CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C86 You Can't Leave Me Alone

C86 You Can't Leave Me Alone

0As soon as Ning Jikang left the old residence, he received a text message from Sung Lan asking him to meet at the usual place.    


The number of times they had met could be counted with one hand.    


The only place that could be considered an old place was naturally the hotel that they had stayed together in.    


Ning Jikang looked at the contents of the message. His narrowed eyes had a complicated expression.    


No matter how lewd Ning Jikang was, based on his many years of experience, he naturally knew that Sung Lan was not a simple woman.    


Just like how Wenn Qingnuan took the initiative to climb onto his bed back then, Sung Lan must have her reasons for finding him.    


But even so, when Ning Jikang thought of Sung Lan's graceful body, he still could not help swallowing his saliva.    


The person he paid the most attention to since young was neither Xu Hui nor Wenn Qingnuan, but his younger brother Ning Jiwei.    


It was precisely because he had been suppressed by Ning Jiwei for a long time that he felt a different kind of feeling when it came to Ning Jiwei's women. He felt that he would never get bored with Ning Jiwei's women.    


Ning Jikang thought about it and finally, his desire still occupied his rationality. Ning Jikang revealed an evil smile. He drove the car and rushed to the hotel that he and Sung Lan had been in close contact with.    


By the time he arrived, Sung Lan was already waiting there.    


Just as Ning Jikang knocked on the door, Sung Lan's voice came from inside with a strong charm.    


"The door isn't locked. Come in."    


In the room, Sung Lan was in the bathroom taking a shower. The clothes she took off were casually thrown onto the bed and sofa.    


Ning Jikang listened to the sound of water in the bathroom. His rationality was basically thrown to the side. He lifted his feet and walked towards the bathroom.    


The bathroom door had nothing to do with it. Ning Jikang reached out and pushed it open.    




Sung Lan heard the sound of the door being pushed open and quickly screamed.    


"You came in too suddenly!"    


Sung Lan hid behind the shower curtain and only revealed her small red face as she looked at Ning Jikang.    


"You don't have to be shy. It's not like I haven't seen your body before."    


Ning Jikang rubbed his hands together. "Come on, baby. Didn't you open the door because you wanted me to come in? It just so happens that we can take a bath together."    


" Stop dreaming. "    


Sung Lan smiled mischievously. She sprayed the water all over Ning Jikang's body with the shower. "Quickly go out. Wait for me to finish bathing before you take a bath."    


Ning Jikang was sprayed by the water. He immediately frowned. "You don't have to go through so much trouble! Let's start now!"    


"No, I don't want to do it here."    


Sung Lan stomped her feet. She glared at Ning Jikang playfully and said, "Get out of here quickly, okay?"    


"Okay, I will go out now."    


Now that Sung Lan was by Ning Jikang's side, his patience was much better. He spread his hands and walked out obediently. Anyway, Sung Lan would be his sooner or later. It was fine for him to wait a little longer. Ning Jikang didn't mind indulging her a little more.    


Not long after, Sung Lan walked out with a towel around her.    


Ning Jikang saw Sung Lan walk over. He couldn't help but throw himself at her. He directly carried her into his arms and began to caress her.    


"Don't be so anxious."    


Sung Lan looked at the anxious Ning Jikang. A trace of pride flashed across her eyes. She struggled to break free from his arms.    


Ning Jikang swallowed his saliva. He stared at Sung Lan greedily and said, "Beauty, don't tease me. Let's start."    


"No, you go take a shower first."    


Sung Lan smiled sweetly and pointed to the bathroom to give the order.    


"Okay, I will go take a shower now." When Ning Jikang heard this, he quickly took off his clothes and pants and rushed into the bathroom.    


Sung Lan looked at the bathroom door and smiled coldly. Then she started to put on her clothes.    


Ning Jikang quickly took a shower and then he saw Sung Lan wearing sexy pajamas. She was sitting on the sofa drinking red wine and beside her, she also prepared a glass of red wine for Ning Jikang.    


Sung Lan saw him come out and pointed at the red wine beside her. She smiled and waved at him. "Darling, come here."    


"Okay!" Ning Jikang walked over with a smile, but he did not sit beside Sung Lan. Instead, he walked in front of her. He held her waist with both hands and let Sung Lan sit on his lap.    


Sung Lan obediently hugged his neck. She handed the red glass to his mouth and said, "You drink."    


Ning Jikang smiled and drank a large mouthful of red wine from Sung Lan's cup. Then he licked his lips and said, "Baby, I want to drink something else more."    


"Don't worry."    


Sung Lan's hand drew circles on his chin.    


Ning Jiwei grabbed her hand and put it somewhere in his excitement. He said in a hoarse voice, "I am very anxious. Can't you feel it?"    


"You hate it. "Sung Lan quickly pulled her hand out and blushed.    


"I will make you love it in a while." Ning Jikang pecked the corner of Sung Lan's mouth and said with a smile.    


"Wait a minute. If you want me to follow you, you can't always let me be sneaky like this." Sung Lan pouted and said, "I don't want to be caught by your wife again. It's too embarrassing."    


"What are you afraid of?" Ning Jikang rubbed her chest ambiguously as he said, "With me around, she won't dare to touch you!"    


Sung Lan felt disdain in her heart. The last time she hit me was in front of you.    


But she did not show it on her face at all. Instead, she lied in Ning Jikang's arms and said, "But when I was with you, it was the first time. You have to be responsible for me."    


Hearing her words, Ning Jikang raised his eyebrows. The greedy look on his face instantly disappeared. He sneered and pushed Sung Lan away from him. "Sung Lan, we all know the rules. It will be meaningless for you to do this."    


"What's wrong with me?"    


Sung Lan did not expect Ning Jikang to suddenly change his face. She asked in surprise.    


Ning Jikang snorted. He stared at Sung Lan coldly and said, "That day in Ning Family, I saw the video of you being intimate with someone else. Now you are still pretending with me. You are looking down on my memory. Or are you so stupid that you don't even want your face? "    


Sung Lan's expression changed. She looked at Ning Jikang and said, "Then last time."    


The last time she was here, she deliberately made a drop of blood on the bed and lied to Ning Jikang that it was the first time. At that time, Ning Jikang did not say anything. She thought that she lied to him.    


"Last time?" Ning Jikang sneered. "Anyway, I have sex with you. I don't need to care about your little tricks."    


Sung Lan opened her mouth. She did not expect her plan to fail.    


Seeing that his mood was ruined tonight, Ning Jikang was too lazy to waste time here. He stood up and wanted to leave, but Sung Lan pulled his arm.    


"You still have something to do?" Ning Jikang turned back to look at Sung Lan. To be honest, he really did not want to part with her.    


Sung Lan bit her lower lip and thought for a while. She looked at Ning Jikang and said, "You know that I have been in love with Ning Jiwei for six years, although we did not end up together in the end. But I have been with him for so many years. His business model. I know all his work methods.    


When he heard her mention Ning Jiwei, Ning Jikang's eyes suddenly tightened. He pulled Sung Lan's hand and asked, "Are you serious?"    


"Of course."    


Ning Jikang looked Sung Lan up and down a few times. He knew that since she had said all this, it was impossible that she did not have a purpose. So he asked coldly, "What do you want?"    


Sung Lan lifted her chin and looked proudly at Ning Jikang. She directly said her purpose, "I want you to marry me. The sooner the better."    


Ning Jikang narrowed his eyes. He thought for a moment and nodded. "I will think about it, but."    


Ning Jikang looked at the cleavage on Sung Lan's chest. He sneered and picked her up at the waist and walked to the bedroom.    


Jian Haixi was in a very low mood because of Qin Tian's words. She did not say anything after leaving the Joe's house.    


Gu Chenyi tried to persuade her, but Jian Haixi shook her head and said, "Chen Yi, don't say anymore. My mind is very messy right now."    


Gu Chenyi sighed. Seeing Jian Haixi so sad, he wished he could beat Ning Jiwei up. "He really went too far. Haixi, why don't I just go to the door and block him, and then teach him a good lesson for you?"    


Before Jian Haixi could say anything, Jian Rui, who was standing by the side, angrily put her hands on her hips and said, "No, no one can hit me, Daddy. Neither can Uncle Gu!"    


Seeing Jian Rui so protective of Ning Jiwei, Gu Chenyi was stunned. He laughed and shook his head. "I don't know how much fortune he had in his previous life. He actually got such a good woman and children without any effort."    


Gu Xiaomian, who had not said anything, pulled Jian Rui's arm and whispered, "Rui, why are you protecting your father? He refused to marry your mother. This means that he is not a good father."    


"No, my father is a good father. I don't allow you to criticize him like that." Jian Rui was so angry that she almost cried when she heard Gu Xiaomian say that about Ning Jiwei.    


Jian Haixi, who was standing by the side, was stunned. She smiled bitterly and shook her head. "This is such a simple question. Even Xiaomian can see it clearly, but I can't see it clearly."    


"Mommy, don't be sad." Jian Yi hugged Jian Haixi and promised, "I will definitely protect you. You have me. Don't be afraid."    


Jian Haixi forced a smile and rubbed Jian Yi's head without saying anything.    


Gu Chenyi's family sent Jian Haixi and the others to their house before turning back. Because Jian Haixi was not in a good mood, no one said anything.    


Jian Haixi led the children back home. She first carried the rubbish downstairs and threw it away, and at the same time, stayed alone.    


She did not expect to see Qin Tian again downstairs.    


Qin Tian was leaning against the roadside smoking when she saw Jian Haixi coming down. She stretched out her hand and gave her a cigarette and said, "I want to talk to you."    


"What is there to talk about?" Jian Haixi did not take the cigarette and only asked coldly.    


"Of course we have something to talk about." Qin Tian smiled and said, "If you still want to marry Ning Jiwei, then you have to help me."    


Qin Tian said, took a deep breath and looked directly at Jian Haixi. She went straight to the point and said, "I have liked Qin Zhixu for many years. If you want me to help you, you have to help me. You help me get Qin Zhixu's affection."    


"You." Jian Haixi looked at Qin Tian in surprise, even though she had already seen some spider silk horses at Joe's house. But hearing Qin Tian say it so directly, she still could not accept it for a moment. She said, "Qin Zhixu is your brother."    


"I know." Qin Tian spat out a smoke ring and smiled carelessly, "You don't need to remind me about this. Do you think he wouldn't be with me if it wasn't for my relationship with Qin Zhixu?"    


She was right.    


Jian Haixi nodded and did not speak for a long time.    


Qin Tian finished smoking a cigarette and looked at the silent Jian Haixi and asked, "How is it? Have you thought it through? Are you willing to help me?"    


Jian Haixi lifted her head and met Qin Tian's gaze and said," This is not right. But..."    


Jian Haixi paused and firmly said, "But I will do it."    


She did not want to pass by her happiness without putting in any effort.    


Qin Tian listened to Jian Haixi's answer and revealed a smile of approval and satisfaction. She winked at Jian Haixi charmingly and said, "I really like you the moment I see you. Now it seems that I really did not like the wrong person."    


Jian Haixi smiled bitterly. Being liked by someone had to pay the price and she had to pay the price.    


After Sung Lan had sex with Ning Jikang, she gently said a lot and finally coaxed Ning Jikang to agree to divorce.    


After Ning Jikang left, Sung Lan laid on the bed and lazily called Wenn Qingnuan.    


Wenn Qingnuan was at home waiting for Sung Lan's news. When she saw the phone call come in, she immediately picked up the phone, "How is it?"    


"Of course you don't have to worry about the success rate when I do things." Sung Lan's voice was also filled with fatigue and raspy after having sex. She said proudly, "He has already gone back. If there is no accident, he should have mentioned divorce with you. You should prepare in advance. "    


"That's good." Wenn Qingnuan heaved a sigh of relief and hung up the phone. Immediately, she felt as if a huge stone had been lifted from her heart.    



She lifted her head to look at the mirror in front of her. In the mirror, the corners of her mouth unconsciously lifted up.    


She could finally divorce Ning Jikang. She finally had the right to be with Ning Jiwei!    


She used the fastest speed to prepare the divorce agreement and signed her name on the divorce agreement in advance. She put the divorce agreement on the table and left it to Ning Jikang, then took the car keys and left Ning Family.    


She could not wait any longer. The moment she got her freedom, she wanted to see Ning Jiwei. She wanted to share her joy with him and tell him that she could return to his side.    


Ning Jiwei settled Ning Fubaang in the hospital. After making sure that Ning Fubaang's life was not in danger, he handed Ning Fubaang to the nurse to take care of him. He drove away from the hospital.    


Ning Jiwei wanted to see Jian Haixi. He also wanted to see Jian Yi and Jian Rui, the two children.    


However, not long after Ning Jiwei drove his car out, he was caught up by Wenn Qingnuan's car on the way.    


Wenn Qingnuan pressed the megaphone and shouted at Ning Jiwei, "Ji Wei, wait for me. I have something to say to you."    


Ning Jiwei looked at Wenn Qingnuan impatiently. He did not stop the car. Instead, he sped up and drove forward.    


Ning Jiwei did not have the time to accompany Wenn Qingnuan to reminisce about the past.    


"Ji Wei, stop for a moment!" Ning Jiwei sped up, and so did Wenn Qingnuan. The two cars chased each other.    


Ning Jiwei saw Wenn Qingnuan chasing him from behind. He frowned in annoyance. He took advantage of the time when the green light was about to reach the intersection and drove over quickly.    


"Ji Wei!"    


Wenn Qingnuan saw that Ning Jiwei did not stop. She rushed past the red light and stopped in front of Ning Jiwei's car. She forced him to stop by the side of the road.    


"Are you crazy?"    


Ning Jiwei was forced to stop the car. He opened the door and got out. He stared coldly at Wenn Qingnuan and said, "What do you want to do?"    


"Ji Wei, give me two minutes. I have something to tell you."    


"I have nothing to say to you." Ning Jiwei left Wenn Qingnuan and walked to the side of the road. She did not let him drive, but he could take a taxi.    


Wenn Qingnuan saw Ning Jiwei like this and her heart hurt. She gritted her teeth and ran forward. She pulled his arm and said, "Ji Wei, are you really that cruel? I chased you for so long."    


"I asked you to drive after me?"    


Ning Jiwei impatiently shook Wenn Qingnuan's hand off, but he did not expect a car to drive towards them at this moment.    


Wenn Qingnuan was thrown back two steps. She screamed and fell towards the middle of the road.    


When Ning Jiwei saw this scene, his expression changed, and he hurriedly went forward to pull her.    


But Ning Jiwei was still a step too late. Although Wenn Qingnuan was not seriously injured, her arm still fell to the ground and blood was left on it.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the blood on Wenn Qingnuan's arm. He frowned and pulled her to the side of the road. He said coldly, "Take a taxi to the hospital yourself."    


After Ning Jiwei said that, he turned around and was about to leave.    


"Ning Jiwei!"    


Wenn Qingnuan saw how cruel Ning Jiwei was. She sat by the side of the road and cried, "Have you really forgotten the sweetness we had back then? Even if you have forgotten, have you also forgotten about my brother? When you were in school, you were always bullied because of your weak body. It was my brother who stood in front of you time and time again to stand up for you. It was also because of my brother that we knew each other. That's why we had everything that happened after that. Have you forgotten all of that? "    


Ning Jiwei originally wanted to leave, but Wenn Qingnuan's words successfully made him stop in his tracks.    


"Ji Wei, so many things have happened over the years, but I can't erase the past. You can't erase it either! " Wenn Qingnuan looked at Ning Jiwei's back and sobbed, "I know I let you down, but have you ever asked me why? Who knows what I have suffered all these years? Ji Wei, even if you care a little about my pressure, You wouldn't be so cold to me."    


Ning Jiwei stood where he was. He didn't leave, but he didn't look back. It was as if he was struggling with his own decision.    


Wenn Qingnuan cried, "Ji Wei, we had so many good things in the past, even if you abandoned all of them. Did you forget all the protection my brother gave you? You can't forget my brother's kindness, Ning Jiwei. "    


Ning Jiwei closed his eyes. Jian Haixi's figure flashed in front of his eyes. He wanted to find Jian Haixi, but Wenn Qingnuan's sobbing voice behind him had stopped him.    


If Wenn Qingnuan only recalled the past with him, Ning Jiwei could be ruthless and leave. But she talked about her brother, which made Ning Jiwei unable to leave her by the side of the road.    


After struggling for a moment, Ning Jiwei gritted his teeth and turned back.    


"Ji Wei."    


Wenn Qingnuan saw Ning Jiwei come back and her eyes lit up. She held her injured arm and looked up at him.    


Ning Jiwei walked in front of Wenn Qingnuan. With a cold expression, he bent down and picked her up and walked to the hospital.    


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