusion.    


JOJO pulled the corner of his mouth and said, "Although we don't have a good relationship, Qin Tian is from the Qin Family after all. She is my sister. I apologize for what she did to you today."    


When Wan Yuqing heard Qin Tian's name, she subconsciously frowned. But after hearing JOJO's words, she still shook her head and said, "Qin Tian has nothing to do with you and Mr Qin. You don't need to apologize to me."    


"And..." JOJO paused and said, "I'm sorry to drag you into this mess. You have done enough. You do not need to take risks with us. You saw how dangerous it was today. If you continue, you won't be the only one in danger. Even your family and the Wan clan will be in danger."    


" But... "Wan Yuqing bit her lips and said in a low voice," but I have already promised Mr Qin. "    


"Don't bother with him." JOJO said.    


Wan Yuqing paused and looked up at JOJO. She only stole a glance at him before quickly lowering her head again.    


JOJO looked at her and thought of Qin Zhixu's words. He hesitated and asked, "I need an assistant by my side, if you have time and are willing."    


"I am willing!" Wan Yuqing immediately said.    


JOJO looked at her and smiled. He nodded and said, "Alright, you have a good rest today. Go home tomorrow and inform your family, then work with me."    


"Okay." Wan Yuqing nodded and asked again, "Then what about Mr Qin?"    


"You don't need to go." JOJO interrupted her.    


Wan Yuqing nodded obediently. She just thought that she was going to break her promise to Qin Zhixu. For some reason, she felt uncomfortable in her heart. She wanted to call Qin Zhixu tomorrow to tell him personally about this matter.    


At this moment, Qin Zhixu was lying dejectedly on the bar counter of Sleeping Fish.    


Yun Ling smiled and handed a glass of wine to Qin Zhixu and asked, "Why are you here again?"    


Qin Zhixu glared at Yun Ling and said, "It's all your fault for coming up with such a rotten idea."    


"Rotten idea?" Yun Ling raised his eyebrows and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong with my idea? Isn't it pretty good now? You lured Qin Tian out and also found their internal information."    


Qin Zhixu said, "Not good at all!"    


"What is bad about it?" Yun Ling looked at Qin Zhixu doubtfully.    


Qin Zhixu choked. He raised his head and drank a mouthful of wine. "Wan Yuqing has no enmity with us. She insisted on being dragged into this mess. If I didn't go in time today, I don't even know how she would have been tortured by Qin Tian."    


"You mean Wan Yuqing?" Yun Ling looked up and down at Qin Zhixu. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Don't tell me you like her?"    


"No!" Without waiting for Yun Ling to finish, Qin Zhixu quickly denied it.    


Yun Ling looked at Qin Zhixu in understanding and said, "Since you don't like her, why are you drinking here tonight?"    


"I just feel irritated in my heart." Qin Zhixu said while drinking, "I feel like I have done something very bastard."    


Yun Ling nodded and said, "You are indeed a bastard."    


Qin Zhixu said with a dark face, "You were the one who suggested this."    


Yun Ling shrugged and said innocently, "I was just suggesting. Besides, it's not like I'm the one who did it. That's why you are a bastard."    


Qin Zhixu was speechless by Yun Ling's words. He threw the wine cup away and said, "I'm not drinking anymore. I'm leaving."    


"Alright, I was just joking with you."    


Yun Ling smiled and asked, "How is Wan Yuqing now?"    


"I don't know." Qin Zhixu turned on the video call and said, "I didn't call to ask Wan Yuqing, but she should be fine."    


Yun Ling frowned and said, "Wan Yuqing suffered such a huge shock, and you don't even care about her?"    


"JOJO will take good care of her." Qin Zhixu said.    


"JOJO?" Yun Ling looked at Qin Zhixu in surprise. Although he was smart, he couldn't keep up with Qin Zhixu's transformation.    


At the stadium.    


George held the cue stick and faced Yang Yaru, who was beside him, with a smile. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you really okay?"    


Yang Yaru rolled her eyes at George. She went forward and bent over, then raised the cue stick.    


George heard the sound of the ball hitting, and then the sound of two balls entering the hole at the same time.    


When George saw this scene, the corner of his mouth curled up. He smiled and walked forward and said, You are amazing!"    


Yang Yaru smiled and pointed at the table. She looked at George provocatively and said, "Shall we compete?"    


George sized Yang Yaru up and down. Today, Yang Yaru was dressed differently from usual. She was wearing a black tight leather skirt, which completely outlined her tall and curvy curves.    


Any man would like a beauty like her who stood by the table with a billiard pole.    


George narrowed his eyes and smiled. "Of course, but since it is a competition, there must be a bet. What is your bet?"    


Yang Yaru took a step forward and stood on her tiptoes. Her index finger lightly touched George's lips. Her red lips opened and she said, "I will give you a kiss. What do you think?"    


George raised his eyebrows. He lowered his head and held Yang Yaru's mischievous index finger. He said, "I am very willing."    


"What if I win?" Yang Yaru asked.    


George shrugged and shrugged. He put his hands on the table and asked indifferently, "What do you want?"    


Yang Yaru's eyes darkened. She looked at George and said, "If I win, then I want you to be my boyfriend for a week."    


George was stunned. He looked at Yang Yaru in a daze. He did not expect her to make such a request.    


"How is it? Are you afraid?" Yang Yaru lifted her chin and said proudly, "If you are afraid, you just have to admit that you are afraid."    


George looked at Yang Yaru and smiled.    



Although Yang Yaru had a proud look on her face, her slightly red face and flustered eyes had completely betrayed her.    


George stood up and reached out to take the cue stick. He smiled and said, "I have nothing to be afraid of. Let's start."    


Yang Yaru saw that George agreed, and she let out a sigh of relief.    


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