CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C190 Stiffness.

C190 Stiffness.

0After Suen Yuqin received Jian Haixi's call, she really did call Luo Er a few more times. But Luo Er had already received Jian Haixi's instructions. Regardless of whether Suen Yuqin called or sent a message, she did not reply to her.    


Suen Yuqin came faster than Jian Haixi thought. She called in the morning and at ten o'clock that night, Suen Yuqin had already arrived.    


Luo Er saw Suen Yuqin rushing over so quickly and she let out a sigh of relief. Then she went forward and pulled her arm and said, "Mom, you are here."    


Who knew that Suen Yuqin avoided Luo Er's intimacy and only gave Luo Er a cold glance. She saw that Luo Er was completely fine and could not help but say angrily, "You better give me a reasonable explanation."    


"Mom." Luo Er hesitated and said in a low voice, "It is not me, it is father."    


"I told you that his matter has nothing to do with me." Suen Yuqin frowned and said, "You lied to me just because of his matter? Luo Er, you disappoint me too much!"    


Luo Er trembled slightly. She lowered her head and did not speak anymore. There was obvious sadness in her eyes.    


" Sister-in-law. " Jian Haixi hurriedly walked over and pulled Luo Er away. She smiled and said to Suen Yuqin, "Don't blame Luo Er. It was I who did not let her call you back."    


Suen Yuqin coldly smiled and said, "I am in charge of my daughter. You don't need to interfere."    


"Mom, do you have to say this?" Luo Er saw Suen Yuqin's attitude from beginning to end and she was so sad that tears flowed out. She said, "Why do you always look high and mighty and you coldly push others away. You treat Dad like this, and you treat me like this too. I just want a normal home. Is it that difficult? Ms Haixi only wants to help me and our family. Why can't you listen to other people's words? Even if it's only once, it's still good! "    


After saying this, Luo Er ran into the room, crying, and closed the door.    


Dou Ming saw Luo Er crying and frowned deeply.    


Suen Yuqin did not expect Luo Er to have such a big reaction this time and her gaze slightly changed as she pursed her lips and did not say anything.    


Jian Haixi looked at Suen Yuqin's reaction and said, "Sister-in-law, are you willing to talk to me now?"    


Suen Yuqin looked at Jian Haixi and her voice was still very cold but at least it was not as overbearing as before. She asked, "What do you want to talk about?"    


Jian Haixi stretched out her hand and made a inviting gesture. She and Suen Yuqin sat on the sofa together.    


Dou Ming brought tea for the two of them. After he put down the tea cup, he looked at Suen Yuqin and asked, What do you want to talk about? : "Luo Er always looks happy on the surface, but we all know. There is a very deep shadow in her heart. As an outsider, I have no right to say anything, but as a friend of Luo Er, I hope you can try to care about Luo Er. You should not only care about her health and food. You should also care about her thoughts. "    


After saying that, Dou Ming turned to Jian Haixi and said, "Ms Haixi, I will go and take a look at Luo Er."    


Jian Haixi nodded and waited for Dou Ming to leave before she turned to Suen Yuqin and said, "Sister-in-law, I want to ask you a question first. Please answer me truthfully."    


"What question?"    


Jian Haixi stared at Suen Yuqin without blinking and asked, "Excuse me, do you still care about Mr Luo?"    


Suen Yuqin subconsciously wanted to say that she did not care but before she could say it, Jian Haixi added, "If Mr Luo is' dead ', do you not care?"    


Suen Yuqin heard Jian Haixi's words and her entire body froze. She thought of what Jian Haixi said on the phone in the morning and Suen Yuqin immediately asked, "What happened to Luo Meng?"    


Jian Haixi saw Suen Yuqin's reaction and she let out a sigh of relief.    


Jian Haixi was afraid that Suen Yuqin really did not care about Luo Meng at all. If that was the case, even if she had great ability, she could not do anything about it.    


Suen Yuqin saw that Jian Haixi did not speak and thought that Luo Meng had really done something. She immediately stood up nervously, "Where is Luo Meng? What happened to him?"    


"Sister-in-law, calm down first." Jian Haixi quickly said, "We don't know where Mr Luo is right now, but he should still be safe."    


"Don't know where Luo Meng is?" Suen Yuqin heard that something really happened to Luo Meng. She no longer had her previous calm. She asked in a panic, "Didn't Luo Meng stay here all the time? You guys are together every day. How can you not know where he went?"    


Jian Haixi looked at Suen Yuqin and the corner of her mouth slightly curled up, "Sister-in-law, you don't look like you don't care about Mr Luo as much as you did."    


Suen Yuqin paused and awkwardly moved her line of sight away. She said, "I'm just afraid that Luo Er will be sad."    


Seeing that she did not want to say more, Jian Haixi was neither in a hurry nor in a hurry. As long as she still cared about Luo Meng, everything else could be taken care of slowly.    


"About Mr Luo, let Luo Er tell you." Jian Haixi looked at Suen Yuqin and said seriously, "Sister-in-law, if Mr Luo can come back smoothly this time, Can you try to accept him again, even if it is just for Luo Er to try once. Can you? "    


"Can I accept him again?" Suen Yuqin paused. She originally wanted to reject this. But thinking of Luo Meng's life and death, and thinking of Luo Er's tears just now, In the end, she did not say no. She hesitated and said, "I don't know."    


Jian Haixi's gaze swept across her tightly clenched fingers on her knees and the corner of her mouth moved slightly. Sometimes, "I don't know" already explained some of the answers.    


"It's okay, sister-in-law. You take your time to think about this matter. I will go and see Luo Er first." Finishing, Jian Haixi got up and went to Luo Er's room.    


Seeing Jian Haixi enter, Luo Er asked with red eyes, "Ms Haixi, where is my mother?"    


Jian Haixi walked to Luo Er's side and sat down. She reached out her hand to touch Luo Er's head and said, "She is outside. Don't worry. I see that she still cares about your father. Let's give her some time and take it slow, okay?"    


"Really?" Luo Er's nose twitched and said, "I thought she left."    


"She won't. No mother will leave her crying daughter alone." Jian Haixi said, "Go out and talk to her now. Tell her about your father's situation. Pay attention to your attitude. Don't do what you did just now, okay? "    


Luo Er nodded and said, "I know. Thank you, Ms Haixi."    


"You should go quickly." Jian Haixi smiled and said.    


Luo Er walked out and looked at Suen Yuqin who was sitting on the sofa. She hesitated for a moment and slowly walked over, "Mom, I'm sorry."    


Suen Yuqin shook her head and anxiously asked, "Where is your dad? What happened to him?"    


Luo Er was stunned. In her memory, Suen Yuqin had never been so worried about Luo Meng like now. Thinking about it again, Luo Er also understood.    


It should be Jian Haixi exaggerating the truth to see Suen Yuqin's sincerity.    


Thinking about this, Luo Er opened her mouth and said with a sad face, "I also don't know where Dad is. He has been missing for a long time."    


"What?" Suen Yuqin was shocked and her face turned pale. "When did this happen? Why didn't you tell me earlier? What exactly happened?"    


" That's what happened. " Luo Er explained the situation in detail. Of course, she did not forget to exaggerate the danger of the matter and put Luo Meng's choice on Suen Yuqin.    


After listening to Luo Er's words, Suen Yuqin was silent for a long time and did not say anything.    


Seeing that she lowered her head and did not speak, Luo Er could not make up her mind, "Mom."    


"I am fine.." Suen Yuqin shook her head and said," What about now? Have you found your father's whereabouts?"    


"Not yet." Luo Er tried to stretch out her arms to hug Suen Yuqin and said, "Mom, I'm afraid."    


"Don't be afraid." Suen Yuqin said, "No matter what happens, I will definitely find your dad."    


Hearing Suen Yuqin's words, Luo Er's eyes once again turned red and she sobbed, "Mom, when I find my father, can we live a good life together?"    


Suen Yuqin pursed her lips and her hands that were hugging her daughter tightened again and again. After a long time, she muttered, "Okay."    


Seeing the scene of the mother and daughter hugging each other, Jian Haixi smiled in relief.    


Finally, there was a good start and she could rest assured and go to sleep.    


However, Jian Haixi had just finished washing up and did not wait for her to turn off the lights to rest when she received a call from Yun Ling.    


Jian Haixi was a little surprised when she saw Yun Ling's call.    


With Yun Ling's character, if it was not for urgent matters, he would not have called so late at night.    


Thinking of this, Jian Haixi quickly answered the phone and asked, "Yun Ling, is there something?"    


Yun Ling did not be courteous and went straight to the point, "Haixi, I want to talk about Lin Xiaodou."    


"Xiaodou?" Jian Haixi was a little puzzled, "What happened to her?"    


Yun Ling said, "I went to their house today. I originally wanted to give her the locator, but she rejected it. She said that she already broke up with your brother."    


"Yes, I heard about this from my brother." Jian Haixi sighed helplessly, "This kind of thing is not something that I can interfere with. I can only wait until I go back and let my brother apologize to her."    


Yun Ling said in a deep voice, "Then do you know that Lin Xiaodou is pregnant?"    


Jian Haixi was shocked, "I don't know about this matter. Are you sure? How is Xiaodou now?"    


Yun Ling said, "When I went, I saw that she was vomiting. I had some suspicions in my heart, so I came back to investigate. I only called after I confirmed it."    


" Xiaodou is really too stupid. " Jian Haixi said, "How can she hide this kind of thing from us?"    


"This is also the reason why I called you." Yun Ling said, "I think Chenran definitely doesn't know about this either. But even if he did, Given his temper, he might not come back. I want you to persuade him. After all, Lin Xiaodou is here alone. "    


"I understand." Jian Haixi said in a deep voice," He really pissed me off! "    


After the call with Yun Ling, Jian Haixi turned around and went to Jian Chenrann's room.    


When she reached the door, she did not knock and directly rushed in.    


Jian Chenrann had been practicing with Dou Ge for the whole day. At this moment, he was lying on the bed and preparing to sleep. Suddenly, the door was kicked open, scaring him so much that he jumped up from the bed.    


"Jian Chenrann, get up!" Jian Haixi shouted as soon as she entered the room.    


"Haixi?" Jian Chenrann turned on the light and looked at the furious Jian Haixi. He asked puzzledly, "Why are you so angry? You scared me."    


"You still have the nerve to ask me why I am so angry?" Jian Haixi was so angry that she went forward to pull open his blanket and said," Get up. "    


Jian Chenrann said, "I have been tired for the whole day. If there is anything, let's talk about it tomorrow, okay?"    


"No!" Jian Haixi said, saying, "Xiaodou cannot wait any longer. You should return to the country immediately!"    


Jian Chenrann asked, "What happened to Xiaodou?"    


Jian Haixi gritted her teeth and said, "Do you know that Xiaodou is carrying your child?"    


Jian Chenrann was stunned. This news was too explosive to him. He did not even know what to say. "This is impossible. She did not tell me."    


Jian Haixi said angrily, "It must be that Xiaodou was afraid that you would be worried and wanted you to come over to help me. That is why she hid it from you."    


Jian Chenrann thought of Lin Xiaodou's words before he left and his heart ached.    


At this moment he understood why Lin Xiaodou would ask him to take her away and why Lin Xiaodou would say that she was afraid. At that time, he actually thought that it was really just because she was afraid. That was why he chose the dumbest way to protect her.    


Seeing Jian Chenrann stunned, Jian Haixi said earnestly, "Brother, you can't always let Xiaodou wait for you, especially now that she has your child. She needs you."    


Jian Chenrann was about to cry, "Why didn't she tell me?"    


Jian Haixi sighed and said, "I will get someone to book a plane ticket for you. You can return to the country at dawn."    


Jian Chenrann paused and looked up at Jian Haixi.    


"I can handle it myself." Jian Haixi said, "Compared to me, Xiaodou needs your protection and care more. Go back to her side."    


Jian Chenrann hesitated for a moment and finally nodded. "Okay."    


Seeing that he agreed, Jian Haixi heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I will book the tickets now."    


Jian Chenrann nodded and said, "I will give Xiaodou a call."    


What surprised the two of them was that no one answered the phone for a long time.    


"Why is no one answering the phone?" Jian Chenrann said worriedly, "Usually at this time, she hasn't slept yet."    


Jian Haixi rolled her eyes at him and said, "Now she is pregnant."    


"That's true." Jian Chenrann smiled and scratched his head. "I forgot."    


Jian Haixi looked at Jian Chenrann and shook her head helplessly.    


At this moment, they did not know that the reason Lin Xiaodou did not answer the phone was not because she fell asleep, but because she could not answer.    


In the living room of Lin Family.    


Lin Xiaodou knelt on the ground. Her hands and feet were tied up. The phone was one meter away from her, but at this moment, she could not get close to the phone.    



The two elders of Lin Family were also pressed onto chairs, unable to move. They could only look at their daughter worriedly.    


"Looks like you guys really have a mutual understanding." A woman with long curly hair and a thin trench coat sat on the sofa. Her legs arrogantly crossed on the coffee table. She took Lin Xiaodou's phone and looked at it. She smiled and raised her phone to Lin Xiaodou. "Your man called you. Do you think I should answer?"    


Lin Xiaodou bit her lips and looked at her. "Give me my phone back!"    


"I will return the phone to you?" The woman shook her head and said, "That won't do. If you leak the news to Jian Chenrann, our plan will be ruined."    


"Your plan will never succeed." Lin Xiaodou said coldly, "I don't even know where Jian Chenrann is. Even if I know, I won't tell you."    


The woman smiled and said, "It's okay. We have plenty of time."    


"It's useless no matter how long you waste." Lin Xiaodou said, "I don't know anything. No matter how long you stay here, it's useless."    


"We don't know anything." Lin's mother, who was at the side, said anxiously, "Xiaodou and that Jian Chenrann have already broken up. If you have any matters, go and find him. Don't look for Xiaodou."    


As soon as she finished speaking, the person behind her who was pressing her slapped her face. "We didn't ask you. Shut up!"    


Seeing Lin's mother getting hit, Lin Xiaodou urgently said, "You stop! If there is anything, come at me!"    


"Coming at you?" The woman stared at Lin Xiaodou's stomach with a profound look and said, "But I heard that you are carrying Jian Chenrann's child."    


Lin Xiaodou subconsciously took a step back. She cautiously looked at the woman and asked, "What do you want to do?"    


The woman's lips were cold and her words did not contain any mercy. "Jian Chenrann and the child in your womb, you can choose whichever you want to protect. I will give you three minutes."    


Lin Xiaodou froze and turned her face away. "I said I do not know where Jian Chenrann is."    


"Very good." The woman nodded. She raised her leg with a sneer and kicked Lin Xiaodou's shoulder.    


Lin Xiaodou instantly fell to the ground and her face turned pale from the pain.    


"Xiaodou!" Lin's father and Lin's mother looked at their daughter anxiously, "Xiaodou, how are you?"    


Lin Xiaodou shook her head and endured the pain. "I'm fine."    


That woman smiled and said, "I advise you to think clearly before you answer. After all, my accuracy is not very high. It is not easy to tell where I will kick next."    


Lin Xiaodou subconsciously protected her stomach but she still did not say anything.    


Seeing that Lin Xiaodou was so unwilling to yield, that woman lost her patience. She got up and raised her leg to kick but Lin's mother who was by the side suddenly knelt down and cried, "I say, don't hurt my daughter anymore!"    


"Mom!" Lin Xiaodou turned her head to look at Lin's mother and said, "Mom, don't say it. I am fine."    


"Shut up!" That woman impatiently pulled Lin Xiaodou's hair and turned her head to look at Lin's mother and said, "Go ahead and say it. If what you say makes me satisfied, I will let her go. Otherwise, I will."    


"I will tell you everything. Quickly let go of her." Lin's mother cried, "In the past when Xiaodou was talking to him, I accidentally heard it. Jian Chenrann went to Iceland and that Jian Haixi was there too."    


"Mom!" Lin Xiaodou shouted in a hoarse voice, "What are you doing?"    


Lin's mother looked at Lin Xiaodou and cried, "Xiaodou, I know you blame me but how can I watch you suffer?"    


After getting a satisfactory answer, that woman finally laughed out. She stretched out her hand and generously pushed Lin Xiaodou away, "You should have said it earlier."    


Seeing that she let go of her daughter, Lin's mother quickly crawled to Lin Xiaodou's side and said, "Xiaodou, how are you?"    


Lin Xiaodou closed her eyes and said in despair, "Mom, do you know that this will cause Haixi and the others to die?"    


Lin's mother gritted her teeth and said, "Then I can't just watch you die."    


Lin's father cried as he hugged Lin's mother and Lin Xiaodou. He turned to look at the woman and asked, "Now you also have what you want to know. You can leave now."    


"Of course not." The woman said, "If I leave now, you will definitely inform Jian Chenrann. Of course, I will wait until our people succeed before I can leave."    


Lin Xiaodou froze. Her entire body seemed to have lost all vitality. She could only cry silently.    


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