CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C63 Grandpa Fu

C63 Grandpa Fu

0Sung Qin followed Ning Jiwei out. She saw him walking to the side of the car, so she quickly ran after him.    


"Ji Wei."    


Sung Qin wanted to stop Ning Jiwei, but the door suddenly opened from the inside. A person walked out of Ning Jiwei's car - Sung Lan.    


Sung Qin saw Sung Lan and her face froze, but she quickly calmed down. She turned to Ning Jiwei and asked, "Ji Wei, it is not good for you to do this."    


Ning Jiwei did not want to bother with her. He had even left Father Sang in the house. Why would Sung Qin think that he would discuss this with her here?    


Very soon, another car drove over and stopped in front of Ning Jiwei. Lee Fu got out of the car and gave the car keys to Ning Jiwei.    


Ning Jiwei took the car keys, nodded to Lee Fu, and drove away.    


Lee Fu helped Sung Lan into the yard. One of Sung Lan's legs was broken. Her feet were currently covered in plaster. However, she was not as weak as she used to be. She did not beg Ning Jiwei not to leave. Instead, she calmly let Lee Fu support her and walk forward.    


They had just taken two steps when Sung Qin stopped them.    


"Lee Fu, what are you going to do?" Sung Qin shouted coldly.    


Sung Qin was the future Mrs. Ning, and Lee Fu was only Ning Jiwei's assistant. No matter what, he should respect her.    


But Lee Fu did not respect her. He smiled coldly and conveyed Ning Jiwei's words, "Director said that even if his business is closely related to the Sung Family, he should respect her. You better not forget that the Sung Family has two daughters."    


Sung Qin was stunned. Then, her facial expression changed drastically.    


Lee Fu ignored her, and supported Sung Lan into the courtyard.    


Sung Qin was much smarter than Sung Lan and after she understood the meaning of Lee Fu's words, She used a very short time to understand the whole thing. Then she pulled a smile on her stiff face. She pretended to be friendly and took Sung Lan from Lee Fu's hands.    


"Younger sister, let me help you in."    


Her friendly manner was as if the cold and stern words just now were not said by her.    


Lee Fu smiled coldly and did not say anything. He cooperated and let Sung Lan go.    


Sung Lan pushed Sung Qin away and then she whispered a warning to Sung Qin, "Sung Qin, you did not kill me this time. The next person who will die, I do not know who it will be."    


Sung Qin tensed up but Sung Lan acted as if nothing had happened and said to Lee Fu, "I am already here and will not go in. It is also quite good for me to stay in the hospital."    


Lee Fu nodded. He turned around and helped Sung Lan into the car and sent her back to the hospital.    


Sung Qin fiercely stared at Sung Lan's leaving figure. She was so angry that she bit her lips until blood flowed out.    


She stood outside for a while. After she calmed down, she took two deep breaths and wanted to enter the house. However, she saw Wenn Qingnuan get out of the car of the Ning Family.    


Sung Qin saw Wenn Qingnuan and her footsteps paused.    


Wenn Qingnuan looked at her and walked over with a cold smile. Wenn Qingnuan sized her up and down and sneered, "What a pity, your plan failed."    


Sung Qin's expression became even uglier when she heard that.    


Wenn Qingnuan looked in the direction Sung Lan left and continued, "You have to deal with quite a number of people."    


Sung Qin heard Wenn Qingnuan's words that were ear-piercing but she quickly calmed down. She looked at Wenn Qingnuan and nodded, "But I have never thought of being your enemy."    


Wenn Qingnuan coldly snorted and said, "You have never thought of being my enemy. You are only thinking about how to be my sister-in-law. Am I right?"    


After Wenn Qingnuan finished speaking, she shot a disdainful glance at Sung Qin and turned around to leave with a cold smile.    


Sung Qin gritted her teeth and looked at Wenn Qingnuan's back as she lifted her leg to chase after her.    


"I just want to take revenge on Sung Lan and her daughter." Sung Qin quickly whispered into Wenn Qingnuan's ear, "They caused the death of my mother and caused me to leave my hometown for so many years. I just want to take revenge on them. If possible, I ask you to help me. I swear, after I succeed, I will never interfere with the matter between you and Ji Wei."    


Wenn Qingnuan listened to Sung Qin's words and only sneered and ridiculed. But when she heard Sung Qin's last sentence, her footsteps stopped.    


Jian Haiqing and Qin Zhixu left the hospital. Jian Haiqing did not return to Jian Chenrann's home but returned to her home.    


Because of the ankle sprain, she did not want to let Jian Chenrann and the children worry. Plus, there were too many things that happened suddenly. She also wanted to have a quiet space to calm down.    


Jian Haiqing called Jian Chenrann and told him that she wanted to stay at home for a while. She would pick up the children at night or tomorrow. Jian Chenrann originally insisted on letting her go to his house. It was Lin Xiaodou who said that Jian Haiqing might want some peace and quiet. Jian Chenrann did not insist. He only told her if there was anything else. She could contact him immediately, and then he hung up.    


Jian Haiqing returned home. She lay on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling. What appeared in front of her eyes was the scene of her and Ning Jiwei's interaction in the mountains yesterday.    


Everything was still vivid in her mind, but everything changed overnight.    


Jian Haiqing raised her hand and used the back of her hand to cover her eyes. Tears that could not be stopped fell from the back of her hand, making one's heart ache.    


She could not cry so loudly in front of Jian Chenrann and Lin Xiaodou, because they would advise her to give up Ning Jiwei. For the sake of her children, she could not be a mistress. She could not cry in front of the children, because they would worry about her.    


She had to be the strong Jian Haiqing. Even if she was in her room, she could only release her emotions silently like this.    


Jian Haiqing lay in the room for a while and her phone vibrated again. She took the phone and looked at the three words "Ning Jiwei" on it. Her eyes were filled with sadness and complicated emotions. She did not know how to face him.    


So she put the phone beside her and let it ring again and again.    


Jian Haiqing suddenly heard knocking at the door.    


Jian Haiqing was stunned and walked to the door.    


Ning Jiwei's voice came from outside, "Can you open the door? I have something to tell you."    


Jian Haiqing was stunned. She remembered that she did not tell Ning Jiwei the room number of the floor she lived in.    


But thinking about it, she laughed at herself again. If Ning Jiwei wanted to know where she lived, how could he not have a solution?    


"I know you are inside. Can you open the door?" Ning Jiwei knocked on the door. "Can we talk face to face?"    


Jian Haiqing bit her lips. Her hand that was holding the door handle tightened and loosened, but she remembered Jian Chenrann and Lin Xiaodou's words and still did not open the door.    


"Hai Qing."    


Ning Jiwei persistently said, "Can you hear me? Did the reporters look for you today? Don't worry, I've already chased those reporters away. I've also quelled the news. No one will bother you anymore."    


Jian Haiqing lowered her head and stared at the tip of her toes. She saw her tears falling on her feet bit by bit.    


Ning Jiwei's words were like a catalyst. It ignited the grievance that she did not have time to hide.    


Ning Jiwei apologized in a low voice, "Hai Qing, I'm sorry. I know I made you suffer. But you can rest assured that I will take care of this matter."    


"Will the reporters come and surround me again?"    


Jian Haiqing interrupted Ning Jiwei. She leaned against the door and smiled bitterly. "Are you saying that you will hide me well in the future? You will take care of the reporters and your family's matters. No one will come to ask about your relationship with me. No one will ask me if I am your mistress. "    


Ning Jiwei listened to her words. He felt his heart ache, but he could only say, "I'm sorry."    


Jian Haiqing shook her head, "Even if you quell the news, it is useless. The news of Ning Family and Sung Family getting married has already spread to everyone. It's meaningless for you to cover up this matter now. Don't tell me you are not going to marry the daughter of Sung Family?"    


Ning Jiwei paused for a moment and did not answer.    


His silence made Jian Haiqing's heart hurt even more, but she only took a deep breath and said, "I think I need some time to digest the relationship between you and me. I think you also need time."    


Ning Jiwei's heart tightened. He pressed on the door and asked, "Hai Qing, what do you mean by this? I know you are angry with me. I made you suffer."    


"I just understand."    


Jian Haiqing interrupted him and said, "This matter let me know that I cannot be a willful person. I am the mother of two children. I cannot let my children be criticized because I am a mistress. I myself cannot accept this identity."    


Ning Jiwei was stunned and lowered his head without saying anything.    


Jian Haiqing said, "You can leave. It is meaningless for you to stand at the door for long. I want to be quiet. I beg you to let me be quiet for a while."    


After Jian Haiqing said that, she leaned against the door and squatted down. She hugged her arm tightly as if she could only absorb some courage and strength from it.    


After a long time, she heard footsteps, so she knew that Ning Jiwei had left.    


After sending Ning Jiwei away, Jian Haiqing sat on the sofa. Just as she was thinking about what to do next, there was a knock on the door again.    


Jian Haiqing thought that Ning Jiwei had come back again. Just as she was hesitating if she should open the door, Qin Zhixu's voice came from outside the door.    


"Jian Haiqing, open the door! I know you are at home."    


His voice made the corner of Jian Haiqing's mouth twitch. She instantly woke up from the sadness and helplessness that Ning Jiwei had brought her.    


She slowly walked over to open the door. Outside the door, Qin Zhixu was still unsatisfied and said, "Why did you open the door so quickly?"    


Jian Haiqing rolled her eyes. She saw the various plastic bags in his hands and asked, "What are you doing here?"    


Qin Zhixu laughed and entered the room. He put the plastic bags on the table and waved his hand. He said, "I'm exhausted. Jian Haiqing, let me tell you. You owe me a big favor this time."    


Jian Haiqing nodded. Even if he did not say it, she would know. He took her children to school and he even accompanied her to the hospital. He even carried her everywhere.    


Qin Zhixu said a few words. He saw Jian Haiqing still standing at the door foolishly. He frowned and went over to help her sit on the sofa.    


"Jian Haiqing, how old are you? Don't you know that your feet are injured? You still don't want to sit down? "    


Jian Haiqing was sitting on the sofa by Qin Zhixu. She wanted to say something, but Qin Zhixu took out ice cubes from his bag. He lifted Jian Haiqing's foot with one hand and applied the block of ice on her wound.    


Jian Haiqing slightly retracted her leg and said shyly, "I'll do it myself."    


Qin Zhixu rolled his eyes at her and said, "If you want to help, do it yourself. There's take-out in the bag. Quickly eat it."    


Jian Haiqing was stunned. She looked at the take-out bag and then looked at Qin Zhixu who was seriously applying wounds on her. She did not understand his sudden warmth.    


"What are you looking at?"    


Qin Zhixu felt her gaze and smiled evilly. "I know I am very handsome. Don't keep staring at me. Eat first."    


Jian Haiqing was amused by his narcissistic words. She did not say anything else and took out the food.    


After she opened the delivery, Qin Zhixu also clapped his hands and stood up. He took the chopsticks from her hands and was about to sit down to eat when he was knocked on the back by Jian Haiqing's chopsticks. "Go wash your hands."    


Qin Zhixu was stunned, and so was Jian Haiqing.    


She had acted subconsciously just now. At home, Jian Yi and Jian Rui had to wash their hands before eating, especially when Qin Zhixu touched her feet just now.    


Everyone around Qin Zhixu pampered him, so when he was knocked by Jian Haiqing, he did not react for a while. Instead, he went to wash his hands in a daze.    


When Qin Zhixu sat in front of the sofa again, Qin Zhixu reacted. He frowned and stared at Jian Haiqing angrily. "Jian Haiqing, you dare to hit me?"    


Jian Haiqing smiled, "I just knocked on you."    


"Then what do you want to do?"    


"Quickly eat." Jian Haiqing said as she brought a lot of dishes for Qin Zhixu.    


Qin Zhixu looked at the dishes in his bowl and only then did he calm down.    


After eating, Jian Haiqing asked her own question, "Director Qin, why are you suddenly so good to me?"    


Qin Zhixu shrugged and said casually, "I pity you."    


Jian Haiqing's mouth twitched and she rolled her eyes again.    


Seeing her actions, Qin Zhixu smiled. "I did this because of your outstanding performance. Your proposal doubled the market value of my company. Furthermore, our company has opened up a market overseas. You are my great contributor. So when you are in trouble, I must help you. Only then will you continue working for me."    


Jian Haiqing was so shocked by his words that her mouth was wide open. It was the first time she had seen someone speak so directly.    


Qin Zhixu even kindly patted her shoulder and comforted her, "You don't need to worry too much. The hot news these days will pass in two or three days. Furthermore, Maiteng is not that good. If it is because of this matter, You really can't continue working in the Maiteng. Our RU will always welcome you. "    


Jian Haiqing was speechless. She didn't know how to reply to his words.    



Because it was Saturday, Jian Yi had a day to investigate. He had thoroughly investigated the relationship between Ning Jiwei and the Sung Family. Only now did he know why Ning Jiwei insisted on marrying the daughter of the Sung Family.    


Because over 30% of Ning Jiwei's company's shares were in the hands of the older shareholders, and those shareholders had a very good relationship with the Sung Family.    


If the Ning Family wanted to completely control their power in their hands, marrying the daughter of the Sung Family was the best choice.    


Jian Yi thought for a while, and then he thought of a person - Fu Zuoann.    


"Brother, what are you doing?"    


Jian Yi was thinking when Jian Rui walked in from outside. She hugged his arm and said, "You haven't played with me for the whole day."    


Jian Yi looked at his sister. He remembered what Fu Zuoann had said last time. He said to Jian Rui, "Do you want to go with me to find Grandpa Fu? He is a very good grandfather."    


"Grandpa Fu?" Jian Rui tilted her head and thought for a while. She shook her head and said, "Who is he? I have never heard of him."    


Jian Yi paused. He thought about whether he should tell his sister some things. But when he looked at Jian Rui's innocent big eyes, he was still a little worried and asked, "Rui, I can tell you some things, but these things can only be secrets between us. Can you keep secrets? "    




Jian Rui thought for a while. She bit her finger and looked at Jian Yi. "Brother, what is the secret? Why is there a secret in this world?"    


Jian Yi shook his head helplessly. He knew it was still too early to tell Jian Rui now.    


So he simply said, "You can come with me to Grandpa Fu's house later to play. Grandpa Fu is one of my teachers. I have something to ask him, so I have to go and find him."    


"Okay." Jian Rui was very happy to be able to follow Jian Yi out. She raised her little arms and kept cheering as she ran out to pack her things.    


Jian Yi looked at his sister's carefree figure and sighed and shook his head.    


Jian Yi brought Jian Rui to Fu Zuoann's house. Because he had told Fu Zuoann in advance, Fu Zuoann did not say too much to Jian Rui. Fu Zuoann just happily pulled them into the house.    


"Hello, Grandpa Fu." Jian Rui obediently greeted Fu Zuoann.    


Fu Zuoann looked at Jian Rui, who looked like a doll. He liked her very much. He finally understood what Jian Yi meant when he said his sister was very likable last time.    


"Rui, accompany Grandpa Fu for a while. I will go and cook."    


Once Jian Yi entered the room, he naturally took up the role of cooking. He put on an apron and went into the kitchen.    


Jian Rui obediently sat beside Fu Zuoann. She held Fu Zuoann's hand and asked, "Grandpa Fu, are you my brother's teacher?"    


"I think so." Fu Zuoann nodded. He looked at Jian Rui kindly and asked, "What do you like to play? Tell me, I can get you anything."    


Jian Rui blinked and smiled. "Grandpa Fu, are you coaxing me? What if I say I want the stars in the sky? "    


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