CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C173 Rebellion

C173 Rebellion

0Jian Rui lay in JOJO's arms. She held his neck with her arms and asked, "Brother Jojo, why are you here?"    


JOJO smiled and scratched her little nose. "Little girl, did you forget? Last night, I sent you a WeChat message saying that I will take you to shoot magazines today."    


"Oh, right!" Jian Rui reached out her hand to pat her own forehead when she heard that and said, "Look at how busy I am every day. I have forgotten such a big thing."    


She pretended to be mature and her words made JOJO and Wan Yuqing laugh.    


Jian Rui noticed Wan Yuqing behind JOJO and tilted her head to look at her and asked, "Sister, are you a friend of Brother Jojo?"    


"Hello, my name is Wan Yuqing." Wan Yuqing blushed and looked at JOJO shyly.    


JOJO introduced her to Jian Rui, "She is my friend and also my assistant. You can call her Sister Yuqing."    


Jian Rui repeatedly nodded her head and smiled as she stretched out her hand and said to Wan Yuqing, "Sister Yuqing, hello. I am Jian Rui. You can call me Rui."    


"Hello, Rui." Wan Yuqing also smiled as she extended her hand to shake Jian Rui's hand.    


"By the way, Brother Jojo." Jian Rui asked, "Did you tell me, Daddy?"    


"I told him. Otherwise, how could he not come to pick you up now?" JOJO smiled and said, "Take a look at WeChat. He should have sent you a message."    


"Is that so?" Jian Rui took out her phone from her bag and saw that there was indeed an unread message from Ning Jiwei.    


"There really is. I was too busy fighting against the old liar with Gu Ruanruan just now. I didn't even notice to look at my phone." Jian Rui said.    


"What old liar?" JOJO asked doubtfully.    


"It's that person." Jian Rui pointed at Yun's father, who was being escorted far away by the security guards, and said angrily, "Brother Jojo, you don't even know how much this old liar went overboard just now."    


Jian Rui was filled with righteous indignation as she told the story of the old liar. On the other side, after Yun's father was taken away by the security guard, Gu Xiaomian hugged Gu Chenyi's leg and refused to let go.    


Mo Tong saw that he was fine, so he turned around and was about to leave. Gu Xiaomian quickly pulled him back, "Mo Tong, don't go."    


Mo Tong paused and turned to ask him, "Do you have anything else?"    


"Of course. I haven't thanked you properly yet." Gu Xiaomian pulled Mo Tong and said to Gu Chenyi, "First Dad, it was Mo Tong who saved me. If it wasn't for him today, I would have been kidnapped by that old liar."    


Gu Chenyi looked at the silent Mo Tong and slightly raised his eyebrows to express his gratitude. "Thank you. If Xiaomian was kidnapped by that man, we would have a lot of trouble."    


Mo Tong shook his head and said, "I only helped him a little. Even without me, the security would have been able to save him."    


Gu Chenyi looked at Mo Tong and nodded with satisfaction.    


He was young, and he was not proud of his achievements. He was a good kid.    


It was a pity.    


Gu Chenyi looked at the three children. He changed the topic and asked, "I heard that you guys have been in an awkward situation recently?"    


"Oh, right." Gu Xiaomian finally reacted. He scratched his head and said, "First Dad, I would have forgotten if you hadn't told me."    


"Idiot." Gu Chenyi rolled his eyes at him. He looked at Mo Tong and asked, "Can I know the reason?"    


Mo Tong pursed his lips and turned to look at Jian Rui, who was talking to JOJO and Wan Yuqing. He said in a low voice, "If they make friends with me, they will be in danger."    


Gu Chenyi narrowed his eyes and reached out to touch Mo Tong's head. "You are a good child."    


Mo Tong looked up at Gu Chenyi. What he said was ambiguous, but at this moment he suddenly felt that Gu Chenyi could understand what he was saying.    


Mo Tong politely said goodbye to them and left alone.    


Gu Xiaomian looked at Mo Tong who left alone. He said to Gu Chenyi in puzzlement, "It's really strange. Butler also did not come to pick him up today. I don't know if he will get lost."    


"He will not get lost." Gu Chenyi touched Gu Xiaomian's head and sighed. "As a man, since he has chosen a path, he must bravely walk down it, no matter what he has to bear."    


"First Dad, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Gu Xiaomian asked anxiously.    


"Stupid son." Gu Chenyi shook his head. He bent down and picked Gu Xiaomian up. "You don't need to understand now. With Little Dad and me here, it doesn't matter if you become sensible later."    


After knowing Wan Yuqing, JOJO carried Jian Rui and walked to Gu Chenyi's side.    


Jian Rui smiled and waved at Gu Chenyi. "Uncle Gu, hello."    


"Rui, hello." Gu Chenyi smiled and pinched Jian Rui's cheek. "Are you going to film magazines again?"    


"Yes." Jian Rui pointed at JOJO and showed off. "JOJO helped me find a job."    


Gu Xiaomian, who was beside her, was unhappy when he saw JOJO. He heard Jian Rui proudly introduce JOJO and could not help but feel sour. He said to Gu Chenyi, "First Dad, does our family not need to film advertisements? Let's also find Rui to film advertisements, okay?"    


Gu Chenyi was speechless. He knocked on his son's head and said, "Our family has finished shooting all the advertisements this year. You want her to shoot? Think of a way yourself. Or when you have the ability to take over the company, you can ask anyone to film the advertisement. "    


Gu Xiaomian took a deep breath and said," What's so difficult about taking over the company? "    


"You are very confident." Gu Chenyi laughed and said, "Then I will wait for the day you take over the management rights of the company from me."    


Gu Xiaomian snorted and turned to Jian Rui. He said, "Rui, wait for me. I will definitely take over our company very soon. At that time, I will film all the advertisements for you."    


"Okay." Jian Rui tilted her head and smiled as she agreed.    


At that time, neither of them took the jokes of these two kids seriously. But the future business big shot and ace model were indeed born today.    


After a simple farewell, JOJO brought Jian Rui and Wan Yuqing to the filming site.    


Although it was Jian Rui's second time here, she did not see any nervousness at all. She even happily greeted a few familiar staff members and chatted with them.    


When JOJO saw her like this, the corner of his mouth naturally curled up.    


Wan Yuqing who was by the side saw this and could not help but look at Jian Rui curiously. She had never seen JOJO being so friendly and close to anyone before.    


Jian Rui jogged to Wan Yuqing's side and reached out to pull Wan Yuqing's hand. She said, "Uncle photographer asked me to change my clothes. Can you take me there?"    


"Okay." Wan Yuqing pulled Jian Rui up and walked towards the dressing room as she smiled and said, "Not only do you want to change your clothes, you also need to wash your little face. You better put on a nice hairstyle."    


Jian Rui's eyes lit up and she tilted her head to look at Wan Yuqing. "Do you want to put on makeup for me? I want red curly hair, sexy lips, and exquisite eye makeup."    


Wan Yuqing was stunned for a moment. She smiled and poked Jian Rui's tender face and said, "Rui, you look very pretty now."    


"But I saw that all the celebrities on TV were like what I said, so I also want to try." Jian Rui said.    


Wan Yuqing stopped and squatted down to look at Jian Rui seriously, "Rui, you will have all the things you said in the future. But in the future, it will be very difficult for you to possess the purity you have now, so you must cherish what you have now."    


"Alright then, I will not put on makeup." Jian Rui obediently nodded her head and said.    


Wan Yuqing saw the disappointment in Jian Rui's eyes and after thinking for a while, she said, "I will give you a simple makeup later. You can look in the mirror and admire the way you put on makeup. After that, we will have to take off the makeup, okay?"    


"Can I really put on makeup?" When Jian Rui heard that she could put on makeup, she happily hugged Wan Yuqing and kissed her on the face as she said, "You are too good. I love you so much."    


Wan Yuqing smiled as she carried Jian Rui into her embrace and the two of them laughed together.    


When JOJO walked over, the two girls squatted on the ground and laughed excitedly. When he saw this scene, he was stunned and did not go forward. He smiled and stood where he was looking at the two of them.    


"Brother Jojo!" Jian Rui saw JOJO with her sharp eyes and waved at him happily.    


Wan Yuqing saw JOJO walk over and quickly stood up with a red face. She lowered her head and did not dare to look at JOJO.    


JOJO looked at the two of them and asked, "What are you two talking about that makes you so happy?"    


Jian Rui smiled and said, "Yu Qing promised to give me makeup."    


"Really?" JOJO heard her and looked at Wan Yuqing.    


Wan Yuqing saw him looking at her and quickly asked, "Are we going to start filming soon? I will bring Rui to prepare now."    


"We are not in a hurry." JOJO smiled and said, "The studio is still preparing. You can take your time. I came over to ask if you want to drink something. I will get someone to buy it."    


Jian Rui raised her hand and said, "Brother Jojo, I want to drink pearl milk tea. I want a lot of pearls in my milk tea."    


"No problem." JOJO fondly touched Jian Rui's head. He turned to Wan Yuqing and asked, " What about you?"    


"I'll drink pearl milk tea too." Wan Yuqing said in embarrassment.    


"Okay, okay." JOJO nodded and said, "Then I will give Rui to you."    


"Don't worry." Wan Yuqing replied with a red face.    


Jian Rui tilted her head and looked at Wan Yuqing. Until JOJO left very far away, her face was still red.    


"Sister Yuqing, do you like Brother Jojo?" Jian Rui asked with a smile.    


Wan Yuqing did not expect Jian Rui to suddenly ask such a question and the already nervous Wan Yuqing immediately panicked. She looked left and right and did not know how to answer.    


Her appearance made Jian Rui reluctant to tease her again so she obediently held her hand and said, "Sister Yuqing, let's go and change clothes."    


Seeing that Jian Rui did not continue to interrogate, Wan Yuqing finally let out a sigh of relief and led Jian Rui to the dressing room.    


When they arrived at the dressing room, Wan Yuqing gave the few sets of clothes that she had prepared earlier to Jian Rui and helped her change them one by one to compare them. After confirming the style of the clothing, she then brought Jian Rui to put on makeup.    


"Sister Yuqing, let's put on makeup first, okay?" Jian Rui excitedly suggested, "Otherwise, once I remove my makeup, my hair will be messy again."    


Wan Yuqing nodded gently and said, "Okay, let's put on makeup first."    


Wan Yuqing did not dare to use public cosmetics to apply on Jian Rui's face. She took out the muffin that she always carried with her and gently covered her with a thin layer of powder. After that, she put on her eyebrows and lips makeup.    


"That's more like it." Wan Yuqing smiled and said.    


Jian Rui curiously looked at herself in the mirror, "Sister Yuqing, you are too amazing!"    


Jian Rui praised Wan Yuqing as she took out her phone to take a few selfies.    


After a while, Jian Rui reluctantly touched her own face and said, "Alright, Sister Yuqing, please help me remove my makeup."    


Wan Yuqing reached out to touch Jian Rui's hair and said, "Okay. If you still want to put on makeup in the future, I will help you do it again."    


"Okay." Jian Rui nodded obediently.    


Jian Rui took off her makeup and ran to wash her face. Wan Yuqing went into the room and started to tidy up the clothes that she had prepared for Jian Rui.    


At this time, the dressing room was pushed open from the outside and a woman wearing a mask walked in with two cups of milk tea.    


"Is there anyone?" The woman's slightly hoarse voice sounded.    


Unfortunately at this moment Wan Yuqing was in the inner room and Jian Rui ran to the washroom and for a moment no one heard her words.    


When the woman saw that no one answered, she quickly put down the milk tea and took out a small needle from her jacket pocket and inserted it into the milk tea cover.    


"Who are you? What are you doing?" Wan Yuqing walked out and coincidentally saw someone tampering with Milk Tea. She could not help but shout coldly.    


When the woman saw Wan Yuqing come out, she was first stunned. Then, jealousy and ruthlessness flashed across her face. She did not retreat but instead picked up the syringe and stabbed it towards Wan Yuqing's face.    


Wan Yuqing did not expect that she would suddenly rush over. She screamed and hurriedly dodged, but unexpectedly tripped on the chair leg and fell to the ground.    


The woman holding the syringe sneered, "I hate good-looking people the most."    


As the woman spoke, she bent down and used the syringe to cut her face.    


"Bad guy, look over here!"    


A crisp sound came from behind her. The woman was stunned for a moment and looked behind her. However, in the next second, she covered her eyes and screamed.    


Jian Rui sprayed the anti-wolf spray at her and turned her head to pull Wan Yuqing and ran outside. As she ran, she shouted, "Help! There are bad people!"    



JOJO and the others were at the scene arranging the scene. When they heard Jian Rui and Wan Yuqing's shouts, they hurriedly ran over.    


"Rui!" Seeing Jian Rui, JOJO quickly went forward to pick her up and asked, "Are you alright? Where are the bad guys?"    


"She's in the dressing room!" Wan Yuqing pointed to the dressing room and panted, "A woman wearing a mask."    


JOJO narrowed his eyes. The people behind him rushed to the dressing room.    


Before they reached the door, a figure suddenly rushed out of the dressing room. She quickly ran out.    


"Chase after her!" JOJO said coldly.    


For a moment, several strong men chased outside.    


JOJO then looked at Wan Yuqing and Jian Rui and asked, "Did she do anything to you?"    


Jian Rui shook her head and said, "I saw that she was bullying Sister Yuqing and she was prepared to give Sister Yuqing an injection on her face."    


JOJO frowned and looked at Wan Yuqing, "Are you hurt?"    


Wan Yuqing shook her head and said worriedly, "She must be prepared to come. I saw her inject something into the milk tea."    


"Milk tea?" JOJO's face turned completely cold. After putting Jian Rui down, he said to Wan Yuqing, "You guys stay outside. I will go and take a look."    


As he spoke, he went into the dressing room alone.    


A moment later, JOJO walked out with two cups of milk tea and a syringe.    


Wan Yuqing saw the things in his hands and nodded, "This is it."    


JOJO frowned and got someone to find a sealed bag. He put all the things in his hands into it and called Qin Zhixu.    


"Brother Jojo..." Jian Rui was a little scared and held JOJO's hand. "Did I bring you trouble?"    


"Silly. This has nothing to do with you. Don't think too much about it." After JOJO said that, he said to Wan Yuqing, "Let's not film today. Both of you have been frightened. I will go and tell them that I will leave early today. "    


Wan Yuqing also nodded with lingering fear.    


About 20 minutes later, Qin Zhixu rushed over. At that time, JOJO was negotiating with the collaborators, and only Wan Yuqing and Jian Rui were left at the scene.    


When he saw Wan Yuqing, Qin Zhixu was stunned for a moment. Seeing that she was fine, he let out a sigh of relief and asked, "What happened?"    


Wan Yuqing saw Qin Zhixu and was also stunned. There was clearly nothing between the two of them, but for some reason when they met again, she felt a little awkward and unnatural.    


Jian Rui thought that she was shy, so she went forward and pulled Qin Zhixu's clothes and shook them. "Nephew, just now someone injected something into the milk tea between Sister Yuqing and I. That person even wanted to prick Sister Yuqing's face with a needle. Now that he ran away, we haven't caught up to him yet. Brother Jojo has kept the milk tea and needle."    


"Rui?" Only then did Qin Zhixu notice Jian Rui, who was beside Wan Yuqing. He was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked," Rui, what did you call me just now? "    


"Nephew." Jian Rui tilted her head and said, "You are my brother's disciple. Then shouldn't I call you Nephew? Could it be that I have miscalculated the seniority?"    


Qin Zhixu's mouth twitched. "Rui, the master-disciple relationship between your brother and I is only limited to the game, do you know?"    


"How can that be?" Jian Rui said with a serious look, "Nephew, have you never heard of a master being a father for a day?"    


Qin Zhixu felt dizzy. Did he have to treat Jian Yi as a father?    


Wan Yuqing was listening to the conversation between the two by the side. She covered her mouth and laughed silently.    


Seeing her smile, Qin Zhixu was slightly stunned and could not help but be stunned.    


Wan Yuqing looked at him and bit her lips. She felt her heart beat very fast and quickly said, "I will go and see if JOJO is okay."    


After saying that, she did not wait for Qin Zhixu to reply and ran out.    


Looking at her back, Qin Zhixu's brows gradually deepened.    


Some things were already clearly laid out there, not allowing him to deceive himself.    


Jian Rui tilted her head and looked at Qin Zhixu and asked, "Nephew, what's wrong?"    


The word "Martial nephew" made Qin Zhixu come back to his senses. He squatted down and looked at Jian Rui and said, "Little Martial Uncle, aren't you going to call Daddy?"    


"Oh, you are talking about me, Daddy, your grandmaster." Jian Rui nodded and said, "I really need to call him. Otherwise, Daddy will definitely blame me for hiding it from him."    


Qin Zhixu did not want to say anything anymore. In this short period of time, he had a martial uncle, and now he even had a grandmaster.    


He gritted his teeth and cursed that unscrupulous Master in his heart.    


Didn't he pester him for a few games last night? Did he need to be so serious?    


Yet he did not dare to tell Jian Haixi and Ning Jiwei. Otherwise, he would definitely be resisted by them.    


Everyone knew that Jian Yi couldn't stay up late, but he had insomnia last night. In order to get in touch with their relationship as master and disciple, he had fought a few rounds on a whim. Who would have thought that the price would be so great that he would be demoted by several generations?    


While Qin Zhixu was muttering to himself, Jian Rui had already made the call. She walked over and handed the phone to him, "Martial Nephew, your Martial Ancestor wants to talk to you."    


Qin Zhixu glared at her and said, "Rui, if you call me Martial Nephew again, do you believe that I will ignore you?"    


Jian Rui blinked and said seriously, "I don't believe it."    


Qin Zhixu choked and waved his hand. "Forget it, I will not tell you anymore."    


Qin Zhixu took the phone and just as he said "Hello," he heard Ning Jiwei's voice from the other side. "Granddisciple, how can you contradict your Uncle-Master?"    


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