CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C16 I'll Buy You Coffee!

C16 I'll Buy You Coffee!

0However, Sung Lan sneered.    


"You said you had six years of experience in the design industry at the age of 24?"    


She mocked, "You started working at the age of eighteen? But you graduated from Stanley University? Was it contradictory? What kind of place do you think the Maiteng is? How can such a fake resume be used to meet people?"    




Jian Haixi was so angry that she almost laughed.    


Back then when she was sent abroad, she could only rely on working while earning money to study and raise children.    


The experience that she had painstakingly saved up over so many years was actually denied by this woman all of a sudden. This woman even said that she fabricated it!    


It was simply ridiculous to the extreme!    


Jian Haixi sneered and glanced at Sung Lan's face and chest and said, "A person's face can be falsified, and their chest can also be falsified.    


But their work experience cannot be faked.    


Below my resume, there is my company's contact details, as well as my previous boss's letter of introduction and his personal seal. If you have any questions, you can send an email to ask. Don't create something out of nothing here."    


" You... "    


Jian Haixi looked at the angry Sung Lan and said, "This lady, as far as I know, you are not my boss. You can't read my resume. I just said these things. You should not be able to confirm it. I'm sorry, what a pity. "    


As she spoke, Jian Haixi was about to leave.    


She felt that talking to such a person was purely a waste of time. If she had the time, it would be more meaningful for her to draw a few paintings.    


"You are really eloquent."    


Sung Lan was so angry that she trembled. She looked at the cup on the table in the blink of an eye and pointed proudly at Jian Haixi, "This means that you are really an employee of Maiteng.    


I am thirsty. Go and pour me coffee now."    


Jian Haixi rolled her eyes and walked to the door.    


Just when Sung Lan thought that she obediently admitted defeat and went to pour coffee for her, she heard Jian Haixi call Ning Jiwei's secretary over.    


"This young lady wants coffee."    


The secretary saw that it was Sung Lan and hurriedly nodded to indicate that he was going to pour the coffee.    


Sung Lan was angry. "I said I want you to pour the coffee. Can't you hear me?"    


Jian Haixi raised her eyebrows, "Sorry. Although I am an employee of Maiteng, I am not your subordinate. There is no need to serve you.    


If you really want to drink the coffee I made... "    


Jian Haixi paused for a moment and fished out a twenty yuan note from her pocket and placed it on the table." There is KFC downstairs. Twenty yuan of American coffee. Count it as my treat. "    




Sung Lan scolded angrily and took two steps forward to raise her hand to slap Jian Haixi but was quickly intercepted by Jian Haixi.    


Jian Haixi pinched Sung Lan's wrist and looked at her with a cold smile.    


She really thought that she did not understand anything and that she could bully as she pleased.    


"Let go, you..."    


Sung Lan was just about to scold again when the deep footsteps at the door suddenly approached.    


Ning Jiwei walked in with his assistant.    


Ning Jiwei was walking in front. When he saw the two people standing at the door of the office, the man's face darkened.    


Lee Fu saw them like this and asked, "What are you doing?"    


Sung Lan's face immediately changed when she saw Ning Jiwei come in. She ran towards him while crying.    


"Ji Wei, look at your company staff. She actually bullied me..."    


Ning Jiwei raised his eyebrows and looked at Jian Haixi. He seemed to be somewhat surprised by her appearance.    


Jian Haixi was not in the mood to play with them. She pointed to the documents on the table and said, "Hello, Director. I just came to deliver the documents. Also, this design drafts need your signature."    


Ning Jiwei walked to the table and looked at the drafts. Originally, he was just casually flipping through them, but the moment he opened them, his gaze paused for a moment.    


Then he looked at Jian Haixi and asked, "This was drawn by you?"    


Jian Haixi nodded.    


Ning Jiwei narrowed his eyes and nodded at her. "You go down first."    




Jian Haixi turned around and was about to leave but Sung Lan was unwilling.    


"Ji Wei, you are letting her leave just like that?"    


Why couldn't she leave?    


Jian Haixi heard her words and sneered, "Miss, the money is on the coffee table. If you want to drink coffee, then treat yourself to it. I will treat a stranger like you to coffee. You won't let me go, but you still want to thank me? "    


"I almost forgot, this lady won't thank me. You stepped on my clothes and scolded me. You drank my coffee, why would you say thank you?"    


After saying this, Jian Haixi ignored Sung Lan's reaction and turned around to leave.    


"Stop right there. You... Ji Wei, she bullied me! You must fire her!"    



Sung Lan cried as she pounced towards Ning Jiwei.    


The man who was standing in front of the desk and reading the drafts on the desk gave her a look before she even got close. This immediately made Sung Lan stop.    


After that, he continued to flip through the design drafts as if nothing had happened.    


Lee Fu, who was standing on the other side, was about to give Jian Haixi a thumbs up. In the next second, he saw Sung Lan fiercely staring at him.    


He could not afford to offend the Sung Family's first lady, who had been staying by Director's side for a long time. He could only hide.    


Lee Fu quickly took his leave with Ning Jiwei, and then followed Jian Haixi and slipped away.    


After they left, Sung Lan unwillingly said, "Ji Wei..."    


In an instant, the man's face darkened. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you have something else?"    


His voice was very shocking.    


Sung Lan hurriedly said, "I also want to come to the company to work, and it is still my previous position. Coincidentally, father's company has a partnership with the Maiteng, so it's time for me to come to work."    


"There is an empty position for floor resource management, you can go."    




Sung Lan was naturally not satisfied that she was only a resource management, but when she thought about how she could come to the company legally, She could get close to Ning Jiwei and also stare at the women in the company who liked Ning Jiwei. This position was not that difficult to bear.    


Thinking about the suffering that arrogant woman had made her suffer, Sung Lan could not help but sneer in her heart. When she came to the company, she definitely would not let that woman have a good time!    


Just wait and see!    


Thinking like this, Sung Lan clenched her hands into a ball hatefully.    


She gritted her teeth and looked in the direction Jian Haixi left.    


Lee Fu followed Jian Haixi into the elevator and saw that she was still acting as if nothing had happened. He could not help but sigh, "Jian Haixi, you are the first person I have seen who dares to scold Sung Lan like this."    


One should know that in the outside world, Sung Family's family was very influential. They were the pioneers of the first batch of enterprises that founded the country. Sung Lan could definitely become Ning Jiwei's wife with this kind of family.    


Everyone in Maiteng was very polite to her.    


The woman in front of her, who had a calm expression and firm eyes, was the first person in history who dared to oppose Sung Lan.    


"Is that so?"    


Jian Haixi did not think much of it. She was not the kind of person who would let others bully her.    


"Of course. You helped a lot of people vent their anger."    


Jian Haixi looked at him with amusement. "Including you?"    


Lee Fu scratched his head in embarrassment and reminded, "But you also have to be careful. Sung Lan is narrow-minded. Be careful that she will find trouble with you."    


"Thank you. I will be careful."    


Jian Haixi thanked him sincerely.    


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