Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C4062 External Head External Head I Can't Bear to Part with Her

C4062 External Head External Head I Can't Bear to Part with Her

0"I like her, so I can't help being sad. " Gao Feifei said, "I know she doesn't want to leave, and I know I shouldn't be like this. I really know, but I just can't help it. "    


"Feifei, you. . . " Gao Fei looked at Gao Feifei in a daze. He tried hard to digest Gao Feifei's words. Realizing that he really couldn't digest it, he could only ask, "What kind of love do you have for her?"    


"The kind that you said before. . . " Gao Feifei paused for a moment and said, "Brother, I'm craving her. "    


"!" Gao Fei finally understood what was going on. He felt weak under his feet, but he still tried his best to hold on. "You, you mean. . . You. . . "    


"Brother, do you think I'm weird?" Gao Feifei immediately looked at Gao Fei and asked, "They're all girls, and I like her or something. . . "    


"Strange?" Gao Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva. This was too strange! His sister was greedy for his goddess, his goddess was ambiguous with his sister!    


This was simply too strange!    


But looking at Gao Feifei's cautious eyes, Gao Fei really could not say those strange words that Gao Feifei had said. He panicked, but pretended to be calm on the surface. He held up his waist and waved his hand, saying, "It's not strange. It's not strange at all. It's just a small scene, a small scene. "    


"Really?" Gao Feifei asked.    


"Yes!" Gao Fei nodded stiffly.    


"That's good. " Gao Feifei heaved a sigh of relief.    


"That. . . Feifei. . . " Gao Fei cleared his throat and sat beside Gao Feifei. He asked tentatively: "When did you find out. . . That you like girls?"    


"I don't think I specifically said that I like girls or boys. " Gao Feifei thought for a moment and said, "I just like Shen Xiangyang. "    


"So you mean, if there is a boy who is the same as Shen Xiangyang, you will like him too?" Gao Fei immediately asked.    


"Brother, can you find a boy like Shen Xiangyang?" Gao Feifei asked.    


Shen Xiangyang was unique. There would never be a single person in this world, just like Shen Xiangyang.    


"Er. . . That's right!" Thinking of Shen Xiangyang's excellence, Gao Fei changed his way of saying. "Then if Shen Xiangyang is a boy, do you still like him?"    


"Yes. " Gao Feifei nodded. "I like her. Not because she's a girl or a boy. But because she is her. Shen Xiangyang can't be replicated, and he's irreplaceable. I just like her! "    


. . . "" Gao Fei's heart was a little complicated. Even if he knew that his sister could accept boys, it was definitely harder to find a boy like Shen Xiangyang in the world than finding a needle in a haystack.    


The most terrible thing was that even if he could really find him, that boy might not be interested in Gao Feifei!    


Sigh. . .    


Gao Fei sighed heavily, feeling that his head hurt.    


Gao Feifei raised her head and looked at the lush and verdant leaves. She looked at the sunlight that scattered on the tender leaves. Occasionally, beams of light would pass through the leaves and shoot down. It was like a dream that carried a fairy tale world. It was so beautiful that it did not seem to be real.    


Quietly in a daze, Gao Feifei sighed heavily. "Brother, shouldn't you make her happy if you like someone? Can you never become a burden to her, a burden to her?"    


"This. . . Is it. . . " Gao Fei blinked his eyes.    


The closest distance between a single dog and a girl was probably when he and Gao Feifei were neighbors in Gao Fei's mother's womb for ten months.    


He really didn't expect that one day, he would also become someone else's emotional mentor.    


Just thinking about it made him feel ridiculous.    


But looking at Gao Feifei like this, Gao Fei could not laugh anymore.    


After all, she was his biological sister. Even if he beat her up, he would still beat her up. Even though she was making a scene, Gao Fei still felt his heart ache for her.    


"I think Shen Xiangyang wants to see me smile and send her away. " Gao Feifei stretched out her two index fingers and pointed at the corner of her mouth. She turned to look at Gao Fei. "Does this. . . Look good?"    


"It's alright. . . It's not very obvious that it's ugly. . . " Gao Fei really had no way to speak against his conscience. He could only sigh and rub Gao Feifei's head. "Feifei, don't force yourself. It's not like you anymore. "    


. . . "" Gao Feifei lowered her eyes slightly. She also felt that she was not like herself.    


"It doesn't matter whether you are reluctant, sad, or unhappy. If you can say your thoughts openly and honestly, that's you. " Gao Fei retracted his hand and said, "Although Yu Jiajia's mouth is really bad, I feel that what she said was quite right. "    


"What did she say?" Gao Feifei asked.    


"She said, if you're in the mood to chase after your goddess, why don't you think about how to make yourself more outstanding and have a chance to compete with your goddess on the same platform? Who knows, maybe at that time, she'll look up to you. " Gao Fei repeated.    


"It sounds like Yu Jiajia's words. " Gao Feifei smiled.    


"Yeah, I think it's quite right. " Gao Fei said, "I think it's probably the same feeling to like someone. Rather than chasing after her, why don't you be more outstanding yourself? When you two can stand shoulder to shoulder, she will naturally have you in her eyes. "    


"Of course. Although you have no hope of standing shoulder to shoulder with Shen Xiangyang, as long as you are outstanding enough, she will definitely have you in her eyes. " Gao Fei said, "After all, you two are already good friends. Right? "    


"Yes. " Gao Feifei nodded and said, "Brother, I'll remember that. "    


"Are you in a better mood?" Gao Fei asked.    


"Yes, much better. " Gao Feifei smiled weakly. "Brother, I will work hard. "    


"As long as you don't give up on yourself, I will be very happy. " Gao Fei said.    


"Hehe. " Gao Feifei leaned her head against Gao Fei's shoulder. "Brother, I can't bear to part with her. "    


"I know. " Gao Fei said, "But I believe that the school leaders will definitely be more reluctant to part with her. "    


"Pfft. " Gao Feifei was amused by Gao Fei's words and laughed out loud. "You're so annoying, brother. "    


"Hehe. " Gao Fei smiled.    


"Alright, let's go back. Shen Xiangyang will definitely be anxious if we just run away like this. " Gao Feifei said.    


"En. " Gao Fei stood up and said, "I'll call Qin Hao and the others. Let's have lunch together. "    


"Okay, I'll contact Shuangshuang too. " Gao Feifei reached out her hand and said, "Brother, give me a hand. "    


"Mhm. " Gao Fei stretched out his hand. When Gao Feifei was about to grab his hand, he tried to dodge her. "Get up, idiot. "    



"Brother! You're so annoying!" Gao Feifei missed the opportunity and snorted. She got up and threw herself at Gao Fei. "Watch my move! Black Tiger Steals Heart!"    


"I dodge ~" Gao Fei dodged Gao Feifei's attack and ran far away.    


"Where are you running to, little thief?!" Gao Feifei chased after him.    


The wind blew under the tree they were resting on earlier. The leaves made a sharp sound, like the laughter of the wind.    


Behind the tree, Shen Xiangyang stood there with his head lowered, his eyes slightly red.    


He could not bear to part with it.    


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