CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C145 Don't be Stubborn

C145 Don't be Stubborn

0Jian Rui returned home. When she saw the castle shaped white villa in the snow mountain, she jumped up in excitement. "Brother, is this your home here? It is so beautiful!"    


Jian Yi smiled and nodded. He pointed to the back of the house and said, "There is a small ski park from here. You can still ski here."    


"Really?" Jian Rui's eyes lit up. She wanted to run towards that direction, but she was pulled back by Jian Haixi before she could take two steps.    


"Mommy." Jian Rui pouted and hugged Jian Haixi's thigh as she said coquettishly.    


"Let's go into the house to rest for a while. Big Brother is very tired after coming back from the hospital. Later on, you let him bring you around." Jian Haixi said.    


"Okay." Jian Rui nodded obediently and whispered in Jian Yi's ear, "Brother, you need to rest quickly."    


"I am not tired." Jian Yi smiled and said to Jian Haixi, "Mommy, I am really not tired. I can take Rui to play right now."    


Jian Yi did not finish his words before he obediently shut his mouth under Jian Haixi's frown.    


Jian Rui saw Jian Haixi's expression and also quietly stuck out her tongue to calm down.    


"You rest for two hours first before going out to play." Jian Haixi said coldly.    


"Yes, Mommy." Jian Yi and Jian Rui said at the same time.    


Luo Meng watched from the side and shook his head. He whispered to Ning Jiwei, "Finally, someone who can cure Yi has come."    


Ning Jiwei smiled and shook his head. He held his luggage with one hand and held Jian Rui with the other. "Let's go home!"    


Jian Rui was suddenly carried up. She wrapped her arms around Ning Jiwei's neck and laughed. She whispered in his ear, "Daddy, did you not coax Mommy?"    


Ning Jiwei's mouth twitched. He raised his hand and gently patted Jian Rui's butt. "I did not make your mommy angry this time."    


Jian Rui stuck out her tongue. She smiled and said to Ning Jiwei coquettishly, "Daddy, Mommy is so scary now. I dare not go over to provoke her, so I asked you to coax Mommy again."    


After she said that, she did not give Ning Jiwei any time to refuse. She slid down from his body and ran away.    


On the other side, Jian Haixi and Luo Meng had just carried Jian Yi into the house when they saw Jian Rui running over. She pushed the chair in front of them and said, "Brother, let me push you."    


As she said that, she pushed the wheelchair and quickly ran into the house.    


Jian Haixi looked at the two people who were having fun. She could not help but shout worriedly, "Slow down, be careful of the road sliding."    


"I know!" Jian Rui waved back and brought Jian Yi into the house and closed the door. Before closing the door, she playfully stuck out her head and smiled at Jian Haixi, "Mommy, Daddy has something to talk to you about."    


Jian Haixi was stunned and looked at Ning Jiwei in confusion. "You are looking for me?"    


Ning Jiwei smiled bitterly and could only nod his head and said, "Sort of."    


Luo Meng put Jian Haixi and her daughter's luggage in the living room. He stretched and said, "Okay, you guys do what you need to do. I got up early this morning and was a little sleepy. I'll go take a nap first. Call me after lunch. "    


After he said that, he waved at the two of them and returned to his room. However, before he left, he turned around and gave Ning Jiwei a look that only men could understand. He also said, "The soundproofing in this room is very good. No matter how high your voices are when you talk, it doesn't matter. I can't hear you."    


Ning Jiwei laughed and nodded. "Thank you for your reminder."    


Jian Haixi heard their conversation and blushed. She stretched out her arm to touch Ning Jiwei, but Ning Jiwei took the opportunity to hug her.    


In the room, Jian Rui curiously looked left and right. "Brother, is this your room? It really resembles the style of our house."    


Jian Yi nodded and said, "Don't you know my character? No matter where it is, it is the same."    


"How can it be the same?" Jian Rui frowned and looked at him seriously. "Without me by your side, how could you get used to it, brother? This is far from good!"    


Jian Yi nodded in amusement and said, "Indeed. I have been pestered by you since I was born. I am not used to the sudden quietness in these few months."    


"I knew it!" Jian Rui shook her head proudly and said, "I am everywhere."    


"Yes. Can I trouble you to bring me a pillow?" Jian Yi smiled and said, "I have been sitting for a long time. My waist is a little uncomfortable."    


"Alright!" Jian Rui looked around and ran to the bedside to get a pillow. When she picked it up, she was a little surprised because the pillow actually had a photo of their family in Switzerland printed on it.    


Of course, the photo was photoshopped by Jian Yi.    


"Brother, so you saw the photo we sent long ago." Jian Rui carefully put the pillow behind Jian Yi's waist and asked, "Is this okay?"    


"Much better." Jian Yi said," At that time, I did not dare to let you guys know that I am still alive, so I could only sneak into the group to see what you guys said. After getting this photo, I asked Uncle Luo to make this pillow. "    


Jian Rui's nose twitched. She pulled Jian Yi's hand and said, "It's okay. Now that our family is reunited, we can take a real photo together."    


Jian Yi also nodded and asked with a smile, "Do you want to ski?"    


"Now?" Jian Rui looked at Jian Yi in surprise, "But didn't Mommy not let us go out?"    


"We don't need to go out."    


Jian Yi smiled. He rolled the wheelchair and brought Jian Rui to the front of the 3D game console. "This is Daddy's idea. We can simulate the scene of ski by wearing our eyes."    


"I know that." Jian Rui put on her eyes as she spoke. She held the induction stick in her hand and said to Jian Yi, "Brother, should we compete?"    


"Okay." Jian Yi nodded with a smile and also put on his eyes.    


The siblings were having fun in the house. On the other side, Jian Haixi was kissed by Ning Jiwei again and again.    


After a long time, Jian Haixi finally broke free from his arms. She said shyly and angrily, "You said you wanted to talk to me about something. Is this the matter?"    


Ning Jiwei coughed awkwardly. He touched his nose and said, "This is only one of them."    


Jian Haixi shyly glared at him. "Then quickly say the next one."    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi in disappointment. He could only sigh and shake his head. "Why don't you seem to miss me at all?"    


Jian Haixi was teased by him until she burst into laughter. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his face lightly. "Alright, quickly get down to business."    


"Alright." Ning Jiwei sighed again and pulled Jian Haixi to sit down. "Didn't you blame me for hiding it from you? So I will tell you everything now."    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei in surprise. "You don't want to keep hiding it from me?"    


Ning Jiwei smiled bitterly. "Wife, do I still dare?"    


"That's more like it." Jian Haixi snorted and said, "Originally, since we decided to be together, then we should bear all the responsibilities together. But you hid everything from me, even though you did it for my own good. But if something unexpected happens, I don't know how to deal with it and I won't be able to find you. What should I do? "    


Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "I also thought of this, so I planned to tell you after returning to the country. I didn't expect you to come here in advance."    


"You didn't expect me to be so smart, did you?" Jian Haixi rolled her eyes at him and said.    


Ning Jiwei quickly coaxed her, "My wife is naturally the smartest. I have never doubted this. Yi inherited your intelligence."    


Jian Haixi smiled and stretched out her hand to push him. She urged, "Tell me quickly."    


Ning Jiwei hugged Jian Haixi and said, "I told you about Qin Tian before. Do you still remember?"    


Jian Haixi nodded and said, "I remember. You have found her whereabouts now?"    


"Not yet." Ning Jiwei shook his head and said, "But I have some guesses. Recently, Wenn Qingnuan's matter probably has something to do with Qin Tian."    


"Wenn Qingnuan?"    


Jian Haixi frowned and said angrily, "Why is it the two of them again?"    


Ning Jiwei patted her hand to comfort her. "Don't be angry. Isn't it good that it is them? It just so happens that we can take revenge on them."    


"I will definitely take revenge." Jian Haixi's eyes turned cold as she said, "I will definitely not let go of anyone who hurt my child."    


Ning Jiwei said, "At present, I have only found a few clues about them, but I do not plan to alert the enemy for the time being. There must be someone behind Qin Tian. After they expose themselves, I will make a move."    


Jian Haixi asked worriedly, "Is the person behind Qin Tian the power of your biological father's family?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi with some surprise," You even thought of this? "    


Jian Haixi glared at him and said, "I told you that I am very smart, but I know that you do not want me to think about these things, so I did not ask you."    


Ning Jiwei smiled and said, "It seems that I should have talked to you earlier."    


"It's good that you know." Jian Haixi raised her chin and said, "You can continue now."    


Ning Jiwei sighed and said, "What I have to say next is about that family."    


"You have found out?"    


Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "I actually have a rough understanding of it, but they did not come to cause trouble. I just don't want to get in touch with them. I have discussed this matter with Yi before and followed Qin Tian's lead to investigate. I did find out that it was related to them. Adding the fact that the family you told Old Master Fu about came over, I finally confirmed it. "    


Jian Haixi hesitated for a moment before asking," Ji Wei, I know this is a shadow in your heart, but I still want to know who that family is. "    


"I do not have a shadow in my heart." Ning Jiwei shook his head and said, "To me, they are more like strangers with a lot of trouble. It would be better if we could not disturb each other for the rest of our lives. If not, then I would not be afraid of them. But. "    


Ning Jiwei held Jian Haixi's hand and looked at her." This matter now involves you and Rui, so I must let you know first. "    


" Why is this matter related to Rui? " Jian Haixi asked in surprise.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi with a complicated look and slowly said, "The family name is Mo."    


"What?" Jian Haixi was shocked and said, "Rui and her class recently transferred a child called Mo Tong."    


Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "According to my investigation, he is indeed that Mo Family's child."    


Jian Haixi's heart sank and she frowned, "No wonder I have always felt that it was a little strange. Mo Tong clearly has a cold personality. But he was willing to go home with me on the first day of his transfer and has always rejected contact with other children. But he tolerated Rui very much. And that mysterious Butler of his always makes me feel strange. "    


" You don't have to worry for the time being. They probably don't want to harm you and Rui. Otherwise, there wouldn't only be a child. " Ning Jiwei comforted her.    


"Then what is their purpose?" Jian Haixi said worriedly, "I am not afraid that they will come for me. I am only afraid that the children will be in danger."    


"I think..." Ning Jiwei thought for a while and said, "They probably want to use Rui to find out the truth."    


Jian Haixi bit her lips and the hand that was grabbed by Ning Jiwei clenched into a fist. "I will not allow anyone with ulterior motives to approach my child."    


Ning Jiwei opened his mouth and hugged Jian Haixi. He sighed and said, "Haixi, about this matter, I think I have a different opinion from you."    


"What do you mean?" Jian Haixi frowned and stared at Ning Jiwei.    


"Calm down first." Ning Jiwei held Jian Haixi's hand and said, "About Yi, I think it's better for him to stay here. First of all, this place is safer than in the country. Secondly, we can trust the medical skills of Spring of Ice Hospital. Also, Dr. Zhang understands Yi's medical history the best, whether it is treatment or recovery. He must be here. If he brings Yi back to the country at this time, It might not be a good thing for his health. "    


Jian Haixi thought for a while and said, "Then Rui and I will stay, but."    


Speaking of Jian Rui, Jian Haixi was a little hesitant, "Rui had just gone to school for a few days. If she were to drop out again, I am afraid that she would not be able to keep up with the progress of the school."    


"This is not just a matter of studying." Ning Jiwei hit the nail on the head and said, "If you and Jian Rui suddenly leave the country, it will be very difficult for people to not notice. When the time comes, it will be very difficult to hide you here. Then our plan to protect Yi will also become his accomplice. "    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment before asking," Then what do you think we should do? "    


Ning Jiwei looked at him and said, "My plan is that you stay, and I will bring Rui back to the country."    


"No." Jian Haixi firmly refused and said, "Mo Tong and that Butler are there. I am worried about Rui going back."    


Ning Jiwei said, "But Haixi, think about it. Mo Tong and the others' goal is to use Rui to spy on us. We can also get some more information about Mo Family from them. Currently, we do not know much about Mo Family. But with Qin Tian and Wenn Qingnuan there, the Mo Family has a very thorough understanding of us. If there is a conflict, it will be very disadvantageous to us. "    




Jian Haixi still wanted to say more, but Ning Jiwei held her face with both hands and said, "I promise I will protect Rui. I will also send people to protect her at school. Once I find Rui in danger, I will immediately ask her to stop studying, okay?"    


Jian Haixi was silent for a while and said, "Anyway, I am still unable to accept your arrangement. This is the responsibility that our adults should bear, but now you let two children take risks with us."    


"Then how about this?" Ning Jiwei suggested, "Let's talk about this with the children. We will listen to their opinions first."    


"Listen to Yi and Rui's opinions?" Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei doubtfully, "Then what if they agree to go back?"    



Ning Jiwei said, "Haixi, you have to trust the children."    


Jian Haixi thought for a while and finally nodded reluctantly. "Okay, but I will say it first. I have not agreed."    


Ning Jiwei smiled and nodded. He said, "Okay, can we discuss this matter again?"    


Jian Haixi nodded and said to Ning Jiwei, "By the way, there is still the matter of RU. I have already agreed to continue working with RU. Qin Tian's matter has nothing to do with them. Don't make things difficult for them."    


"I did not make things difficult for them in the first place." Ning Jiwei said, "I just don't want to work with them. But since you have said so, I will leave the matter of cooperation to George and Xie Nuan."    


Ning Family was in an intense argument at the moment.    


Ning Jikang pushed Ning Fubaang away in disgust and said, "Anyway, I have to marry Yun Xiaoxiao. It's fine if you don't support me, but you still want to block my path of riches?"    


"Ji Kang, don't be fooled by money." Ning Fubaang advised, "The people of Yun Family are all selfish people. How could they let you take advantage of them?"    


Ning Jikang said, unconvinced, "How would we know if we don't try? Besides, if I don't try, do I have to wait for you to get the money back? How long has it been? Have you gotten a dime from Ning Jiwei? "    


Ning Fubaang frowned and said," Ji Wei's money is his. How could I get his money? Ji Wei has been very kind to us. "    


"It's not good for us if they didn't give me the shares of Maiteng." Ning Jikang waved his hand impatiently and said, "Anyway, don't wander around in front of me. I will be annoyed when I see you."    


"Ji Kang, how can you talk to me like this?" Ning Fubaang looked at Ning Jikang in disbelief.    


Ning Jikang sneered and said, "Otherwise, how do you want me to talk to you? You want me to call you father? Are you worthy?"    


Ning Fubaang angrily clutched his chest and took two steps back.    


Ning Jikang looked coldly at the sick Ning Fubaang and lifted his foot to walk out.    


"Where are you going?" Ning Fubaang asked from behind him.    


Ning Jikang turned around and smiled provocatively. "I am going to discuss marriage with Yun Xiaoxiao. What? Do you want to stop me?"    


Ning Fubaang was so angry that he was breathing heavily. He held his chest and staggered to Ning Jikang. He said, "With me here today, I will not let you do this kind of stupid thing again."    


Ning Jikang rolled his eyes in disgust and said, "Now you pretend to be a kind father. Where did you go in the past?"    


After saying that, Ning Jikang raised his hand and pushed Ning Fubaang away. He lifted his foot and prepared to leave.    


"You are not allowed to leave." Ning Fubaang was pushed back a few steps. He stumbled over and grabbed Ning Jikang's arm. He said, "Ji Kang, don't be stubborn."    


"Get out of my way." Ning Jikang waved his arm impatiently. He threw Ning Fubaang a few meters away.    


Ning Jikang looked at Ning Fubaang who had fallen to the ground, clutching his chest. He had no intention of helping him up. Instead, he pointed at him and threatened, "Let me tell you, if you dare to block my way again... I will let you accompany my mother. "    


"What did you say?" Ning Fubaang looked at Ning Jikang who was walking away in shock. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.    


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