CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C179 Dirty

C179 Dirty

0Jian Haixi noticed Ning Jiwei's silence and asked curiously, "Ji Wei, what happened to you?"    


"Haixi..." Ning Jiwei asked softly and asked, "Do you really not blame me? If I did not bring Rui back, this would not have happened to her. If not for me, you and the children would not be in danger."    


"Ning Jiwei." Jian Haixi interrupted him and said, "When did you like to take responsibility on yourself? I didn't blame you. Why are you blaming yourself? "    


"I'm just afraid." Ning Jiwei reached out and pressed his eyelids. "Haixi, I'm afraid I'm not strong enough to protect you."    


His words stunned Jian Haixi and she did not know what to say.    


They had been together for so long, but this was the first time she heard Ning Jiwei say the word "afraid."    


The always confident and proud Ning Jiwei actually said the word "afraid" to her.    


Jian Haixi suddenly felt her heart ache for him. She would not blame him for being weak at this time, because she knew that Ning Jiwei became so weak because of the continuous accidents of the children.    


"Ji Wei." Jian Haixi said gently, "I really hope that I can be by your side now. This way. I can hug you and tell you not to be afraid. We have always worked hard to pursue a happy ending. It's a life without regrets. Life and death are unpredictable. As long as we try our best, the worst ending will come. We have the courage to accept it. So don't be afraid, you're not alone, we'll always be by your side. No matter what happens, we'll face it together with you"    


Hearing Jian Haixi's gentle voice by his ear, Ning Jiwei's irritation seemed to be cleansed one by one. He asked softly, "Haixi, are you alright over there?"    


"I am fine. You don't have to worry about anything." Jian Haixi said.    


Initially, she wanted to tell Ning Jiwei about the Luo family, but now she didn't want to talk about these things anymore.    


"Ji Wei, in three days, you will bring Rui here, right?" Jian Haixi said, "At that time, our family will be reunited."    


Hearing her mention this, Ning Jiwei was silent for a moment and said, "Haixi, I am sorry. I cannot go and reunite with you."    


"Why?" Jian Haixi asked in puzzlement, "Did something happen again?"    


"No, nothing happened." Ning Jiwei said, "It's just that I promised Yue Feng, so I will follow him back to Mo Family tomorrow."    


"Return to Mo Family?" Jian Haixi was completely stunned, "Why is it so sudden?"    


Ning Jiwei pursed his lips and said, "Sorry, Haixi. I have never thought of how to tell you about this. I originally planned to tell you when I brought Rui to find you, but now it is too late. The Mo Family's situation was complicated. If they were a day late, they could change in an instant. If I want to take the initiative, I have to go there as soon as possible."    


"But that place is so dangerous..." Jian Haixi said worriedly, "We are all avoiding them now. If you take the initiative to send yourself to their door, won't they have a better chance to attack you?"    


Ning Jiwei said, "Haixi, we have no other choice."    


Jian Haixi became silent and did not know what else she could say.    


Ning Jiwei said, "Haixi, I promise you that I will protect myself. I will definitely not let anything happen to myself."    


"I know." Jian Haixi sighed and said, "But Ji Wei, I cannot watch you fall into a dangerous situation like this."    


Ning Jiwei felt warmth and pain in his heart. They were silent for a long time.    


After a long time, Jian Haixi finally sighed and said, "Alright, I understand your choice and support your decision, but there is a condition."    


"What condition?" Ning Jiwei asked.    


"You must come back alive." Jian Haixi said, "No matter if you are injured or disabled, you must come back alive to see me. Otherwise, I will never forgive you in this life."    


Hearing Jian Haixi's words, Ning Jiwei choked on his words. He choked and said, "Alright, I promise you."    




After hanging up the phone, Jian Haixi reached out and wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes. She wanted to leave the balcony, but when she turned around, she saw Dou Ge who was standing behind her without her knowing when.    


"When did you come here?" Jian Haixi asked, her voice carrying a hint of crying.    


Dou Ge said, "I just arrived. I was here since you started crying."    


Jian Haixi was speechless.    


Dou Ge looked into her eyes and asked, "Are you that sad?"    




"What I mean is, that man's departure made you so sad? " Dou Ge looked at Jian Haixi and asked.    


Jian Haixi nodded. "Aren't you talking nonsense? He is my husband. I clearly know that he is going to do something extremely dangerous. How can I not feel sad? If Dou Ming went to a dangerous place, wouldn't you be worried?"    


" I would at least be a little worried, but I wouldn't be sad. " Dou Ge said matter-of-factly, "Because this is his own choice. I have nothing to be sad about."    


Jian Haixi glared at him and said, "Forget it. I will not tell you anymore."    


She could not communicate with him.    


Dou Ge looked at Jian Haixi's back and his eyes gradually became lost. He muttered to himself, "Why is she so sad?"    


In the prison.    


Qin Tian looked at Qin Zhixu who was standing in front of her. The corner of her mouth lifted into a genuine smile and said, "I knew you would come."    


Qin Zhixu looked at her coldly. "Then do you know why I came?"    


"You probably came to preach to me again." Qin Tian shrugged her shoulders and said, "Anyway, you like to do this. You always teach me a lesson as a good brother."    


Qin Zhixu looked at Qin Tian, who still had no repentance at the moment. He felt angry and disappointed.    


"Qin Tian, I still don't understand why you did all of this."    


Qin Tian smiled and said, "Why do you have so many reasons? Do you need a reason to eat, drink, and take a dump every day? I felt that it was interesting, so I did it. It was that simple. "    


" You. "    


" What? Are you angry with me? " Qin Tian looked at Qin Zhixu who was so angry that he could not speak. Instead, she smiled even more happily. "Are you still hoping that I was ordered by someone? You don't want to know who I am either. With my ability. If I don't want to, who can order me around?"    


Qin Zhixu looked at Qin Tian who was standing in front of him. Her smile was as sweet as ever, but Qin Zhixu suddenly felt like he had seen a devil.    


He took a deep breath to calm his emotions. It was useless to be angry with a devil like her.    


"How is it, brother? What else do you want to say?" Qin Tian asked with a smile.    


"Nothing else." Qin Zhixu looked at Qin Tian without any ripples and said, "You are right. Before I came here, I did have my reasons to fantasize about you, but now you broke my fantasy with your own hands."    


Qin Tian listened to his words and the smile on her face gradually disappeared. She snorted coldly and said, "It is good that you know. I am this kind of person."    


"Qin Tian, to you, is there no one important that you care about?" Qin Zhixu said, "Do you know how worried grandpa was after you left? He called me countless times to find you and asked me to take you to the ends of the earth. Even though he knew you had made a mistake, in his heart, You will always be that weird granddaughter."    


At this moment, Qin Tian's expression finally changed, "Is he alright?"    


"I didn't tell him about you. Up until now, he still thinks that you are still overseas." Qin Zhixu said.    


"That's good," Wang Yao said. Qin Tian murmured and nodded.    


Qin Zhixu looked at her and asked, "Do you have anything you want me to tell grandpa and JOJO?"    


Qin Tian sneered and said, "What can I say? They better forget about me. Anyway, I never wanted to be a member of Qin Family."    


Qin Zhixu looked at Qin Tian who was like this and finally had nothing to say. He only nodded and said, "In that case, take care of yourself."    


After saying that, Qin Zhixu turned around and left.    


He did not see Qin Tian's hands, which were hidden under her sleeves, clenched into fists. He also did not see him turn around behind her. Qin Tian silently urged him to stay.    


When Qin Zhixu's footsteps gradually faded away, Qin Tian held back her tears for a long time before falling.    


"Qin Zhixu, you will always be so stupid!"    


Qin Tian scolded as she cried, "The most important person I care about is you. It has always been you!"    


Outside the police station, Qin Zhixu sat in the driver's seat and leaned his head against the steering wheel for a long time.    


He could not understand Qin Tian's actions, nor could he understand her thoughts.    


It was not that he had not tried to be a good brother for so many years, but he had never succeeded.    


"Mr Qin?"    


A soft and soft voice came over. Qin Zhixu was stunned for a moment before he turned around and rolled down the window. He saw Wan Yuqing tilting her head and staring at him.    


Wan Yuqing saw him turn around and a smile instantly appeared on her face. "Mr Qin, it really is you!"    


"Yu Qing?" Qin Zhixu looked at her in surprise. "It's so late. Why are you here?"    


Wan Yuqing said, "Sung Lan was arrested. The police found out that she was the person who attacked me in the dressing room, so they asked me to come here to make a statement."    


Qin Zhixu suddenly understood. He opened the car door and said, "Get in the car. I'll take you home."    


Wan Yuqing smiled and nodded. She sat in the front passenger seat.    


The car started and Wan Yuqing asked curiously, "Mr Qin, why are you here?"    


Qin Zhixu's throat rolled. He looked at her with some difficulty and said, "Qin Tian is inside. I came to see her."    


Wan Yuqing was stunned and did not say anything.    


In the silent atmosphere, both of them did not know how to break the silence until a clear voice sounded.    


Wan Yuqing stared at Qin Zhixu's stomach and blinked. She asked, "Mr Qin, are you hungry?"    


Qin Zhixu said awkwardly, "I haven't had dinner yet."    


"I haven't eaten either." Wan Yuqing suggested thoughtfully, "Let's find a place to eat first. To be honest, I'm actually hungry too."    


Qin Zhixu looked at the smile on Wan Yuqing's face and his heavy heart slowly recovered.    


He slowly nodded and said, "Okay."    


The next day.    


The first time Jian Rui woke up, she saw Ning Jiwei sitting by her bed. "Daddy."    


Ning Jiwei saw that his daughter had woken up. He smiled and touched her hair as he asked, "Do you still feel any pain?"    


Jian Rui pursed her lips. She was instantly shocked by the pain on her face. She pointed at her face and said, "My face hurts and my stomach hurts."    


"Your stomach hurts?" Ning Jiwei frowned and asked.    


Jian Rui said, "Yesterday, the bad guy kicked my stomach, so my stomach hurts."    


Ning Jiwei felt pain in his heart and reached out to help Jian Rui gently massage her stomach. "Is it better this way?"    


"Yes." Jian Rui nodded and said, "With Daddy accompanying me, I will not feel pain anymore."    


Ning Jiwei froze. He pulled the corner of his mouth and did not say anything.    


After a while, Jian Chenrann came over with breakfast. He saw Rui had woken up. He quickly went up and asked, "You're awake?"    


"Uncle!?" When she saw Jian Chenrann, Jian Rui called out happily, "Uncle, I want to eat the food made by my little aunt."    


Jian Chenrann paused for a moment and smiled unnaturally. "Okay, then let my aunt make it for you in the afternoon, okay?"    


"That's great!" Jian Rui clapped happily. Her smile affected the wound on her face again. It hurt so much that her expression became distorted.    


"Alright, you can eat first." Ning Jiwei helped her up and took a pillow to lean against her back.    


"I'll feed you." Ning Jiwei carried the porridge over and used a spoon to cool it before feeding it to Jian Rui's mouth.    



Jian Rui drank the porridge obediently. She did not forget to smile and praise, "Daddy is the best!"    


Ning Jiwei smiled and fed her the porridge before saying, "Rui, I have something to tell you."    


"What is it?" Jian Rui tilted her head and asked.    


Ning Jiwei said, "I may have to leave for a period of time from today onwards."    




Just as Ning Jiwei said the word "leave," Jian Rui opened her eyes wide in shock. Her hands immediately grabbed his arms tightly. "Where are you going? Take me with you."    


Ning Jiwei felt her fear. He held her tightly in his arms and said, "Listen to me slowly explain it to you, okay?"    


Jian Rui choked and said, "I don't want to be obedient. I just want you to accompany me."    


"I also don't want to leave you." Ning Jiwei said, "But for the sake of us being together forever, no bad people can bully us anymore. I have to leave now."    


Jian Rui looked at Ning Jiwei and asked, "Where are you going? Is it far? Can I go and find you?"    


" I'll go to Mo Family. " Ning Jiwei said, "You are with your mother and brother. Help me take care of your mother and brother. When I defeat the bad guys, I will go and pick you up, alright? "    


" Daddy, when can you defeat the bad guys? " Jian Rui blinked and said, "I can also help you beat the bad guys."    


"Rui, you have to listen to me." Ning Jiwei said, "I promise I will come back to see you in the shortest time possible."    


Jian Rui nodded and cried, Yes." Then you can't be knocked down by bad guys. It doesn't matter if you can't beat bad guys, come back to us, we'll help you fight bad guys."    


"Okay, I promise you." Ning Jiwei stroked her hair and smiled with tears in his eyes.    


Jian Chenrann looked at the father and daughter. He turned around and wiped his tears away. Fu Zuoann and the others did not come in because they knew Ning Jiwei was leaving. They did not want to disturb them anymore.    


Ning Jiwei sat by the bed and talked with Jian Rui until Yue Feng came in.    


"Young master, we should go now."    


Ning Jiwei paused and looked at Jian Rui. "Rui, you have to listen to Grandpa Fu and uncle. If you have anything, call Mommy. Got it?"    


"Okay." Jian Rui nodded obediently. Her tears fell one by one.    


Ning Jiwei could not bear to look at her again. He was afraid that he would be reluctant to leave when he saw his daughter like this, so he simply turned around and left the ward without looking back.    


After Ning Jiwei's figure disappeared at the door of the ward, Jian Rui could not help but cry, "Daddy!"    


In the corridor, when she heard Jian Rui's cry, not only Ning Jiwei, but even Yue Feng felt incomparable heartache.    


"Young Master." Yue Feng had wanted to say that he would delay it for another two days if he really could not do it.    


But before he could say anything, Ning Jiwei strode away without even turning his head.    


Yue Feng looked at his back, which was as firm as a mountain, and felt gratified in his heart.    


After Ning Jiwei left, Fu Zuoann and the others hurriedly entered the ward. He held Jian Rui, who was crying sadly, in his arms and coaxed her.    


Jian Chenrann went to the company to deal with work first, then he went to Lin Xiaodou's hospital unit.    


Lin Xiaodou did not expect him to come. She asked a little awkwardly, "Do you need something?"    


Jian Chenrann looked at the pale Lin Xiaodou and asked worriedly, "Your complexion is so bad. Are you sick?"    


Jian Chenrann reached out his hand to touch Lin Xiaodou's forehead but was dodged by her.    


"I'm fine." Lin Xiaodou said coldly, "If you have anything to say, just say it. I still have to go to work."    


Jian Chenrann was stunned. He hesitated and said, "Rui wants to eat your food."    


Lin Xiaodou sneered. She looked up at Jian Chenrann and said, "Jian Chenrann, what do you think I am? Do you think I am your nanny?"    


"No." I didn't mean that," Jian Chenrann said. Rui is sick. She's in the hospital now."    


"Is she sick?"    


Lin Xiaodou heard Jian Rui was sick. She did not care to be angry with Jian Chenrann and quickly asked, "What happened?"    


Only then did Jian Chenrann roughly tell her what happened yesterday.    


After Lin Xiaodou heard it, she sighed and said, "I felt something was wrong yesterday. What about Ning Jiwei now?"    


"He has left." Jian Chenrann said, "Two days later, I will take Rui to find Haixi. We will probably not be back in a short period of time."    


Lin Xiaodou was stunned, "Really?"    


"Xiaodou.." Jian Chenrann took two steps forward and held Lin Xiaodou's hands. He asked," Are you willing to come with me? We can take your parents with us."    


"I don't want to." Before Jian Chenrann could finish, Lin Xiaodou shook her head and rejected him. "Chenran, we have already broken up."    


Jian Chenrann looked at Lin Xiaodou in a daze. He wanted to explain that he did not really want to separate from her.    


But before he could say anything, a young man walked out of the hospital door. He called Lin Xiaodou's name affectionately, "Xiaodou, I have already booked the restaurant for lunch."    


"Okay." Lin Xiaodou smiled and nodded at the young man. She turned around and said to Jian Chenrann, "I am not free at noon. When I get off work tonight, I will take some time to cook something delicious for Rui."    




Jian Chenrann answered habitually but he had already lost his mind. He did not know where to look and what to do.    


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