CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C324 Waiting

C324 Waiting

0Mi Ke'er and Mi Kai reconciled. When she thought about staying here for a period of time, she suggested that she go and apologize to Qin Zhixu.    


However, just as this idea was brought up, Mi Kai dispelled her thoughts.    


"You don't need to go. He won't care. Or rather, he doesn't have the mood to talk to you right now." Mi Kai said.    


"Huh?" Mi Ke'er was stunned. "Why?"    


Mi Kai shook his head and said, "You don't need to ask about the details. Anyway, you will be safe and sound for the next two days. Don't provoke anyone. Everyone was in a bad mood. If there was any dispute... Don't blame me for not protecting you."    


Mi Ke'er blinked. Although Mi Kai did not say it clearly, she could guess from it that something was wrong.    


Although she was curious, she knew it. So she nodded obediently and said, "Okay, I understand. I will definitely be obedient and not provoke anyone these two days."    


Mi Kai looked at her. He remembered Liao Huanyan's instructions to not be too fierce to his sister.    


So he thought about it and asked again, "Double leather milk, do you still want it?"    


Mi Ke'er was stunned. She looked up at Mi Kai and nodded with a smile, "I am eating it!"    


Mi Kai smiled. "Then let's go. I still have yours."    


Mi Ke'er nodded and followed behind Mi Kai. As they walked towards Liao Huanyan's room, she said, "Brother, looks like sister-in-law taught you well."    


The sentence "sister-in-law" and the word 'discipline' made Mi Kai stagger and almost fall down the stairs.    


He turned his head and glared at Mi Ke'er. Seeing the little girl cover her mouth and roll her eyes in fear, he shook his head in amusement.    


There was a saying that Mi Kai was right. No matter who it was today, they were indeed not in the mood to care about the new Mi Ke'er.    


Everyone was worried about Ning Jiwei's matter because it was not only Ning Jiwei's personal matter, but also the future of all of them.    


If Ning Jiwei could pass the trial successfully, then they would have more strength. In the future, when they faced Mo Sheng and Tali Linna, they would have more chances of winning.    


On the contrary, if Ning Jiwei failed, it would not only be about the enemy being strong, but also the weak. Jian Haixi and the other two would be in danger first.    


Mo Family.    


After Ning Jiwei left, Jian Rui had been sitting quietly at the door. Her small hands supported her chin as she stared at the door with her big eyes, afraid that she would miss the moment when Ning Jiwei returned.    


"Rui ~"    


Gu Xiaomian saw that she had been sitting there without talking or moving. He could not help but frown and move forward. He grabbed Jian Rui's arm and said, "Rui, let's go play together. It is useless for you to wait here. Uncle Ning will definitely come back after he is done with his work."    


Jian Rui shook her head and said, "Go play. I will not go anywhere. I will just sit here and wait for Daddy."    


Gu Xiaomian was stunned. He pouted and sat beside Jian Rui and said, "Then I will wait with you."    


The two children, one on the left and one on the right, sat side by side at the door. After a while, a small figure walked over from afar - Mo Tong.    


Jian Rui saw Mo Tong and did not say anything. She only stretched out her hand towards him.    


Mo Tong walked to her side and sat down. He stretched out his hand and held Jian Rui's hand tightly. "Rui, don't worry. Uncle will definitely be fine."    


Jian Rui nodded and said, "I believe in Daddy. He will definitely be able to come back. I just... hope that Daddy will be able to see him the moment he comes back."    


Mo Tong pursed his lips and said, "I will wait with you."    


Gu Xiaomian also said, "That's right, Rui. We will wait with you. Don't worry and don't be afraid. Uncle Ning will definitely come back with a lot of hair."    


Hearing his son's words, Gu Chenyi smiled bitterly.    


Silly son, that was a life and death situation. How could he not have a fine strand of hair?    


When Mo Xiuyu pushed Mo Wanshaan over, he saw three "little door gods" sitting there dejectedly.    


Seeing the children like this, Mo Wanshaan and Mo Xiuyu felt uncomfortable in their hearts, but they still tried their best to smile in front of the children.    


Mo Wanshaan smiled and said, "Rui, what are you doing? Go and play with grandpa, okay?"    


Jian Rui shook her head and said, "Grandfather can play by himself. Rui will not go anywhere. Rui agreed to Daddy."    


"This..." Mo Wanshaan choked. He was a weak old man in a wheelchair. Where was he going to play?    


Mo Xiuyu thought about it and went forward to squat down in front of Jian Rui. He poked her face and said, "If Rui doesn't want to go out, it's fine. Let's play a game. Let's form a team like before, okay? Coincidentally, Mo Tong is also here. The four of us can form a team. "    


Hearing that they were forming a team to play games, Gu Xiaomian's eyes lit up. He looked at Jian Rui and said," That's right, Rui. Let's wait while we play games, okay? You are always sitting here. How boring is that?"    


Jian Rui still shook her head. "I don't want to play games. You can play with Small Uncle."    


Gu Xiaomian was stunned. He pouted and said, "Rui, I won't play even if you don't play."    


Mo Xiuyu looked at Jian Rui and then turned to look at Mo Wanshaan. He helplessly spread his hands.    


Mo Wanshaan silently sighed and waved at Mo Xiuyu, indicating for him to push him back.    


Seeing his granddaughter waiting here like this, he felt very unhappy in his heart. It was better to avoid not seeing her.    


West Court.    


Mo Xiujin and Mo Xiulin stayed together. Mo Xiulin swallowed his saliva and asked, "Jin, do you think Ning Jiwei can come back safely?"    


"I don't know." Mo Xiujin shook his head and said, "I only know that regardless of whether he can come back or not, after today, the heavens of Mo Family will change."    


Mo Xiulin was stunned for a moment, then he understood what Mo Xiujin meant.    


If Ning Jiwei came back alive, Mo Sheng would definitely not let him go.    


If Ning Jiwei died, then the people around him, such as Gu Chenyi, would definitely not let this matter rest. Mo Sheng would definitely take this opportunity to defeat everyone in one fell swoop.    


Thinking of this, Mo Xiulin sighed and said, "I don't know whether I want Ning Jiwei to come back or not. From my selfishness, I don't want anything to happen to him, but it seems like I have let father down, but..."    



Mo Xiujin looked at him and said, "What you think in your heart is not important. As long as father doesn't know about it, it's fine. Otherwise, what awaits you will be the same fate as Mo Xiuqian."    


"Little Qian..." Mo Xiulin frowned and said, "I wonder how Little Qian is doing."    


Mo Xiujin's eyes darkened. He had left a note for Jian Rui, but because of Ning Jiwei's matter, Jian Rui did not have time to read the note.    


"The most important thing right now is to find out what happened to Second Sister." Mo Xiujin said, "Before we find out what happened, we must not act rashly."    


Mo Xiulin nodded and said, "I know. Don't worry. It has been so many years. I will not lose my composure at this time."    


Only then did Mo Xiujin nod his head.    


Mi Kai's villa.    


Jian Haixi sat in the room and lowered her head to weave the sweater in her hand.    


This was when Ning Jiwei saw the sweater she had knitted for the children. He had said that he hoped to have a family outfit.    


So Jian Haixi went to the streets to buy some wool and even got into a grudge with Tong Si.    


At this moment, Jian Haixi was almost numb to weaving adventures, but her mind was recalling every single detail since she met Ning Jiwei.    


From meeting, to falling in love, and then to each and every obstacle after that...    


It was as if the heavens could not see that they were so easily together, and insisted on doing something to test their endurance.    


Jian Haixi did not even know how many more stages were waiting for them even if they passed this stage.    


But she had never regretted it. From the moment she knew about Ning Jiwei's complicated background, she had decided to live and die with him.    


No matter how many tribulations awaited them in the future, she would follow his footsteps without hesitation. They would walk together and protect their child and their family.    


Jian Haixi was letting her thoughts run wild when her fingertip moved in a misplacement. The needle fell and the tip of the thread poked Jian Haixi's finger and broke the skin.    


Jian Haixi's finger trembled and reached out to touch the skin. She frowned.    


She did not know how many times she knit this kind of needle. Why did she make a mistake at this time?    


Jian Haixi was not willing to think about the so-called fate connection. She took a deep breath to calm herself down and wanted to return the messy needle technique to its original position.    


But she did not think that she would be careless. Not only did she not return to her original position, but she also knocked down the part that was already woven and the thread that was placed on it.    


The thread and the half-finished sweater rolled to the ground and even the needle in Jian Haixi's hand fell to the ground.    


With a series of ping-pong sounds, the few days of effort were instantly destroyed.    


Jian Haixi stared blankly at the destroyed heart and blood, and finally could not help but hold back her tears.    


Only when there was no one else, would she indulge in her own emotions.    


Jian Haixi did not dare to think that if the knitted sweater was destroyed like this, it would not be a bad omen. She even did not dare to think about Ning Jiwei's current situation.    


As long as she thought about it, her heart would definitely ache.    


"Beep, beep ~"    


The phone rang and Jian Haixi wiped away her tears. She took the phone and opened it.    


"Mommy, can you come over?"    


It was a message from Jian Yi.    


Jian Haixi ran over in a panic because something happened to Jian Yi.    


"Yi, what's wrong?"    


Jian Haixi pushed the door open and entered. She saw Jian Yi sitting on the bed with a computer and two earphones in front of him.    


Seeing Jian Haixi come in, Jian Yi reached out and patted the seat beside him. "Mommy, can you stay here? I want Mommy to stay with me."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She turned around and closed the door. She walked to Jian Yi and sat down next to him. She held him in her arms and said, "What happened to Yi? Are you afraid? "    


"Yes." Jian Yi nodded and hugged Jian Haixi. "Mommy, I'm alone in the room. It's too quiet. It's so quiet that it's scary. I want to be with Mommy and wait for Daddy with Mommy."    


Jian Haixi's heart skipped a beat. She looked at Jian Yi guiltily and said, "Sorry, Mommy neglected Yi's feelings. Yi, don't be afraid. Mommy is here. Let's wait for Daddy to come back together, okay?"    


"Yes." Jian Yi nodded and leaned into Jian Haixi's arms. The warmth that belonged solely to his mother slowly calmed his heart down.    


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