CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C233 Grandmother

C233 Grandmother

0In West Court, Mo Tine stood up after hearing Lisa's words.    


"What did you say?"    


Lisa gave a flirtatious smile and said, "Didn't you hear it clearly?"    


"No, that's impossible!" Mo Tine widened her eyes and said, "If he came back, why didn't he come back to my place and go to Ning Jiwei's place?"    


"Isn't that a question for you?" Lisa raised her eyebrows and said, "At that time, you were beating and scolding, and even got a child to be your bait. If it wasn't for Ning Jiwei saving him, how could he still be alive? So compared to a vicious mother like you, people with discerning eyes would naturally choose to save their saviors. "    


Mo Tine's face darkened and did not speak anymore.    


Lisa smiled and said, "Anyway, I have brought my words. If you don't believe me, you can go to the east courtyard and take a look yourself."    


Finishing, Lisa twisted her slender waist and left in high heels.    


Mo Tine gritted her teeth and angrily threw the teacup beside her, "Damn little bastard!"    


"Ting, don't be angry." Su Daqiang walked over and held Mo Tine's hand gently. He said, "I'm sorry for angering your body."    


Mo Tine sighed and leaned against Su Daqiang's chest. She said, "Da Qiang, how can that little brat be so heartless?"    


" En, yep, Mo Tong has no conscience. When we catch him and discipline him properly for two days, it will be fine. " Su Daqiang patted Mo Tine's back lightly and coaxed, "Don't throw a cup or something because of this matter. A cup is not worth much. I'm just afraid that you might accidentally touch your own hand. "    


Being coaxed by Su Daqiang in such a soft voice, the anger in Mo Tine's heart gradually disappeared. She smiled and hugged Su Daqiang, saying, "Da Qiang, you are still good to me."    


Su Daqiang pulled the corner of his mouth and said with a bitter smile, "But others say that I am a gigolo, and that I am doing it for your money and power."    


"Why do you care what they say?" Mo Tine snorted and said.    


"I don't care what others say, but..." Su Daqiang looked at Mo Tine with deep affection and said, "But I am worried that you will think the same way."    


"I won't." Mo Tine smiled and looked at him. "Da Qiang, I know you are good to me. No matter what outsiders say, I will not doubt you."    


"That's good." Su Daqiang lightly kissed Mo Tine on the forehead and said, "Ting, I don't care what others say. Only you can't doubt me because you are already my world."    


"Da Qiang..." Mo Tine gently called out.    


The two of them hugged each other. Mo Tine's mouth revealed a happy smile and hugged Su Daqiang tightly. She felt that the luckiest thing in her life was to meet this man.    


So what if she was ten years older than him? So what if he had no money or power? It was enough as long as he loved her.    


Su Daqiang also hugged Mo Tine tightly. However, when he lowered his head with a frown, that smile on his face had a deeper meaning, which always made people feel uneasy.    


Under Su Daqiang's comforting, Mo Tine gradually calmed down.    


However, she still had to find the person she needed to find.    


Not long after Jian Rui and the others returned to the room, they heard a loud knock on the door.    


Jian Rui was puzzled. "Who would knock at this time?"    


Gu Xiaomian shook his head. "Won't you know if you go and take a look?"    


Mo Tong cautiously said, "Don't open the door randomly. Ask clearly first."    


The three children had just walked to the door when they heard Mo Tine shouting outside the door, "Mo Tong, open the door for me!"    


The three of them were stunned. Gu Xiaomian looked at Mo Tong in a daze, "It's for you."    


Mo Tong heard the voice and his whole body stiffened. He did not say anything.    


Jian Rui looked at him and pulled his hand. "Don't be afraid. Let's go to the room and ignore her."    


Gu Xiaomian also saw the trick. He reached out and patted Mo Tong's shoulder, "That's right. Rui and I are here. Don't be afraid of her. How about you go back to the room. I will call First Dad and ask him to come back. "    


As they spoke, the two of them wanted to pull Mo Tong back to his room. However, they did not see Mo Tong move.    


"Mo Tong?" Jian Rui looked at him doubtfully.    


"Are you scared?" Gu Xiaomian frowned and looked at Mo Tong worriedly.    


Mo Tong shook his head slightly and said, "You guys go back to your rooms first. I will go and open the door."    


"Huh?" Gu Xiaomian frowned, and said, "You still want to see her? Aren't you afraid of her?"    


Mo Tong pursed his lips and said, "I came back to see my mother, but I didn't expect her to come so quickly."    


"But..." Gu Xiaomian still wanted to persuade her, but Jian Rui pulled his arm and did not let him continue.    


"Mo Tong! You little brat, open the door for me!" Outside the door, Mo Tine kept roaring angrily, each louder than the last.    


Mo Tong looked at Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian and said, "You guys go back to the house first. No matter what happens later, don't come out."    


"Rui..." Gu Xiaomian looked at Jian Rui and listened to her decision.    


Jian Rui thought about it and said to Mo Tong, "We will stay here with you. I am afraid she will hit you."    


"No need, I..."    


"If you do not agree, you will not be able to open the door today. "    


Mo Tong was about to speak when Jian Rui interrupted, "I know what you're afraid of. It's fine, she won't dare to do anything to me here."    


Gu Xiaomian scratched his head and said, "Why can't I understand what you guys are talking about?"    


Mo Tong thought for a while and nodded. "Alright then."    


After the three of them finished discussing, Gu Xiaomian went forward and opened the door.    


"Mo Tong, you bastard..."    


The moment the door opened, Mo Tine subconsciously scolded him. In the end, she only saw that it was not Mo Tong who opened the door halfway.    


Gu Xiaomian licked his round face and said with a smile, "Grandma, I am not Mo Tong."    




Mo Tine's anger was originally directed at Mo Tong, but now her anger could burn the entire building to ashes.    


"Who are you calling Grandmother?" Mo Tine shouted, "What are you shouting for? Didn't your parents teach you manners?"    


Gu Xiaomian scratched his head in confusion. "Grandma, why are you so generous? She called you grandma because of manners. You are the younger sister of Rui's Grandpa Mo. If I don't call you grandma, what should I call you? "    


"You..." Mo Tine was choked by Gu Xiaomian's words and angrily said, "Get out of my way!"    


" Oh. " Because the person in front of him was Mo Tong's mother, Gu Xiaomian didn't dare to throw a tantrum. If it was any other time when someone shouted at him like that, he would have already started a fight with the person in front of him.    


He obediently moved to the side. Gu Xiaomian even muttered in a low voice, "If you move aside, then move aside. You are always so fierce when you say something."    


Mo Tine did not expect Gu Xiaomian to speak so angrily. The anger that she had prepared for Mo Tong had now been ignited by Gu Xiaomian.    


Mo Tong was afraid that Mo Tine would make a move on Gu Xiaomian if he continued to speak, so he obediently walked forward and said, "Mother..."    


"A slap landed on Mo Tong's face, "You still know that I am your mother?"    


Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian did not expect Mo Tine to make a move so suddenly. They thought that Mo Tine would at least restrain herself when she was with Ning Jiwei. Even if she was angry and wanted to make a move, she would at least scold him first.    


Seeing Mo Tong standing there without resisting, Jian Rui's face changed. She coldly took two steps forward and pulled Mo Tong behind her.    


"Grandma, if you want to use this kind of method to talk to us, please leave. You are not welcome here."    




"Shut up," ___ said. Just as Mo Tong was about to speak, Jian Rui glared at him and said, "From now on, I have the final say here."    


Mo Tong stubbornly did not say anything. Jian Rui said, "We have worked hard to save you, not to let you come back and take a beating. If you are like this, then I will tell Daddy."    


Mo Tong raised his head and looked at the anger and worry in Jian Rui's eyes. He pursed his lips and did not say anything, but he did not insist on passing her.    


Mo Tine looked at Jian Rui. Of course she knew Jian Rui had come back, but because Ning Jiwei protected Jian Rui well, even if she went out, there would be people following her, so the two of them had never seen each other before.    


At this moment looking at Jian Rui, Mo Tine raised her eyebrows and smiled, "I really did not expect Ning Jiwei's daughter to be like this."    


The information she saw clearly said that Jian Rui was cute and obedient, but those two words just now did not want a simple little girl to say it.    


Jian Rui coldly looked back at Mo Tine and said, "I also did not expect that Mo Tong's mother was like you."    


Mo Tine's expression changed slightly, "Little girl, you better not provoke me."    


"Grandma, I know you are very powerful." Jian Rui said without any fear, "But don't provoke me either. Also, you bullied Mo Tong, which is the same as bullying me. I will let Daddy punish you!"    


"You..." Mo Tine gritted her teeth. She did not expect Jian Rui to fight with her father so openly.    


However, Mo Tine could not ignore it. After all, whether it was fighting for her father or for her grandfather, Jian Rui would definitely be able to restrain her.    


Mo Tine snorted coldly. After being choked a few times, she did not want to talk to Jian Rui, Gu Xiaomian, anymore. She turned her head and stared at Mo Tong. "Why aren't you coming over?"    


Mo Tong was stunned for a moment and looked down at Jian Rui.    


"Unfilial son! What are you looking at her for?" Seeing Mo Tong looking at Jian Rui, Mo Tine was so angry that her face turned black.    


Jian Rui smiled proudly and said, "Grandma, if you can't guarantee that you won't submit to Mo Tong in the future, I won't let Mo Tong go back with you today."    




Mo Tine's expression changed again. She stared at Mo Tong and said, "Mo Tong, this is also your intention? You want a little girl who is not your age to support you?"    


Mo Tong opened his mouth but hesitated and did not say anything.    


"Say something. Are you mute?" Mo Tine shouted.    


"The little girl can't support her waist. How about I support her?" A male voice was heard. Everyone turned around and saw Gu Chenyi standing at the door with a calm expression.    


He was worried that the children were at home, so he rushed back after dealing with the company's matters. He did not expect to see such a scene when he walked to the door.    


Mo Tine frowned slightly, "You are... Gu Chenyi?"    


"Yes." Gu Chenyi smiled and said, "Since you are here, why don't we sit down and have a chat?"    


"First Dad, she just hit Mo Tong!" Gu Xiaomian ran forward and hugged Gu Chenyi's thigh to complain.    


Mo Tine's face darkened. She stared at Gu Chenyi and said, "I just came to ask Mo Tong to come home. I don't want to sit. I have nothing to talk about with you."    


Gu Chenyi smiled and said, "It's better to talk about it. After all, we are still pursuing a harmonious relationship, right? Even if it is just on the surface, we still need to do enough. "    


Mo Tine's face turned cold and did not know what Gu Chenyi meant.    


Gu Chenyi reached out to the sofa and gestured. "Please take a seat."    


Then he looked at Gu Xiaomian and said, "Go and pour some tea for your grandma."    


He said grandma again.    


Mo Tine tripped and glared at Gu Chenyi with hatred. She walked to the sofa and sat down.    


Gu Xiaomian ran to the kitchen and poured some tea. He politely placed it in front of Mo Tine and said, "Grandma, please have some tea."    


Mo Tine felt depressed in her heart. No matter if it was Gu Chenyi or Gu Xiaomian, when they called her "grandma," they were so polite and respectful. She could not even find an excuse to get angry.    


"The three of you." Gu Chenyi lazily sat on the sofa and gave Jian Rui a look. He said, "Go play. When adults talk about things, children should not stand there."    


"Okay!" Jian Rui smiled and pulled Mo Tong and Gu Xiaomian back to the room.    


Mo Tong was still a little worried. After returning to the room, he said to Jian Rui, "Rui, why don't I go down?"    


"Don't move first." Jian Rui found an ice bag and pressed it on Mo Tong's face, which was hit, and said, "Cover it obediently. Your pretty face cannot be ruined. Our family relies on our face to eat."    


"Depends on our face to eat?" Mo Tong was puzzled. "Don't tell me you rely on your ability?"    


After all, whether it was Jian Yi's abnormal talent or Jian Rui's acting skills, there was no one that they could not take out.    


Jian Rui smiled and said, "That is a serious job. It relies on looks... It is used to earn foreign money and favors."    


Mo Tong was amused by Jian Rui's words and the depression that arose in his heart because of Mo Tine also dissipated a little.    


Gu Xiaomian who was at the side came over and pouted, "Rui, I also look good. I also rely on my face."    


"Yes, yes, yes." Jian Rui reached out and pinched his cheek. "I know you rely on your face because you are born as a comedian."    


Mo Tong laughed, but Gu Xiaomian was not angry. Instead, he thought about it seriously and said, "A comedian is also an actor. I am from the same country as Rui!"    


"Stupid Gu Ruanruan." Jian Rui glanced at him from the corner of her eye, but her eyes were full of smiles.    


In the living room, Mo Tine looked coldly at Gu Chenyi and said, "What do you want to talk about with me?"    


Gu Chenyi tapped the table with his index finger and said, "It's nothing. It's about Mo Tong."    


"Mo Tong must go back with me!" Mo Tine said.    


"I know, I know. I should go back with you." Gu Chenyi said, "I didn't say I wanted to keep him here either."    


"Then what do you mean?" Mo Tine asked.    


Gu Chenyi smiled and said, "I can let Mo Tong go with you, but I need you to promise that you won't hurt him again."    


Mo Tine sneered disdainfully, "He is my son. No matter how I want to discipline him, it has nothing to do with you."    


"It really has nothing to do with me." Gu Chenyi said, "How about this, I will let Ning Jiwei talk to you?"    


Mo Tine stiffened and said, "This has nothing to do with Ning Jiwei. You don't need to use him to scare me."    


"It's useless. We'll know after we try." Gu Chenyi pretended to take out his phone and was about to call. Mo Tine's face changed and she said angrily, "What do you want?"    


Gu Chenyi raised his eyebrows. "I've said it before. I don't want to do anything. I just want to make sure that Mo Tong will not be wronged if he follows you."    


Mo Tine's expression was cold. She stared at Gu Chenyi for a long time before she said unwillingly, "I promise, okay?"    


"Yes, alright." Gu Chenyi nodded and said, "I believe that as the second head of Mo Family, you should still keep your word."    


Mo Tine coldly snorted and did not speak.    


Gu Chenyi sent Gu Xiaomian a WeChat message and asked the three children to go downstairs.    


Mo Tine had already stood up. She looked at Mo Tong and coldly said, "Let's go."    


Mo Tong was stunned. He looked at Jian Rui and Gu Chenyi and said, "I will go first."    


" Yes, yes. " Jian Rui whispered beside Mo Tong, "Mo Tong, if she bullies you run away. Don't just stand there and let others bully you, okay? You run over to our side. Daddy, Uncle Gu and I will protect you. "    


Jian Rui's words warmed Mo Tong's heart. He nodded and said, "I understand."    


"Don't only know." Gu Chenyi reached out and touched his head. "You have to remember."    


"Mo Tong, why aren't you leaving?" Mo Tine shouted from outside the door.    


Mo Tong looked at the crowd and nodded his head as he followed her out.    


Gu Chenyi said coldly behind the two of them, "Mo Tong, don't be afraid. We will go and see you every day!"    


Mo Tine almost tripped when she heard Gu Chenyi's words.    


If these people went to her West Court every day to wander around, what else could she do?    


Thinking of this, Mo Tine even had the idea of leaving Mo Tong here. But when she turned her head to look at the child who was following behind her silently, she ultimately snorted and did not say anything.    


"First Dad..." Gu Xiaomian pulled Gu Chenyi's hand and said, "Will Mo Tong be alright?"    


"Don't worry, he will not." Gu Chenyi sighed and pinched Gu Xiaomian's face. "Mo Tong is much smarter than you. You should worry about yourself."    


His words did not go through his brain. If it were not for his father, he would have been beaten up in society.    




West Court.    


Su Daqiang saw Mo Tine enter the door and greeted her with a smile, "You're back. Where's Mo Tong?"    


Mo Tine coldly snorted and said to the shadow behind her, "Why aren't you rolling in?"    


Mo Tong walked in stiffly and said with his head lowered, "Mom."    


Mo Tine sat on the sofa and looked coldly at Mo Tong. Her voice did not contain any warmth, "Kneel."    


Mo Tong pursed his lips and obediently knelt in front of her.    


"When did you come back?"    




"Why didn't you come back?" Wang Yao asked.    



"I came back late yesterday, so I didn't want to disturb your rest."    


The mother and son asked and answered.    


"You came back late? Afraid of disturbing my rest?" Mo Tine sneered, "Sure, Mo Tong. I haven't seen you for a while. Now you don't even draft a script when you lie."    


" Ting, don't be angry. " Su Daqiang tried to smooth things over by the side, "Mo Tong, since we know you are back, we naturally know when you arrived. It's better for you to tell us the truth."    


Mo Tong lowered his head and said nothing.    


Mo Tine was angry when she saw him like this. She got up and said, "If you don't want to talk, kneel here for the whole night."    


After saying that, she stretched out her hand and pulled Su Daqiang back to his room. However, before the two of them could walk upstairs, they heard Jian Rui's voice outside the door.    


"Mo Tong, I'm here to play with you!"    


Mo Tine's footsteps paused. She gritted her teeth and said, "Stinky girl!"    


Su Daqiang raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is it Ning Jiwei's daughter?"    


Mo Tine coldly snorted, "Who else could it be?"    


However, she was also puzzled. Even if Gu Chenyi said that he would support Mo Tong, he had just returned. Was there a need for them to follow him?    


"Mo Tong, Mo Tong!" Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian kept shouting outside the door.    


Mo Tine stared at Mo Tong with a twisted face. After a while, she said unwillingly, "Why are you still kneeling? Why aren't you getting up?"    


"Yes." Mo Tong obediently stood up.    


Mo Tine narrowed her eyes and looked at him. "You know what to say."    


Mo Tong nodded. "Mom didn't bully me. Mom treats me very well."    


Mo Tine snorted coldly and went upstairs in satisfaction.    


She had no interest in talking to Gu Chenyi and the others.    


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