CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C140 I Know You're Not

C140 I Know You're Not

0When they were discussing the script, to be precise, Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian were eating chips and drinking watermelon juice. Mo Tong was working hard to write the script. Jian Haixi, on the other hand, was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. She called Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling in advance. They arrived shortly.    


Yun Ling looked much better, but Jian Haixi knew that this was only because he looked better. With Yun Ling's personality, he would not reveal his bad mood in front of everyone. He was always so gentle.    


Gu Chenyi snatched the watermelon juice from his son the moment he arrived, "I've worked hard outside for a day, and you actually don't give me the food?"    


Gu Xiaomian looked at him with disdain. He reluctantly handed over the half eaten potato chip in his hand.    


Jian Haixi smiled and looked at Gu Chenyi. "If you want to eat, there are more in the kitchen. Why did you snatch your son's food?"    


"You don't understand." Gu Chenyi shook the potato chips in his hand and raised his eyebrows at Jian Haixi. "The food I snatch is always very delicious, especially the food in my son's hands."    


Jian Haixi shook her head in amusement, but Gu Xiaomian almost cried. He ran over and hugged Yun Ling's thigh.    


Yun Ling touched Gu Xiaomian's head and said with a smile, "He can't change his personality."    


Gu Chenyi was not angry when he heard that. He nodded and echoed, "You better give way to me. This is beneficial to your cultivation, do you know?"    


Gu Xiaomian snorted at him and turned his head to look for Jian Haixi. He pulled her hand and said, "Auntie Haixi, do you still lack a son?"    


Jian Haixi was amused and laughed. She reached out and pinched Gu Xiaomian's face and said, "I don't mind you being my son, but are you sure you want to call Rui elder sister in the future?"    


Gu Xiaomian was stunned. He looked at Jian Rui who was beside him and frowned. He thought for a while and shook his head. "I should just bear with my father. At least he has raised me for so many years."    


Gu Chenyi spat out a mouthful of potato chips and rolled his eyes. "Why didn't I know when you became so filial?"    


Gu Xiaomian said unhappily, "Just now."    


Jian Haixi watched them argue. She shook her head helplessly, turned around, and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.    


Yun Ling also followed into the kitchen to help.    


Jian Haixi looked at him and hesitantly asked, "Has the matter been resolved?"    


Yun Ling only smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Today's matter can be considered to have been temporarily resolved."    


Jian Haixi frowned and said, "I do not know much about these things. Back then when my father insisted on letting Bai Jing and the rest enter the house, I also simply left. However, I have seen a lot of things that happened in the Ning Family. I believe you know some of them. In my opinion, no matter how much trouble they cause, you must not be soft-hearted. Just look at Ji Wei and you will know. Your softheartedness will only make them treat you even more excessively."    


Yun Ling nodded and said," Chen Yi also said the same thing. Actually, the things that Ji Wei and I have done over the years are almost the same. The relationship between the Yun Family and me has already become tense. To them, I am a money tree, so they won't let me go no matter what."    


" They have gone too far. " "Do you have no way to get rid of them?" Jian Haixi asked.    


Yun Ling smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Legally speaking, Yun Family is indeed related to me by blood. They once raised me. I also have an obligation to support them. It won't be that easy for me to get rid of them completely."    


Jian Haixi sighed," If only there was a way to get them to bring it up and cut off their relationship with you. "    


Yun Ling looked at Jian Haixi in surprise and did not say anything.    


Jian Haixi was stunned by his gaze and asked with a smile, "What is it? Am I too naive?"    


"No." Yun Ling shook his head and said, "Actually, you proposed the best solution, but I didn't expect you to say that."    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment and said, "Because this might be illegal?"    


Yun Ling nodded.    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "But as long as it is within the bounds of the law, we can legally defend our rights, right?"    


Yun Ling also smiled and nodded. "You are right. Looks like I have to discuss this matter with Chen Yi again."    


Gu Chenyi, who was immersed in "bullying his son so happily," did not expect that Yun Ling, who he had not persuaded for a long time, actually changed his decision after hearing a few words from Jian Haixi.    


After they had dinner, Jian Haixi originally wanted to keep the children at home for a night. This way, it would be more convenient to go to JOJO's house tomorrow. But when she considered the callous Butler in Mo Tong's house, she was still a little afraid. In addition to Wenn Qingnuan and the camera, Jian Haixi also felt that her house was not very safe. So she did not suggest letting the children live in the house.    


Because the second day was Children's Day, the school stopped classes in order to organize the performance. When Jian Haixi sent Jian Rui to the school gate, she saw that JOJO was already waiting there.    


Jian Rui did not see JOJO for a long time. Jian Rui excitedly threw herself into JOJO's arms, "Brother Jojo, you said you would come to my house to eat. Why didn't you come later?"    


JOJO hugged Jian Rui and smiled, "Last time I was delayed by something, but today I will make it up to you, okay? You can go to my house later. You can do anything you want."    


"Really?" Jian Rui rolled her eyes and said, "Then I have to plan seriously."    


"What are you thinking about again?" Jian Haixi smiled and pinched Jian Rui's cheek. "Brother Jojo is so busy, but he still has time to rehearse for you. You cannot trouble him anymore."    


"I know, Mommy." Jian Rui playfully stuck out her tongue at Jian Haixi and said.    


JOJO hugged Jian Rui and said to Jian Haixi, "I will take good care of Rui. Go and do your work."    


Jian Haixi nodded and said, "Don't spoil her all the time. She is very mischievous. Be careful that she will always follow you."    


JOJO smiled and said, "It's alright. I am willing to let her trouble me."    


Jian Haixi could only helplessly shrug her shoulders. Her daughter's charm was still as great as before.    


With JOJO around, Jian Haixi was indeed not worried about Jian Rui's safety. She only gave Jian Rui a few instructions before driving to the company.    


As soon as Jian Haixi left, Jian Rui excitedly hugged JOJO and asked, "Brother Jojo, didn't you say you went to Iceland last time? Did you take more photos? The few photos you showed me weren't enough. I still want to know more about Iceland."    


JOJO smiled and nodded. "Alright, I will show you the photo album when we get home."    


"Great!" Jian Rui cheered excitedly.    


The two of them waited at the school gate for a while before Gu Chenyi led Gu Xiaomian over. When Gu Xiaomian arrived, he saw JOJO hugging Jian Rui intimately. He immediately snorted unhappily.    


Gu Chenyi slapped the back of his son's head and scolded him in a low voice, "A man must have a bearing, got it? Rui will not like petty boys."    


When Gu Xiaomian heard that, he immediately took a deep breath and puffed out his chest. He walked forward and politely nodded at JOJO. "Brother Jojo, good morning."    


"Long time no see, Xiaomian." JOJO smiled and nodded.    


Gu Chenyi looked around and asked, "Is Mo Tong not here yet?"    


"No." Jian Rui frowned and said, "Strange, Mo Tong usually won't be late."    


Gu Xiaomian guessed, "Will he not participate?"    


"He won't." Jian Rui shook her head and said, "Mo Tong is not such a person."    


Gu Xiaomian pouted and said, "You only know him for a few days."    


"Gu Ruanruan!" Jian Rui stared at him unhappily. She was about to say something when she saw Mo Tong running over.    


"Sorry, I'm late." I'm late, ___ said.    


Jian Rui smiled and waved her hand. "It's okay. It's good that you are here."    


Gu Chenyi looked at the car that Mo Tong and Butler were driving. He narrowed his eyes and said to JOJO, "I will let you take care of these three children."    


"Don't worry." JOJO nodded and led the three children into the car.    


Gu Chenyi walked to Mo Tong's car and knocked on the window.    


Mo Tong's Butler lowered the window and looked at Gu Chenyi. "What can I do for you?"    


"It's a small matter." Gu Chenyi pulled the corner of his mouth, looked at the person in the car with a smile, and asked, "I am very curious, so I want to ask, is Mo Tong a child of Mo Family?"    


Hearing Gu Chenyi's words, Butler's expression did not change at all. He just nodded calmly and said, "I don't know which Mo Family you are talking about, but Mo Tong's surname is Mo. His father's surname is also Mo, so naturally, Mo Tong's family is the Mo Family."    


After saying this, Butler nodded slightly at Gu Chenyi. He closed the window and drove away.    


His words seemed to have explained something, but it also seemed like he did not say anything.    


Gu Chenyi looked at the car that was going away. After a long time, he sighed and muttered, "If it really is Mo Family, then things will not be good."    


On the way home, Gu Xiaomian chased after Mo Tong and asked, "Mo Tong, why are you here so late? We have been waiting for you for a long time."    


Jian Rui nodded and said, "We thought you would not come."    


Mo Tong did not explain. He just lowered his head and said, "Sorry."    


Gu Xiaomian said, "I am not asking you to apologize. I just want to know why you are late."    


Mo Tong still did not say anything.    


Jian Rui thought for a while and said, "I know, Mo Tong. Is it because your bad Butler did not let you participate in these activities?"    


Mo Tong was stunned. He did not explain. He only shook his head slightly.    


Jian Rui was so angry that she hit the cushion with her hand and said, "Your Butler is too bad. Mo Tong, why don't you stay at our house in the future. That way, he won't be able to control you."    


"Rui, I also want to stay in your house." Gu Xiaomian said from the side.    


"No." Jian Rui refused.    


"Why?" Gu Xiaomian felt wronged. "We are the best friends. Why did you let Mo Tong stay at your house but not me?"    


Jian Rui looked at him in disgust and said, "Because you ate too much. If you stay at my house every day, how much food would my mommy make for you?"    


Gu Xiaomian said pitifully, "At most I will pay more living expenses. Anyway, my First Dad has money."    


Jian Rui rolled her eyes and could not be bothered with him anymore. She turned around and asked Mo Tong, "Mo Tong, have you finished writing the script?"    


Mo Tong nodded and said, "I have finished writing. You can take a look later."    


Jian Rui shook her head and said, "I don't know about this, but Brother Jojo can help me read the script."    


JOJO smiled and nodded. "No problem."    


When they reached home, there were maids who had prepared snacks and cold drinks. Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian sat on the sofa as soon as they entered the living room and started eating. Mo Tong obediently took out the script and gave it to JOJO.    


JOJO read the script as he curiously looked at Mo Tong and asked, "Are you Rui's new classmate?"    


Mo Tong nodded and said, "Yes, I just transferred here."    


JOJO nodded, but the way he looked at Mo Tong was a little strange. "You look like a person."    


Mo Tong raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you talking about Jian Rui's brother, Jian Yi?"    


"Yes." JOJO looked at Jian Rui, who was having fun with Gu Xiaomian. He whispered to Mo Tong, "Rui is innocent and kind. I don't know why you came here, but I hope you don't do anything to hurt her. Otherwise, you might suffer the most terrible revenge in the world."    


Mo Tong looked at JOJO, but he didn't reply.    


JOJO did not say anything else but carefully read the script.    


"Brother Jojo, how is it?" Jian Rui ran over and asked.    


"There is no problem with the script." JOJO smiled and said, "Now our first step is to memorize the lines. I think it will take you less than half an hour to memorize all the lines. Then we will start rehearsing."    


"Okay." Jian Rui smiled and nodded.    


In the next half an hour, the three of them started to memorize the lines seriously. Mo Tong was the first to finish. Originally, he had the least lines. Plus, he was smart. In less than five minutes, he remembered all the lines.    


Fifteen minutes later, Jian Rui also memorized her lines. Gu Xiaomian anxiously looked at Jian Rui and said, "Rui, even you memorized it?"    


"It's okay. Take your time and don't rush." Jian Rui waved her hand and turned to hold JOJO's hand and asked, "Brother Jojo, didn't you say you would take me to see the album?"    


"I will take you there." JOJO pulled Jian Rui to the study on the second floor.    


After Gu Xiaomian saw them leave, he immediately turned to Mo Tong and said, "Mo Tong, help me delete some lines. I can't memorize so many lines."    


Mo Tong looked at Gu Xiaomian, who was sweating profusely, and nodded. He picked up his script book and helped to change it.    



In the study, Jian Rui was holding JOJO's photo album. She had to ask a lot of questions every time she saw a picture.    


For example, where did this photo come from? Did it snow? Was the air good? Was there a snow war or something?    


JOJO was not impatient. He explained the origin of every photo to her.    


Ever since Jian Haixi found out that Jian Yi's favorite place was Iceland, JOJO had a special feeling about that place. Although he could not tell Jian Rui that the brother she missed was there. But if these photos could ease her longing for her brother, then he would try his best to explain the scene in the photos to Jian Rui in detail.    


Jian Rui listened to JOJO's story about him in Iceland and her heart was filled with yearning. "I really want to go there and take a look."    


JOJO stroked Jian Rui's hair and said, "Don't worry. One day you will definitely be able to go there."    


He knew that Ning Jiwei had already gone to Iceland. In the near future, Jian Yi would definitely come back.    


Jian Rui smiled and nodded. "When I grow up, I must go there to take a look. My brother loves Iceland the most. He said that Iceland is the cleanest place in the world."    


JOJO nodded and said, "It is indeed very clean there. You will know when you go there in the future."    


Jian Rui smiled and looked at him. Then she lowered her head and continued to flip through the album.    


Suddenly, a photo attracted Jian Rui's attention.    


"What happened to you?" JOJO asked.    


Jian Rui's fingers trembled. She pointed at the figure in the photo and asked, "Brother Jojo, who is this person?"    


JOJO looked at the photo. When he saw the figure Jian Rui was pointing at, he was stunned.    


He had taken pictures of Jian Yi in the wheelchair. Of course he knew who Jian Rui was pointing at, but he could not say anything now.    


"I don't know him. He is just a passerby." JOJO said calmly.    


"Just a passerby?" Jian Rui was a little disappointed. She stared at that figure. She muttered, "But Brother Jojo, I think he looks familiar. Look at the position of his fingers. They are exactly the same as my brother's. Every time my brother sits, his fingers are always placed like this. "    


JOJO took a look at the photo. He smiled and touched Jian Rui's head. "You think too much. It is so far away that you can't even see clearly. How can you see his fingers clearly?"    


"Did I think too much?"    


"Yes, you just miss your brother too much," ___ said. He flipped open a new page of the album and said, "Let's continue with the story of Iceland, okay?"    


Jian Rui nodded blankly and said, "Okay."    


After that, although Jian Rui obediently listened to JOJO's narration and did not ask to take a look at that photo, she did not ask any more questions.    


JOJO looked at Jian Rui worriedly. He thought for a while and asked, "Do you want to drink fruit juice?"    


Jian Rui nodded and said, "Brother Jojo, I still have half a cup of fruit juice in the living room. Can you bring it up for me?"    


JOJO nodded and said, "Okay, I will bring it up for you now. Do you want some snacks?"    


"I want to eat." Jian Rui smiled and said, "Take more."    


"No problem. You can eat as much as you want." JOJO saw that she had recovered her smile and heaved a sigh of relief. He turned around and went out to get snacks and fruit juice for her.    


Jian Rui heard JOJO's footsteps downstairs and quickly turned the album back to that page.    


Jian Rui looked at the familiar figure in the photo and her eyes gradually turned red. She stretched out her hand and stopped on the figure for a second. She said in a low voice, "I know you are not my brother, but I want this photo."    


As she said that, Jian Rui took out her phone from her pocket and took the photo.    


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