CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C241 Arriving at Xiangcheng

C241 Arriving at Xiangcheng



The river was brightly lit.    


Suddenly, more than a dozen cars stopped by the shore. Then, three to five people came down. One of them was carrying a woman.    


After that... After that, dozens of people got out of the cars and surrounded the three to five people. They carefully guarded them, afraid that they would be attacked.    


The man holding the woman lowered his head and quickly walked towards the cruise ship. The people around followed closely, not daring to delay a single step.    


There were already people on the cruise waiting for them, and the group moved quickly and quietly.    


In the darkness where the lights could not reach, there was a sound.    


"Second Sister, what should we do?"    


"If we don't charge at them, we will start the boat!"    


"Second Sister, give the order!"    


The woman called Second Sister looked coldly at the movement on the other side of the boat. She snorted and said, "Did you forget what Second Master instructed you to do? If you are not sure, Ning Jiwei should not act rashly before. "    


"But how can you be sure?" The subordinate anxiously said, "We can't just rush up and look. We can't see him even if he lowers his head."    


Second Sister gritted her teeth and said, "Wait a bit more."    


The subordinates waited around and were ready to make a move at any time.    


"Buzzing ~" The sound of the cruise ship about to start sounded.    


"Second Sister, it's too late." The subordinate anxiously said.    


Second Sister looked at the figure that looked like Ning Jiwei and still did not give an order.    


Before she set off, Mo Sheng said that this time only success was allowed, and no failure was allowed.    


Once Ning Jiwei returned to Xiang City alive, their future path would be very difficult.    


And when she thought of her big brother who was killed in Iceland, Second Sister's heart was filled with anger.    


This time, she must avenge her big brother!    


"Second Sister, look over there!"    


The subordinate pointed to the boat. A man carrying a woman was about to walk into the cabin when the person beside him was...    




Second Sister said coldly.    


She had seen this person's photo before. He was the confidant who had followed Ning Jiwei to the Mo Family.    


"Second Sister, since this person is here, it means that this must be Ning Jiwei's group." The subordinate said.    


Second Sister thought for a moment and said, "Mo, leave nine people behind to follow me. You lead the rest and rush forward. If you are sure that it is Ning Jiwei, kill him on the spot!"    


"Yes, Second Sister."    


Third brother hesitated and asked, "Second Sister, are you not going up because you still have doubts?"    


Second Sister nodded and said, "I keep feeling that something is not right. Ning Jiwei should not have taken the bait so easily."    


Third Brother did not take it seriously and snorted coldly, "Still taking the bait? Second Sister, did you not see how many people he had brought on the boat? This was clearly because he was fearless because of the number of people he had."    


Second Sister frowned and said, "Anyway, everything should be done carefully."    


"Don't worry, Second Sister." Third Brother licked his lips and said, "This time, we must make this Ning Jiwei accompany Big Brother to die with him!"    


After saying that, Ol' Three led the rest of his brothers and rushed towards the cruise ship from the front. At the same time, there was a whistle. They hid in the water and the people on the ship next to it also began to move.    


When the people on board noticed that someone was attacking, they did not panic. It was as if they had been prepared for this.    


The two parties instantly clashed, and for a moment, the cruise ship's surroundings were filled with smoke.    


"Second Sister, don't think too much. Ning Jiwei must be on this ship. Otherwise, how could there be such firepower?" The subordinate said.    


Second Sister narrowed her eyes and said, "Little Four, what do you think Ning Jiwei came to Yu City for this time?"    


Little Four was stunned for a moment and said, "He came to save his woman, Jian Haixi."    


Second Sister sneered and said, "It is said that Ning Jiwei deeply loves Jian Haixi. You said that such a deeply loved person was injured, would he still bring her to fight with us like this?"    


Little Four was stunned again and frowned as he looked at the intense battlefield over there. He hesitated and said, "There is no other way. Otherwise, what else can he do? This is the only way to cross the river..."    


"That's not right!" Second Sister suddenly said, "We fell into a trap!"    


"Second Sister?" Little Four looked at Second Sister doubtfully.    


Second Sister got up and said coldly, "Call someone to come with me."    


Little Four looked in the direction of the cruise and turned to Second Sister, "Then Mo and the others..."    


A flash of coldness flashed across Second Sister's eyes as she said, "It's too late."    


Little Four's heart trembled, he gritted his teeth and followed Second Sister out of the dark corner.    




At the same time, Ning Jiwei and the others were sitting in the car.    


George sneered, "I don't think those people would have thought that you would abandon the water road and walk on the dry road."    


Ning Jiwei lowered his head and looked at Jian Haixi who was sleeping soundly in his arms. He said in a low voice, "I will not let Haixi be in any more danger."    


George still snorted coldly, "I did not expect that you would include me in your calculations. This time, the people I brought just helped you make up the numbers, making your pretense by the river even more realistic."    


Ning Jiwei looked at him and said, "Don't worry, your people will not be harmed."    


"Tch ~" George rolled his eyes at him.    


Mi Kai looked out of the window excitedly. He turned to Ning Jiwei and said, "You can do it, brother. Let the leader of your men disturb the enemy's line of sight. He abandoned the water road in front of him and drove on the highway overnight. Although we took this detour, the fastest we could get to Xiang City would be tomorrow morning. Fortunately, it's safe."    


Ning Jiwei didn't say anything, admitting Mi Kai's analysis.    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Mi Kai shook his head repeatedly and said, "Being enemies with you is too scary. I didn't even know when I was killed by you."    


"Now you know who I am." George interrupted, "Compared to this profiteer, I look so innocent!"    


Ning Jiwei still did not speak. He only lowered his head and wrapped Jian Haixi's blanket tightly, afraid that she would feel a little cold.    


Mi Kai saw him like this and his eyes were a little surprised. He tilted his head and looked over, "You did this to protect her?"    


Ning Jiwei frowned slightly and turned to look at him. He said, "Stay away, be quiet."    


The corner of Mi Kai's mouth twitched. They had talked so much just now, but Ning Jiwei had not said anything. He was scolded as soon as he got close to Jian Haixi. It turned out that he was afraid of disturbing Jian Haixi.    


Mi Kai looked down at the sleeping Jian Haixi and sighed. He shook his head and said, "Which bastard did this? What a beautiful girl. She actually did it! "    


Ning Jiwei did not say anything. Mi Kai raised his eyebrows and looked at Ning Jiwei. He said, "I have good ointment that can heal the wound on her face in two days. Do you want it?"    


Ning Jiwei suddenly raised his head and looked at him. "Condition."    


Without hesitation, he said his conditions.    


Mi Kai smiled and said, "I really didn't expect the legendary Ning Jiwei to be like this. I reckon that those young ladies of noble families who rushed to pounce on you would never have thought that you would have such a loving side."    


Ning Jiwei only stared at him and did not speak.    


George also frowned and looked over. "Mi Kai, if you really have ointment, quickly take it out. Don't deliberately show people around here."    


Mi Kai rolled his eyes and said, "Even if you have it, it's still in the hospital. Do you think I will carry it with me?"    


Then Mi Kai turned to look at Ning Jiwei and said, "I can give you the ointment. As for the conditions... I didn't think of it for the time being. I'll tell you when I think of it. You won't go back on your word, will you? "    


Ning Jiwei shook his head. "No."    


"That's good, then." Mi Kai nodded. He glanced at Ning Jiwei's arm and frowned. "Where did your woman get hurt? I saw you raise your arm awkwardly for a long time."    


George also became nervous when he heard this.    


Ning Jiwei said, "There is a light wound on the abdomen, a sprain on the calf, and a needle on the shoulder and back, just like Dou Ge."    


"What?" George was shocked. He stared at Ning Jiwei and gritted his teeth in anger. "Ning Jiwei, why didn't you say anything earlier?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at him. "The situation is urgent. Haixi's condition is within the scope of control. Crossing the river first is the proper business."    


George was angry and helpless. He was angry that Ning Jiwei was like a stuffy gourd. If he did not chase after him and ask, he would not say anything.    


Helpless, he had to admit that what Ning Jiwei said was right.    


Glancing at Jian Haixi, who was sleeping soundly in Ning Jiwei's arms, George sighed again.    


Only by this guy's side could she sleep.    




Jian Yi's voice came from the headset.    


Ning Jiwei pressed the headset and said, "Go ahead."    


"There's a situation." Jian Yi said, "There's a group of people from First Primary School heading towards your direction."    


Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "Contact Dou Bing and tell him the distance and direction."    


"Alright." Jian Yi cut the channel and contacted Dou Bing.    


The cars behind Ning Jiwei, except for the one following him, all turned around.    


Dou Bing listened to Jian Yi's command. He did not go over to intercept them immediately, nor did he follow Ning Jiwei closely. Instead, he led his subordinates out of the car and laid an ambush in the surroundings.    


Mi Kai looked at the movement behind him through the window. He said to Ning Jiwei with interest, "Your military advisor is really powerful. He can control the situation of the enemy from thousands of miles away without even showing his face. He can also accurately set up a strategy."    


Ning Jiwei twitched his mouth and said proudly, which was rare, "Of course."    


Looking at Ning Jiwei's expression, George's heart moved. He wanted to ask if the person on the headset was Jian Yi, but thinking about the current situation, he still did not ask.    


Ten minutes later, Ning Jiwei and the others passed the bridge.    


Jian Yi once again reported to Ning Jiwei, "Daddy, except for one car that escaped, the rest were successfully intercepted."    


"Yes." Ning Jiwei asked, saying, "Is that car still following us?"    


"Yes." Jian Yi said, saying, "But Daddy, you don't have to worry. Just follow the route I told you to take. Leave the people in this car to me." ...    


Hearing what Jian Yi said, Ning Jiwei was really not worried. He only nodded and said, "Okay."    


After saying that, Ning Jiwei instructed the driver, "Continue walking. Don't worry about the back."    


Mi Kai and George raised their eyebrows at the same time. They had completely handed the matter over to that "advisor."    


In the courtyard house, Jian Yi posted a message in the group: Set up roadblocks, turn off all lights, and prepare the alarm system.    


No one in the group talked nonsense. Everyone simply and concisely deducted "1."    


Two minutes later, a car under the bridge had to stop because its tires had been broken by the roadblocks.    


Moreover, there was no light at all around them. Their car's headlights had been broken during the chaos just now.    


"Damn it!" Second Sister kicked on the car's lights.    


Now she finally knew why those people were not in a hurry to chase after them, but wanted to blow up their headlights first.    


"Second Sister, what should we do now?" Little Four asked.    


Their brothers were all gone. Now, only the two of them were left. Even if they chased after them, they would only be delivering food to the other party.    


Second Sister stared at the bridge in front of her, unwilling to give up. She snorted coldly and said, "Go back and tell Second Master the truth about the situation."    


Just as the two of them turned around, they saw Dou Bing and the others around them.    


"You want to leave?" Dou Bing sneered and said, "That also depends on whether you can leave or not."    


Second Sister's eyes turned cold. She suddenly grabbed Little Four, who was beside her, and pushed him. She jumped off the bridge and jumped into the river.    


Dou Bing paused and immediately started a fire at her with the surrounding brothers. Second Sister screamed and fell into the river, but she was not sure whether she was alive or dead.    


"Damn it!" Dou Bing said angrily.    




The next morning, Ning Jiwei and the others finally arrived at Xiang City.    


He originally planned to place Jian Haixi and Dou Ge in the hotel first, and then send them directly to the hospital after he made an agreement with Mi Kai.    


However, as soon as they arrived at Xiang City, Mi Kai said directly, "You guys come with me. I don't lack hospitals there, and I can still guarantee safety."    


Ning Jiwei looked at him. Mi Kai snorted and said, "Why are you looking at me? I said that I have conditions to help you."    


George replied lazily, "Yes, yes, yes. It's just that you haven't figured out what condition it is."    


Mi Kai snorted proudly and turned his head without saying anything.    


George looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "Follow him. Although this guy has a bad temper, he is still quite reliable."    


"Of course." Mi Kai said and said, "Do you think I am you?"    


Jian Haixi woke up early in the morning. Seeing that she was not going to the hotel or the courtyard house, she looked at Ning Jiwei worriedly, "Ji Wei, that Yi..."    


"Don't worry. After you and Dou Ge are settled down, I will bring him over."    


Jian Haixi nodded and turned to Mi Kai. "Um... Can you help me use the ointment in a while? I don't want my child to see me like this. "    


Mi Kai did not say much to Jian Haixi. He nodded and said, "Sure. I will give it to you when we reach the place."    


Half an hour later, the car stopped in Mi Kai's private villa.    


He thought there would be maids in such a big villa, but he didn't expect there to be no one here.    


Furthermore, the moment she entered, there was a smell of medical water. Jian Haixi thought that she really went to the hospital.    


Mi Kai said, "You can stay in the guest rooms on the first and second floor as you wish. But don't go up to the third floor as you wish. That is my laboratory."    


"Lab?" George raised his eyebrows. He suddenly looked at Mi Kai cautiously and said, "You are not going to do some crazy experiments here, are you?"    


He heard that some people with good medical skills liked to do strange things at home.    


Mi Kai sneered and said, "You want to take a look?"    


George nodded. "We have to be sure that this place is safe."    


"No problem." Mi Kai shrugged and said, "You can go in and take a look, but I can't guarantee that you can come out safely."    


George's mouth twitched. He did not want to talk to this guy anymore.    


Ning Jiwei carried Jian Haixi into a room on the second floor and gently put her on the bed. He reached out and rubbed her head and asked, "Are you okay? Are you very tired?"    


Jian Haixi shook her head and looked at the obvious exhaustion on Ning Jiwei's face. She frowned with heartache and said, "You are the one. You did not sleep the whole night. You must be exhausted."    


"I am fine." Ning Jiwei smiled. He bent down and lightly tapped Jian Haixi's forehead. He said, "You rest for a while. I will go and settle the matter first."    


Jian Haixi nodded obediently. She knew that there were still many things waiting for Ning Jiwei to take care of last night.    


Ning Jiwei came out of the room. On the other side, George had already taken care of Dou Ge.    


Mi Kai yawned and said, "You guys can do whatever you want. I will go and apply the ointment on that person of yours first. After that, I will go back to sleep. Don't disturb me."    


Mi Kai waved his hand and went upstairs.    


Jian Haixi went to a strange place. Of course, she could not fall asleep so quickly, but the injury on her shoulder made it inconvenient for her to turn around, so she could only lie on the bed blankly and stare at the ceiling.    


Suddenly, the door was opened. Mi Kai walked in with the First Primary School bottle that looked like facial cream. Seeing that she was awake, he could not help but ask, "Why aren't you sleeping?"    


Jian Haixi smiled and shook her head, "I can't sleep."    


Mi Kai nodded indifferently. He sat down next to Jian Haixi and took out a piece of paper that looked like a wet towel. He carefully and gently washed Jian Haixi's face.    


Jian Haixi stretched out her hand awkwardly and said, "About that, I will do it myself..."    


"Don't move." Mi Kai frowned. At this time, he no longer had the lazy energy from before. Instead, he became serious and serious.    


Jian Haixi really did not move. She could only let him rub her face.    



Mi Kai said, "I need to help you wash first and then feel the thickness of your injuries. Only then will I know how much I need to rub on you."    


Jian Haixi was a little puzzled, "Does this ointment need such a precise dosage?"    


Then why didn't Mi Kai bring another prop over?    


Mi Kai said matter-of-factly, "That doesn't need to be so precise, but I can't just give it to you casually. My ointment is very precious."    


" Oh. " Jian Haixi nodded and understood.    


Mi Kai continued to hold the ointment in his hand. After washing it, he dug out a lump of ointment from First Primary School and applied it on Jian Haixi's cheek.    


Jian Haixi clearly saw that it was really a very, very small lump.    


After wiping it, Mi Kai clapped his hands and said, "Alright, use it again tonight. It should be fine if you use it again tomorrow."    


Jian Haixi felt the cool temperature on her face and sincerely thanked Mi Kai, "Thank you."    


Mi Kai waved his hand and said, "Don't worry. Your man has already agreed to my conditions." After saying that, Mi Kai took the ointment and left the room.    


Jian Haixi looked at Mi Kai's back and could not help smiling. He was also a simple and cute person.    


On the first floor, after Ning Jiwei heard Ying and Dou Bing's report, he nodded and said to the two of them, "I know everything. Dou Bing, come back first. Ying, send the people of Qiao Family back first before coming back."    




George watched Ning Jiwei deal with these trivial matters from the side. After he finished dealing with these matters, he frowned and asked, "The other party ran away. What do you think we should do?"    


Ning Jiwei said coldly, "What should we do? What should we do?"    


A wicked smile appeared on George's lips when he heard this. He said with a smile, "That's right."    


In any case, no matter what technique the opponent used, they would just take it.    


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