CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C74 Big Dad Is Very Strong

C74 Big Dad Is Very Strong

0Ning Family.    


Sung Qin was tied up by a hemp rope and fell to the ground. Father Sang and Sung Lan stood at the side and apologized, "Great-Grandfather, Great Grandmother, my unfilial daughter made such a big mistake this time. It really makes me feel ashamed. So I kidnapped her myself today to look for you guys. Also, no matter how you deal with Ji Wei, I won't have any objections."    


" Great-Grandfather, Great Grandmother. " Sung Qin knelt on the ground and begged for mercy while crying, "Sorry, I know I was wrong. Please give me one more chance. I will not make any mistakes in the future."    


The two elders of Ning Family sat in the middle of the sofa and looked at Sung Qin with a frown. Old Mrs. Ning coldly snorted and revealed a disgusted expression.    


Xu Hui rolled her eyes. The Sung Family was originally a chess piece in her hands, and it would be used to exchange for Ning Jikang's benefits. However, the two daughters of the Sung Family did something stupid. They had caused her and Ji Kang's plan to change completely.    


This was the first time Wenn Qingnuan showed a satisfied smile to Sung Qin. The dumber the girls of Sung Family were, the further away they were from Ning Jiwei. This was very beneficial to her. Wenn Qingnuan looked at Sung Qin now and even felt that she was much more pleasing to the eye.    


Ning Fubaang sighed. He didn't want to face the Sung Family again, and he didn't want Old Master Ning to make a decision for Ning Jiwei. He simply looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "Ji Wei, you are the one who was hurt in this matter. You handle it. No matter what the outcome of your treatment is, we have no objections. "    


Ning Fubaang's last sentence was obviously meant for the rest of the Ning Family and the people of Sung Family. His son was very outstanding, but he had been harmed by these two daughters of the Sung Family time and time again. Last time, they forced them to forgive them, but this time, they did such a thing again. The Sung Family simply didn't put the Ning Family in their eyes.    


Old Mrs. Ning heard Ning Fubaang's words, nodded and said to Ning Jiwei, "Ji Wei, it's up to you to decide this matter."    


"Great Grandmother." Sung Qin hurriedly crawled two steps forward and begged, crying, "Great Grandmother, please spare me."    


"Great-Grandfather." Father Sang looked at Old Master Ning. Although he was willing to give up his daughter Sung Qin, he still hoped that the Ning Family would forgive Sung Qin's mistakes because he took the initiative to apologize. But now, it seemed like this wasn't possible.    


Old Master Ning pondered for a moment and nodded at Ning Jiwei. He said to Father Sang, "This is Ji Wei's matter after all. He will make the decision."    


He meant that he did not care about Sung Qin's matter anymore.    


Sung Lan was secretly pleased. Father Sang was stunned for a moment. Ning Jiwei, who did not want to talk to the people of Sung Family, said coldly, "Since that's the case, let's let her get out of the country. She and her next three generations can't appear in the country anymore. Otherwise, I will make a move on them."    


"I don't want to. Ji Wei, let me go. Dad, save me." Sung Qin, who was on the ground, begged for mercy in fear.    


"Ji Wei, isn't this too much?"    




Father Sang wanted to beg for mercy, but Sung Lan interrupted him. She smiled flatteringly and said to the two elders of Ning Family, "This is the fault of Sung Family. Ji Wei is very tolerant."    


Father Sang did not say what he wanted to say. He did not want the benefits of Sung Family to be damaged because of Sung Qin.    


"Ji Wei, I'm sorry. I know I was wrong. Can you give me a chance?" Sung Qin saw that Father Sang didn't speak anymore, so she looked at Ning Jiwei begging for mercy.    


Ning Jiwei did not look at her anymore.    


Sung Qin knew that her future fate was in Ning Jiwei's hands. One sentence from him could make her go to heaven, and he could also make her go to hell. Therefore, she did not care about being embarrassed and crawled towards Ning Jiwei on her knees.    


"Ji Wei, I really know my mistake. Please don't be so cruel to me, okay? I really know my wrongs. Please spare me. Give me a chance. "    


Three generations is not allowed to return. What kind of severe punishment is this? This was equivalent to Sung Qin's life being ruined.    


If others knew that she was expelled by the Ning Family, who would come close to her and give her resources? How was she going to marry in the future?    


Thinking of this, Sung Qin crawled even faster. She went straight to Ning Jiwei's feet and cried, "Ji Wei, I beg you. I really know I was wrong. You can punish me however you want. I will do whatever it takes to make up for my mistake. Please don't be so cruel to me."    


Ning Jiwei couldn't bear it any longer and moved his feet away from her legs. He said coldly, "If you drip your mucus on my shoes, I will make sure that both you and Sung Family won't be able to live."    


Sung Lan and Father Sang's expressions changed when they heard Ning Jiwei's words. They quickly went forward and pulled Sung Qin back.    


"Sung Qin, what are you doing? It was your fault in the first place. You just have to take responsibility for your mistake. Don't be so embarrassing, okay?" Sung Lan could not help but scold.    


The two elders of Ning Family were unwilling to see Sung Qin again. They waved their hands and asked Butler to lead her away.    


"I don't want to leave. Ji Wei, save me." Sung Qin's cries grew further and further until they completely disappeared.    


Sung Lan finally let out a sigh of relief when she saw Sung Qin being taken away. She looked at the two elders of Ning Family sitting on the sofa and fawned, "Great-Grandfather, Great Grandmother, although Sung Qin did something wrong this time, But we also took the initiative to send her over. We were implicated. "    


Seeing that Sung Lan wanted to claim credit the first time, the two elders of Ning Family frowned and did not express their stance. Wenn Qingnuan, who was watching coldly from the side, opened her mouth, "What is it? Now it is you who wants to marry into the Ning Family?"    


Sung Lan frowned, and even Father Sang frowned. He said unhappily, "The marriage between the Sung Family and the Ning Family has been decided long ago."    


"You should finish reading this first."    


Wenn Qingnuan interrupted Father Sang with a cold smile. She handed a video on her phone to the two elders of Ning Family. It was a video of Sung Lan having a relationship with someone else in the hotel.    


"What's going on?" The two elders of Ning Family looked at the video and said angrily.    


Sung Lan was stunned. She did not expect that this kind of thing would be recorded. She really wanted to say that the person inside was not her, but this was impossible. As long as the people from the Ning Family investigated a little, they would know.    


Father Sang was stunned. He didn't expect Sung Lan to do such a thing.    


Wenn Qingnuan looked at Sung Lan with a cold smile and said, "How can such a person marry into the Ning Family?"    


Ning Jiwei smiled and looked at Wenn Qingnuan for the first time. He said, "Yes. There is already such a person in the Ning Family. "    


Wenn Qingnuan looked at Ning Jiwei in disbelief. She did not expect him to say that in front of everyone. Wasn't this clearly referring to her?    


But she couldn't deny it. She couldn't absolve herself now. She couldn't shirk the responsibility either.    


After Ning Jiwei finished speaking, he didn't look at her anymore. Instead, he looked at the two old Daoists from the Ning Family and said, "Grandpa, grandma, you don't have to worry about the Sung Family anymore. Since the Sung Family doesn't have a qualified daughter to marry into the Ning Family, then forget it."    


After saying that, Ning Jiwei didn't want to stay any longer. He sneered and left.    


When the two elders of Ning Family heard Ning Jiwei's words, they remained silent for a moment.    


Father Sang looked at the silent crowd and felt that the marriage was going to be suspended. He hurriedly said, "Great-Grandfather, Great Grandmother, both of my daughters are in the wrong."    


But Father Sang didn't have the face to continue, but he forced himself to say, "But the engagement between the Ning Family and the Sung Family was made by the previous generation. How can you go back on your words?"    


Before the two elders of Ning Family could say anything, Ning Fubaang sneered and said, "In the end, you still want benefits. Ji Wei had poured enough money into Sung Family to feed a few of them. Even if it was a great kindness, with so much money and support, We will still tolerate your mistakes time and time again. Isn't that enough? What more do you want from the Sung Family? "    


Ning Fubaang's words were hard to listen to. Old Master Ning knocked on his crutch. After a moment of silence, he nodded and said, "Recently, we have done a lot of investigations after we returned to the country. Ji Wei has given you enough money. He is worthy of the engagement. Since your daughter has no fate with the Ning Family... Then cancel the engagement."    


Father Sang opened his mouth, but he looked at Old Master Ning and Great Grandmother. He knew that there was no turning back on this matter. He could only leave with a dark face.    


Of course, Sung Lan was unwilling to compromise, but she also knew that if she continued to make trouble, it would only be a joke. So she could only bear with it and leave with Father Sang. Before leaving, she glared at Wenn Qingnuan. Wenn Qingnuan sneered provocatively and glared back.    


Sung Lan came out of the Ning Family. Just as she followed Father Sang into the car, she suddenly retched. After she retched, she was stunned. She covered her mouth and widened her eyes in fear.    


Because Sung Lan just remembered that this month's period did not seem to have come.    


After the people from the Sung Family left, Xu Hui looked at the two elders of the Ning Family and asked hesitantly, "Great-Grandfather, Great Grandmother, are you going to give up your engagement with the Sung Family just like that?"    


As far as Xu Hui knew, these two elders had always insisted on having a marriage alliance with the Sung Family. Why did they give up so easily this time?    


Old Mrs. Ning smiled and said, "Don't worry. We have already found a suitable wife for Ji Wei. She will also be of great help to the future of the Ning Family. However, that girl is still studying abroad. When she returns to the country, we will introduce her to Ji Wei. "    


When Old Mrs. Ning said this, it meant that the Sung Family had been abandoned.    


Xu Hui's eyes were full of surprise. After the two elders of the Ning Family left the living room and returned to their rooms, she could not help but mutter, "This Ning Jiwei is really lucky. Why does everyone benefit him?"    


"What are you saying?"    


Ning Fubaang said to Xu Hui, "He is your biological son. Is that something you should say?"    


Xu Hui snorted and turned her head to ignore Ning Fubaang.    


After Wenn Qingnuan found out that the two elders of Ning Family had found another girl for Ning Jiwei, she felt very unhappy in her heart. She sat in the room and refused to go out to eat.    


Ning Jikang had always held a grudge because of the kindness the two elders of the Ning Family had for Ning Jiwei. At this time, he saw Wenn Qingnuan giving him a look because of this matter. He immediately became angry. He went forward and pulled Wenn Qingnuan's hair. He raised his hand and threw Wenn Qingnuan onto the ground.    


"You are also thinking about Ning Jiwei, right?"    


Wenn Qingnuan was flung by Ning Jikang and her entire back hit the floor. A few strands of her hair were torn off by him.    


"Haven't you been thinking about Ning Jiwei all these years? Tell me, are you still thinking about him?" Ning Jikang punched and kicked Wenn Qingnuan, venting his anger.    


"I am not."    


"You didn't? I think you want your eyes to be glued to Ning Jiwei's body!"    


"Stop hitting me, Ji Kang."    


Ning Jikang sneered and didn't stop. He scolded, "Today, I will teach you a good lesson and let you know who you are. I want to see if you dare to do it again in the future."    


After Ning Jikang said that, he continued to hit Wenn Qingnuan on the ground.    


Wenn Qingnuan felt unbearable pain from being hit by Ning Jikang, but her heart felt like it was being stabbed by a knife. She thought of Ning Jiwei's pampering of her in the past, and Ning Jikang's current attitude towards her. Wenn Qingnuan only felt regret. She gritted her teeth and swore to herself that she must end this kind of life. She wanted to return to Ning Jiwei's side.    




Jian Yi, Jian Rui, and Gu Xiaomian hurriedly rushed back to school after they remembered that they did not take leave.    


However, when they arrived at the school and ran to the teacher's office while panting, they saw Jian Haixi, Gu Chenyi, and Yun Ling already sitting there.    




"First Dad, Little Dad."    


The three of them were breathing heavily. They looked at each other and stood there.    


Jian Haixi saw the three of them come back and they heaved a big sigh of relief. They were just about to call the police.    


Jian Haixi quickly put down the phone and walked over. She hugged Jian Yi and Jian Rui and asked, "Where did you guys go?"    


"Mommy." Jian Yi and Jian Rui looked at Jian Haixi guiltily.    


Gu Xiaomian, who was beside her, ran over and hugged Gu Chenyi's thigh. He said, "First Dad, you can't blame me. This is all your fault. You can't hit me, and you can't let auntie hit Yi and Rui either. "    


"Is this my fault?" Gu Chenyi was stunned. Jian Haixi and the teacher were also stunned.    


What did he mean by that?    


The adults did not know what Gu Xiaomian wanted to say, but Jian Yi and Jian Rui knew what Gu Xiaomian wanted to say. The two of them quickly got to work. Jian Rui went forward to stop Gu Xiaomian from talking. Jian Yi pulled Jian Haixi and walked out. He still had time to turn back and politely bow to his teacher to apologize.    


"I'm sorry, teacher. This is all a misunderstanding. We are very sorry to make you worry. We will go out now and explain to our parents."    


After saying that, Jian Yi pulled Jian Haixi out of the office. Gu Xiaomian was also pulled out by Jian Rui. Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling looked at each other and said apologetically to their teacher, "I'm sorry, teacher. Our child has caused you trouble. Don't worry, I'll teach the three of them a lesson later."    


"It's alright." The teacher hurriedly smiled and said, "The most important thing is for the children to return safely. Furthermore, these three children usually perform very well. I think there's a misunderstanding here too. We'll understand it later."    


" Alright. " Gu Chenyi smiled apologetically and said, "Then we will go out first. We will go and find out what happened to the children first."    


"Okay, you guys better not hit the children." The teacher still remembered what Gu Xiaomian said just now. She was afraid that Gu Chenyi would act impulsively and attack the children. She said to Gu Chenyi worriedly.    


"Gu Chenyi, look at your image." Yun Ling laughed loudly. He turned around and promised the teacher, "Teacher, don't worry. With me here, I won't let him hit the child."    


"That's good."    


The teacher gave a few more words of advice before letting Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling out.    


The three parents were pulled to the playground by the three children. Jian Haixi looked at Jian Yi and said, "You can say it now."    


She was assured of Jian Yi, but he was just a child after all. Jian Yi would always encounter difficulties when he brought Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian out, so she was still worried about them going out.    


Jian Yi looked at Gu Chenyi and said faintly, "When we were eating today, Gu Xiaomian said that Uncle Gu went to find me, Daddy. We were afraid that they would get into a conflict, so we called you guys, but we didn't get through. That's why we rushed over. We were going to take a leave of absence, but we forgot in a hurry. "    


Jian Yi explained everything in a simple and orderly manner. Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling, who were standing at the side, were stunned when they heard this.    


Gu Xiaomian looked at Gu Chenyi and said, "So, First Dad, do you know that this is all your fault?"    


Gu Chenyi blinked and shook his head with a smile. He said to Jian Haixi, "It seems that it is really my fault."    


Jian Haixi also shook her head in amusement. She did not think that the three children would run away from class because of this matter.    



"Although you guys are excusable, there will not be a next time. The adults' matters need to be handled by the adults. It's not up to you kids to worry about this. Furthermore, you have to attend classes properly in school. You can't skip classes. "    


" Got it, Mommy. " Jian Rui hugged Jian Haixi's arm and said good things. She pouted again and said, "But if we don't skip class, I, Daddy, might get beaten up. No one can beat up Daddy!"    


Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling were stunned when they heard what the little girl said. Gu Chenyi sighed with emotion and said, "Haixi, how do you usually feed your child? Why are they so protective of their own family? My family's child is provided with delicious food, but I have never seen him protect me, this father."    


Jian Haixi laughed. She cast a sidelong glance at Gu Chenyi and said, "Don't speak nonsense. Xiaomian is so cute."    


"He is about to eat like a pig." Gu Chenyi pinched Gu Xiaomian's chubby face lovingly and said.    


"First Dad, you're pinching me. It hurts." Gu Xiaomian saved his face from Gu Chenyi's hands and said, "First Dad, it's not that I don't want to protect you. Little Dad said that if you don't beat First Dad up, you won't be able to make it. In the past, you were beaten up by grandpa since you were young."    


Gu Chenyi didn't think that his son would say such a thing. Just as he was about to explain, he heard his son say with a smile, "So, since First Dad is so resistant to beating, of course I don't need to worry about you!"    


Everyone laughed.    


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