CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C131 What Did You Say?

C131 What Did You Say?

0In the Ning Family.    


Old Master Ning sat on the sofa and watched TV. Ning Fubaang poured tea for him and placed it in front of him. He whispered, "Dad, have some tea."    


Old Master Ning snorted. He did not even look at him. He continued staring at the TV screen.    


Ning Fubaang sat down awkwardly and said hesitantly, "Dad, I want to talk to you about Ji Kang."    


"Did you say something wrong?" Old Master Ning looked at Ning Fubaang and sneered, "You are talking about Ning Jiwei, right?"    


Ning Fubaang paused and shook his head. "No, dad, I am talking about Ji Kang."    


"It is rare." Old Master Ning smiled and said, "It's hard for you to remember Ji Kang. I thought you had already forgotten that you had a son."    


"Dad, me." Ning Fubaang wanted to explain, but Old Master Ning impatiently interrupted him and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it. Don't disturb me while I watch TV."    


Ning Fubaang looked at the TV screen and said, "Dad, it's an advertisement now."    


"What's wrong with the advertisement?" Old Master Ning said rudely, "Watching an advertisement is more interesting than talking to you."    


Ning Fubaang sighed and looked at Old Master Ning. "Dad, I really want to discuss with you about Ji Kang. Do you know that he is planning the marriage with Yun Family?"    


"Is this really worth making a fuss about?" Old Master Ning said disdainfully, "I knew it. I asked him to look for Yun Xiaoxiao. As long as he and the Yun Family are connected by marriage, it will not be long before the Ning Family can regain its former glory."    


"Dad." Ning Fubaang didn't expect that Old Master Ning would know everything about Ning Jikang and Yun Xiaoxiao. He was stunned for a moment.    


Old Master Ning looked at him and said, "You have the time to talk nonsense with me. Why don't you look for your good son more? No matter what, Ning Family had raised him for so many years. If he wants to draw a clear line with us so easily, it's impossible! "    


Ning Fubaang looked at Old Master Ning who was controlling everything. He felt tired in his heart and didn't want to say anything more. He stood up and wanted to go back upstairs.    


He just got up, but was stopped by Old Master Ning. "Where are you going?"    


Ning Fubaang said, "I'm going back to my room. Dad, do you have anything else?"    


"You can't go back to your room." Old Master Ning suddenly got angry. He hit Ning Fubaang's ankle with his walking stick. He cursed. : "You only know how to hide in your house every day. What did I tell you just now? Didn't I tell you to look for Ning Jiwei? "    


Ning Fubaang held back the pain in his ankle and said to Old Master Ning, "Dad, Ji Wei has been on a business trip recently."    


"Then go find that woman and that child. Don't you like your granddaughter a lot? It just so happens that you can use them to control Ning Jiwei." Old Master Ning said.    


"Dad, I never thought about controlling Ji Wei." Ning Fubaang frowned and said, "I only like Rui because she is Ji Wei's child. I don't want to use her to achieve any goal."    


"I don't care what you think." Old Master Ning waved his hand and interrupted Ning Fubaang. "I only want to see the result. Anyway, get out and find that child now. If you can't coax her well, you don't have to come back."    


Ning Fubaang was stunned. He did not expect Old Master Ning to say such a thing. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Ning Jikang walking in from outside.    


"Grandpa, I'm back." Ning Jikang walked in, greeted Old Master Ning, and then sat down on the sofa. He picked up the remote control and switched to a channel that he liked. He had no intention of greeting Ning Fubaang.    


Old Master Ning asked, "You went out with Yun Xiaoxiao today? How are you guys doing? Did she agree to marry you?"    


"Of course." Ning Fubaang was as proud as a rooster. "I paid and worked hard. How could she not be satisfied?"    


"That's good." Old Master Ning laughed in satisfaction. "When will you see each other's parents?"    


"This." Ning Jikang stammered and did not answer.    


Seeing him like this, Old Master Ning immediately frowned. "What happened?"    


Ning Jikang sighed and said, "Sung Lan ran to the hotel for no reason and splashed acid all over me. I almost lost my life."    


"What?" Old Master Ning and Ning Fubaang were shocked at the same time. They looked at him nervously and asked, "How about it? Where are you hurt?"    


Ning Jikang waved his hand and said, "I only have a few superficial wounds. It doesn't matter, but Xiaoxiao was scared. She said she would only marry me after I finished what happened before."    


Old Master Ning was stunned for a moment and asked, "Wouldn't it be better if you killed Sung Lan?"    


Ning Jikang looked at Old Master Ning and curled his lips. "Grandfather, you forgot that there is still Wenn Qingnuan."    


Old Master Ning frowned and said, "Didn't she lock her up? What else could she do?"    


Ning Jikang coughed dryly and said, "She is pregnant."    


"What is it?" Old Master Ning and Ning Fubaang were shocked once again. "Your child?"    


"Then I don't know." Ning Jikang shrugged and said, "It's not like the child was born. I can't find out. How would I know?"    


Old Master Ning thought for a while and said, "In that case, you can send a divorce agreement in and let her sign it."    


"I tried. She won't sign it." Ning Jikang said, "Otherwise, I wouldn't be so worried."    


"If that's the case." Old Master Ning thought for a moment and said fiercely, "Then you force her to sign it. When you have no other choice, you can only use extreme methods."    


"Grandpa, what do you mean?"    


"Since you are not sure if the child in her womb is yours, then there is no need to keep him." Old Master Ning said.    


"Dad, you cannot!"    


Ning Fubaang was shocked. He didn't expect Old Master Ning to come up with such a vicious idea. He quickly said, "No matter what, it is still a life. Besides... As long as the child comes out to do a paternity test, we will know if he is Ji Kang's child. If he is really Ji Kang's child, then wouldn't we have killed our next generation with our own hands? "    


"What do you know?" Old Master Ning snapped, "Not to mention whether he is Ji Kang's child or not, even if he is, he has a mother in prison. Do you think the child can be taught well?"    


"But, Dad."    


" Shut up. " Old Master Ning poked the ground with his walking stick and said resolutely, "I am still alive. This family is not up to you to decide. The mother of Ji Kang's child can only be Yun Xiaoxiao. No one else can."    


"Grandfather, you are right." Ning Jikang said, "Then I will go and prepare now. I must get the divorce certificate as soon as possible. Otherwise, what if Xiaoxiao changes her mind again?"    


"That's right. You should quickly go and deal with this matter. If there are any problems, come and find me." Old Master Ning said.    


"I forbid you from going!" Ning Fubaang stopped Ning Jikang and said, "You can't do this kind of heartless thing. Ji Kang, I know I didn't teach you well in the past, but it's not too late for you to repent now. Listen to me."    


"Can you move aside?" Ning Jikang pushed Ning Fubaang away and said, "If you have the time, you might as well find your other good son. It would be best if he could give us all the money. Then we have money. I don't have to do so many things. And I don't need to do such a heartless thing. In the end, you forced me to do all of this! "    


" Ji Kang, how can you talk to me like that? " Ning Fubaang looked at Ning Jikang in disbelief.    


"Then how do you want me to talk to you?" Ning Jikang looked at him impatiently and said, "It's all your fault that our family became like this today, but you always pretend to be innocent like a good old man. You even let others think that we have let you down. If you did not bring Ning Jiwei home, if you were not so biased, If you hadn't ignored me, if you had taken care of the problem between you and my mother... None of this would have happened. "    


Ning Fubaang didn't get angry after being scolded by his son. He said guiltily, "Ji Kang, I know it was because I did not do well in the past. Can you give me a chance to make it up to you? We can't change what happened in the past, but at least we can change the present and the future. "    


" Forget it. " Ning Jikang gave him a disdainful look and said, "You caused the Ning Family to become like this today, and you want to use these two sentences to drag me along with you? Sorry, I don't have the time. I'm still busy marrying my wife. If you really want to apologize, then quickly think of a way to get the money back from Ning Jiwei. "    


" Ji Kang. "    


Ning Fubaang wanted to say more, but Ning Jikang had no intention of listening. He simply slammed the door and left.    


"Father." Ning Fubaang turned to look at Old Master Ning, hoping that he could help criticize Ji Kang. However, before Ning Fubaang could say anything, Old Master Ning stood up and left the sofa with his crutch.    


"Dad, about Ji Kang."    


"You don't have to worry about Ji Kang." Old Master Ning turned to look at him and said, "Didn't you hear what Ji Kang said just now? That's what I meant too. If you still think you are from the Ning Family, You also think of me as your father and Ji Kang as your son. Then don't waste your time here. Hurry up and ask Ning Jiwei for money. "    


After saying these words, Old Master Ning turned around and returned to his room without looking at Ning Fubaang.    


Ning Fubaang was stunned on the spot. He looked at the empty and lifeless living room. For a moment, he was a little confused about where he was.    


Was this still a home?    


Ning Fubaang thought of his snobbish father and his useless son. He left Ning Family and went to the hospital in despair.    


In the VIP ward.    


When Ning Fubaang went in, Fu Zuoann was leisurely lying on the hospital bed and browsing Weibo. When he saw Ning Fubaang come in, he couldn't help but smile and waved at Ning Fubaang. "Why are you here?"    


Ning Fubaang put the fruit he brought in into the cabinet, sat on the chair beside the bed, and said, "Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I came to chat with you. It saves you from being bored alone."    


Fu Zuoann shook the phone in his hand and said, "I'm not bored. You look worried. Were you bullied at home again?"    


Ning Fubaang smiled bitterly and said, "Old Master Fu, don't make fun of me."    


Fu Zuoann smiled and pointed at the orange Ning Fubaang brought. "Peel an orange for me to eat."    


Ning Fubaang nodded. He took an orange and peeled it while chatting with Fu Zuoann. "You have been here for a few days. What did the doctor say?"    


"He did not say anything. When you are old, you will get those small diseases." Fu Zuoann didn't care.    


Ning Fubaang was stunned. He handed over the peeled orange and asked with a frown, "Is your illness so serious?"    


"It's not serious." Fu Zuoann said as he ate the orange, "But sometimes it's not a good thing to be not seriously ill. If the illness is serious, it may be cured in an instant. But it's hard to say if it's not serious. We can only continue to observe and maintain it. "    


Ning Fubaang frowned and said, "Should I inform Ji Wei? It has been so many days. You have asked me to keep it from them."    


"Don't say it." Fu Zuoann quickly said, "If you tell them these things at this time, wouldn't that be giving them trouble? Besides, it's just nice for me to stay here. I have so much free time. "    


"How free are you?" Ning Fubaang paused for a second and asked, "What do you mean? Are you in trouble?"    


Fu Zuoann sighed and said, "That is a big trouble."    


Ning Fubaang was stunned. He looked at Fu Zuoann and suddenly thought of something. He could not help lowering his voice and asked, "Did they come to find you?"    


Fu Zuoann looked at Ning Fubaang and nodded helplessly. "Recently, there are people investigating Fu Xiang. Fortunately, I sealed off the news quickly and hid quickly. Otherwise, how could I have the peace now?"    


Ning Fubaang said in a daze, "They really came. What about Ji Wei?"    


"Let nature take its course." Fu Zuoann took over his words and said, "Although I blocked the news, with the ability of that family, It should not be too difficult for them to find someone. It was just a matter of time. As for Ji Wei. "    


Fu Zuoann paused for a moment. He reached out and pressed the back of Ning Fubaang's hand." We should trust him. He has grown into a strong and reliable man. He is strong enough to face any storm or accident. "    


Ning Fubaang nodded unconsciously. "I am just worried about him. It was not easy for him to live peacefully for more than half a year."    


"I am not worried about Ji Wei." Fu Zuoann said, "If Ji Wei only has himself, I'm not worried about what will happen to him if he meets those people. No matter what, he can handle them. But now Ji Wei is not only himself, he also has his wife and children. "    


" That's right. What about Haixi and Rui? " Ning Fubaang anxiously said, "That family will definitely not treat Haixi and Rui well. They are not prepared for it. What if those people really find them? What will happen to them?"    


"That is what I am worried about. That's why I immediately sealed off the news and hid here." Fu Zuoann said.    


Ning Fubaang thought for a moment and said, "I don't think hiding like this is a solution. We should tell Ji Wei and the others in advance so they can have a countermeasure."    


Fu Zuoann thought for a moment and nodded. "Then let's talk to Ji Wei when he comes back from a business trip. At the moment, I think it's better not to tell Haixi about this before telling Ji Wei. "    


When it was almost time to get off work, Jian Haixi took the cup to the tea room.    


Originally, there was a water dispenser in her room, but it just happened to run out of water today. She did not want to trouble others to change the water before she got off work, so she went to the public tea room.    


Actually, Jian Haixi felt a little uncomfortable in the tea room. After all, she had clashed with people here several times.    


This time, it was very unfortunate. When Jian Haixi arrived at the tea room, she happened to bump into a few people from the Development Department.    


When the few people who were chatting happily saw Jian Haixi, they automatically stopped talking and pretended not to see her.    


Jian Haixi did not have any intention of chatting with them. After she and Hao Yan completely fell out, there seemed to be an invisible barrier between the Development Department and Design Department.    


The barrier had existed before. However, after George took over the Design Department, the relationship between the Design Department and Development Department became much better. But now, the relationship between the two departments had returned to its original state.    


While Jian Haixi was pouring water, a few people from the Development Department were secretly peeking at her from afar and whispering to each other.    


Among them, Hao Yan's assistant Gao Ling looked at Jian Haixi with disdain and said in a voice that Jian Haixi could hear, "She just found a rich person to rely on. Does she really think that the Maiteng is owned by her family?"    


The other person looked at Jian Haixi guiltily and lightly touched Gao Ling, "Don't say anymore."    


"Why can't I say?" Gao Ling coldly snorted and said, "In the past, everyone tolerated her. Do you see how she left for half a year has any effect on the Maiteng? The effect is that the Design Department is flourishing under George's lead. "    



Gao Ling's words caused the surrounding people to quieten down. Everyone quietly observed Jian Haixi's expression and found that she did not have any expression.    


Jian Haixi naturally heard Gao Ling's sarcastic remarks but she was really not interested in this kind of thing right now.    


After Jian Haixi drank the water, she held the teacup and turned around to leave.    


"Sister Ling, she did not seem to hear what we said." One of them said.    


Gao Ling looked at the calm Jian Haixi and a trace of jealousy appeared in her eyes. She sneered and said, "Of course she did not hear us. Don't you know that she took a sick leave this half a year?"    


The person beside sighed, "She had indeed experienced those things and it was indeed quite pitiful."    


Gao Ling said, "Could it be that she is the only unfortunate person in the world? Why should she occupy public resources?"    


"Forget it, Sister Ling, don't say anymore." Seeing Gao Ling speak louder and louder, the people beside her could not help but pull her to persuade her.    


"I have to say it." Gao Ling coldly snorted and said, "If she has the ability, she will chase us out of the Maiteng. I don't believe that Director will make an exception for her again and again. If Director really treats her so well, she would have been Mrs. Ning a long time ago. Why would she come back to work? She was just a mistress. She still has a burden."    


Jian Haixi stopped in her tracks. She clenched the teacup in her hand tightly and tried her best to remain calm. She could not afford to have a conflict with someone in the tea room every time she came.    


After taking three deep breaths, Jian Haixi once again lifted her foot and prepared to leave.    


She had just taken two steps when she heard Gao Ling sneering behind her, "She is an old woman who put on an act. Serves her son right to die!"    


Jian Haixi's hand that was holding the cup immediately tightened and her eyes were filled with cold light.    


She turned around to look at Gao Ling and asked coldly," What did you say just now? "    


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