CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C191 There Was Someone on the Other Side.

C191 There Was Someone on the Other Side.



Early in the morning, Jian Chenrann had already packed his luggage and was ready to return to his country.    


Jian Haixi sent Jian Chenrann to the door and smiled as she instructed, "When you go back, don't make Xiaodou angry again, do you know? If I knew you bullied Xiaodou, I wouldn't care about our brother-sister relationship."    


"Don't worry." "I don't want to bully Xiaodou either," Jian Chenrann said.    


"Alright, you can leave now. I won't see you off," ___ said. Jian Haixi urged Jian Chenrann.    


Jian Chenrann nodded. He did not forget to tell Jian Haixi when he got into the car, "Call me if you need anything. You are not allowed to hide it from me, understand?"    


"I know." Jian Haixi waved at Jian Chenrann through the window, "Have a good trip. Say hello to Xiaodou for me."    


Jian Chenrann nodded and then took the car to the airport.    


Jian Haixi stood at the door and watched the car leave before returning home. She thought about how soon she would become a little aunt. Jian Haixi was so happy that the corners of her mouth could not close.    


The driver who sent Jian Chenrann to the airport was one of Dou Ge's subordinates. There were few cars on the road in the early morning, and the location of the Luo family villa was remote. There were also few people on the road, and only one or two cars passed by occasionally.    


Jian Chenrann was thinking about Lin Xiaodou. She did not notice the situation outside the car at all. About half an hour after the car drove out, the driver suddenly stopped the car.    


"What's wrong?" Jian Chenrann was shocked. She quickly looked outside the car.    


At this time, the car did not stop at a traffic light intersection, nor was there any roadblock. Jian Chenrann could not help frowning and asked, "What happened to the car?"    


The driver shook his head and frowned. "The car is fine, but the situation is not right."    


"What's wrong?" Jian Chenrann saw the serious look on the driver's face and his heart tightened. He asked, "Tell me clearly, what did you find?"    


The driver said, "Usually when I go out to buy things, I drive, so I am very familiar with this road. In the past, there were only a few cars at this time, but on the way today, we have seen no less than twenty cars."    


The driver suddenly said, "The van that passed by just now didn't close the window. I saw the people inside carrying weapons."    


The Dou Family did this kind of business, so they were very sensitive to this kind of abnormal danger.    


"What?" Jian Chenrann was startled. In the next moment, he hastily said, "Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and turn back!"    


Jian Chenrann said as he hurriedly dialed Jian Haixi's number. "Please, quickly answer the phone, Haixi!"    


The driver did not hesitate anymore. He turned the steering wheel and turned back. At the same time, he dialed Dou Ge's number.    


After Jian Haixi sent Jian Chenrann away, she put her phone in the bedroom and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone.    


Half an hour later, the phone in the bedroom suddenly rang, but no one heard it.    


At the same time, a group of people was approaching the Luo family villa.    


Mo Family. Ning Jiwei woke up before dawn. After a simple wash up, he went to the study room to look at the information that Mo Wanshaan had given him.    


Although Ning Jiwei knew that the Mo Family's situation was not good, he was still shocked when he saw the situation of Mo Wanshaan's assets being taken advantage of.    


No wonder Yue Feng kept urging him to come back. It turned out that the properties in Mo Wanshaan's hands had been taken over by Mo Sheng and Mo Tine. Now, the remaining assets in their hands were basically a mess.    


In addition to Mo Wanshaan's health, in less than half a year's time, the entire Mo Family would definitely be controlled by Mo Sheng.    


Ning Jiwei sighed. After flipping a few pages of the document, he suddenly stood up in annoyance.    


Ning Jiwei walked to the window and looked at the sky that was not completely bright yet. He felt inexplicably stifled.    


Ning Jiwei's sleep quality had always been good, but he was woken up by nightmares today. He always had an uneasy feeling in his heart, as if something was going to happen.    


This feeling made Ning Jiwei very uncomfortable. He even had the impulse to call Jian Haixi.    


But after Ning Jiwei calmed down, he still gave up on the idea of calling. He could not wake Jian Haixi up early in the morning because of the uneasiness in his heart.    


Besides, if something happened, no matter if it was Gu Chenyi or Jian Yi, they would tell him immediately.    


If there was no news now, it meant that everything was fine.    


Ning Jiwei took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. He kept praying in his heart, hoping that Jian Haixi and the children were safe and sound.    


Jian Haixi was cooking. She looked up and accidentally saw the sky outside the window. The blue sky was decorated with the orange color of the sun. It was like a calm curtain that was opened in a corner. People could not help guessing what the curtain would look like after it was opened.    


Looking at such a beautiful scene, Jian Haixi suddenly thought of the early morning when she and Ning Jiwei were on the mountain.    


Thinking of Ning Jiwei, the corner of Jian Haixi's mouth could not help but curl up. She turned around and walked back to the bedroom. She was going to take a picture of this scene with her phone and send it to Ning Jiwei later.    


Walking into the bedroom, Jian Haixi picked up her phone and saw that there were several missed calls from Jian Chenrann.    


Seeing this, Jian Haixi frowned and muttered, "Could it be that he forgot to bring something?"    


Jian Haixi was puzzled when her phone vibrated again. It was still Jian Chenrann calling.    


Jian Haixi picked up the phone. Before she could speak, she heard Jian Chenrann panicking on the other side. Zhang said, "Haixi, there is danger. Quickly inform everyone to leave!"    


Almost at the same time, the alarm in the villa rang.    


Jian Haixi heard the alarm and ran out with her phone. Just as she reached the door, she saw Dou Ge striding over.    


"What's going on?" Jian Haixi asked in a panic.    


Dou Ge said concisely, "Someone is coming. I will bring some people to take a look. Dou Ming is in charge of the defense system here. Tell everyone to get up quickly and prepare to leave."    


"Okay." Jian Haixi nodded repeatedly, but she was too nervous and did not notice that she was standing at the door. She had just taken a step and she almost tripped on the mat at the door. Luckily, Dou Ge helped her in time.    


"Thank you." Jian Haixi was a little incoherent. "I will go and call the children first."    


"Jian Haixi!" Dou Ge grabbed her shoulders and said seriously, "Don't panic. The more you are at this time, the calmer you need to be. Don't worry. I will not let anything happen to you and the children with me. "    


Dou Ge's voice had an inexplicable strength that made people feel at ease. Jian Haixi forced herself to calm down and nodded. "I understand."    


Seeing that she had calmed down, Dou Ge heaved a sigh of relief and turned around to leave the villa with some people.    


Jian Haixi walked quickly to Jian Yi's door. She pushed open the door and saw that Jian Yi had already woken up and was sitting on the bed controlling the computer system.    


"Yi, do you know what's going on?" Jian Haixi asked worriedly.    


"I don't know yet. It should be because they are not under our surveillance yet." Jian Yi calmly said, "Mommy, don't worry. Dou Ming and I have already made preparations. You go and find Rui and Mo Tong first."    


"Okay." Jian Haixi nodded and quickly went to Jian Rui's room.    


She had just reached Jian Rui's door when she saw Mo Tong running out of another room with his clothes on. "Auntie, what happened?"    


Jian Haixi pursed her lips and said, "We might have to leave this place as soon as possible. Mo Tong, you go and get dressed first. You don't need to bring anything else. Then you come here to find me, okay?"    


Mo Tong was stunned and she nodded.    


In the room, Jian Rui was still sleeping.    


Seeing her daughter sleeping without worry, Jian Haixi's eyes flashed a touch of heartache. She went forward and gently pushed her daughter's shoulder and said, "Rui, quickly wake up."    


"Mommy?" Jian Rui's sleepy eyes looked at Jian Haixi, "Is it already dawn now? I am so sleepy."    


"Rui, let's get up first. I'll carry you to sleep later, okay?" Jian Haixi coaxed as she carried Jian Rui to help her put on her clothes.    


Jian Rui yawned and asked doubtfully, "Mommy, what is the sound outside?"    


Jian Haixi originally wanted to coax her and say that it was nothing, but she thought that if she said it was nothing, she might run around and that would be dangerous.    


So after thinking about it, Jian Haixi still truthfully said, "There might be bad people coming, so we have to get up and leave this place quickly."    


"Bad people?" Jian Rui blinked and completely woke up. She quickly struggled out of Jian Haixi's embrace and said, "Mommy, quickly go and help brother. I can wear clothes."    


Jian Haixi looked at her sensible daughter and forced the corner of her lips. She touched her head and said, "Big brother has already woken up. Don't worry."    


At this time, Mo Tong had also put on his clothes and ran over. Jian Haixi brought Jian Rui and Mo Tong to Jian Yi's room.    


At this moment, everyone was gathered in Jian Yi's room.    


Jian Yi, Dou Ming and Luo Er were quickly operating the computer while Qin Zhixu, Mike, helped to pack everyone's things. They could not lose those electronic devices and the information they had found with great difficulty.    


This was the first time Suen Yuqin saw her daughter working so seriously. Suen Yuqin suddenly realized that the daughter who needed her protection and care had really grown up.    


Not long after, Dou Ge also walked in. "There are many guests. They are expected to arrive in ten minutes. If I don't expose my strength, I can delay them for about twenty minutes."    


Jian Yi looked at Jian Haixi and said, "Mommy, I will help you open the path. You take Rui and Mo Tong and leave with everyone."    


"What about you?" Jian Rui was so anxious that her eyes turned red. She choked and said, "I don't want to be separated from brother."    


"Rui." Jian Haixi held her daughter and took a deep breath to calm herself down. She looked at Jian Yi and asked, "Where is your way out?"    


Jian Yi said, "On the mountain not far from here, Uncle Luo and I have a wooden house there."    


"Since they can find this place, it means that Luo family has been exposed." Qin Zhixu said, "That wooden house is not safe either."    


Everyone fell silent. Of course, they could find a way out, but they had too many people, which attracted too much attention.    


"You can go to my house." After a period of silence, Suen Yuqin suddenly said, "It is common knowledge that we husband and wife are not harmonious. They would not think of this. There is an abandoned house there and no one has been there for more than ten years. You will not attract attention even if you live there. "    


Luo Er looked at Suen Yuqin in surprise.    


Jian Haixi looked at Suen Yuqin and sincerely said, "Sister-in-law, thank you."    


Suen Yuqin shook her head and said, "You don't need to say these anymore. Quickly pack your things."    


"Wait a moment." Jian Haixi looked at Jian Yi and asked, "Yi, how do you plan to leave?"    


Jian Yi frowned and did not answer.    


They did not know that he was still alive.    


Jian Haixi thought about it and said, "I have an idea. Yi, you go to Xiang City."    


Xiang City!    


When Jian Haixi said this, everyone was shocked. Xiang City was the headquarters of Mo Family. It was the most dangerous place.    


Jian Yi's eyes lit up.    


Jian Haixi said, "The so-called most dangerous place is also the safest place. Besides, you are a secret to the people of Mo Family. As long as you pay attention, they will definitely not discover you."    


"This is a good idea!" Qin Zhixu said, "I will go with Yi."    


"I will go too!" Mo Tong said, "I am familiar with that place. I can help."    


Jian Haixi looked at Mo Tong and nodded. "Okay."    


Jian Rui looked anxiously at Jian Haixi by the side. "I don't want to be separated from brother."    


Jian Haixi squatted down and touched Jian Rui's head, "We are going to Ms Luo Er's house. You are going with Mommy. This kind of bad person will not notice your big brother. Only then will your big brother and Mo Tong be safe."    


Hearing Jian Haixi say this, Jian Rui was stunned. She turned her head and looked at Jian Yi and Mo Tong. She nodded and said, "Okay, I will go with Mommy."    


Jian Haixi looked at Jian Yi and said, "That's it. Yi, Zhixu, Mo Tong, Dou Ming will go to Xiang City together. You all can leave now."    


Jian Yi was worried and said, "The defense system here still needs me."    


"Have you forgotten about me?" Luo Er patted Jian Yi's shoulder and said, "Don't worry. Leave this to me!"    


Jian Yi frowned. He looked at Jian Haixi and wanted to say something but stopped himself.    



Jian Haixi smiled and went forward to hug Jian Yi. She said, "Don't worry. We will all be fine."    


"I will protect them well." Dou Ge looked at Jian Yi and said.    


"All of you, quickly pack your things and leave." Mike looked at everyone and said, "Leave this place to me. I'm alone anyway."    


Jian Haixi and Mike looked at each other, thought for a while, and shook their heads. "No, Mike, I want you to go somewhere else."    


"Mountain wooden house!" Jian Yi took Jian Haixi's words and said, "Uncle Mike, please go there with the bodyguards Uncle Luo left behind."    


"This is a scheme, right?" Mike smiled and nodded. "I understand. Leave it to me!"    


Jian Haixi turned to look at Suen Yuqin and Luo Er and said, "Sister-in-law, I will leave Rui to you. You guys go first. Dou Ge and I will stay behind. This will buy more time."    


Dou Ge looked at Jian Haixi and his eyes went deep for a moment.    


Suen Yuqin nodded and said, "Okay."    




"Rui, you have to be good." Jian Haixi pushed Jian Rui to Suen Yuqin's side and said, "You follow Auntie Sun and Ms Luo Er first. I will go and find you very soon, okay?"    


Jian Rui nodded her head while crying and her small hands grabbed Suen Yuqin's sleeve.    


"Yi." Jian Haixi looked at Jian Yi and Jian Yi also looked at Jian Haixi.    


He really wanted to say, Mommy, it was too dangerous for you to stay, but reason told him that this was the best way. So he could only nod with red eyes and say, "Okay, I will listen to Mommy too."    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Then let's move quickly."    


The plan was agreed and everyone started to move.    


Jian Yi, Mo Tong, Dou Ming, and Qin Zhixu went to Xiang City. Mike pretended to escape and brought people to the wooden house in the mountain. Suen Yuqin and Luo Er took Jian Rui back to Jiangnan with bodyguards.    


Three groups of people moved out together. After Jian Haixi and everyone else left, she finally let out a sigh of relief.    


Dou Ge stood beside her and looked at her. He asked, "Aren't you afraid?"    


Jian Haixi smiled and looked up at him. "I'm not afraid. You are here."    


Hearing her words, Dou Ge was touched in his heart. He nodded and said, "Yes, I will help you."    


Jian Haixi stretched her body and said, "The guest will probably be here soon. Should I go out and take a look? Let them believe that we have not left yet. "    


Dou Ge twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "That's a good idea. But for safety's sake, you better not go out. You can just stand on the balcony and show your face."    


"Then that's settled. I'll go now." Jian Haixi said and turned to go to the balcony, but Dou Ge pulled her arm and said, "Wait a minute."    


Jian Haixi looked at him in confusion, "What's wrong?"    


Dou Ge took out a fan from his pocket and handed it to Jian Haixi, "Take this fan."    


Jian Haixi looked at the fan in her hand in surprise. "This is the weapon you said you wanted to make for me?"    


Dou Ge nodded and said, "There are only three bone needles in the fan handle, which means you can only use this weapon three times."    


Jian Haixi was stunned and the corner of her mouth slightly twitched. "Isn't three times too little?"    


Dou Ge smiled and said, "What you need is not quantity, but accuracy. This bone fan has more than ten per shot, and at a suitable distance, it can raise your accuracy to the highest. Three fans are enough for you to last until I come to save you."    


Jian Haixi nodded and said, "So that's the case. Alright then, thank you."    


As the two of them were talking, the alarm suddenly rose to level two.    


Dou Ge's eyes coldly said, "The guest is here."    


As he spoke, he pulled Jian Haixi towards the balcony on the second floor. "Didn't you want to show up? Let's go."    


At the same time, he used his headphones to instruct the people who had been lying in ambush, "Prepare to receive the guests. Be careful not to fight head on. Just hold on for 20 minutes."    


Jian Haixi followed behind Dou Ge to the second floor. She only swayed on the balcony for a moment before she was pulled behind by Dou Ge, "You follow behind me."    


Jian Haixi knew that the following situation was not something she could deal with, so she obediently nodded and cautiously followed behind Dou Ge.    


The sound of gunfire soon rang out. Jian Haixi heard the concentrated gunfire downstairs and could not help but think. Fortunately, she let the others leave first.    


About ten minutes later, Dou Ge suddenly pulled Jian Haixi and prepared to leave.    


"What's wrong? Don't we still have ten minutes?" Jian Haixi asked.    


"No, there is still an ambush." Dou Ge pulled Jian Haixi along as he ordered through the earpiece, "They still have help. You guys prepare to retreat and activate the villa's defense system."    


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