CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C10 It Made Mommy Worry

C10 It Made Mommy Worry

0Jian Haixi's first day at work went very smoothly.    


She completed her task on time before she got off work. After she sent the last email, the time for her to get off work also arrived on time.    


The successful completion of her first day at work represented the smooth progress of her new life. This was something worth celebrating, so she had to have a good meal tonight to celebrate!    


Jian Haixi made this decision in her heart and immediately got up to prepare a big meal for the children.    


When she arrived at the parking lot, Jian Haixi was dumbfounded again. Her car could not get out.    


Jian Haixi held her forehead and had a headache. She really did not have any confidence in her car skills. Her driving speed was usually slower than an electric car.    


Especially now that the luxury cars parked beside her car were worth millions, she did not dare to drive randomly. If her car collided with the luxury car, she could not afford to pay.    


Helpless, Jian Haixi could only look around to see if there was anyone around. She looked around and finally saw a car not far away with someone sitting in it.    


Jian Haixi hurriedly walked over and politely knocked on the window.    


Ning Jiwei was in the car waiting for his assistant to pick up the documents. Hearing the sound, he raised his head and lowered the window.    


Jian Haixi saw his face clearly and could not help but be stunned. He was very handsome.    


He had a natural elegance and nobility on him, but his eyes were too cold.    


He sat in the backseat of the car, but his legs revealed a noble temperament.    


Jian Haixi was not infatuated, but she could not help but stare blankly for two seconds.    


"What's the matter?" Seeing Jian Haixi staring blankly at him, Ning Jiwei frowned and asked.    


Jian Haixi came back to her senses and quickly nodded to explain her purpose of coming. "Sir, may I ask if you will reverse the car? My car can't get out. Can I trouble you to help me drive it out?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi strangely, as if to determine whether she was finding an excuse to get close to him or if she really needed help.    


"Sir?" Jian Haixi saw that he did not answer and asked again.    


"My assistant will be coming down soon. You can ask him later." Ning Jiwei looked at his watch and said.    


Jian Haixi felt helpless. At this time, she received a call from the school teacher saying that Jian Yi and Jian Rui did not take the school bus and just left.    


When Jian Haixi heard this, she could not help but feel even more anxious.    


She knew that these two children definitely did not run around, but in this unfamiliar environment, she was still very worried.    


It just so happened that she could not leave immediately.    


She looked at her car and paced back and forth in frustration. She was thinking about taking a taxi home. She also did not know if the children had returned home.    


Ning Jiwei saw Jian Haixi walking around. She seemed to really have something urgent to do. He could not help frowning and reached out his finger to knock on the window.    


"Where is your car parked?"    


Jian Haixi pointed in a direction, "That is the white QQ that was squeezed in the middle by the two luxury cars."    


Ning Jiwei pushed the door open and got out of the car. He glanced in her direction and then looked at Jian Haixi.    


"You can't drive it out?"    


There seemed to be a gap between the three cars.    


Jian Haixi shook her head, "My driving skills are not good. If I bump into a luxury car next to me, I can't afford to pay."    


Ning Jiwei raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't you have urgent matters to attend to? You don't have to worry about it."    


Jian Haixi firmly shook her head.    


Ning Jiwei looked at her expression and said, "I don't have money, I can't afford to pay." "Just drive. The cars beside you are all my friends'. You don't have to pay for them."    


Jian Haixi was slightly stunned. She still held onto hope and asked, "Sir, you don't know how to drive?"    


It would be great if he could help her drive the car out.    


Ning Jiwei, on the other hand, had one hand supporting his jaw. His eyes were slightly narrowed as if he was thinking about something. When he heard Jian Haixi's question, he could not help but curl his lips.    


"Why should I drive?"    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment and nodded to show that she understood.    


That was true. He just said that he had an assistant.    


She could not wait for Ning Jiwei's assistant, so Jian Haixi could only bite the bullet and sit in her car.    


Ning Jiwei stood at the side with his arms crossed, looking at her with interest, occasionally giving a command or two.    


Jian Haixi's luck this time was not bad. Although it was very dangerous, in the end, she drove the car out smoothly.    


After making sure that she did not bump into the luxury car next to her, Jian Haixi got out of the car and sincerely thanked Ning Jiwei before driving away.    


Ning Jiwei watched the mini QQ drive away. When he thought about Jian Haixi bowing and thanking him just now, he could not help but smile.    


She was really a silly and cute person...    


Wait a minute... When the assistant came down with a stack of documents while panting, he saw Ning Jiwei standing alone in the parking lot with a smile on his face. He broke out in cold sweat.    


His Director was not usually violent, but he had always been known for his cold feelings. Now, Director was staring at the empty aisle with a smile on his face. Was there anything more creepy than this?    


Jian Haixi returned home and was relieved when she saw Jian Yi and Jian Rui at home.    


The two children were cooking. When they saw Jian Haixi return, they could not help but surround her.    


"Why didn't you guys take the school bus back today?" Jian Haixi asked.    



"Mommy, we need to go to the supermarket to buy groceries. The school bus is inconvenient." Jian Rui replied, "I brought my brother to the supermarket we went to last time. We bought a lot of groceries and made dinner for Mommy."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She did not expect that the reason why the children did not take the school bus was because of this.    


In the past, when she was overseas, she was always busy at work until late at night. The two children started to buy groceries and cook at the supermarket since they were five years old.    


Seeing the two children's small bodies still wearing apron, Jian Haixi suddenly felt sad.    


"You guys can't be like this in the future, okay? I will be worried."    


"Got it, Mommy."    


After Jian Yi and Jian Rui promised that they would not do it again, Jian Haixi took their apron and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. They chatted and laughed, and the atmosphere was relaxed and warm.    


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