CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C239 Stop Him at the Other Side of the River

C239 Stop Him at the Other Side of the River

0That night, Qin Zhixu returned to Xiang City, and the next day, two news articles spread throughout Xiangyu City.    


These two pieces of news were also related to the Suen Family in Yu City.    


One of them was an internal conflict within the Suen Family, and it involved the scandal of Director, Suen Ping, colluding with the director Suen Lee to take the company's property for himself.    


Furthermore, it was said that some solid evidence that could convict the two of them was provided by a nameless person for free.    


And this nameless person was the family of one of Suen Ping and Suen Lee.    


The second was the Suen Lee's family. It was said that Mrs. Suen used the reason of Suen Lee having an affair to sue for divorce. Furthermore, because the two of them had signed a pre-marriage agreement, not only was Suen Lee forced to leave the family, he was also faced with a huge amount of compensation.    


After Mrs. Suen gave all of her property to her daughter, Miss Sun, in a will, she ended her own life in the hospital that night.    


After that, the media found out where Suen Lee's mistress and son, Miao Miao, lived, but when they found him, the mother and son had long disappeared.    


After the scandal was exposed, Suen Family's share price fell again and again. Many of the partners were unwilling to cooperate with such companies because of their reputation. Some of the partners were even willing to cooperate with Suen Ping because they had done some intimate private transactions with him. Therefore, they did not dare to go any further.    


Although the newly appointed Sun Zhe of Suen Family was considered a talent, he would not be able to hold on for a short period of time in the face of such a troublesome situation.    


Many directors had asked Suen Yuqin to come out of the mountain, so that she could at least find someone who could help the Suen Family get through this difficult situation.    


However, Suen Yuqin usually lived in seclusion and rarely came out. Other than pharmaceutical research, she was not in the mood to sell. These connections were also managed by Suen Ping. Even if there were problems, Luo Meng would handle them.    


Now that she was asked to look for someone, the only thing she could think of was Jian Haixi and Ning Jiwei. If Jian Haixi was here, not to mention Ning Jiwei would not stand idly by. He would also help Mo Family, even the Maiteng, The Gu family, and the others.    


But now...    


Suen Yuqin had no choice but to call her daughter Luo Er.    


Of course, Luo Er was also paying attention to the news of the Suen Family, but she was unable to think of a way at the moment.    


It was not that she could not find any connections, but those friends who returned to Yi were all pretty wealthy. As long as she opened her mouth and no one else said anything, Dou Ming would definitely be willing to help.    


But Luo Er was not willing to use this kind of method to selfishly rope in Dou Ming's help under such circumstances.    


More importantly, she couldn't tell what Jian Yi and Ning Jiwei were thinking right now.    


If they wanted to take this opportunity to take revenge on the Suen Family, then...    


Even if they didn't want to take the opportunity to take revenge, they didn't want her to help them. They also didn't want the people around them to lend a helping hand. If Luo Er found Dou Ming or someone else... Not only would they become enemies with Jian Yi again, but they would also implicate the people who helped her.    


Furthermore, Dou Ming...    


If Luo Er had thought of asking Dou Ming to help her before, after learning about Dou Ge's injuries, she would no longer have the face to make this request.    


"Luo Er, can you think of another way?" Suen Yuqin urgently said, "We can't just watch the Suen Family fall."    


Luo Er was anxious and angry, "You made me think of a way at this time. What did you do earlier? I let you destroy everything. I am still looking for Dad's whereabouts. It wasn't easy for me to find clues, but you interrupted all of them. Now that the family is gone, Dad won't be able to find it. You have offended all the people who can help us. Are you satisfied now? If you want me to think of something now, what can I do? "    


Suen Yuqin was silent for a while on the other end of the phone. After a long time, she said," I understand. "Then she hung up.    


Luo Er threw her phone away in frustration and laid on the bed, crying softly.    


Everything was fine. Everything was ruined in an instant.    


Just as Luo Er was feeling sad, the doorbell rang.    


She sat up and rubbed her eyes as she asked, "Who is it?"    


"It's me, Dou Ming." Dou Ming's voice came from outside the door.    


Luo Er was stunned. Without even bothering to wipe her tears, she quickly ran to open the door.    


Outside the door, Dou Ming stood there, covered in dust.    


"Dou Ming..." The moment Luo Er saw Dou Ming, her mouth twitched, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.    


"Why are you crying?" Dou Ming took a step forward and reached out to help Luo Er wipe her tears. "Don't worry. I know about the Suen Family. I will think of a way..."    


Before he could finish, Luo Er had already hugged him.    


Dou Ming's body stiffened. He felt the warmth in front of him and the grievance and dependence of the person in his arms. He sighed and patted her back. "It's fine. I am here to help you."    


Luo Er shook her head and sobbed, "It's good that you came. I don't need your help. Really, Dou Ming, it's good that you can come."    


The young girl's tone was too aggrieved. Dou Ming could not help but hug her tightly.    


With the person she trusted by her side, Luo Er's suppressed emotions finally erupted. She cried for a long time before gradually calming down.    


Dou Ming took out a business card and handed it to Luo Er, "This person can help Suen Family."    


Luo Er was stunned and subconsciously shook her head, "I don't want it."    


Dou Ming frowned in confusion. "Why?"    


Luo Er bit her lips and lowered her head, "Sorry, Dou Ming, I know Mr Dou..."    


Dou Ming was stunned. He finally knew what Luo Er was feeling awkward about.    


He nodded and said, "My brother is injured. It's a very serious injury. He probably won't be able to get out of bed in two months."    


Luo Er's entire body stiffened. She lowered her head and did not speak.    


Dou Ming looked at her and a trace of pity flashed across his eyes, but he still said truthfully, "Ms Haixi is also injured. When I saw her, Her face was badly beaten and her shoulders, legs, and stomach were all injured. Furthermore... If it wasn't for my brother blocking that blow for Ms Haixi and the others, we might never have seen them again. "    


Luo Er suddenly looked up. Her small face was so pale that there was not a trace of blood on it.    


Dou Ming sighed and reached out his hand to put Luo Er's trembling and cold hand into his palm to warm it up. " Luo Er, I know that this is what you care about. But I have to tell you the truth because you only know everything. To make the right decision."    


"I, what should I do?" Luo Er looked at Dou Ming in despair and said, "At this point, no matter what I do, they will not forgive me."    


Dou Ming shook his head and said, "Do you know why I can come back so quickly? My brother was injured and hospitalized. Actually, I cannot come back. It was Ms Haixi who was worried about your matters, so she urged me to come back as soon as possible."    


"Ms Haixi..." Luo Er muttered.    


"[That's right.]" Dou Ming showed her the business card just now and said, "The person on the business card is someone I made friends with when I was on a mission. It had nothing to do with the Dou Family, nor did it have anything to do with Jian Yi or anyone else. This person owes me a favor, so I asked him to help me in this name. He won't refuse."    


Luo Er paused, lowered her head to look at the business card and did not say anything.    


Dou Ming looked at Luo Er and said seriously, "But Luo Er, you have another choice."    


"Another... choice?" Luo Er's brain seemed to be completely stuck. Dou Ming said one sentence before she could take a step forward.    


Dou Ming nodded and said, "You can apologize to Jian Yi and ask about his thoughts and bottom line. If you can't be friends from now on, will you be enemies or strangers? You can only decide what to do after you understand Jian Yi's thoughts. "    


Luo Er bit her lips and did not speak. Dou Ming's words," If you can't be friends from now on, will you be enemies or strangers? "made her heart hurt and she could not even speak.    


Dou Ming sighed and reached out to touch her head. "Believe me, and trust Jian Yi. He will not be so heartless. You are you, and your mother is your mother. He will know clearly."    


Luo Er was silent for a long time before she nodded slightly and said, "I will apologize... It is not for the result. This is what I should do."    


Dou Ming nodded in relief. He knew that Luo Er and Suen Yuqin were different.    


Luo Er looked up and took a deep breath, "But now is not the time. The moment I open my mouth, Jian Yi should know that I have cried. I do not want him to use a sympathetic attitude to forgive me, so I have to wait a while."    


"Okay, I will go with you." Dou Ming said.    


Luo Er looked at Dou Ming and asked hesitantly, "Dou Ming, if... I mean if I really can only be enemies with Jian Yi, Ms Haixi, and your brother in the future, what will you do?"    


Dou Ming was stunned and pursed his lips, "I will not allow that to happen."    


Luo Er was stunned and looked up at Dou Ming. "What if?"    


Dou Ming said seriously and seriously, "Without what if, I will definitely not allow that to happen."    


Luo Er looked at Dou Ming's eyes and the corner of her mouth gradually curved up. She nodded and said, "Yes, I believe you."    


When Jian Yi received Luo Er's call, he was still sitting in front of the computer looking for Luo Meng.    


When the call connected, Luo Er's voice was clearly nervous. "Jian Yi, I, I am here to apologize to you..."    


Jian Yi paused and was puzzled. "Apologize? Why are you apologizing?"    


Luo Er was stunned. " Because my mother..."    


Jian Yi said, "Suen Yuqin is Suen Yuqin. You are you. You don't need to apologize for her. Even if you apologize for her ten thousand times, I will not forgive her."    


Luo Er was silent and said," Then... are we still friends? "    


Her question was especially light, with a little expectation and caution.    


Jian Yi paused for a moment and nodded. "Yes, no matter where we are from, you and I are friends with Uncle Luo Meng. As long as we do not violate the morality of our friends, then this will not change."    


After a pause, Jian Yi continued, "But I will not forgive Suen Yuqin, and I will not help Suen Family."    


"I know, I know, I know." Luo Er quickly said, "I did not mean for you to forgive me for asking you for help. I just... wanted to apologize to you and Ms Haixi."    


Jian Yi nodded. He more or less knew why Luo Er called. He looked at the red dot that had just appeared on the screen and said to Luo Er, "As for the matter of Suen Family, I will not help. But I will not kick you when you are down. You can rely on your own abilities. No matter what you do, it has nothing to do with me. From now on, our relationship will only involve you and Uncle Luo, not Suen Yuqin and the Suen Family. "    


Luo Er nodded her head and said, "I will remember it."    


Jian Yi said, "You don't need to call my mommy. She is not in good health right now and should not worry about these things. What I mean is that it can represent me, Daddy, and Mommy. You can rest assured. No one on our side will take revenge on the Suen Family. "    


"I'm not worried... I..." Luo Er did not know how to explain the original intention of her phone call and anxiously said, "Jian Yi, I really did not think that way."    


"I know." Jian Yi said,, "Let's talk about this matter until here. Now I will tell you an IP address. I'll send you a detailed message in your email later. Take a look. If I'm not mistaken, Uncle Luo should be there. "    


Luo Er was stunned for a long time when she heard Jian Yi's words. Finally, she could not help choking up. "Yi... at this time, are you still helping me find my father? I'm sorry, our family has let you down. I'm really sorry..."    


Jian Yi did not say anything else. He knew Luo Er's guilt and self-blame, but this kind of meaningless apology, whether it was him or Yu Jian Haixi, was useless.    


After hanging up the phone, Luo Er squatted down and hugged her knees as she cried loudly.    


Dou Ming did not say anything at the side. He had already heard everything when the phone was switched off.    


Looking at Luo Er who was crying non-stop, Dou Ming reached out and patted her on the back to comfort her, "Alright, don't cry anymore. Isn't this the best result?"    


Luo Er sobbed, "I know, but it's because it's too good... Why is Yi so good? Why is Ms Haixi so good? They were so good, but I hurt them..."    


Dou Ming sighed and squatted down beside her. He hugged her and said, "The damage done cannot be recovered, but there is still a lot of time in the future. We can still do a lot of things, do you understand Luo Er?"    


Luo Er was stunned for a moment, then nodded fiercely and said, "I will use my entire life to make up for the harm I have done to them."    


Looking at the strong girl in front of him, Dou Ming smiled. He stood up and extended his hand to Luo Er. "Now, let's go and save Uncle Luo together."    


Luo Er looked up and saw Dou Ming's hand in front of her. She smiled and put her hand on it. "Okay."    


Thank you, like light, shining into my world when I was at my most desperate.    




On the second day of hospitalization, Ning Jiwei had been busy. Jian Haixi had almost never seen him idle. It was either a computer or a phone. Anyway, there was always someone busy.    


Oh, no, there were also times when he was free.    


He helped Jian Haixi massage, eat for her, and chat with her...    


Wait a minute... After coaxing Jian Haixi to sleep, Ning Jiwei received a call from George.    


"I've found the person for you. When are you free to come back?"    



Ning Jiwei thought about it and said, "About tonight."    


George frowned. "Not now? If you are anxious, why are you dragging it on?"    


Ning Jiwei said, "We have to be fully prepared. Haixi was injured and frightened. I don't want her to be agitated anymore."    


George was silent for a moment and said, "You are now waiting for me in the hospital. I will bring Mi Kai to you directly. If there is anything, you can tell me clearly now."    


Ning Jiwei raised his eyebrows and did not refuse. He only said, "It would be best if you could bring some people over."    


"Tch." George sneered, and said, "You are really welcome."    


Ning Jiwei said, "In the end, this is also what you should do, right?"    


"K..." George could not help cursing, "How much do you know?"    


Ning Jiwei said quietly, "Not more, not less. About eighty to ninety percent."    


"C..." He swore again.    


After hanging up the phone, George turned around and called Qiao Qinghee. "Geezer, give me some people."    




In the yard, Mo Sheng sat on a reclining chair under the roof. He looked at Lisa watering the flowers with a relaxed expression.    


Ever since Ning Jiwei came last time, Mo Sheng did not water the flowers anymore. Instead, he watched others watering the flowers.    


Lisa watered the flowers as she reported to him about the situation she saw at Mo Tine's side today.    


Mo Sheng raised his eyebrows with interest and said, "They actually get along very well? This really surprised me."    


"Exactly." Lisa smiled and said," You didn't see how fun that scene was. They were clearly all little foxes, but on the surface, they seemed to be playing with big brother and sister. It was not easy to play with them. "    


"Haha." Mo Sheng smiled and said, "Since they can play together, let them have more contact with each other."    


"Yes." Lisa paused and asked, "Is there any other mission for Xiulin and the others?"    


"Oh?" Mo Sheng thought for a moment and said, "No need, there is no need for now. After all, this kind of fun scene was not common. Since they wanted to play, Let them play for a few more days. Now that we have fun, the Mo Family will be more lively in the future."    


Lisa was stunned. Although she did not understand what Mo Sheng meant, she did not ask.    


Mo Sheng closed his eyes and leaned back. Lisa quickly went forward and took the pillow behind him. She then helped him lie down and gently pressed his shoulders with her hands.    


"Where's Second Brother?" Mo Sheng asked.    


"Second Sister has already gone to Yu City and is waiting for your orders." Lisa said.    


"Yes..." Mo Sheng nodded and stretched out his hand, "Tell her to attack tonight. Call some more people over and make sure that they are stopped by the river."    




After Lisa took care of Mo Sheng and rested, she got up and went to another room.    


In the darkness, she was hugged by someone as soon as she entered the room.    


"Mom ~" Mo Xiujin's childish voice sounded. Lisa's heart softened. She squatted down and hugged him, "Jin, how many words have I told you? You can't call me that."    


"I know." Mo Xiujin pouted and said, feeling wronged, "Jin remembers what his mother said. It's just that no one is here now, so he calls me mother. He won't call me mother when the sun rises."    


Lisa held his hand tightly and kissed his forehead. She said, "Jin is so obedient."    


"Mom..." Mo Xiujin hugged Lisa and said coquettishly, "Jin wants his mother to hug him and sleep."    


" Okay, mother will carry Jin to sleep. " Lisa smiled and carried Mo Xiujin to lie down on the bed.    


Mo Xiujin curled up in Lisa's arms with satisfaction. At this moment, he no longer had the image of a crying bag during the day and was no longer like a little fox. Instead, he took off all his disguises and just wanted to be a child that longed for motherly love.    


"Jin, did you get bullied during the day?" Lisa asked.    


Mo Xiujin shook his head and said, "No one bullied me. If anyone bullied me, I would cry. Then big brother Second Sister would beat them up. Only that..."    


After a pause, Mo Xiujin frowned and did not continue.    


"As long as what?" Lisa asked doubtfully.    


Mo Xiujin shook his head and smiled. "Nothing, Mom."    


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