CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C169 Too Much Behavior.

C169 Too Much Behavior.

0Yang Yaru kept her head down the whole time she came out of the billiard club, not daring to look at George. Her shyness was completely different from her usual quick and decisive self.    


George looked at Yang Yaru with some amusement. "At this time, you are like an ostrich. Why are you so strong when you are competing with me? You scared me so much that I almost raised my hand to surrender. "    


Yang Yaru bit her lips and glared at George. "That is because."    


"Because of what?" George looked at Yang Yaru with a teasing smile.    


"You are so annoying!" Yang Yaru stomped her foot, threw George's hand away, and jogged into the car.    


George laughed and shook his head. He slowly opened the car door and saw Yang Yaru huddled in the front passenger seat. Her head was staring out the window on the other side. She almost moved herself to the back seat.    


"Your behavior is a little too extreme, isn't it?" George sat in the driver's seat. He reached out and knocked on Yang Yaru's head. He protested, "I am your boyfriend who you just won. It has not even been five minutes. You're starting to like the new and hate the old. If you keep doing this, I'll apply to end the bet in advance. "    


"You dare!"    


Yang Yaru heard that George was going to end the bet early, so she immediately turned her head. Her cheeks were red, and she stared at George with her eyes as if she was mumbling something.    


George's calm and calm heart was like a carp entering water, causing a splash in his heart.    


Yang Yaru saw George in a daze. She reached out and gently touched his arm and said in a lovely voice, "Why are you in a daze?"    


George realized that he had been staring at Yang Yaru. He coughed awkwardly and said, "What are we going to do next?"    


Yang Yaru saw George's embarrassment. She knew that he had feelings for her. She could not help but be secretly happy and whispered, "Shall we go to the movie?"    


"I can do it." George smiled and said, "After all, girlfriends are the biggest."    


Yang Yaru bit her lips and lowered her head shyly and said, "Then I will start to book tickets now."    


"We are not in a hurry." George cast a sidelong glance at Yang Yaru and said, "I can't let my girlfriend go to the movies with an empty stomach, right? Let's go and find something to eat first."    


George said and turned the car around. He skillfully took Yang Yaru to the restaurant that they often went to.    


"Young Master Qiao, you are here."    


As soon as George arrived at the restaurant, the lobby manager respectfully welcomed him. He personally led George and Yang Yaru to a private room.    


Yang Yaru looked at George in surprise. According to what she knew, this restaurant was already considered the most high-end restaurant. Usually, even if she wanted to invite a partner to dinner, she would have to wait two days in advance before she could book a table.    


But she and George came on an impromptu basis today, so they did not discuss it in advance.    


And to let the lobby manager personally come out to welcome George, it already showed that his identity was not as simple as what she thought he was an ordinary white-collar worker.    


Yang Yaru was immersed in her own thoughts, and only when a menu was placed in front of her did she come back to her senses.    


George knocked on the menu and said with a smile, "What are you thinking about? You didn't hear me when I was talking to you. You ordered."    


Yang Yaru shook her head and said, "I just suddenly feel that you are very mysterious."    


"Do you feel that my charm has increased?" George threw a seductive glance at Yang Yaru and said.    


Yang Yaru rolled her eyes at George and smiled. "Yes, Young Master. Since I am here on your home turf, I do not dare to order. You should order."    


Yang Yaru said and handed the menu back to George.    


George did not refuse. He ordered a few dishes and wine skillfully. He waited for the food and said to Yang Yaru, "The theater is across from here. What movie do you want to watch? I will let them decide."    


Yang Yaru was stunned for a moment and did not say anything.    


George saw Yang Yaru frowning slightly and asked, "What's wrong with you?"    


"Can we not use this method?" Yang Yaru looked at George and said, "I just want to eat and watch movies with you like an ordinary couple."    


George did not understand and asked, "Are we different from normal couples now?"    


Yang Yaru shook her head. The light in her eyes dimmed and she said, "Not the same."    


How could they be the same? One was a beautiful and fake rose with gold embedded in it, and the other was a calm firework that truly existed.    


George did not understand what Yang Yaru was thinking in her heart. He had always had a high EQ. When faced with this kind of question, he only smiled and compromised. "You decide. We will date in the way you like."    


Yang Yaru looked at George. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she did not say anything.    


It was Yang Yaru who asked for too much. George only agreed to be her boyfriend for a week because of the bet, but she wanted more.    


Yang Yaru suddenly became silent. George tried to talk to her a few times, but no matter what the topic was, they just awkwardly chatted for a bit before it ended.    


After two or three conversations, George also quieted down. He did not have that kind of personality. Since Yang Yaru did not want to talk, he would not go and embarrass himself.    


After they finished their quiet dinner, Yang Yaru went to the bathroom, and George sat in the private room and played with his phone out of boredom.    


"Young Master Qiao." The lobby manager knocked on the door and came in. He changed his flattering attitude and was as respectful as a subordinate to his superior.    


"Young Master Qiao, the things you asked me to do have made progress." The lobby manager said.    


George's eyes changed. He looked up and asked, "Are you sure it is them?"    


The lobby manager said, "Because it's been a long time, it's hard to find accurate evidence at the moment, but the evidence is almost there."    


George took a deep breath and nodded. "I know. You can go down."    


"Yes." The lobby manager paused and asked, "Young Master Qiao, you just said you wanted to book a movie. Do you still need it?"    


George glanced at the empty seat next to him and said coldly, "No need."    


When Yang Yaru came back, she saw that George had already taken his things and was waiting for her at the door of the private room.    


"Let's go." George said indifferently when he saw George come back.    


Yang Yaru looked at George and nodded. "I just checked. There is a movie in twenty minutes," she said.    


"Sorry." George interrupted Yang Yaru and said, "I have something to do tonight. I can't watch the movie with you."    


Yang Yaru was stunned. She lowered her head and said, "Okay. We will talk about it when you have time."    


After they left the restaurant, George drove Yang Yaru home.    


Along the way, the two of them were still silent.    


Yang Yaru looked at George for a long time before hesitantly saying, "Are you angry? I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose when we were eating just now."    


"I am angry? What am I angry about?" George interrupted Yang Yaru with a smile, "I just got some important news. I am in a hurry to confirm it."    


Yang Yaru nodded in disappointment.    


George saw Yang Yaru like this and sighed. He reached out and touched her head. "Yaru, I really like you in the billiard club today. You are confident and proud, not as cautious as you are now. We really don't know each other, so we can't help but bump into each other. But since I have agreed to your bet, I will not leave you. As for the rest, can we just go with the flow?"    


Yang Yaru lowered her head and did not raise her head. She just kept nodding.    


Yang Yaru knew that this was the limit that George could do.    


George went to Yang Yaru's house and stopped the car. He said, "We are at your house."    


"Thank you for sending me back." Yang Yaru said as she lowered her head and prepared to unfasten her seatbelt. Before her hand touched the seatbelt, she saw George approaching.    


George reached out to help Yang Yaru unfasten her seatbelt. He smiled and pinched her face. "Helping your girlfriend unfasten her seatbelt is my boyfriend's patent. You are not allowed to take my job."    


Yang Yaru was amused by George. She blushed and kissed him on the side of her face. She said, "I will see you tomorrow."    


George was stunned. He looked at the shy Yang Yaru and passed the bag to her. "You go up quickly. We will meet tomorrow."    


George watched Yang Yaru walk into the corridor with his eyes before he put away the smile on his face.    


George opened his phone and looked at the location of the map on WeChat. His eyes darkened.    


Jian Chenrann and Lin Xiaodou came back from a walk after dinner. They had just walked downstairs when they saw a car parked by the side of the road lighting up their car.    


"Chenran." Lin Xiaodou was shocked. She subconsciously grabbed Jian Chenrann's arm.    


During this period of time, Lin Xiaodou had been scared because of being followed and the news about the Mo Family from Ning Jiwei. Now that she saw an unfamiliar vehicle, she immediately became alert.    


"Don't be afraid." Jian Chenrann pulled Lin Xiaodou behind him and stared at the car opposite him.    


The door opened and George walked towards Jian Chenrann. He asked, "You are Jian Chenrann?"    


Hearing the person opposite him accurately say his own name, Jian Chenrann became even more alert. He asked, "Who are you?"    


George smiled and said, "You don't need to know who I am first. I came to see you and your sister Jian Haixi."    


"Who exactly are you?" Jian Chenrann asked coldly, "Why do you know the names of me and my sister? What do you want?"    


"Of course I can't tell you my purpose." George paused for a moment. His eyes suddenly turned cold as he stared at Jian Chenrann. : "But you can help me with one thing."    


As soon as George finished speaking, he rolled up his sleeves and rushed towards Jian Chenrann.    


Jian Chenrann saw George's fist coming towards him. He pushed Lin Xiaodou out by reflex, then raised his arm to block George's fist.    


George smiled coldly. He did not slow down the movements of his hands. Then, his fist rushed towards Jian Chenrann again.    


Jian Chenrann was not good at martial arts. At most, he was stronger than Jian Haixi. So at this moment, he was not able to fight George. After two or three moves, he showed his weakness.    


"Chenran!" Lin Xiaodou watched anxiously from the side. She looked left and right, then picked up a stick and swung it at George.    


"Xiaodou, go away!" Jian Chenrann saw Lin Xiaodou rushing over and quickly shouted.    


However, what surprised him was that George did not attack Lin Xiaodou. Even though he could easily snatch the stick from Lin Xiaodou's hand and knock her down, he only slightly leaned to the side to avoid Lin Xiaodou.    


The anxious Lin Xiaodou did not understand, but Jian Chenrann saw his actions and could not help but have more doubts in his eyes.    


Because of Lin Xiaodou's interruption, George did not continue. He stopped his hand and stared at Jian Chenrann. He said, "With your ability, you can't protect her at all now."    


Jian Chenrann was stunned and asked, "What do you mean by that? Who are you?"    


George laughed and touched his lips. "If you want to know who I am, you can go and find out."    


Jian Chenrann was speechless. He wanted to ask more, but George did not stop. He turned around and drove away.    


Compared to Jian Chenrann, he preferred to chat with Jian Haixi.    


When he thought of Jian Haixi, George took out his phone and called her on WeChat.    


"Hello, George, what's wrong?" Jian Haixi's voice came over. Her voice was as gentle and harmless as always, but George knew that this woman was not as gentle as she looked. He remembered the time when she violently beat up Gao Ling.    


"Can't I just casually find you?" George said languidly, "Jian Haixi, you promised that you would find time to help me look at the project documents."    


Jian Haixi was silent for a moment and said awkwardly, "I think with your intelligence and wisdom, you can definitely take on the job of director of Design Department. I can't go back for a while, and I am not familiar with the company's situation. If I rashly intervene, I might give you more trouble. "    


"This is your excuse" George snorted and said, "You are just lazy. You are not responsible."    


Jian Haixi smiled bitterly and said, "You can say that I am lazy, but it is a bit serious if you say I am not responsible. When did I not take responsibility?"    


"You are not responsible. You pushed the RU order to me, and then you said you would help me. But you didn't help me. Do you know how much I've sacrificed because of this order? " George said, feeling wronged.    


"I really don't know." Jian Haixi asked curiously, "What did you sacrifice?"    


"I sacrificed my body."    


Jian Haixi could not help but laugh through the phone, "George, who did you sacrifice your beautiful physical body to? Is that person Yaru?"    


"This has nothing to do with you." George rolled his eyes and said," Anyway, this is what you owe me. You have to compensate me in the future. Do you know? "    



Jian Haixi coaxed him nicely, "When I finish my work here and go back, I will definitely not treat you badly."    


After George got Jian Haixi's promise, he nodded in satisfaction," Okay. "    


George and Jian Haixi were talking on the phone, but Jian Chenrann was very unfortunate. He was sitting on the sofa with a painful expression. He stretched his arms and legs and asked Lin Xiaodou to help him apply the medicine.    


"Why is he beating so hard?" Lin Xiaodou scolded as she helped Jian Chenrann wipe the medicine, "Who is that bad guy? Why did he hit you without saying anything?"    


"He still didn't use his full strength." Jian Chenrann sighed. "I can feel that with his skills, if he really wanted to hurt me, I would have been in the hospital by now. He seemed to want to test my strength."    


"Why did he use this method?" Lin Xiaodou angrily threw the cotton swab and said, "Who allowed him to do this?"    


Jian Chenrann looked at Lin Xiaodou, whose eyes were slightly red. He reached out and patted the back of her hand to comfort her. "Don't worry. These are all minor injuries. I will recover tomorrow."    


Lin Xiaodou sniffed and said, "How can I not be worried? I am being targeted by these strange people. Who knows when they will come again?"    


Jian Chenrann did not speak when he heard that. His face darkened.    


"Chenran." Lin Xiaodou looked at Jian Chenrann's face. She hesitated and said, "Can we go somewhere else?"    


"Change places?" Jian Chenrann asked doubtfully, "What place should we change to?"    


"We are going to change places. We are going to live in a different city." Lin Xiaodou bit her lips and said the words from the bottom of her heart with great difficulty.    


Jian Chenrann was stunned and sat up straight. He pulled his hand out from Lin Xiaodou's hand and asked, "Xiaodou, what do you mean by this?"    


Lin Xiaodou lowered her head and said, "I am just too afraid of those people who are following us and that person from the Mo Family. They are all too powerful. I am afraid."    


"Xiaodou." Jian Chenrann looked at Lin Xiaodou seriously for the first time and said, "If those people who are following us want to harm me, they will definitely do the same to Haixi. The people of Mo Family regarded Haixi and Yi and Rui as their primary targets. My sister is in the most difficult time. How can I leave this place at this time? "    


" I know. I didn't tell you to ignore Haixi. Haixi is also my best friend. " Lin Xiaodou's tears flowed out. She sobbed and said, "But compared to Gu Chenyi, Qin Zhixu and the others, our power is too limited. How much help can we help here? I'm just afraid, I... "    


" If you're afraid, then go home first. "    


Jian Chenrann interrupted Lin Xiaodou's words.    


Lin Xiaodou looked at Jian Chenrann in a daze. She could not believe what she had heard. "Chenran, what did you say?"    


Jian Chenrann said, "You are right. Our power is indeed limited. Let alone Mo Family, we can't even deal with that man tonight. The future will be even more dangerous. I don't have the right to ask you to take on such a dangerous task with me, so let's split up for now. "    


Lin Xiaodou blinked and looked at Jian Chenrann blankly. Her tears fell like broken beads.    


Jian Chenrann was determined not to look at her. Instead, he turned around and took the car keys. "Let's go. I will send you back."    


Lin Xiaodou saw that he had already gotten up and picked up the car keys. She actually laughed. It was just that her smile was heartbreaking.    


She took a deep breath and stood up. She looked at Jian Chenrann and said, "You don't have to do this. No matter how useless I am, I still have the ability to go home by myself."    


After saying that, Lin Xiaodou did not look at Jian Chenrann anymore. She took the bag and opened the door and walked out.    


Jian Chenrann looked at her figure, his eyes full of pain. He waited for her to take the elevator before closing the door and following her.    


Lin Xiaodou walked out of the neighborhood and took a taxi home. On the road behind her, Jian Chenrann drove far behind her.    


After Jian Chenrann confirmed that Lin Xiaodou had safely returned home, he drove back.    


In the Lin Family, Lin Xiaodou's parents were still wondering why their daughter came back so late. Lin Xiaodou waved her hand tiredly and said, "Dad, Mom, I am very tired. Can you let me rest first? We will talk about other things tomorrow."    


"This." Lin's mother saw her daughter like this and said with heartache, "Did Jian Chenrann bully you? I will call and scold him now."    


"You should speak less." Lin's father pulled Lin's mother and interrupted her, "Didn't you see that your daughter is tired? Let her rest first. If there is anything, we can talk about it tomorrow."    


Lin's mother looked at the tear stains on Lin Xiaodou's face and sighed. "Then you should rest first. Are you hungry? Mom will cook some noodles for you?"    


Lin Xiaodou looked at her aged parents and the tears in her eyes almost went out of control again. She quickly sniffled and forced a smile as she said, "I am not hungry. Mom, I will go upstairs first."    


"Okay, you go upstairs." Lin's father said, "Your mother is cleaning your room every day. It's very clean."    


Lin Xiaodou pulled the corner of her mouth. She nodded at her parents and turned to go to the second floor.    


After Lin Xiaodou closed the door, she let her own tears flow down.    


She walked to the side of the balcony and looked through the window at the familiar car downstairs. Her heart was filled with anger and pain.    


"Jian Chenrann, you are a bastard!"    


Lin Xiaodou scolded as she placed her hand on her abdomen and cried, "Do you think your father is a bastard?"    


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