Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C4071 Foreign Land It Was Worth the Risk

C4071 Foreign Land It Was Worth the Risk

0"The young master has been in the country and doesn't know much about the situation overseas. " Martha said, "I don't think I've heard anything about the Wang family. Patriarch won't pass the position to the eldest young master, but the fourth young master will be different. "    


"In these two years, patriarch's body has been getting worse and worse. He often talks about the young master who has been missing for many years. " Wang Qi said, "Before I came, patriarch was still looking at the young master's photo in the study. He said that if he was still alive, the child would probably be in primary school now. "    


"This. . . " Wang Sanshao immediately frowned when he heard that. His eyes seemed to be uneasy.    


"Although there hasn't been any news of the Eldest Young Master for so many years, patriarch is definitely unwilling to give up. " Wang Qi said.    


"I heard that the young master might have been kidnapped to that laboratory, but. . . " Martha looked at Wang Qi.    


"Doctor Ye has a good personal relationship with patriarch. He probably won't kidnap the young master, but I'm afraid that someone will send the more competitive young master to the laboratory in another name. " A hint of ruthlessness flashed across Wang Qi's eyes.    


"Uncle Qi, you mean. . . Second Uncle. . . " Wang Sanshao was stunned.    


"After all, there is no evidence. I am only suspicious. " Wang Qi lowered his eyes and sighed. " I have been loyal to the Wang Family and patriarch for my entire life. Even if it is just a suspicion, I don't want the Wang Family to fall into the hands of such a person. "    


"But Uncle Qi, there are so many people here. When Big Brother was lost, he was so young. Even if we go and look for him now, we might not be able to find him. " Third Young Master Wang said.    


"But if it was really Second Mister who sent him away, Fourth Young Master would definitely have the relevant evidence. " Wang Qi said.    


"Then, as long as the Fourth Master finds the First Master, will he be able to prove that the matter was related to the Second Master?" Masha immediately said, "If that's the case, will patriarch vent his anger on the fourth young master because of the second young master?"    


If that was really the case, then Third Young Master's chances of winning would be higher.    


"patriarch is not a person who would vent his anger on others. " Wang Qi shook his head and said, "Moreover, even if the Fourth Young Master finds the person, there is no direct evidence that can prove this point. "    


"And according to Fourth Young Master's character, once he finds the person, the first thing he will do is to destroy all the evidence" Wang Qi continued.    


. . . ""    


". . . "    


Wang Sanshao and Martha did not reply.    


According to the usual behavior of Wang Sanshao, it was indeed easy to do such a thing.    


"Although Shen Xiangyang's genes are indeed rare, it is very hard to guarantee that the third young master and her descendants will definitely be the best of the best. " Wang Qi said, "Besides that, time is also a very important matter. "    


"Then, Uncle Qi, what do you mean. . . " Wang Sanshao looked at Wang Qi.    


"Shen Xiangyang still wants to take him away. However, the investigation regarding the eldest young master has to continue. " Wang Qi said, "These years, I suspected that the young master's disappearance was related to Doctor Ye's laboratory, so I have done a lot of investigations. According to the information I obtained previously, most of Doctor Ye's resources have been handed over to the current Patriarch Wan's mother, Cheng Xuya. "    


"Giving it to a woman?" Third Young Master Wang frowned.    


"Cheng Xuya is the daughter of Cheng Family's daughter who has been lost for many years. Her age of disappearance is similar to the Eldest Young Master. " Wang Qi said, "If my guess is correct, this Patriarch Wan's mother should be an experimental subject cultivated by Doctor Ye. I just don't know what her code is. "    


"What?" Wang Sanshao was stunned, and a trace of shock appeared in his eyes. "Experiment subject?"    


"Yes. I have also heard of this Patriarch Wan's mother. She is a genius who is not inferior to Shen Xiangyang. " Martha said.    


"Then. . . " Wang Sanshao thought about it carefully and said, "If Big Brother was really sent to the laboratory by Second Uncle, this Patriarch Wan's mother would definitely know. "    


"That's right. " Wang Qi nodded.    


"But this is only our speculation. What if big brother wasn't sent to the laboratory?" Wang Sanshao said, "Our time is limited right now. We can't waste time on meaningless people. "    


"Third young master's concerns are necessary" Masha said, "In particular, Wan Family and Cheng Family are divided into all the underground powers in Z Country. That Patriarch Wan mother is the daughter of Cheng Family. Offending her is different from kidnapping Shen Xiangyang. "    


. . . "" Wang Qi didn't respond. He furrowed his brows.    


The Wu family had already set their eyes on them. If they continued to provoke the Wan and Cheng families at this time, they would offend the Black and White Dao of Z Country. This would cause trouble for the Wang family.    


It was inappropriate.    


[Hum -]    


Martha's phone vibrated.    


She took out her phone and glanced at it. Immediately, she raised her phone and faced Wang Qi and Wang Sanshao. "Perhaps, taking a risk is worth it. "    


Wang Qi and Wang Sanshao looked at the screen of the cell phone that Massa had raised at the same time.    


It was a photo that had been secretly taken. The background should be at Jingdu International Airport. A man and a woman walked out, and the woman had a faint smile on her face. Her gaze seemed to be searching for something in the crowd. The man's gaze was all focused on the woman's face. There was a hint of worship in her eyes, and there was a hint of flattery in them. The corners of his mouth curled up into a smile, and there was a hint of a scheming and humble smile on his face.    


It was the Wang Fourth Young Master whom they were most familiar with - Wang Zhi En!    


"This woman is Patriarch Wan's mother. " Wang Third Young Master said. He had some impression of this woman.    


"Yes. " Martha nodded and said, "Since Fourth Young Master tried so hard to please her, it means that she must know where Eldest Young Master is. "    


"Uncle Qi!" Third Young Master Wang immediately looked at Wang Qi.    


"We must find Eldest Young Master before Fourth Young Master takes action. " Wang Qi took a deep breath as he looked at the photo and said, "It's worth it to take a risk. "    


"Then what should we do?" Martha asked.    


"Masha, rearrange the plan. Tomorrow, we will capture Shen Xiangyang and Patriarch Wan's mother at the same time. " Wang Qi thought for a moment and said, "Once we catch the two of them, we will take a private plane and leave Z Country immediately. This time, we must succeed!"    


"Yes!" Martha nodded and knew the importance of tomorrow. "But it will not be easy to take away Mother Patriarch Wan unharmed. "    


"Just keep her alive. " Wang Qi replied.    


"What about Wang Zhien?" Wang Sanshao asked, "He is definitely not someone who will sit and wait for death. Once we capture Patriarch Wan's mother, I'm afraid he will be the first to use this as an excuse to inform the Cheng and Wan Families. "    


"Then let him stay in Z Country forever. " Wang Qi's eyes darkened slightly.    


Since it had already been proven that the disappearance of the eldest young master was related to the second young master, Wang Qi had already decided to kill the fourth young master.    


The Second Young Master had already betrayed the Wang Clan by doing such a thing. The Fourth Young Master intended to use the Eldest Young Master to claim credit, and not report the matter to patriarch at the first possible moment, which was even more unforgivable.    


In Wang Qi's heart, anyone who betrayed the Wang Family deserved to die!    



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