CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C300 No Miss Yang?

C300 No Miss Yang?

0After telling Ning Jiwei, Jian Haixi followed George to the hospital.    


In the hospital, VIP ward.    


Qiao Zhen, Qiao Jing, and Yan Mei were all there, but no one spoke. The entire ward seemed to be covered with a layer of worry.    


George and Jian Haixi came at this time.    


"Dad, dad, how is grandpa?" George asked in a hurry.    


Qiao Zhen shook his head and was about to say something when he saw Jian Haixi following behind George.    


"This is..." Qiao Zhen looked at Jian Haixi and mistook her for Yang Yaru.    


Yan Mei was also stunned. She did not expect George to directly bring a girl to the hospital.    


"Zhi, why did you bring Miss Yang here?" Yan Mei scolded in a low voice.    


Miss Yang?    


George paused for a moment. He knew that his parents had misunderstood.    


Qiao Jing also saw Jian Haixi. He frowned and said to Qiao Zhen and Yan Mei, "She is not Miss Yang."    


Not Miss Yang?    


Qiao Zhen and Yan Mei were stunned. If it was not Yang Yaru, then who was she?    


Why did George bring her here at this time?    


Qiao Zhen and the others did not know. Qiao Jing did indeed know some insider information.    


Just thinking about it, Qiao Jing thought of a possibility.    


Thinking of this possibility, Qiao Jing looked at Jian Haixi with burning eyes.    


"You, you are..."    


Jian Haixi looked at Qiao Jing and guessed that he was the person from the Qiao Family who went to find Jian Chenrann. She nodded at him and said, "I am Jian Haixi."    


Jian Haixi!    


Qiao Jing was so excited that his eyes turned red. He reached out his hand to wipe his mouth and said incoherently, "Good, good... It's good that you are willing to come, good child..."    


Qiao Zhen and the others were completely confused. "What is going on?"    


George shook his head and said, "Let's talk about it when grandpa wakes up. First, tell me how my grandpa is doing."    


Yan Mei frowned and said, "The doctor said it's not a big problem. He might wake up in a while."    


There is no big problem...    


George was stunned. He did not feel relaxed because of Yan Mei's words. Instead, he felt even heavier.    


For old people, the thing they were most afraid of was not a problem with their bodies, but not a big problem.    


Because if there was a problem, they could still treat it, but if there was no major problem, then there was no cure.    


When they died of old age, the candle would go out.    


No one could stop it.    


George gritted his teeth, turned around, and threw a punch on the wall.    


Jian Haixi looked at George and then turned to look at the people from the Qiao Family with obvious sadness on their faces. Finally, she fixed her eyes on the old man in the hospital bed.    


This was the first time she had seen Qiao Qinghee.    


It was not as painful as she had imagined. Qiao Qinghee gave her a very loving and affectionate feeling, as if they were supposed to be familiar with each other.    


"Haixi." George said in a hoarse voice, "I beg you. Can you stay and accompany him?"    


Jian Haixi turned her head to look at him. It was good to see George lose control like this.    


George's eyes were bloodshot. He did not dare to look at Qiao Qinghee on the sickbed at all. "Grandfather, he... No matter what he did wrong, his karma for so many years is enough. In his last days, can you please make him happy? Just take it that I'm begging you... "    


Listening to George's words, Qiao Jing secretly wiped away his tears. Qiao Zhen, Qiao Lei, and Yan Mei, who were standing at the side, were shocked.    


They still did not know who Jian Haixi was. What kind of magic could make George say such words?    


Jian Haixi sighed and nodded. "Yes, but I have a condition."    


"Go ahead." When he heard Jian Haixi agree to his request, George's eyes lit up and he quickly said, "Not to mention one condition, I will agree to all 100 conditions."    


Jian Haixi laughed and shook her head. "There is no need for so much. You just need to promise me that you will not ruin your own body. And..."    


Jian Haixi pointed at George's injured hand, "Go and treat the wound."    


"Okay, no problem! I will go right now!" George nodded without saying anything.    


Jian Haixi smiled. Actually, when she decided to follow George to the hospital, she had already decided.    


However, after seeing Qiao Qinghee, she was even more certain about the decision in her heart.    


Receiving Jian Haixi's nod, George immediately went to bandage his hands. He was no longer depressed, as if Jian Haixi was the miracle medicine.    


Qiao Jing, who knew the situation from the side, went forward and looked at Jian Haixi. He said seriously, "Girl, thank you."    


Jian Haixi smiled and shook her head. "You should have already seen my brother. What did he say?"    


Because of the sudden incident, Jian Haixi had not spoken to Jian Chenrann on the phone.    


Qiao Jing said, "Chenran said that you will make the decision. He has no objections."    


Jian Haixi nodded and said, "Okay, then I will go out and call my brother."    


After saying that, Jian Haixi nodded slightly to Qiao Jing and the others. She took her phone and walked out to call Jian Chenrann.    


The reason she wanted to go out at this time was because Jian Haixi knew that Qiao Zhen and the others definitely had a basket of questions to ask. So she simply left them time to let Qiao Jing, George, explain to them.    


Sure enough, as soon as Jian Haixi walked far away, Qiao Zhen grabbed Qiao Jing and asked, "What is going on? Who is she?"    


Qiao Jing smiled and said, "Big Brother, you still can't think of it? She is Little Sui's daughter. "    


"What?" Qiao Zhen was shocked. He did not expect Jian Haixi to be Qiao Sui's daughter.    


Qiao Jing had been searching for Qiao Sui's whereabouts in recent years. It was not that Qiao Zhen did not know about it, but he did not think that he would really find her.    


"She... But she is Jian Haixi." Yan Mei frowned, "Jian Haixi is not that..."    


"Ning Jiwei's wife." Qiao Jing finished speaking for Yan Mei and said, "This is also the reason why I support Ning Jiwei."    


Qiao Lei frowned and looked at Qiao Jing. He asked, "Dad, you said she is my aunt's daughter? What about my aunt?"    


Qiao Zhen and the others did not say anything after he asked.    


Because of Ning Jiwei, they knew a little about Jian Haixi. Both her parents died.    


Qiao Jing glared at Qiao Lei and said, "You brat, why can't you pick up that pot of water?"    


Qiao Lei touched his head, not knowing what he had asked the wrong question.    


"She just said... you looked for her brother?" Qiao Zhen remembered Jian Haixi's words just now and asked again.    


Qiao Jing nodded. "I went to look for Jian Chenrann and told him everything. He meant that he would listen to Haixi's decision."    


Speaking of Jian Chenrann, Qiao Jing smiled and said, "Chenran can't leave now. His wife is pregnant and is very busy."    


Qiao Zhen nodded and looked at Qiao Qinghee who was lying on the bed.    


If that was the case, then his father could really resolve the knot in his heart.    


On the other side, Jian Haixi walked to the end of the corridor and dialed Jian Chenrann's number.    


The siblings did not speak for a long time. Jian Chenrann received her call and was pleasantly surprised. "Haixi, why did you call me?"    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Brother, you said that. If there's nothing else, I can't call you."    


"Of course I don't mean that." Hearing Jian Haixi's relaxed tone, Jian Chenrann was slightly relieved. "I'm just afraid that you have an urgent matter."    


"It's not an urgent matter. I just have something to ask you." Jian Haixi told him about Qiao Jing.    


Jian Chenrann nodded and said, "He came to see me. He originally wanted to look for you, but at that time, you were in the hospital and your injuries were not healed, so I did not tell you about this."    


Jian Haixi nodded and said, "Then brother, what do you think about this matter?"    


Jian Chenrann thought for a moment and said, "From a purely emotional point of view, I do not have any resentment or feelings towards Qiao Family. But if my mother left because of her hatred towards the Qiao Family, then I naturally wouldn't want to forgive them so easily. After all, we don't know what our mother is thinking, and we don't have the right to forgive the Qiao Family on her behalf. "    


Jian Haixi nodded.    


Jian Chenrann continued, "But Qiao Jing said it very sincerely. If what he said is true, Qiao Qinghee has been living in regret, and I feel that this competition is very cruel for an old man."    


"Yes, Qiao Qinghee is in the hospital. I am in the hospital now." Jian Haixi said.    


"In the hospital? Is the situation serious?" Jian Chenrann quickly asked.    


Jian Haixi paused and said," The doctor said there is no big problem. "    


Jian Chenrann was silent for a while and understood what Jian Haixi meant.    


"In that case, I think..." Jian Chenrann paused and said, "Haixi, if possible, my opinion is to reconcile with Qiao Family."    


Afraid that Jian Haixi would not agree, Jian Chenrann added, "Actually, other than personal feelings, there are other reasons."    


"Other reasons?" Jian Haixi was puzzled.    


Jian Chenrann said, "I know that your side is very difficult. Two days ago, Yun Ling even specially looked for me. If I have the help of the Qiao Family, I can feel more at ease. I know that it's not appropriate to think about these things now. But Haixi... As your elder brother, I cannot protect your safety. Naturally, I hope that the stronger the power around you, the better. That way, I can be at ease. "    


"Brother, you're worrying for nothing again." Jian Haixi said, "I am doing very well here. Don't worry about nothing, alright?"    


Jian Chenrann said, "Okay, I am not worried, but you must tell me something, okay?"    


"I know." Jian Haixi quickly agreed.    


When Jian Chenrann heard her words, he snorted and said, "Haixi, I'm serious. You have to tell me anything. Don't be like last time, okay? You don't know how much pain I feel when I find out the truth. I don't want to be the last one to know about my sister's situation."    


Jian Haixi felt a little guilty in her heart. She nodded and said, "I know brother. I won't hide it from you in the future."    


"That's good."    


Jian Haixi said, "Actually, when I saw Qiao Qinghee lying on the hospital bed just now, I had already decided to reconcile with Qiao Family."    


Jian Chenrann smiled and was not surprised at all. "Yes, I guessed it."    


His sister had always been so kind.    


"How have Rui and Yi been recently?" Jian Chenrann asked.    


Jian Haixi told him about Jian Yi's surgery.    


When he heard that Jian Yi had performed the repair surgery, Jian Chenrann heaved a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. Yi has suffered so much. He should be better now."    



Jian Haixi said, "The surgery might not only be done this time, but I have also seen some hope now. Yi's mood is also getting better day by day."    


After she finished talking about the situation on her side, Jian Haixi asked about Jian Chenrann and Lin Xiaodou.    


The siblings chatted for a while before they hung up the phone. George had already found them.    


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