CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C192 Another Kick

C192 Another Kick

0"Anyone else?" Jian Haixi followed Dou Ge as they ran towards the back door of the villa. She said anxiously, "But there are still ten minutes left before the agreed time of twenty minutes. If we leave like this, what will Yi and the others do?"    


They had three groups of people. No matter which group left, it would take time. Ten minutes was not enough for them to completely leave the enemy's search range.    


Dou Ge said calmly, "Don't worry. I said I will delay the enemy for 20 minutes. I will definitely be able to do it."    


Jian Haixi did not know what method Dou Ge wanted to use to do it, but at this point, she could only trust him.    


Two minutes later, after Dou Ge led everyone out of the villa, the entire villa collapsed.    


Looking at the ruined villa, Jian Haixi gritted her teeth and turned around to follow Dou Ge.    


"Eight minutes left." Jian Haixi looked at Dou Ge and asked, "What should we do next?"    


Dou Ge quickly looked around and turned to Jian Haixi, "Do you believe me?"    


"Is there a need to ask?" Jian Haixi said without thinking, "Just tell me what we should do."    


"Okay." Dou Ge saw that she did not hesitate to trust him. He smiled and ordered the others, "All of you, leave through the small path. We will gather in Jiangnan after it is safe."    


"Young Lord." When the subordinates heard Dou Ge's order, they looked at him worriedly and said, "Please allow us to leave some people behind to follow you."    


"There is no 'what if'." Dou Ge said coldly, "Carry out the order."    




After giving the order, Dou Ge turned around and extended his hand to Jian Haixi. "Now, let's go."    


"Okay." Jian Haixi nodded and stretched out her hand to let Dou Ge pull her. They ran in another direction.    


Not long after they left, more than 20 people came out of the ruins of the villa.    


"Boss, from the footprints, we can see that they have gone in two different directions."    


The leader looked at the footprints on the left and right, smiled coldly, and said, "Do you think you can fool me like this?"    


As the leader spoke, he ordered his subordinates, "The five of you go over there. The rest of you follow me."    


The subordinate asked doubtfully, "Boss, look at the footprints. Only two people go this way. Do we need to split half of the people to chase after them?"    


The leader smiled and said, "Remember, the more you think it's impossible, the more likely it is."    


The subordinate instantly understood. "Boss, you mean to say that they deliberately used a large group of people to draw our attention away. Actually, these two people are the targets that we are chasing?"    


"That's right." The leader said, "You guys chase after them with all your might. We must capture them alive!"    




The Gu family.    


Although he had already called Jian Haixi and knew that Jian Chenrann would return as soon as possible, However, when Yun Ling thought of Lin Xiaodou's condition, he was still a little worried. So he called the two bodyguards in charge of protecting the Lin Family early in the morning.    


What surprised him was that the call did not go through.    


The people they sent were all on duty 24 hours a day, waiting for orders at any time. Unless they could not answer the phone, it was impossible for him to not be able to contact them.    


After two consecutive phone calls, Yun Ling and Gu Chenyi immediately rushed to Lin Family.    


In the car, Gu Chenyi called Lin Xiaodou but no one answered.    


At this moment, the Lin Family was immersed in a strange silence.    


The woman sitting on the sofa looked at the caller ID on Lin Xiaodou's phone and smiled, "It seems that someone has noticed."    


Lin's mother hugged the listless Lin Xiaodou and looked at the woman on the sofa and said, "We have already told you everything we know. I really don't know anything else. Please leave quickly!"    


"Don't be so unconfident." The woman smiled and looked at Lin Xiaodou's stomach. "You guys are very useful, even though we have sent a lot of people over. If they are still unwilling to surrender, I can also use you. I think the Jian family siblings will not watch your unborn child suffer. "    


Lin Xiaodou, who had not had any reaction all this while, suddenly trembled when she heard her words.    


She had stayed here without telling Jian Chenrann. Her original intention was to make him feel at ease and help Jian Haixi. At the same time, she could also protect herself and her child.    


But in the end, Jian Haixi and the others might be hurt because of her choice.    


If she had told Jian Chenrann the truth about the child back then, and then followed him to Iceland, would everything be fine now?    


Thinking of this, Lin Xiaodou wished she could choke herself to death.    


Lin's mother saw that Lin Xiaodou's reaction was not right and quickly asked, "Xiaodou, what happened to you?"    


"It was all my fault." Lin Xiaodou's tears dripped onto the ground one by one, carrying her endless self-blame and remorse.    


"Xiaodou, don't be like this." Lin's mother knew Lin Xiaodou was blaming herself and cried, "It's not your fault. It was Mom who betrayed Haixi. It's all Mom's fault. Mom is the evil person. Don't torture yourself. Alright? You still have a baby in your stomach. "    


" My baby? " When she heard the word" baby, "Lin Xiaodou suddenly cried and laughed," If something happened to Haixi and Rui, how could I still have the face to live? "    


As she spoke, Lin Xiaodou paused and reached out to smash her stomach.    


"Xiaodou! What are you doing?" Lin's father saw this and quickly grabbed Lin Xiaodou's arm and shouted, "Wake up, that's your child!"    


" It's not my child, it's the murderer who killed Haixi and Chenran! " Lin Xiaodou's eyes were bloodshot and she shouted with a hoarse voice, "It killed everyone, it doesn't deserve to live!"    


Lin Xiaodou cried and wanted to hurt herself. Lin's father and Lin's mother saw her emotional state and quickly hugged her tightly, not letting her move.    


Lin's mother cried, "Xiaodou, it is all my fault. If you want to blame, blame me. You must not hurt yourself."    


Lin Xiaodou crouched on the ground and her ten fingers dug into the ground as she muttered, "Haixi, Chenran, Rui. I have let you guys down. If anything happens to you guys, I will definitely not live alone!"    


The woman sitting on the sofa looked at the scene of the Lin Family's three men crying as if she was watching a play. Her heart was not stirred at all.    


She even turned on the phone's camera with interest and took a few photos as a memento.    


The people on the sofa enjoyed themselves as if they were on vacation. The people on the floor were crying sadly.    


Suddenly, the woman's phone rang.    


She looked at the caller ID and smiled at Lin Xiaodou. "My big brother is calling. You better pray that he has succeeded. Otherwise, you will have to suffer."    


Lin Xiaodou gritted her teeth and stared at the woman's phone. Lin's father and Lin's mother also looked at her nervously.    


The Lin Family's parents had mixed feelings at this moment.    


If the other party succeeded, it meant that Jian Haixi and the rest were in danger and might even lose their lives. But if the other party failed, Lin Xiaodou would be tortured.    


The woman smiled and picked up the phone. "Big Brother, how is it going at your place? Do you need my help?"    


She did not know what the other end of the phone said, but the woman laughed even more happily. "So that means that Jian Haixi is already powerless to resist?"    


As she spoke, that woman turned around and winked at Lin Xiaodou, saying soundlessly," Thank you for your help. "    


When Lin Xiaodou heard her words, her entire body trembled like a sieve, "Haixi."    


Seeing Lin Xiaodou's reaction, that woman seemed to feel that the stimulation was not enough. She held the phone and asked again, "Then what about that little girl? It is that one called Jian Rui."    


Hearing Jian Rui's name, Lin Xiaodou suddenly looked up and opened her mouth to look at that woman but could not send out a single word. She could only pray in her heart.    


Hearing the answer on the other end of the phone, that woman smiled and said, "So they hid in the mountains. They did not know that the broken wooden house was already under your control."    


Lin Xiaodou mechanically shook her head and looked at the smiling woman. Suddenly, she rushed towards her.    


"I will fight you to the death!" Lin Xiaodou rushed towards that woman as if she did not care about her life.    


Unfortunately, Lin Xiaodou's strength was too weak. In addition, she did not sleep at all, which made her movements even slower.    


That woman sneered and easily avoided Lin Xiaodou.    


Lin Xiaodou did not hurt her. Instead, because she used too much strength, she knocked on the corner of the sofa and fell to the ground.    




Lin's father and Lin's mother saw her daughter fall to the ground. She quickly rushed over, "Xiaodou, how are you?"    


"Haixi, Rui." Lin Xiaodou stared blankly at the ceiling and muttered these two names. Then, she completely fainted.    


"Xiaodou!" Lin's mother cried, "Don't scare me. It's all my fault. Wake up!"    


At this moment, the woman's subordinate entered the door. "Second Sister, Gu Chenyi is here."    


The woman raised her eyebrows and the corner of her mouth curled into an evil smile. She looked at the unconscious Lin Xiaodou and said, "You are so lucky."    


After the woman said this, she threw Lin Xiaodou's phone on the ground and then left Lin Family with her subordinates.    


"Xiaodou, don't scare me." Lin's mother cried, "These bastards, my daughter."    


Lin's father was calmer than Lin's mother. He trembled as he held his phone and wanted to make a call. Before he could dial the number, he heard footsteps at the door.    


The two elders of Lin Family were shocked. They thought that those people had come back. Lin's mother hugged Xiaodou tightly and did not dare to move. Lin's father, on the other hand, rushed out with a chair.    


"I will fight with you."    


"Uncle!" Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling had just walked to the door when they saw Lin's father rushing over with a stool in his hand. They quickly held Lin's father's arm and asked, "Uncle, what happened to you?"    


"It's you. You are finally here. Please save my daughter!" Lin's father cried.    


Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling were startled when they heard this. They immediately rushed in.    


In the room, Lin's mother was hugging the unconscious Lin Xiaodou. When she saw Yun Ling and Gu Chenyi enter, she cried, "It's all my fault. It has nothing to do with Xiaodou. I beg you to save her."    


"Auntie, calm down first." Yun Ling supported Lin's mother and said, "Don't worry, we will go to the hospital immediately."    


Gu Chenyi had already carried Lin Xiaodou as he spoke.    


It was only when Gu Chenyi carried her that he discovered the bloodstains under Lin Xiaodou's legs.    


"Xiaodou." Lin's mother saw the bloodstains and her eyes fainted. She could barely stand on her feet. Fortunately, Yun Ling was supporting her.    


Gu Chenyi frowned. He carried Lin Xiaodou and walked out.    


They rushed to the hospital without stopping. In the car, Yun Ling made several phone calls to the hospital and the doctor. After he arranged everything, he comforted Lin's father and Lin's mother, "Uncle, Auntie, don't worry. The hospital has already arranged everything. We will be there in ten minutes. Xiaodou will be fine."    


Lin's father and Lin's mother looked at each other and lowered their heads in shame.    


Yun Ling saw the difference in their expressions and could not help but ask, "Uncle, Auntie, is there anything else you need?"    


"Yun Ling, I am sorry for you. I am sorry for Haixi and Chenran!" Lin's mother cried, "It's all my fault!"    


When Lin's mother said this, Gu Chenyi's whole body trembled. His steering wheel was crooked.    


Yun Ling also looked at Lin's mother in shock and asked, "What exactly is going on?"    


Lin's mother cried and said with a knot, "I told those people that Haixi and the rest are in Iceland."    


With an ear-piercing sound of tires rubbing against each other, the car suddenly stopped by the side of the road.    


Gu Chenyi looked back at Lin's mother with a dark face and asked, "What did you say?"    


Lin's mother was shocked by Gu Chenyi's reaction. She trembled and said, "Those people wanted to hurt Xiaodou, so I had no choice."    


Lin's father grabbed Lin's mother's hand. He looked at Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling and pleaded, "It's all our fault. Xiaodou really did not betray you. I beg you to send Xiaodou to the hospital first. After that, you can do whatever you want. "    


"What use does it have if I do anything to you?" Gu Chenyi roared angrily, "Your daughter's life is life, and Jian Haixi's life is grass, right? Her brother, her son and daughter are worthless to you, right? She had been Xiaodou's best friend for more than ten years, and she even treated you as her own parents. You betrayed her without hesitation. You didn't even tell her before you betrayed her!"    


The Lin Family's parents backed away from Gu Chenyi's roar. They lowered their heads and didn't dare to talk to him.    


"Chen Yi." Yun Ling frowned and looked at the Lin Family's parents who lowered their heads and did not speak. He looked at the unconscious Lin Xiaodou and reached out to hold Gu Chenyi's shoulder. He said, "Let's go to the hospital first. I will call Haixi now."    


Gu Chenyi threw a punch on the backrest as if he was venting his anger. With red eyes, he turned the steering wheel again and walked to the hospital.    


Yun Ling called Jian Haixi first, but the phone rang a few times and no one answered.    


When Lin Family's parents saw this, they knew that something must have happened to Jian Haixi's side. They were even more ashamed for a moment.    


Gu Chenyi heard the mechanical beeping sound and urgently said, "You call Ning Jiwei first!"    


Yun Ling pursed his lips and dialed Ning Jiwei's number.    


Mo Family.    


Ning Jiwei had been feeling uneasy the entire morning. From time to time, he would take out his phone to take a look.    


As time passed, the uneasiness in his heart became heavier and heavier.    


Just as he could not help but want to contact Jian Haixi and Jian Yi, his phone suddenly rang.    


Seeing that the caller was Yun Ling, Ning Jiwei's heart skipped a beat. He quickly answered the call.    


"Ji Wei, something happened to Haixi."    


Mo Wanshaan and his family were eating breakfast when they suddenly saw Ning Jiwei walking over with big steps.    


"Ji Wei, you are here." Seeing Ning Jiwei come over, Mo Wanshaan thought Ning Jiwei was finally willing to eat with them at the same table. He quickly smiled and asked the nanny to add another pair of chopsticks.    


Jia Minnzhi looked at Ning Jiwei with disdain in her eyes.    


Mo Xiuyu snorted and carried his bowl and chopsticks to the sofa.    


"I'm not here to eat." Ning Jiwei looked at Mo Wanshaan and said, "You promised me that as long as I come back, the power in your hands will belong to me. Your subordinates will also belong to me. I can temporarily abandon the Mo Family, but I want your subordinates now. "    


When he said this, everyone was stunned.    


Mo Wanshaan did not expect that he would come early in the morning for this matter. Jia Minnzhi, on the other hand, sneered.    


Mo Xiuyu blinked his eyes. He looked at Ning Jiwei who was emitting an extremely powerful pressure and couldn't help but swallow his saliva.    


His big brother's aura was very strong!    


Mo Wanshaan frowned and said, "I will keep my promise, but do you need to be so anxious?"    


"I can't wait." Ning Jiwei said coldly, "I want your subordinates now! If you don't give it to me, then our cooperation will be invalid. "    


Mo Wanshaan was stunned. He looked at the murderous look in Ning Jiwei's eyes and said with a frown, "I want to know the reason."    


Ning Jiwei said, "Mo Sheng attacked my woman and child."    


Mo Wanshaan was shocked. Even Jia Minnzhi and Mo Xiuyu did not expect Ning Jiwei to have such a reason.    


Jia Minnzhi frowned and her eyes flashed with panic.    


Mo Wanshaan angrily slammed the table, "Yue Feng, bring a few people with you and follow Ji Wei. No matter what method you use, you must make Mo Sheng stop."    


"Okay." Yue Feng quickly said, saying, "Young Master, I will follow you to find Mo Sheng first. The others will be there soon."    


Ning Jiwei looked at Mo Wanshaan. He turned around and walked out without saying a word.    


"I'm full."    


As soon as Ning Jiwei left, Mo Xiuyu put down his chopsticks and said, "Dad, Mom, I'm going out for a walk."    


"Xiu Yu, come back!" Jia Minnzhi called out worriedly when she saw Mo Xiuyu running out.    


Unfortunately, Mo Xiuyu had already run away and was nowhere to be seen.    


When he came out of his house, Mo Xiuyu saw Ning Jiwei bringing a large group of people to the unfamiliar West Court from afar.    


Mo Xiuyu murmured, "They actually went there just like that."    


Perhaps out of curiosity, or perhaps something else, Mo Xiuyu quietly followed.    


North Court.    


Ning Jiwei's big movement naturally attracted Mo Tine's attention. She asked curiously, "Yesterday, there was a family head meeting. Ning Jiwei could not hold it in so quickly?"    


"I don't think so." The man beside Mo Tine said, "I think he seems to have come to seek revenge."    


"Revenge?" Mo Tine smiled and said, "Then there will be a good show to watch. Let's go and take a look too."    


West Court.    


Mo Sheng was watering the flowers in the yard with a kettle.    


He was not nervous at all when he saw Ning Jiwei bring his men in. He even smiled and said, "Young Master, what happened to you? Why did you come to my place so early in the morning?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at Mo Sheng coldly. He did not bother to say anything to Mo Sheng. He strode over to Mo Sheng. At the same time, his hand, which was hanging by his side, made a loud sound.    


Mo Sheng saw him approaching, so of course he wanted to avoid him.    


However, Ning Jiwei did not give him the chance to dodge. He took two steps forward and grabbed his collar, then punched him in the face.    


Mo Sheng was forced to take a few steps back by Ning Jiwei.    


"Ning Jiwei."    



Ning Jiwei punched and kicked him again.    


Ning Jiwei grabbed Mo Sheng's neck and forced him to the corner of the wall. He said coldly, "Do you think I dare to kill you?"    


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