CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C3 Mom's Home

C3 Mom's Home

0On the way out of the airport, Jian Rui was in a state of excitement. From time to time, she would ask Jian Haixi about the buildings and shops by the roadside. Although Jian Yi was not as noisy as her, he curiously stuck his face to the window and looked outside.    


It was so easy for them to reach the place where they lived. Jian Haixi took the key that her brother gave her and opened the door. Seeing that the room was as clean as new, it was obvious that someone had cleaned it just now. She could not help but feel even more grateful to her brother for being thoughtful.    


"Wow ~ Mommy, is this our new home? So beautiful!"    


Jian Rui curiously pushed open every room to take a look. As she looked, she waved at Jian Yi. "Brother, quickly come and look here."    


Jian Yi could not help but curiously follow her. He and Jian Rui went around the new house together.    


When he turned around and saw Jian Haixi packing her luggage by herself, he frowned and quickly ran over to help. "Mom, I will help you."    


"No need. There are not many things." Jian Haixi touched her son's hair in relief. "Go play with your sister. I will pack it up in a while."    


Her little Jian Yi was sometimes too mature and always made Jian Haixi feel ashamed. She was worse than a child.    


Jian Yi did not listen. He frowned and picked out his and Jian Rui's luggage. He turned around and shouted at Jian Rui, "Jian Rui, come and collect your own luggage!"    


"Coming!" Jian Rui carried a Hello Kitty out and happily asked Jian Haixi, "Mommy, is this for me?"    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded, "It's yours. Do you like it?"    


"I really like it! Thank you, Mommy!" Jian Rui kissed Jian Haixi's cheek as she spoke.    


Jian Haixi smiled and shook her head. Before she could say anything, Jian Yi, who was standing at the side, had already taken the Hello Kitty from Jian Rui's hand with a serious expression.    


"Pack your luggage first before you play. Didn't you see that Mommy is so tired?"    


"Okay, you are the real culprit..." Jian Rui pouted at him and turned her face to Jian Haixi and said with a smile, "Mommy, let me help you."    


Jian Yi was speechless.    


This face-changing skill was really good.    


The first day of moving was tiring, but with these two treasures by her side, Jian Haixi did not feel tired no matter how hard she worked.    


Wait. After packing her luggage, Jian Haixi wanted to go to the nearby supermarket to buy some daily necessities, as well as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.    


She asked the two little babies if they wanted to go together, but as expected, Jian Rui happily wanted to go. Jian Yi shook his head with a face full of resistance.    


"Baby, you haven't seen the domestic supermarket yet. Aren't you going to take a look?" Jian Haixi asked.    


"No, I haven't been reading properly for a few days because of this trip back to the country. I can't let it go today."    


Jian Haixi thought in her heart, she did not study like this when she was young. Could it be his father's genes?    


Should she thank that man for giving Yi such excellent genes?    


Jian Rui had long forgotten that she had quarreled with Jian Yi earlier. At this time, she made a face at him and said, "Scientists say that if you read too much, you will become a bookworm. You are only so young and you have read so many books. When you grow up, you will definitely become a bookworm."    


Jian Yi glanced at her and asked, "Scientists said? Which scientist, how come I don't know?"    




Jian Rui was dumbfounded by his question. She was thinking about how to fool him when she heard Jian Yi say unhurriedly, "People like you who seldom read books are scientists."    


"Okay, Rui, we will be late if we do not leave."    


Jian Haixi quickly came out to smooth things over.    


When Jian Rui heard that they were going to the supermarket, she did not have the time to delve into the meaning of Jian Yi's words. She excitedly carried her small schoolbag and ran out the door.    


Jian Haixi brought Jian Rui into the car. After thinking for a while, she took out her phone and sent a message to her brother Jian Chenrann: I am back, everything is fine.    


Not long after the message was sent, Jian Chenrann called. He first asked if she was comfortable and if there was anything he needed help with. Jian Yi and Jian Rui waited for a while, and finally carefully asked if she wanted to go home.    


Jian Haixi was silent for a moment and said, "Brother, you know, that place is no longer my home."    


Six years ago, Jian Haixi experienced that incident a few days ago. Father brought back the mistress and angered the seriously ill mother to death.    


She was thrown overseas like trash.    


From that moment on, that home had already been destroyed.    


Holding her phone, Jian Haixi seemed to feel the despair and resentment from back then.    


All these years, because of the appearance of Jian Rui and Jian Yi, she thought that she had already let go of her hatred.    


It turned out that she did not.    


Seemingly feeling Jian Haixi's unhappiness, Jian Rui used her small hand to wrap around her palm and hid in her embrace to comfort, "Mommy is not angry, I am accompanying you."    


The angelic voice of her daughter made Jian Haixi retract her emotions. She smiled and hugged her daughter even tighter, "I am not angry. Where is Yi and Rui? Where is Mommy's home?"    


She must quickly become stronger so that she can better protect the two little fellows!    


Do your best, Jian Haixi!    


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