CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C161 At My House

C161 At My House

0Dou Ge carried Jian Haixi all the way back to the villa. As soon as they entered, they bumped into Jian Yi and Luo Meng in the living room.    


The others were all very embarrassed. Only Dou Ge did not notice.    


He carried Jian Haixi and stood at the door of the living room. He first glanced at Luo Meng, then his eyes fixed on Jian Yi. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "You are Jian Yi?"    


Jian Yi did not answer, but looked at Jian Haixi. "Mommy?"    


Jian Haixi smiled awkwardly and pushed Dou Ge to put her down.    


After getting off Dou Ge's arms, Jian Haixi introduced them to each other. "This is Dou Ge, Dou Ming's brother. We met at the intersection. The road was too slippery, so he carried me here."    


"Mommy, are you okay?" Jian Yi pushed the wheelchair to Jian Haixi's side and looked her up and down. He asked, "Are you hurt?"    


"Don't worry, I'm fine." Jian Haixi smiled and touched Jian Yi's hair. "I am an adult. I am just walking. How could I hurt myself?"    


"Not necessarily." Dou Ge looked at Jian Haixi and said, "If I did not carry you and walk over, with the degree of freezing and your ability to balance the road, I estimate that you will fall at least three times. So the probability of you getting injured is very high. This has nothing to do with your age. "    


" You... "Jian Haixi gritted her teeth and looked at Dou Ge with widened eyes." Thank you. "    


"You are welcome." Dou Ge said with a serious face, "You better plan to improve your physical fitness. If need be, I can arrange the most systematic courses for you."    


"Thank you, no need." Jian Haixi said unhappily.    


Luo Meng looked at Dou Ge in surprise. "You are Dou Ming's brother? You two brothers are really different."    


Dou Ge looked at him doubtfully. "How are we different?"    


Luo Meng choked and asked back, "May I ask what do you think is the same about you two?"    


Dou Ge looked down at himself and said, "We are all men. There is no difference."    


Luo Meng sighed and gave Jian Haixi a look. "I can imagine how awkward you were just now."    


Jian Haixi smiled and said to Dou Ge, "Please take a seat first. I will go and get you a cup of water."    


"I am not tired. It is more comfortable to stand." Dou Ge looked at Jian Haixi and said, "I am not thirsty. You do not need to pour water."    


Jian Haixi opened her mouth and nodded. "Alright, then..."    


"I am looking for Jian Yi." Dou Ge looked at Jian Yi and said.    


Jian Yi raised his eyebrows slightly. Under Dou Ge's gaze, he did not panic. "What is it?"    


Dou Ge went straight to the point, "My brother told me everything about you. I can help you, but the prerequisite is that you have to convince me."    


Jian Haixi did not understand. "Didn't you say that Dou Ming told you everything?"    


Dou Ge looked at Jian Haixi and said, "That is what my brother said. I want what Jian Yi said."    


Jian Haixi looked at Jian Yi. Jian Yi looked up and smiled at her. He reached out and pulled her hand. "Mommy, don't worry."    


Jian Haixi nodded and pushed Jian Yi's wheelchair towards the study.    


Jian Yi looked at Dou Ge and nodded. "Come with me."    


Dou Ge took a big step forward and pushed Jian Haixi away. "I will push it."    


Jian Haixi was speechless. That was my son.    


Seeing the two of them enter the study, Luo Meng walked to Jian Haixi's side and shook his head and sighed. "I think the house will be lively in the next few days."    


Jian Haixi smiled bitterly and nodded, "I also feel the same."    


Luo Meng stretched and said, "Just nice. I have some matters to deal with in the hospital. I will not be back for the next few days."    


Jian Haixi rolled her eyes at him and said, "Do you need to be so obvious?"    


Luo Meng smiled and winked at Jian Haixi. He said, "Don't worry. I will not tell Ning Jiwei about you being held in Dou Ge's arms."    


Jian Haixi rolled her eyes and pushed him away. "You should leave quickly."    


Luo Meng laughed. He took out a key from his pocket and threw it to Jian Haixi. "This is the key to the house next door. Go and live if you need it."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. The house next door was used by the bodyguards and maids of Luo family. Jian Haixi rarely interacted with them, so she did not need this key at all.    


Now Luo Meng suddenly gave the key to her and would leave for a few days. This made Jian Haixi have a bad feeling.    


"Mr Luo, you will not hide anything from me, right?" Jian Haixi frowned and asked.    


"Of course not." Luo Meng casually waved his hand and said, "It's just those lousy things in the hospital. I can handle it in a few days. I gave you this key just in case."    


Jian Haixi stared at Luo Meng and asked, "Is that really all?"    


"Of course." Luo Meng waved his hand and walked out. "I'm leaving. See you in a few days."    


Jian Haixi looked at Luo Meng leaving and frowned.    




In the study, Jian Yi and Dou Ge sat across from each other. Jian Yi was so small that he was only a little taller than the back of the chair, while Dou Ge was so tall that he could barely fit into the chair.    


Jian Yi looked at Dou Ge and asked, "Do you have any questions?"    


Dou Ge said, "I have two questions. One, what are your chances of winning? Second, what can our Dou Family get?"    


Jian Yi said, "I'll answer your first question first. I haven't told Daddy about this yet. But according to the data I have collected, without the help of the Dou Family, If we have your help, then... We will definitely win. "    


Dou Ge narrowed his eyes and looked at Jian Yi. He said, "Although I admire your confidence, I don't believe your data."    


Jian Yi nodded and said, "No problem, I can let Daddy tell you."    


As he spoke, Jian Yi took out his phone and dialed Ning Jiwei's number.    


When he received Jian Yi's call, Ning Jiwei was still in the office discussing what to eat for dinner with Jian Rui. Looking at the caller ID, Ning Jiwei said to Jian Rui, "You and Mo Tong stay here first. I'll take the call."    


"Okay." Jian Rui also saw the caller ID, so she obediently got down from Ning Jiwei's lap and pulled Mo Tong to sit on the sofa and wait.    


Ning Jiwei walked into the room. After listening to Jian Yi's words, he was silent for a moment and said, "It is not convenient for me to talk to him in detail now. I will send a document and a preliminary plan to your email later. Take a look first and discuss it tomorrow."    


After saying that, Ning Jiwei paused for a moment and then instructed, "Don't tell your mommy about the contents of the email first."    


Jian Yi nodded and hung up the phone. He said to Dou Ge, "I, Daddy, have something to do. I will tell you when I see the information later."    


Dou Ge nodded and said, "Sure."    


As the two were talking, Jian Haixi knocked on the door and came in. She smiled and asked, "I plan to make dinner. What do you want to eat?"    


Jian Yi looked at Dou Ge. Dou Ge blinked in confusion. "Why are you looking at me?"    


Jian Yi turned to Jian Haixi and shrugged. "Mommy, you saw it. He can eat anything."    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded. She turned around and left.    


There was usually a nanny who cooked here, but Jian Haixi did not have other things to do all day. Plus, Jian Yi was used to her cooking, so Jian Haixi took over the job of cooking and only let the nanny take care of the food.    


Jian Haixi prepared dinner for three people, but when it was at the dinner table, Jian Haixi realized that she did not cook enough.    


Usually, she and Jian Yi did not eat much. She originally thought that dinner for three people was enough, but before she and Jian Yi finished eating, Dou Ge already held the empty bowl and asked Jian Haixi, "Is there more?"    


Jian Haixi thought for a moment and said, "There is no more food, but there is still instant noodles."    


Dou Ge handed the bowl to Jian Haixi and nodded. "Sorry to trouble you. It doesn't matter what I eat. As long as the amount is enough."    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded. She got up and went to help Dou Ge cook instant noodles.    




After Ning Jiwei and Jian Yi finished the phone call and sent the information to his email, they drove out of the company with Jian Rui and Mo Tong.    


After getting into the car and helping the two to fasten their seatbelts, Ning Jiwei started the car and said to Jian Rui and Mo Tong, "When we pass by the store later, we will go and buy a new set of pajamas and toiletries for Mo Tong."    


"Okay!" Jian Rui was so excited that it was as if Ning Jiwei wanted to buy her something.    


Ning Jiwei smiled and shook his head. Sure enough, shopping was an eternal magic to women, regardless of age.    


"Daddy, there is a big shopping mall at the intersection ahead. Mommy brought me here before. There are clothes for adults and children inside. There's also a supermarket on the first floor. We can buy all of them! " Jian Rui pointed to the store by the roadside and strongly recommended.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Rui and felt that it was very funny in his heart. "If it really doesn't work, you can also be a clerk in the future."    


"Daddy, you are making fun of me!" Jian Rui pouted and said.    


"I was wrong, okay?" Seeing his precious daughter pouting, Ning Jiwei laughed and said.    


Jian Rui raised her chin and snorted proudly, "For the sake of you taking me to the mall, I'll forgive you for now."    


"Temporarily?" Ning Jiwei could not help but laugh. He parked the car near the mall and brought the two children into the mall.    


Once they entered the mall, Jian Rui pulled Mo Tong to the third floor. As they walked, she pointed to the two sides and introduced them to Mo Tong. "The third floor is the children's clothing area. Let's go there first, then go to the first floor to buy toiletries."    


Mo Tong nodded obediently and let Jian Rui pull him away without saying a word.    


Ning Jiwei followed behind the two of them and looked at them dotingly.    


Jian Rui held various types of pajamas and gestured in front of Mo Tong as she asked, "Mo Tong, do you have a brand that you like? Or what kind of material clothing do you like?"    


Mo Tong shook his head and said, "I don't know what brand my clothes are. Butler prepared them for me."    


Jian Rui was stunned. She shook her head and sighed. "Why am I so stupid? You have Butler and a maid at home. Your clothes must be branded or custom-made. You definitely are not used to the clothes sold in the shopping mall."    


Seeing Jian Rui's disappointed look, Mo Tong's heart tightened. He took a step forward and grabbed the pajamas in Jian Rui's hands. "No, I like it here. I also like the clothes you helped me pick."    




Jian Rui only became happy again when she saw Mo Tong nod his head. She diligently ran around like a little bee and helped Mo Tong pick up his pajamas.    


"Mo Tong, what do you think of this one? I think this color is very good. Or this one? It's too cute!"    


Mo Tong honestly shook his head and said," I can't tell which one is pretty, but I believe you. Help me choose. "    


"Okay, then this one." Jian Rui held a set of sky-blue pajamas and gestured in front of Mo Tong. She said, "This one is the only one. Mo Tong, you will definitely be very cute when you wear it."    


Mo Tong nodded and reached out to take the pajamas. He did not take a second look and only followed closely behind Jian Rui, as if he was afraid that she would lose it.    


Jian Rui picked it up and saw the female clothing section. She started to take the clothes and gesture at herself. She also turned her head from time to time to ask Mo Tong and Ning Jiwei, "Do I look good in this?"    


Ning Jiwei smiled and shook his head. He went forward and patted Jian Rui's head and asked, "Didn't you want to buy clothes for Mo Tong? Why did you start to pick clothes?"    


"Daddy!" Jian Rui handed the clothes in her hands to Mo Tong, turned around, and hugged Ning Jiwei's thigh as she said, "My dear Daddy, just buy me one too."    


Ning Jiwei wanted to refute, but Jian Rui immediately pretended to be angry and said, "Be careful, I will tell Mommy that you are not buying me clothes!"    


Ning Jiwei smiled helplessly and said, "You only know how to use this method to deal with me."    


Jian Rui stuck out her tongue and said, "Because I know that you spoil me the most."    


"Then you can only buy one piece of clothing. If you buy too much, your mommy will find out when she comes back." Ning Jiwei said.    


"You are the best. I like you the most!" Jian Rui jumped up, hugged Ning Jiwei, and kissed him. Then she quickly took the clothes and ran to the fitting area.    


Mo Tong followed by the side and watched the two bickering and playing. Ning Jiwei's pampering and Jian Rui's reliance on him made him have an indescribable feeling.    



In this kind of warm and relaxed atmosphere, Mo Tong's cold heart suddenly felt warm. He seemed to be able to feel in the depths of his heart that some kind of long-lost feeling was slowly sprouting, as if it was sprouting.    


After buying pajamas and buying toiletries on the first floor, the three of them left the shopping mall.    


Mo Tong was about to walk to the parking lot, but after taking two steps, he found that Jian Rui did not follow him. He turned his head and saw Jian Rui hugging Ning Jiwei in the same position again.    


Mo Tong walked back to the two of them and heard a familiar coquettish voice. "Dad, let's have an ice cream! I want strawberry flavors!"    


"No, it's already night time. You can't eat ice cream." Ning Jiwei was very serious, and there was no room for negotiation.    


"I will eat half. The remaining half will be for Tong." Jian Rui kept begging.    


Mo Tong was stunned when he heard his name. Ice cream? Tong?    


"Alright, I only eat one-third of it. Tong also wants to eat it, right?"    


When Mo Tong heard Tong again, before he could react, Jian Rui called out to him and he subconsciously nodded his head.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Mo Tong, who also nodded his head, and said, "What do you want to eat? Didn't you say you don't eat junk food?"    


Mo Tong suddenly looked conflicted. On one side, it was Jian Rui who wanted to eat ice cream, and on the other side, it was his own principle. It was so difficult.    


"Daddy!" Jian Rui hugged Ning Jiwei and continuously spoiled him.    


Jian Rui could not do anything about it, so Ning Jiwei had to buy an ice cream with strawberry flavor and make an appointment with Jian Rui three times. She could not tell Mommy.    


Jian Rui, who got the ice cream, agreed immediately. She smiled until her eyes narrowed. She generously handed the ice cream to Mo Tong and said, "Here, I will give you the first bite. This is my favorite taste."    


Seeing the ice cream in front of him, Mo Tong was conflicted again.    


This was junk food. He didn't want to eat it, but looking at Jian Rui's eager eyes, it seemed like she gave him her favorite food.    


After hesitating for a moment, Mo Tong still took a small bite. The ice cold sweetness melted on the tip of his tongue and blended into the happiness that he had never experienced before. It slowly slid down his throat.    


"How is it? Is it super delicious?" Jian Rui asked Mo Tong as she ate the ice cream contentedly.    


Mo Tong nodded and said, "Yes, it is very delicious."    


After getting Mo Tong's confirmation, Jian Rui happily raised the ice cream to Ning Jiwei and said, "Daddy, you should eat it too."    


Ning Jiwei touched her head and said, "I don't want to eat it. You can eat slowly."    


After such a delay, it was already dinner time when they returned home. Ning Jiwei was busy preparing dinner, but Jian Rui excitedly pulled Mo Tong into the room and ran, "Mo Tong, hurry up. Let's go and try on some new clothes!"    


Ning Jiwei heard that and quickly went out of the kitchen to pull the two of them and said, "Where are you going to change clothes?"    


"The room." Jian Rui pointed to her own room and said.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Rui and Mo Tong seriously and said, "Don't you know that there are differences between men and women? Each of you will have a room. Come out after changing your clothes."    


"I know, Daddy." Jian Rui stuck out her tongue. "I never planned to change rooms with Mo Tong. I just sent him in."    


Ning Jiwei was relieved, but he still reminded her, "Whether it is Mo Tong, Gu Xiaomian, or other boys, you can't change clothes in the same room with them. Do you understand?"    


"I know." Jian Rui pouted and looked at Ning Jiwei. "Daddy, you look like Butler."    


Ning Jiwei said unhappily, "I bought you new clothes and ice cream today. Are you still talking about me like that?"    


"You are the best!" Jian Rui quickly corrected herself, "Daddy, quickly go and cook. I am hungry."    


"What a naughty person." Ning Jiwei sighed and turned to the kitchen to make spaghetti.    


When Ning Jiwei finished dinner, Jian Rui and Mo Tong had also changed their clothes.    


The three of them sat around the dining table and ate spaghetti. Jian Rui gave a thumbs up as she ate and praised, "Daddy, you are so awesome. Oh, your spaghetti is as good as Mommy's!"    


Ning Jiwei was amused by his daughter and shook his head, "Quickly eat it."    


"I'm serious." Jian Rui turned her head to look at Mo Tong and asked, "Mo Tong, do you think it's delicious?"    


"It's delicious." Mo Tong nodded. He looked at Jian Rui and Ning Jiwei and said seriously, "This is the best dinner I have ever had. Thank you."    


Jian Rui smiled and said, "You have been staying at my house these few days. You can eat delicious dinner every day."    


Ning Jiwei looked at Mo Tong. He understood what he meant.    


Mo Tong also looked at Ning Jiwei and said again, "Uncle, thank you."    


Ning Jiwei replied with a smile and said, "I don't accept verbal thanks. Save it and repay me in the future."    


Mo Tong nodded seriously.    


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