Mr. CEO, Please Control Yourself

C91 Suspected of Kidnapping

C91 Suspected of Kidnapping

0After Soong Yan had a few ideas in her mind, Lih Qingyu walked into the room with a cup of plain water. He walked to the bedside and sat down. "You're awake. "    


She nodded and struggled to sit up, but found that she was powerless. She sighed and looked at Lih Qingyu for help.    


He put the water aside, helped her sit up, and fed her the water. "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"    


Soong Yan gently shook her head and replied, "Other than feeling weak all over my body, I am fine with everything else. "    


"You are fine now, don't worry. " Lih Qingyu comforted her.    


When he heard that she had been kidnapped, his heart was tightly clenched. He was afraid that those crazy people would do something abnormal to her.    


Fortunately, the people who kidnapped her were not very professional people. They were just some ruffians. Otherwise, his subordinates would not have been able to rescue her so easily.    


He had already investigated the person who kidnapped her. That person would soon receive the retribution he deserved.    


Soong Yan threw herself into Lih Qingyu's arms in fear. "Luckily you saved me. Otherwise, I really wouldn't dare to imagine the consequences. "    


She believed that the reason why she was kidnapped this time was because of the Ann family.    


She swore that she would definitely take revenge on the Ann family.    


"It's all in the past now. Don't think too much about it. " Lih Qingyu comforted her gently. He knew that it was also because she had been frightened that her emotions were more or less affected.    


Soong Yan leaned closer to his arms. This time, she was really scared. When she was dragged into the car, her mind was blank and she did not have time to think about anything.    


Lih Qingyu was her only safe harbor now. She had to grab him tightly.    


Lih Qingyu naturally felt her fear and hugged her tightly, giving her all the warmth and sense of security that he could give her.    


Because of the kidnapping incident, Soong Yan stayed in Osmanthus Yard and did not go to magazine office for a few days.    


In the past, whenever she needed to take a vacation, Chen Mei would call her. She would always think of ways to make things difficult for her. But this time, she became unusually quiet and unexpectedly did not come to find trouble with her.    


She was also happy that Chen Mei did not find trouble with her.    


She was certain that this kidnapping was done by the Ann family. Naturally, she had to think of a way to counterattack. First of all, she had to find out who the real planner was in the Ann family.    


However. . .    


After Soong Yan returned to the magazine office to work, she heard that Chen Mei was taken away by the police.    


Zheng Ling secretly told her that Chen Mei was taken away by the police because she was suspected of kidnapping.    


This kind of news made Soong Yan's expression slightly stunned. This meant that Chen Mei was taken care of just like that?    


This process was a bit too smooth.    


Could it be that Lih Qingyu secretly helped her without telling her?    


Chen Mei was suspected of kidnapping!    


Who exactly was she suspected of kidnapping?    


Wasn't she just kidnapped?    


So. . .    


"Soong Yan, can we talk in private?" Feng Nana came to Soong Yan's side and said.    


Soong Yan turned around to look at her with a haggard face as if she had not slept well for a few days.    


"Sure. "    


The two of them walked to the staircase outside and started to talk.    


Soong Yan indifferently looked at Feng Nana who looked much more haggard. She did not open her mouth to speak but waited for her to take the initiative to speak.    


Feng Nana sized her up and down before slowly speaking, "I heard that you were kidnapped?"    


"Who told you that I was kidnapped?" Soong Yan asked back in a daze. If there was such a thing, she would not admit it.    


She thought in her heart that Feng Nana would ask her this. It was nothing more than to get information from her or ask about something.    


Could it be that Chen Mei being suddenly arrested really had something to do with her?    


"I only heard about it. " Feng Nana naturally would not tell her clearly that it was Chen Mei who sent people to kidnap her. Chen Mei wanted those few ruffians to rape her and then took some nude photos of her to threaten her so that she could chase her away from the magazine office.    


"Who did you hear that from?" Soong Yan curiously asked, "I want to verify it with that person face to face. "    


Feng Nana was at a loss for words.    


Now that she did not have Chen Mei as her backing in the magazine, Feng Nana had to be careful when doing things.    


She did not want to be caught by the police and sent to jail like Chen Mei.    


"Soong Yan, just take it that I did not ask anything. " Feng Nana turned around and walked away.    


Soong Yan narrowed her eyes. From her performance, she suddenly understood that her kidnapping this time was arranged by Chen Mei and not Ann family.    


If it was really done by the An family, they would probably send powerful people to capture her and she would not be easily rescued.    


Soong Yan sneered. Chen Mei did not think that she would be taken away by the police because of this.    


It was already a definite fact that Chen Mei would be fired by the magazine office. Next, it would depend on who would take over Chief Editor's position in the magazine.    


This position naturally would not be taken by Soong Yan. Currently, she still preferred to remain unknown.    


After Chief Editor discussed with Soong Yan, he decided to hire a capable person to take on Chief Editor's position.    


When they got off work at night and returned to Osmanthus Yard, Soong Yan found that Lih Qingyu and Baozi had already returned.    



When Baozi saw Soong Yan, he ran over to her and asked for a hug.    


Soong Yan bent over and picked him up. She carried him to the dining table and saw the table full of food.    


"I just bought these dishes from outside. " Lih Qingyu said.    


His culinary skills were not good, so he naturally would not cook personally in case the dishes he made poisoned everyone.    


"It looks quite delicious. " Soong Yan carried Baozi to wash her hands and then brought him to the dining table to sit down.    


She looked at the dishes on the table and picked up her chopsticks to eat. She would help Baozi pick some food from time to time and pick some of his favorite food for him to eat.    


"Delicious. " Baozi ate with relish again. It was probably because Soong Yan had been picking food for him and was in a good mood, so he ate a lot.    


Lih Qingyu also kept picking food for Soong Yan and said softly, "You should also eat more. "    


Soong Yan also picked some food for him. She imitated him and said, "You should eat more too. "    


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